Authoress: Rei-chan

A/N: My first published fanfic! (My first published YAOI fanfic nonetheless... XD) I've been plotting this fic for a long time now and it's finally time to make it happen. This fic is mainly centered on uke Athrun and seme Kira (later on, anyways X3) because I think that pairing order is the cutest thing ever. I really hope you all like it and I'm working really hard on this! Feedback is much appreciated! 3

Summary: (AU) Kira and Athrun had been separated since the age of 12 for 5 years due to relocation because of political reasons. Now at the age of 18, Lacus and Cagali along with Kira and Athrun are reunited again and decide to spend some time together at a resort for one week. Lacus and Cagali knew how close Athrun and Kira were together, and wanted to bring them even closer to each other. They devise a little plan to help make their idea happen, and things get only deeper from there...

Chapter 1: Reunited

Cagali waited with Kira inside of Lacus' living room, along with Lacus as well as they chatted excitedly with one another while waiting for Athrun to arrive.

"This is so exciting! It's going to be so wonderful to do things together once again!" said Lacus, smiling brightly and bouncing slightly in place.

Kira smiled back at her and looked to the clock on the wall. Cagali noticed him looking in that direction almost every 3 minutes and grinned deviously.

"It looks like my brother can't seem to wait another second either," said the firey blonde while poking him in the shoulder and smiling broadly.

The brunette chuckled in response and turned his head to look at her. "It's just that I haven't seen him for over 5 years... I wonder if he's changed at all..." Cagali just looked down at him with amusement until they heard the doorbell ring. Immediately Kira shot up from the couch and ran over to the door, opened it, and was greeted by the sight of his childhood best friend, who was not so much of a child anymore. They just stood there for a moment and gaped at each other, examining each other's bodies and how much they had grown up, until Lacus came up from behind Kira, breaking their trance.

"ATHRUN!" screamed the pink-haired girl, pushing Kira out of the way and giving the blunette a death hug. "I've missed you so much! It's been so long! Ahhhhh! How are you, how are you!"

"Ahh... Lacus..." Athrun's face started turning red from lack of air as he unlatched her arms from his neck and gasped, rubbing the back of his neck and laughing. "I'm fine."

The pink-haired girl blushed and laughed nervously, stepping back and bowing in apology. Cagali then came up after Lacus, smiling cheerfully. "Athrun! Long time no see!" she ran over to him and gave him a friendly hug. Athrun smiled back at her. "It's nice to see you all." His gaze drifted back over to Kira as the brunette grinned happily back at his friend, causing the blue-haired boy to blush.

"So how about we get your stuff packed up? Everyone else loaded their stuff into the car before you came," said Cagali, directing Athrun back out the door to help him with his things. He nodded and walked back outside with the Cagali.

Kira watched the two as they walked out when Lacus came up next to him, smiling almost overly-happily. "So what do you think of Athrun? He's grown up a lot, hasn't he?"

"Yeah..." he said, still keeping his eyes locked on his friend.

Lacus giggled. "I bet he's matured in all the right places too... I bet you wouldn't mind taking a peek at that nice, grown-up body of his naked, would you?"

The brown-haired boy nearly fell over when Lacus' words reached his ears. "LACUS! I'm not like that! He's just my friend!"

Lacus fell into a laughing fit when she saw Kira's reaction and had to balance herself on his shoulder to keep herself standing up straight. Kira just looked away with disgust, blushing like mad.

Cagali came back in with Athrun after packing all of his things into the car and cast a questioning glance at Lacus, who was almost laughing herself into a coma.

"Uhhhhhh what's so funny?" Cagali asked.

"It's nothing..." Kira said as he tried to calm the pink-haired woman down.

Cagali shrugged and asked, "Well everything is ready to go so I'm ready when everyone else."

Lacus glanced around at everyone. "Well I'm ready..."

"So am I," Kira replied.

"Great! Then let's get going, shall we?" the blonde clapped her hands together excitedly and motioned for the boys to get in the car. They did as they were instructed, and headed out to Cagali's car to sit in the back seats.

She waited until they were out of the house and walked over to Lacus. "It looks like our plan just might work... I can't wait to see their reaction once we tell them about their rooms..." Cagali snickered.

Lacus laughed along. "Yeah... This is going to be a very interesting vacation..." They both smiled at each other and proceeded to walk outside to join Athrun and Kira in the car.

Once they arrived at the resort after a long 4-hour drive with Lacus singing car songs and Athrun getting car sick every 15 minutes, they walked into the glossy glass front doors into the hotel lobby. The place smelled of flowers and fresh rain because of all the authentic decorative plants arranged throughout the area. Cagali and Lacus headed towards the front desk to get their rooms and keys.

"I'm really happy to finally see you again, Athrun... I can't believe how much you've changed!" Kira exclaimed.

Athrun chuckled slightly and blushed a little. "You've changed a lot yourself, Kira... And I'm so glad we can finally spend time together again just like we did when we were younger," he replied, smiling gently.

The girls had come back already holding a set of keys. "Here. These are for each of you to your room you will be staying in," said Cagali, placing a key in each boy's palm.

"Wait... 'Room?' We're both staying together in one room?" Athrun asked, blushing slightly.

"Well, yeah... Is there a problem with that?" Cagali asked. Lacus was right next to her, trying her hardest to hold back a laugh.

"Well, no, but..."

"Oh yeah, and there's only one bed because that's all that was available. Have fun!" she smiled, turing and waving to Athrun and Kira.

Athrun's jaw dropped and his eyebrow started twitching. "Wh-wh-what?"

"We'll see you tonight, guys!" Lacus said happily, following Cagali.


Kira smiled nervously at the gaping blunette standing beside him. "Well, I guess we should go check out our room!"

Athrun looked back at him, feeling his face heat up. "Uhh right..." "It can't be that bad... We're best friends after all... Best friends can sleep together... Right...? Oh god, that sounds so perverted... Kira's body has matured so much... What if I accidentally see him naked!"

"Uhmm... Athrun?" Kira said, waving his hand in front of his friend's face, snapping him out of his daze.

"Ah—Sorry Kira, let's go." Athrun started walking briskly to the elevator, trying to hide his very red face.

"Hey, wait for me!" the brown-haired boy yelled, running to catch up to Athrun.

The two boys stopped on the 6th floor and followed the sets of doors until they found their room number. Lacus and Cagali had set it up so their rooms were right across from each other. "I guess we should go inside now," Kira said.

Athrun inserted the key and turned it, as the noise of metal clinking sounded, and opened the door. Both of the boy's jaws dropped at what they saw.

There was a king-sized bed right in the center of the room against the wall with black and red satin sheets and way too many decorative pillows towards the top. There were also some unlit candles across the top of the headboard. Next to the bed there was a wooden nightstand with drawers built into it, an oriental-stlyed table lamp, and a medium glass bowl which neither boys could figure out the purpose of. Towards the other side of the room was an entertainment center with a fairly large television and some pictures on the walls of lighthouses and nighttime ocean scenes.

"What... Is...this? Did they give us the honeymoon suite or something!" Kira shouted, confused.

"Well... They did say it was the only room available..." Athrun replied.

"It is nice, nonetheless," Kira said, smiling and running into the room to flop on the bed.

Athrun just stood there blushing like mad, thinking of how on earth he would be able to handle sleeping with Kira in a setting like this... Especially when the brunette is always so oblivious to everything. Kira saw Athrun standing there staring into space as usual, and threw a pillow at his friend, hitting Athrun square in the face. He burst out in laughter and Athrun threw the pillow back at the older boy, laughing as well.

"Maybe it won't be SO bad... We used to sleep together and even take baths together as children... It won't be any different now that it was then... Fuck. What the hell am I thinking? Of COURSE it's different! We're 18 years old and don't have kid's bodies anymore!" Athrun sighed before an image came into his mind. "Kira... In the shower with me... CRAP!" Athrun shook his head. "I've gotta stop thinking like this!" he accidentally said out loud.

"Thinking like what?" Kira asked innocently, while flipping through the TV stations.

"O-oh... Uhhhhhh nothing, just... "

A knock was heard on the door. "Hey guys! Open up!" a girl's voice sounded from behind the door.

Athrun turned around and opened up the door to be greeted by a familiar blonde.

"How do you like your room" she asked, beaming.

"Uhhhh... It's a little much... But I guess it's nice," Athrun replied.

"Good. So here's the plan for tonight. We're leaving to go out for dinner in about a half hour. I expect you two to be ready and dressed by then. Got it? All right! See you then!" Cagali turned around and went back to her room to join Lacus.

"Okay..." Sometimes Athrun was suprised by how much of a control freak Cagali could be. She never even told him what was happening until the last minute.

"What's up?" Kira asked, sitting up on the bed and looking in Athrun's direction.

"Cagali just came over and said we're going out for dinner in under a half hour, so we should probably get ready."

"That sounds good. I'll start getting dressed." In an instant, the brunette stood up, pulling his shirt off, giving his friend a full view of his finely-toned and slim torso.

Athrun stumbled and quickly looked away, blushing like crazy and breathing harshly.

"Hey Athrun, are you all right?" Kira asked full of concern and began walking over to the younger boy.

"I-I'm fine!" He swiftly went to his suitcase, grabbed a shirt and a pair of black pants, and went into the bathroom to change.

Kira raised his eyebrows, confused by his friend's strange behavior, and went back to getting dressed.

In the bathroom, Athrun sighed, looking himelf in the mirror and saw how red his face was. "This is going to be a long week..."

A/N: So... How was it? Hated it? Loved it? Please tell me! I've still got lots of chapters to come and I want to do my best to please everyone. And don't worry, things will start to get better between Athrun and Kira in time... X3 Please, please review! 3