Hello again! Back with a new chapter! I hope you liked the last one! I'm just going to thank all of my reviewers, since I only have three:

The Blimp Alchemist: Thanks for reading! I'm glad you liked it!

Ruby Fire Wolfson: I'm happy you thought it was funny. I liked the bit where Envy tried to shoot Ed, too.

Spearette:I realize you probably aren't reading the second chapter of this, but that isn't thepoint.I'm glad you thought it was a good parody, and I don't think your review is a flame, but I just want you and everyone else who is reading this fanfiction to know that I do not intend for this to be something to tell people to stop writing the way they do. I am only writing this because I know that there are people who like to make fun of Mary Sues and this is just something to make those people laugh. I don't want to impose my will on anyone, nor do I believe in forcing people to do things that they don't want to do. So if you have a story with a Mary Sue in it, I don't want you to change your writing style or your character just because I'm making fun of them.

Anyway, read on!

Chapter 2: I think I'm in Love!

When Talandra woke up the next morning, she saw Ed cooking some food that he transmuted. Al was still asleep, so she went and sat next to him.

"Good morning," she said.

"G'morning," he said.

"What's for breakfast?" she asked.

"Some random bread and vegetables I transmuted," said Ed.

"Mmm... sounds yummy," she said.

"So, how come you can perform alchemy without a transmutation circle?" asked Ed.

"I don't know, I just can," she said. "I've been able to do it since I was seven. Except for really complex alchemy with really twisty transmutation circles. Like human alchemy."

Ed nodded solemnly.

"You know, I tried human alchemy, too," he said. "Me and Al tried it. We tried to bring our mom back, but I lost a leg. And then Al lost his body. So I cut off my arm and used it as an offering to attach Al's soul to the armor. Then I got automail, too."

He lifted his sleeve and revealed the automail.

"That's so tragic, Ed," she said.

Ed started blushing, and he stared into her eyes. They were like pools of dark water. He thought he saw a fish in one of them, but then he realized it was just the light reflecting off of them. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Envy appeared. Ed transmuted his automail into a sword.

"No!" said Envy. "I don't want to fight you!"

"Then why are you here?" asked Ed.

"I am here to pledge my eternal love to, uh, what's you're name again?" said Envy.

"Ed, and ew! That is so wrong!" said Ed.

"Not you, her!" said Envy, pointing to Talandra. "I even brought her presents to prove my passion further!"

He held out a giant version of one of those chalky heart-shaped candies that said "U R 2 CUTE!" and a box of chocolate and a dress and a necklace. He kneeled down and handed Talandra the presents and she took them.

"There, you love me now, don't you?" said Envy. "Because I love you! And we can get married and be together forever and ever!"

"Back off, Envy!" said Ed. "She's mine! I love her more than the sun and the moon and the Philosopher's Stone... well, maybe not that much, but I still love her a lot!"

"Well, I love her more!" said Envy.

"That's impossible! You have no emotions!" said Ed.

"I do too!" said Envy. "I can feel envy!"

"That's because you're the embodiment of envy!" said Ed.

Envy pulled out a gun (again) and Ed transmuted his arm into a gun. They started firing, and Ed shot Envy in the forehead, but because he was a homunculus, he didn't die.

"Stop it!" said Talandra. "Stop fighting! Can't we all just be friends?"

Talandra's kind words melted Envy's heart and he and Ed stopped shooting at each other. Envy walked towards her and leaned toward her face, when suddenly, he snapped back.

"Watch out!" he said, and Lust ran up from behind her and tried to slice her head off. Talandra was frozen in fear and couldn't move. She waited for the impact, but then turned and saw Ed lying on the ground with his head a few feet away.

"Ed, no!" cried Talandra, rushing to his body. She picked up his head and placed it near his neck. She then drew a transmutation circle in the dirt. Then, she put her arms on the inside of the circle and it glowed, and Ed's head reconnected with his neck. He was alive!

Talandra then rushed forward and clapped her hands together. She put them on the ground next to Lust's feet and the ground underneath her turned into quicksand! Lust sank beneath it and was never seen again.

"How did you revive me?" asked Ed.

"It's called Healing Alchemy," she said. "I'm the only person in the world who knows how to do it. You can heal anyone, even bring them back from death."

"If that's true, then why didn't you just do that on your family?" asked Ed.

"I didn't know I could until it was too late," she said.

"Hey, do you think you could use that to turn our bodies back to normal?" asked Ed.

"I could try," she said, and Ed and Envy followed her into the tent, where Al was still asleep. She clapped her hands together and touched Al's body. They were surrounded in a bright light, and when it cleared, Al was back to normal! She then did the same thing to hers and Ed's automail, turning them back into normal limbs.

"Do you think you could do that to give me a soul?" asked Envy.

Talandra nodded, and turned gave Envy a soul. Then Al came rushing out of the tent.

"Brother! I can feel again! I'm human!" he said excitedly.

"Yeah, thanks to Talandra," said Ed. "She turned my automail back also!"

"And she even gave me a soul!" said Envy.

"And got rid of Lust!" said Ed.

"We are eternally grateful, Talandra," said Al.

He and Ed and Envy all rushed forth and gave Talandra kisses

"I love you Talandra!" they all said at once.

There was a long pause.

"I should get her!" said Ed. "I was the first one to see her!"

"No, I should!" said Envy. "I gave her all those presents! Besides, you couldn't have been the first one to see her, because you're so short you couldn't see over the crowd to her!"


"Brother, please, he didn't say that!" said Al.


He suddenly felt an intense pain as Al smacked him in the back of the head with a rock.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"For being selfish," said Al. "She's mine, because I deserve to finally have a girlfriend after three long years as an unattractive suit of armor that no one would date because I didn't have a body!"

"That's being selfish, too!" said Envy. He wrapped his arm around Talandra's shoulder. "Come on, honey, let's ditch these zeroes and run off into the sunset or something like that!"

"No!" she said. "I don't want to be with any of you if you're going to act like this!"

They were all very upset about this tidbit of information.

"But," she said, giving them hope again, "if you promise not to fight I'll be all your girlfriend at the same time!"

"OK!" they all said in unison.

After that it was a long story...

Was it awful? I hope not. Anyway, review, and I understand if it isn't as good as the first chapter. I'm not sure if I'll do a third chapter, so let me know what you want, because that'll help me figure out what I should do with this fanfic.