This is like my millionth story or something (Haha), and I just want to say one thing: "Suhn" is pronounced "Soon." OK? Some people pronounce it "Sun" and I just wanted to make that clear. Thank you! It's an Inuyasha-FMA crossover. Oh, and before you get confused, Edward is wearing skin-colored casing over his automail arm and leg. Special thanks to the inspiration from Ranma ½ and Naruto. Story time!

Lalaurana's school for indiscriminate grappling was set in the middle of an island, and surrounded by vast expanses of trees and shrubbery. Often a warm place, it was ideal to make all the students cross from the sea to the school through the forest to enroll in classes. There were only two classes a day; hand-to-hand combat, and armed combat. Students were required to wear their karate uniforms at all times except after hours, which were considered from eight o'clock PM to seven o'clock AM, when students were required to be awake by.

So it sucked, right? Yes.

Lalaurana's school for indiscriminate grappling—LSIG—was secret, and was known only to those who were descended from former students.

Cynthia Suhn was a descendant from the first student of LSIG. Lalaurana herself. It was Friday, December thirteenth, nineteen fourteen, six o'clock AM. It was usually sunny on this island. But today for the past month, it had snowed and snowed. That was when Cynthia arrived. Her feet were slate gray, the rest of her skin was blue. A month, she had been stuck in the forest. In the blizzard. Her karate uniform was tattered and old, the pack on her shoulder was near empty. A few more days, and she would have run out of supplies. Her long, golden hair was dark and greasy, as it was obviously not shampooed since she entered the forest.

She ran up the stairs and in to the building. She slammed the door and slumped to the ground against it, coughing roughly and closing her eyes.

A humidifier. A sweet humidifier… So… WARM! Her cold skin stung as it warmed. She ran her fingers through her knotted hair, pulling it out. She stood up again, and staggered away from the door, towards where the sign read "office."

There was nothing like a good spar with your brother before hours.

Edward pulled his hair back into a braid and left the training hall. He had an hour to get ready for class, so why not walk Alphonse back to his room and take a nice jog through the school halls? Running was permitted here because it was good exercise. He took Alphonse back to his room and turned back to jog through the halls until he found his room. He wasn't very familiar with the school yet, so this could take a while. So he turned and jogged downstairs.

He jogged down the stairs, through the ground floor halls, across the main lobby. He paused and smelled the air. It smelled… Like fresh snow, and sweat…

At six AM? Of course not.

A new student had made his way through the woods? In this weather? Never.

Or maybe…

Cynthia fell to her knees, looking at the floor. She was so exhausted… Her bare feet twitched, still a slate gray. Cynthia closed her eyes. Didn't she have enough energy to get up and go to the office? She coughed, then sneezed. Cynthia was sick, she was tired, and she was still very, very cold…

"Hey, are you okay?"

Suddenly she was picked up. She opened her eyes and looked into the face of Edward. Cynthia put an arm around his neck and closed her eyes half way. "…Define 'okay.' I just got here…"

"In the blizzard?" Edward looked out the window as he carried her towards the main office. "Wow. Usually everyone comes during summer, or at least fall."

"I didn't know there would be a blizzard a month ago…"

"It took you a month?" Edward laughed. "I got here in two weeks flat."

He went into the office by pushing the door open with his back. He turned around and set her down in a chair, pressing a small bell.

A tall, long-legged woman walked out. She had long, orange-red hair pulled up in two messy buns on the back of her head. She wore a fiery red karate uniform.

Edward blushed and bowed. "Sensei Lalaurana! Where are the office receptionists?"

"They don't get here until later, Edward!" Lalaurana laughed. She bowed back, which let Edward straighten himself. "Who's your friend?" Lalaurana bent down to look at Cynthia's face. "You look terrible!"

Cynthia groggily looked at Lalaurana. She looked young, but was really older. "I know… I'd like to enroll…"

"Sure, sure!" Lalaurana said jovially. "I need to find you a dorm…"

"She can stay with me, Sensei!" Edward volunteered. "Russell just graduated."

"Alrighty!" Lalaurana clapped happily. Optimist? Oh yeah. "Edward, please take Cynthia up to your room and help her take out her things. Cynthia, you can have the bottom bunk!"

"Yes, Sensei Lalaurana!"


Edward set Cynthia down on her bed. "Okay, here's the thing." He pointed. "That's my stuff, and that's your stuff. I don't give a damn where you put it or anything…"

Cynthia curled up on her bed. "A bed…"

"Yeah, much better than sleeping on piles of snow, huh?" He smiled.


Edward went over to the intercom. "Hello?"

"Edward? It's Lalaurana! Tell Cynthia that she can miss hand-to-hand combat this morning, but make sure she's ready for armed combat at one o'clock this afternoon!"

"Yes sensei!" Edward switched off the intercom. "Did you hear that?" He asked, turning to Cynthia.

"Right, right…" Cynthia's voice sounded very tired. "Wake up at one…"

"I'll get you up at twelve thirty." Edward waved and looked at the nearby clock. "Okay, I have to go get ready for hand-to-hand combat. Maybe you should take a shower or something, bathroom's in there." He pointed. "Lalaurana will send a new uniform up to you before our second class. Have a nice nap."

Too bad Cynthia was already asleep.

"Cynthia! Wake up!"

Cynthia had taken a shower and was now dressed in her pajamas. Her eyes fluttered open. "Wha… Edward?"

Edward helped her sit up. "It's half past noon. Hurry up and get changed. And go grab the katana next to the door. Armed combat starts soon…"

"Huh? Right."

Cynthia and Edward walked down the halls towards the training hall. Cynthia was now wide-awake, and Edward was a little tired from his first class. Alphonse tapped down the stairs to meet up with them.

"Hi brother!" Alphonse said, all smiles. Cynthia cast Edward a look, and Edward said, "Oh, duh. Cynthia, this is my brother Alphonse. Alphonse, this is Cynthia. She's my new roommate."

Alphonse looked at Edward slyly, a smug look on his face. "Oh, brother. She's so…"

Edward slapped a hand over his mouth. "Just because she's my roommate…"

Cynthia just stared at them. "Can we go to class now?"

"Yeah. Sorry."

Alphonse chuckled, walking next to them. "So is this your first day at LSIG?" he asked.

"Yeah. I just got here this morning."

"And Ed, being the gentleman he is, helped you find the main office." Alphonse laughed.

"You know what, just because you have a girlfriend doesn't mean you can try to set me up." Edward growled.

"…Yes it does. Somehow."

"Whatever." Edward turned the corner, but Alphonse turned the opposite way.

"I'm in hand-to-hand right now because I'm in a younger grade." Alphonse smiled. "Have fun in armed combat!"

When Alphonse disappeared, Cynthia sniggered. "Heh. Your little brother has a girlfriend and you don't."

"Shut up." Edward crossed his arms behind his head. "I know a girl. Her name's Winry…"

"She's not your girlfriend, is she?"

"No. Childhood friend… She's my neighbor. Winry isn't here for karate training. She helps out with mechanics and stuff, real machine junkie."

"Machines… I'm not good with technology." Cynthia sighed. "So where is this armed combat place anyway? I'm itching to play with my katana."

"Right here." Edward stepped into a room where a dozen other students were sitting with their weapons. There were all kinds, but most of them were swords, or at least knives.

"So who teaches this class anyway?" Cynthia asked.

"It's more than one class." Edward explained, taking a seat. Cynthia sat down next to him. "Armed combat is divided into three sections; archery, swordplay, and airborne missiles. The archery teacher is Miss. Higurashi, who's a really nice teacher. She came here from the future. Airborne missiles—you know, throwing stars, knives, guns, et cetera—is taught by Miss. Sango. Swordplay is taught by Inuyasha. If you get on his bad side you might lose an arm or something, ha…"

"You'd better be joking, Ed…" Cynthia sighed.

"I'm not."


Edward felt a clawed hand close over his head. He was lifted into the air until he was at eye level of Inuyasha. "Imp, what the Hell are you doing? You forgot that when I come in you gotta shut up!"

"M… My name's Edward, sir, and um, I was just explaining the class to Cynthia…" Edward murmured.

"He's not a imp!" Cynthia protested. "He might not be normal sized but he's definitely not a imp! Imps are like two feet tall, and Ed's taller than that. He might seem shorter because you're tall, dog boy!"

"That's Inuyasha." Edward hissed.

"I don't give a rat's…" Cynthia began. Then she blushed with embarrassment. "Oh!" She bowed. "Sorry sir, I'm new, and you don't look like a teacher, and I like your ears, and you're not tall, I mean, you're not short, I mean, your normal, no wait, I mean…"

"Yeah, yeah…" Inuyasha dropped Edward and glared at Cynthia. "Just learn to control your temper."

Cynthia waited until he turned away to mutter quietly. "Yeah, you too, buster."

She jumped as she found the edge of the Tetsusaiga against her neck. "Listen, kid, I'm in charge here, so don't talk back or anything. Got it?" Inuyasha growled.

He blinked with surprise as Cynthia stepped back. "Why, I wouldn't dream of talking back to you, sir." She said, without bowing, or doing anything that showed respect. She simply glared at him, cold faced. She took another step back. "A cute little puppy like you?"

"Cynthia…" Edward muttered. "Stop…"

"I'd rather be your enemy than your student." She hissed, taking several more steps back. She reached behind her and wrapped her fingers around a thick, black-bound sword hilt. "Inuyasha, sir, if you want my respect you need to prove that you are worthy of it!"

And with those last words, she drew the sword. It was a halberd, with a blade that was six feet long and two feet wide, which was about as big as Bankotsu's from Inuyasha's world. She laid the blade along her shoulders, also like Bankotsu.

Inuyasha and Edward just sort of looked at each other. Edward shrugged. "Don't ask me, I didn't know that she was that strong…"

"I, um…" Inuyasha scratched one of his dog's ears. "I don't fight my students… Lalaurana would kill me."

"Great, just what I want." Cynthia smirked. "Then I won't have to deal with you every…"

The halberd whipped from her shoulders to defend herself, where the Tetsusaiga thudded into the blade. "Did I hit a nerve?" She asked teasingly.

"Insolent little…" Inuyasha growled, pulling the Tetsusaiga out of the halberd's blade.

"You're an aggressive one, aren't you?"

Inuyasha glared and tried to stab at her with the Tetsusaiga. However, Cynthia sidestepped and the Tetsusaiga dug into the wall. So Inuyasha let go and went after her with his fists. Cynthia stabbed her halberd into the ground and jumped back, putting her hands on her hips. "Come on, buddy, come at me."

Inuyasha, gritting his teeth, swung a punch at Cynthia. Cynthia pulled back, avoiding it fully. Another one, Cynthia did the same. Inuyasha then realized that punching wasn't best, so he flexed his fingers…

Edward knew this. He jumped up and ran over as fast as his leg would take him…


Edward dropped to the ground and swung his automail foot at Inuyasha's ankle. Inuyasha tripped mid-swing, falling forward. He tumbled into Cynthia, knocking them both to the ground.

Everyone was silent. Edward jumped back. "I'm sorry, sir, but you would have cut her into pieces…"

Inuyasha wasn't listening. Cynthia had propped herself up on her elbows, looking at Inuyasha's face, that was mere inches from hers. Cynthia shifted the weight onto one arm and, with the other, reached up and rubbed one of Inuyasha's ears. Then, with a sudden movement, she grabbed the ear and pulled. With a yelp, Inuyasha was tossed to the side.

Cynthia picked herself up. "You've just convinced me that I don't need to learn ANYTHING from you."

"THAT WASN'T MY FAULT!" Inuyasha protested, sitting up and rubbing his ear. "Edward Elric, you have detention with me for the next MONTH!"

Edward sighed. "I'm sorry, sir, but I've seen what you can do to trees with your claws, but to a human…"

"It's her fault for being a human!" He raged. "If she was a demon she would have been fine!"

"I'm leaving." Cynthia grabbed the halberd and pulled it out of the wooden floor. "And I claim this!"

Edward looked at Inuyasha, then Cynthia, who just made it out the door. "CYNTHIA! You can't just leave!"

"Let 'er." Inuyasha sniffed. "Everyone just get with your sparring partners…"

Cynthia walked in the hall, the halberd narrowly missing the wall. "Stupid…" She growled.

A black haired woman walked by her, ducking under the halberd. Huh? She thought, turning around. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

Cynthia cast her a glace over her shoulder. "Aren't you?"

"I'm a teacher here!" She replied, smiling. She held out a hand. "I'm Kagome Higurashi, I teach archery."

"Oh…" Cynthia shook her hand. "I'm Cynthia Suhn. I'm new here, this is my first day…"

"Did you have trouble with Inuyasha?" Kagome sighed. "I'll talk to him about it in the teacher's lounge. You go get ready for archery."

"Yes, Miss. Kagome!"