Disclaimer: Bionicle is copyright of the LEGO company and in no way under possession of the author, Feline Freak. The Ihar and their names, Miko Nui, the Ilsao, the unnamed purple-eyed creature, the Toa Leehar, the complex, and the outlaws are fan-made creations and therefore of property of the author, Feline Freak. This story cannot be copied, in part or in whole, without the permission of its author. It may be printed for non-ludicrous activities and to facilitate the reading.

And now... how do you say in commercial terms that if you copy my story without my permission I'll report you to the fanfiction admins?


Tahu didn't know for how long he sat there, head in his hand, rain drumming on his armor and body, feeling miserable, hollow. The water washed over him, but doing nothing to relieve the pain. Physical or of the spirit.

It seemed to him like ages had passed when he suddenly lifted his head, sorrow replaced with determination, helplessness replaced with hope.

A new, dangerous idea had blazed up in his mind. There was something he had learned, a long time before, that returned to his mind only now. Something that could undo what was done, though at terrible prices if not done correctly.

Like in trance, he slowly stood up, gazing at the horizon before him, though not really seeing it, the idea slowly taking shape. He knew the object in question was particularly dangerous, but at this point, he was willing to try everything.

His arm hurt like mad while he climbed down the ladder, so that many times he had to stop and catch breath, but not once did he think of giving up.

A few minutes later, a red figure was running away from the point where the Toa of Ice had fallen, a white stone dangling from his hand, headed for the Metru Nui prisons.

Perhaps he couldn't save Miko Nui from his fate, but at least he could bring back Whenua and Kopaka... and perhaps even Thaukon.

His feet made a faint splashing sound as he crossed through the puddles.