A/N: Well Loyal Readers. This is the last chapter. I'll save the bloopers for the Special Halloween Edition, so stay tuned. I know it seems like a long way off, but hey, that's what the 'Author Alert' feature and my profile page is for. I must admit I sort of tried to procrastinate in writing the final chapter, because I didn't want it to end like you guys! But, I keep telling myself I will write the Special Edition and the Haunted Mansion series I've got going on the Disney page. No Jack or Evers family but still a fun read!

In the meantime, thisexciting conclusionis dedicated to all you fans listed below who reviewed.

peace, love and lipgloss,

Mlle. Fox


The Future Mrs. Jack Sparrow

Madame Opera Ghost



Lady Fae



p.s. I'm challanging you guys to watch Haunted Mansion if you haven't before. That way you can tell me how my story did as compared to the movie. Thanks.

Will followed reluctantly as Elizabeth led the way being guided by the mirror. They had come to a second gallery where there hung dozens of portraits from various times.

"Are we any closer?" he asked.

"Almost!" Elizabeth said. Just then a ghost of a woman in an expensive ball gown floated out of one wall and into another behind them. Will looked but saw nothing continuing on, saying,

"I wonder if Jack's faring any better than we are?


Jim held out the key to Madame Leota and said,

"There it is ok? Alright we went to hell and back to get this thing now all I want to know it where's the door out of here!" But all of there faces dropped when she said,

"First, you must find the trunk."

"Trunk?" asked Jack.

"Yes, trunk." she said.

"Not door?" asked Jim.

"No, not door. Trunk!" said Leota.

"All you said I had to do was find this key! I got the key! Now you're telling me this story about a trunk! The key is the answer to all, remember?" cried Jim. Leota replied,

"Look I don't make the rules ok? I just work here." Stacey spat advancing on the crystal ball,

"Now wait just a cotton pickin' minute you glass managerie!" Jack grabbed her around the waist again, struggling to hold her back. He seemed to be doing this a lot lately. He just wished it could be under more enjoyable circumstances. Jim put the key in his pocket and picked up Leota's ball saying,

"Ok that's it! That's the last straw! I've had enough of this nonsense!"

"Hey! What are you doing? Put me down! This is bad luck, this is very bad luck!" protested Leota as Jim started out the hallway. The kids followed as Jim told her,

"I'll show you bad luck, I'm tired of playing around!"

"I'm getting nauseous!" yelled Leota as Jack, Stacey and Ezra walked out.

"You'll get over it!" said Jim as Emma confusingly shut the door to the seance room. They traveled up the stairs again, after forcing Leota to show them the way. Inside the attic again, Leota told Jim,

"Please don't drop me, I'm fragile, I'm very fragile!"

"Don't talk to me about being fragile! I'm the one that's feeling fragile right now!" said Jim. Stacey looked around and spotted a trunk in the corner.

"Is that it?" she asked.

"That's it." said Leota plainly.

"Hmm. Alright, now we're in business!" said Jack as they stepped closer to the trunk. Jim turned to Ezra and handed him Leota,

"Hey, hold her for a second!" As Jim kneeled before the trunk pulling out the key, Stacey asked Jack,

"I thought this business of the key was their own?" Jack replied,

"That was before stinkin' bloody Barbossa came into the picture. Now I'm going to make sure this curse is lifted just to get his sorry tail back where it belongs!"

"Gee. Vengeful much?" asked Stacey sarcastically as she turned her attention to Jim lifting the trunk. There was nothing but some books paper and trinkets in there.

"Hey how do I know what to look for, this thing is full of junk!"

"Find the thing that must be read, least your heart be full of dread!" said Leota in verse.

"There's nothing in here that's red." muttered Jim shifting things about misunderstanding Leota. Jack slapped his forehead muttering,

"I'm surrounded by ruddy amatures!" Jim spotted a red envelope with a broken gold wax seal. He picked it up saying,

"Hey wait a minute, there's a letter here. It's a letter."

"Funny how the red envelope is also a 'thing that must be read'!" Jack said as Jim stopped short finally understanding. He didn't respond to Jack but simply opened the envelope and read aloud,

"Yes, my dear heart I will marry you. I will love you for all eternity and tonight at last we will be together. Forever yours...Elizabeth." Emma gasped,

"She didn't kill herself!"

"She wanted to be with him!" said Ezra.

"But somebody didn't want her to be with him!" said Jack.

Yeah and somebody gave him the wrong letter!" said Jim. Suddenly they heard behind them,

"Yes, well done Mr. Evers. I must say I'm impressed. You are more persistent than I would have ever imagined." They all turned to see Ramsley looking at them. Jack pulled Stacey and the kids behind them suddenly putting the pieces together. Jim figured it out as well and exclaimed,

"The butler did it? You've got to be kidding me!" Ramsley glared at Emma and Ezra and said making them dissappear in a blue mist.

"I will deal with you two later!"

"Why's you kill her?" asked Jim standing up.

"She did not belong in Mr. Gracey's class!" said Ramsley.

"And why not?" asked Jim.

"Jim..." said Jack catching his attention. Jim looked to Jack who was suggesttively brushing his fingers aganist his skin. Jim started,

"Oh come on! You're telling me this is a hate crime? So you just killed her because she was black?"

And because the master would not listen to reason. He had everything in the world yet he was willing to throw it all away. For love! I did tell him it would end badly!" said Ramsley as Stacey saw the mirror glowing again. She and the kids looked into it seeing Ramsley in fancy dress pouring two glasses of wine and poisoning one. They saw him give Elizabeth the poison wine and watched her drink only to collaspe on the settee seconds later. They saw Ramsley duck into the secret passage in the library as Jim told Ramsley in the present,

"You're a real cold dude!"

"No Mr. Evers. I'm a rational man. It was my responsibility to the house, my duty sir, to see to it that the boy did not make a foolish error in judgment. And running away with that girl would have destroyed this house. It would have destroyed everything! And I could not stand by to let it all fall to ruin." Ramsley said. Megan told her father with hate towards Ramsley,

"Punch his face in Dad!"

"Yeah, but first I'm going to tell his master what really happened!" said Jim.

"The master must never know. Edward and his love will be reunited and this curse will be broken!" said Ramsley.

"That's not her, that's my wife!" said Jim.

"And what she sees in you I'll never know! But that is of little importance now. The only thing that matters is the master's pain must end. The curse will be broken and we can all finally move on!" said Ramsley.

"Alright that's it man! Where's my wife?"

"Why...getting ready for her wedding of course!" said Ramsley condencendingly.

"What wedding?" asked Jack.

"He can't marry her, he's dead and she's not!" said Stacey.

"True. But that can be easily corrected! Life I'm afraid, is such a delicate state!" implied Ramsley.

"Hey, if you put one finger on my wife, I swear I'll kill you!" said Jim going to tackle Ramsley. But he only fell threw Ramsley's blue mist as Ramsley lightly chuckled,

"How wonderful! You're going to kill a ghost!" Jack bolted forward and tried to catch Ramsley unware, but he only fell through as well. Much to Stacey's protest, Michael and Megan rushed forward after Jim tried to punch Ramsley and yelled,

"Leave him alone!"

"Stop it!" Ramsley raised a hand and beckoned the open trunk forward with one motion of his fingers. The kids fell back into the truck as it closed and locked tight.

"AHH!" they cried.

"Megan! Michael!" cried Stacey.

"Let them go!" said Jack as he and Jim both tried to jump Ramsley. They only fell on the ground and against the trunk with Michael and Megan pounding against it and screaming. Jim ordered Ramsley,

"You are going to let my kids outta there! You're going to take me to my wife and you're going to let us out of here right now!"

"And ye best release the Turners and Mrs. Evers as well, Savvy?" added Jack.

"You want out? Fine! Let me show you...out!" said Ramsley coldly as he bent down and each grabbed Jack and Jim by the throat. They gasped in pain and surprise as Ramsley began to glow a bright blue and float them up in the bell tower. He said with extreme hate,

Now, for the last time Gentlemen! Goodnight!" And with that he threw Jack and Jim through the shuttered windows.

"AAHHH!" yelled Jim as they plummeted down.

"WWHHHOOOOAAAAA!" yelled Jack before they slammed into the roof of the conservatory and then rolled off the roof to land hard and painfully on top of Jim's car. They both groaned in pain as the car alarm began to scream.

Back in the attic, Stacey tried to use this opportunity to try and pull the kids, trunk and all out of the attic. But she gasped when Ramsley manifested in front of her and asked,

"Miss. St. Claire. Where are you going?" Stacey tried to turn the other way, but no sooner than she did, Ramsley remanifested in front of her and grabbed her by the wrists. Stacey struggled,

"Get off of me! Let me go! Jack! Jack!"

"Now Miss St. Claire! I'm not going to hurt you!" said Ramsley with false kindness. Stacey stopped, suddenly more scared than before,

"You're not?"

"No! After all...you have to get ready for the wedding!" said Ramsley.

"Say what?" asked Stacey.

"Well it's only fair to have a witness...from amoung the bride's side!" said Ramsley.

"The bride's side?" she squeaked.

"The living, of course!" said Ramsley as he, Stacey and the trunk began to dissappear.

"JJAAACCCCKKKKK!" yelled Stacey.


Edward Gracey smiled back at Sara as he guided her once again into the grand ballroom, the dining table now gone and the fire long since spent. The moonlight shined through as Edward put his hands on his hips and looked up into the rafters,

"This house has waited so long to have it's shroud of darkness lifted. And tonight, for the first time in...oh so many years. I believe it may be possible that the story will finally end differently!" He turned to her and continued, "Sara? Do you believe that love is about second chances? About forgiveness?" Sara smiled thinking of Jim. She certainly had to give that man second chances. Meanwhile, Will and Elizabeth poked their heads through a door on the balcony of ballroom and quietly crept to the edge looking on the scene.

"Yes I do." answered Sara. Edward leaned towards her,

"Don't you remember?" Sara furrowed her brow,

"Remember? Mr. Gracey, are you alright?" Edward said despertly,

"Don't you recognize me at all?"

"Mr. Gracey?" asked Sara getting worried. Edward paced before her,

"I thought certainly, bringing you back to Gracey Manor would help you...remember!" Sara reached out for his arm,

"Remember what? Mr. Gracey you're scaring me!" Edward turned to her and grabbed her hands in his Suddenly, to Sara and the Turners surprise, the room instantly filled with bright blue waltzing specters in fancy dress. Sara looked around confused as Edward told her,

"Where it happened! Where we spent our last moments together! Where we danced together for the last time before you...before you killed yourself! But now you have returned to me and at long last we can be together! Why do you not remember? You were my world, my life! And I have loved you in death as I did in life!"

"Let me go!" Suddenly, Will was there and he took Sara from Gracey saying,

"Mind if I cut in?" He pulled Sara along to the door where Elizabeth was holding it open. Edward yelled after them,

"Why do you not remember?" They ran into the foyer but there was Gracey waiting by the stairs. They ran past him as he yelled,

"You are her, you are Elizabeth! You must be! Can you not sense it?"

"Move, move!" yelled Will. They ran up some more, but there was Mr. Gracey again at the second landing.

"Search your heart, I am your one true love and now we can finally be together, don't you understand!" he yelled banging on the railing as they reached the second floor.

"Will come on!" cried Elizabeth Turner leading the way.

"Elizabeth, you must listen to me!" said Gracey's voice out of nowhere.

"I'm not Elizabeth!" yelled Sara as she and the Turners headed towards the bedrooms. Gracey manifested in a wisp of blue mist and said,

"Please I implore you!"

"Leave me alone get away from me!" yelled Sara as they all ducked into a room and slammed the door. Gracey grasped some cravings on the door and hung his head in defeat. He sensed a presence and said to it,

"She doesn't remember!" he turned from the door to Ramsley, "It can't be her!"

"It is her sir. The gypsy woman prophesied her return! And now the time has come. You best get ready." said Ramsley as he adjusted Edward's collar. Edward snapped,

"But she doesn't remember!"

"In time she will sir. I assure you...she will!" Ramsley told him assuringly patting his young master on the shoulder to send him to his room.


"STACEY!" yelled Jack to the house as he tried his shoulder aganist the front door.

"Open up! Hey! Let me in!" yelled Jim pounding on the windows. He searched the ground for something to throw or smash the window. He saw some decoratiive iron work under the window and pulled it out. He swung the long piece around and yelled as he tried over and over again to smash the window.

"Aah! Aah! Aah! Ahh!" he stopped to talk a breath finding that the cracked glass only repaired itself. Jack saw this too and he looked up to the belltower in dispair. That's when he saw the window shutter slam shut.

"Jim!" he cried as window after window closed it's shutters and a thousand soft clicks were heard. There was no way in and no way out.


"What's happening?" asked Sara as Elizabeth tried to comfort her. Will pushed the dresser in front of the door making a baricade saying,

"Gracey think's your his true love reencarnated!"

"What? That's crazy!" said Sara.

"Not for a ghost!" shrugged Elizabeth.

"But Gracey talked about Elizabeth. He told he his grandfather..." she trailed off in though. Sensing what she was thnking, Will asked,

"Did he ever say it was his grandfather?"

"No, but I assumed..." said Sara clutching her head.

"Mrs. Evers?" They turned and saw Ramsely standing directly behind them. Will looked to the door confused, as Sara pulled out of Elizabeth's tight grip and cried,

"Oh Ramsley! You've got to help me! Something's horribly wrong! Mr. Gracey he's..."

"I know my dear. I know! He's expecting you. He's always been expecting you! And you haven't even put on your dress yet! We mustn't keep the master waiting!" said Ramsley walking over by the bed and showing her the white gown laying on it. Elizabeth grabbed Will's arm,


"Waiting? Waiting for what?" asked Sara.

"Why, your wedding, of course!" said Ramsley. Sara was shocked,

"My...I'm not Elizabeth!"

"Of course you are my dear! You may not see that now. But in time you will!"

"Not while we're around!" said Will speaking up.

"In that case Mr. Turner..." said Ramsley. Then a trap door opened beneath the Turners feet and they fell through screaming. Sara tried to rush to them, but it closed on her almost catching her fingers.

"Will! Elizabeth! Where are they?" she demanded Ramsley.

"On their way out of the house. They weren't welcome at the wedding!" Ramsley told her.

"You don't think I'm going through with this madness do you!" demanded Sara.

"Oh, yes. I very much do! You see...we wouldn't want anything to happen to the children now would we?" said Ramsely gesturing towards the mirror which swirled around to reveal the miage of Megan and Michael trapped in the trunk.

"Michael! Megan! You wouldn't!" said Sara turning from the mirror to him.

"Of course not my dear! That is entirely up to you. If not, then I really do fear for the children!" said Ramsley leaving Sara to hang her head in defeat. Ramsley said to a submitted Ezra and Emma with their heads bowed,

"Have her ready...and this time, any further acts of insubordination will be dealt with in the harshest manner."

"But sir!" protested Emma. Ramsley snapped his head around to her and glared with a growl to his voice,

"There are worst things than purgatory Madam! I assure you! Have her ready!"


Will and Elizabeth landed roughly on the ground outside the trash shoot they had found themselves in. Will groaned as he sat up clutching his head,

"Elizabeth, are you okay?"

"I will be once I kill that bloody butler!" hissed Elizabeth as Will helped her to her feet.

"He's already dead!"

"Then I'll settle for a bloody pirate! Come on!" she said making her way around the house with him following behind.


Edward Gracey came down dressed in a Russian military style gray suit smiling happily. Ramsley was behind him in a clerics robe for he would be performing the ceremony. Ezra was playing the Bridal march on the organ, (even though it was out of key) and Miss St. Clarie had told Ramsley she insisted on being the maid of honor, making her the only guest in the house who stayed. She was dressed in a lovely lavendar square neck silk gown with silver embroidery and three quater lenght sleeve and a series of bustles trailing behind her. Her wild curly hair was piled high on top of her head and she held some blue forget-me-nots in her hands. And his Elizabeth was finally dressed in her wedding gown looking every inch a princess. At least, that's all that Edward thought was happening. He had yet to see Ezra's somber face as he played, or that Stacey's hands were bound with thick glowing rope. Stacey started,

"Mr. Gracey! Stop...ah!" She cried out in pain for the ropes were sqeezing her wrists painfully. She looked up at Ramsley whose eyes dimmed from a fiery red in warning. She turned to a concerned Mr. Gracey and smiled lying through her teeth,

"Congratualtions!" Edward smiled and mouthed 'Thank you!' but his face fell again when he saw Sara step closer. There were tear streaming down her face. Edward looked to Ramsley who told him,

"Tears of joy!"


"Any ideas?" asked Jim to Jack as they sat aganist the car.

"Not a ruddy one!" said Jack.

"Well, thanks man anyway. Even if we lost, I'm glad to have gotten to know you!" said Jim reaching out for his hand. Jack shook it saying,

"This never would have happened if I hadn't been such a greedy cad! Now I never know if Stacey...ah forget it!" said Jack rubbing his face as Jim pulled out of his pocket Sara's watch. She had given it back to him when they fought eariler that evening about coming to the mansion. That seemed so long ago.

"What are you doing?" asked Madame Leota. They both looked up and saw her roll up to them. How she got out of the house by herself, they didn't quite know and at this point, they didn't quite care. Jim told her,

"Hey, you leave us alone. Just get out of here and leave us alone!"

"Oh I see, you two are just going to sit there feeling sorry for yourselves.!" Leota said.

"You tell me why not?" demanded Jack as Jim went on,

"This whole thing was my fault! We should have never been here in the first place! Suppose to be at the lake! We'd be sitting by a warm fire right now. I made us come here and now its too late!"

"No, it's never too late!" Leota told them kindly.

"Hey look, I tried! Jack tried! We tried to get in there and we can't alright?" Jim complained.

"You try, you fail. You try you fail. But the only true failure is when you stop trying!" Leota told them.

'What do you want us to do huh?" asked Jim.

"Try again." Leota said.

"I really hate gypsies!" sighed Jack.


"William?" asked Jack as he and Jim stood. The Turners ran up to them and Will said,

"We have to hurry! Ramsley's..."

"We know! Ramsley killed Gracey's Elizabeth and he'd trying to convince Gracey that Sara is Elizabeth so the curse will be lifted!" said Jack.

"Ramsley killed Elizabeth?" asked Elizabeth Turner.

"That's more than we knew!" said Will.

"Yeah and he's going to kill Sara right after she marries Gracey!" said Jim.

"So what do we do?" asked Elizabeth.

"Nothing, Mrs. Turner!" Jack jumped as Barbossa and his crew surrounded them from out of nowhere.

"Not these guys again!" whined Jim.

"Back for more Barbossa? How's your headache?" asked Jack mockingly.

"Better since I won't make that mistake again! Kill 'em!" Barbossa ordered. Jim jumped,

"Why does everyone automatically want to kill us around here?"

"You don't want to be doing that mate!" Jack warned him.

"Why don't I want to be doing that?"

"Because we have to tell Mr. Gracey that Ramsley killed Miss Henshaw." Jack told him satisfied with wiping the smirk off Barbossa's face.

"Hold you're fire!" Barbossa said coming forward. Pintel grunted in disaproval as he and the other's lowered their weapons. Barbossa sighed,

"What's this business of Ramsley killing Mr. Gracey's love?"

"Just as I said. The curse will only be lifted if the truth is known. And the truth can't be known if we don't get in there. Besides, I remember you always followed the code when it came to not harming children. And Ramsley has them right now. And I'll bet he'll threaten to kill them if Sara doesn't play along and act like she's Elizabeth." said Jack.

"Besides Barbossa. If you help us...you'll help break the curse of 999 souls. I believe that's one hundred and eleven souls more than you need to lift the curse of you and your crew!" added Will.

"Nice little bonus!" said Elizabeth.

"You've become a proper pirate, Mr. Turner. I'm impressed!" said Barbossa.

"So what say you Barbossa? Put aside our differences for a few moments to accomplish the greater goal?" asked Jack. Barbossa stroked his beard before barking,

"Mr. Ragetti! Go through the front door and open it!"

"Aye Cap'n!" said Ragetti floating over. But before he could react, he slammed into the door and fell to the ground, his wooden eye popping out.

"Me eye!" he cried searching the ground for it. Barbossa grunted as Jack stuck out his tongue and Jim screwed up his face in disgust,

"Well, I hope you have something up your sleeve Jack Sparrow!"

"Jack, there's a secret tunnel in the warehouse by the river!" said Will.

"Will no! That will take too long! Jack surely you have an idea!" said Elizabeth.

"Why am I ruddy suppose to come up with the ideas around here?" asked Jack snapping at her. Elizabeth charged him and began pushing on his chest,

"Because you're Captain Jack Sparrow! You sacked Nassua port without firing a shot, slipped under the noses of ten agent's of the East Indian Trading Company!"

"Only seven!" said Jack sheepishly.

"You are going to think of something and you are going to think of something right now!" she barked sending chills into all the men's spines. Jim looked to his car and then to a small hill before smiling and patting Jack's shoulder,

"I got it!" He pointed to some pirates, "You, you and you! Come with me!" The pirates were confused but none so more than Jack who said,

"That's interesting!"


"Move those timbers you maggot ridden flea bags! Move!" ordered Barbossa as his men were working on cutting down and pulling up the dead trees to make a make shift ramp up to the window. Meanwhile, Jim swiftly drove his car in reverse up the small hill and exclaimed,

"Hang on!"

"With what?" asked Leota from her spot in the passenger seat.

"Do you really think this will work?" asked Elizabeth from the back inbetween Will and Jack.

"Maybe!" said Jim.

"This is madness!" protested Will.

"Or brilliance depending on who you ask!" remarked Jack with a shrug. Jim waited for Barbossa to nod to him and that's when Jim shifted into gear and floored it up the ramp sending the car flying towards the conservatory window. Everyone in the car screamed,



Edward reached for Sara's hand,

"Elizabeth?" Sara looked to Gracey who nodded grimly. She took his hand and said,

"Yes my love!" Edward was estactic. He finally thought Elizabeth remembered. Now their marriage would be a happy one. He whispered to her,

"Darling, I know you must fear dying again. But don't worry! We'll finally be together! It will all work out for the best!" As he gave her hand a gentle squeeze, that's when Sara realized with a start that Edward wasn't in on this wicked plot. He really just thought she was Elizabeth. She looked to Stacey for confrimation who nodded sadly, then offered a weak smile trying to comfort the woman as Ramsley began to open his bible to find the verses for the ceremony.


The crash was loud and damaging smashing the piano to pieces. And sending debri flying outside. Jim, Jack and the Turners got out of the wrecked car as the pirates all floated in yelling a battle cry. Jim told Leota,

"I'll be right back!" She was trapped with the airbag pressing aganist her crystal ball in the seat as she mumbled,

"Ok, I'll just wait right here!" Jack was about to follow Jim when Will stopped him,

"Jack!" Jack turned to see Will handing him his sword. "You might need that!" Seeing Will had his sword strapped around him, Jack replied smugly as he straped his sword on,

"Never change Whelp!" Will smiled at that until they reached the foyer where they saw with a start thrity or so rotten walking corspes creeping out of a trap door in the floor.

"Now what?" asked Elizabeth. Barbossa stepped forward pulling out his sword,

"Well take care of them, stop that wedding!" Jim and the Turners started to edge around to the armory as Jack made his way up the stairs. Barbossa yelled a battle cry and lead his crew into the fight of the century of ghost pirates fighting zombies.


"Dearly, beloved we are gathered together in the sight of God to join this man and this woman in the bonds of holy matrimony. " said Ramsley as Sara hung her head sadly while Stacey was looking despertly around the room trying to think of something.


Jim and the Turners stopped short before the armory seeing the trunk Megan and Michael were in hanging from a chain at the end of the hall. They heard the children exclaim,

"Dad! Help us!"

"Michael! Megan!" said Jim ready to rush in. But Will held him back upon seeing the suits of armor turn their heads to them and step down from their places perpared to fight.

"This just keeps getting better and better!" said Will before he, Elizabeth and Jim rushed in. Meanwhile, Ramsley said in the ballroom,

"Wilt thou take this woman to live together in the holy state of matrimony?"

"I do!" smiled Edward as out in the armory, Will parried with a samurai suit and Elizabeth swung a chair at a Scottist suit of armor. Jim ducked two swipes at him as Ramsley asked Sara in the other room,

"And do you, Elizabeth Henshaw, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband to have and cherish in death as you did in life?"

"I do." said Sara miseralby. Just one room away, Jim fell to the ground just catching an axe at his head as he screamed,

"Whoa! Ahh!" Inside, Ramsley took a wine cup and poured the powdered poison in it as he said.

"From this day forward, you shall be joined together as one until the very end of time." He began to pray in Latin while Will and Elizabeth finished up tearing apart the last suits of haunted armor. Ramsley continued in English before handing the cup to Elizabeth and Stacey took a breath,

"What God has joined together, let no man put asunder." Outside, Jim and Elizabeth lowered the trunk while Will worked on the lock with his sword. When it broke free, Megan, Michael held out their arms to their father crying,


"Dad!" Murray gratefully licked Will's nose as he handed him to Elizabeth. Jim then turned from his children to open the doors to the ballroom just in time to hear Ramsley ask as Sara placed the cup to her lips and took a small drink,

"If anyone has any objections..."

"Yeah I've got a few objections!" yelled Jim followed by the kids and the Turners. Just then, from a hidden spot on the balcony, Jack swung down a chandelier rope and grabbed Stacey off the alter distracting Ramsley and Gracey enough so Sara could pick up her skirts and happily run into Jim's arms. The chandelier of course, crashed down on the other side of the room as Jack cut the rope away from Stacey's wrists as she exclaimed,


"You okay Luv?" asked Jack smiling into her eyes. Stacey grinned as she hugged his neck,

"Now that you're here!" Jim pulled Sara back and said,

"The next time I say we're going to the lake, we're going to the lake!"

"Let's go!" nodded Sara hugging his neck again. Then their faces fell when they heard a threatening voice,

"Get away from her!" Sara turned to see Edward stepping down from the alter pulling out the sword from his side as he continued,

"I lost her once, I don't intend for it to happen again!" As Sara rushed to hug her children Jim told him,

"This is not Elizabeth! Ramsley! You tell him the truth!" Ramsley said,

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh now you got amnesia huh? Elizabeth didn't kill herself, he did it! He's been lying to you all along!" Angered now that this upstart would insult the man he looked up to as a father, Edward pointed his sword at Jim,

"I'm warning you sir! Step away!"

"Don't think cause you pull out your sword I'm going to let you marry my wife!" Jim told him.

"My patience is wearing thin! Elizabeth, please come along!" Edward told Sara who shook her head,

"I'm not Elizabeth!" Edward looked at her with disbelief,

"You must be!"

"Her name is Sara she's from New Jersey! Ramsley wants you to think she's Elizabeth so this curse will be lifted!" said Jim. Ramsley said,

"That is absurd!" Ready to lunge for Jim, Edward whispered,

"Forgive me!"

"Whoa!" cried Jim stepping back. But Edward's sword was stopped by a dull cutlass blocking it. Edward looked to Jack and saw the dangerous glint in his eyes.

"If there is to be any sword play, it shall be with a man who knows what he's doing..." Jack ran his blade up and down Edwards sword before adding, "Savvy?" Jack attacked leaving Edward to struggle to defend himself. The Evers were in awe of the skill and footwork this pirate pocessed and Stacey's jaw just went to the floor as Murray covered his eyes with his paws. But Edward unmanifested and reappeared behind Jack. Will ran forward sword drawn as he blocked Gracey's attack,

"Jack watch out!" And this began a long battle between Jack, Will and Edward Gracey. Gracey would keep dissapearing and reappearing blocking and attacking Jack and Will. Finally he knocked Will to the floor and batted the sword out of Jack's hand.

"Will!" cried Elizabeth rushing to her husbands side.

"Jack!" yelled Stacey. But Edward was stopped once again, with Jim holding his arm back. Jim said holding up the red envelope as Gracey looked at him,

"If you are going to kill me, kill me! But listen, when I come back on the other side I'll just be whipping your butt for all eternity! So maybe you should read this before you stab somebody! Read it!" In curiousity, Edward took the letter and asked,

"What is it?"

"It's Elizabeth letter, her real letter, the one she wrote, the one he stole! You never saw it!" said Jim with a glare to Ramsley as Edward read the letter. Stacey helped Jack step away asking,

"You alrigh'?"

"Aye, I'm fine lass." Jack told her keeping his eye on Gracey.

"Good 'cause I'm gonna shoot you! Don't ever do that again!" said Stacey batting his shoulder as Jack grinned a little at her. Edward's face fell and he turned to Ramsley and asked,

"What's the meaning of this?"

"Must we continue to listen to the rantings of a lunatic?" asked Ramsley.

"But this is written in her hand!" said Edward.

"Yeah it's written in her hand, explain that Ramsley!" added Jim behind him.

"I think he's got this Mate!" said Jack to Jim. Edward demanded,

"Well?" Ramsley was silent for a minute before saying,

"Your union was unacceptable. I tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen!"

"So you killed her." said Edward with anger to his voice.

"I told you it be a mistake to run away with that girl!" said Ramsley.

"But I loved her! Was love my mistake?" barked Edward. Ramsley roared with bitterness,

"Yes! I've tried to protect you! All these years I've sacrificed, for you! But what would you understand about sacrifice, duty and honor? You loved her! Well, damn you sir! Damn you all to hell!" His eyes roared to life with red fire as flames engulfed the fireplace and the bricks fell away to reveal the pit into hell itself. Screaming ghosts flew in from the windows and flew all over the room. Then Stacey heard a series of voice's coming back to her memory.

" But maybe the reason you were meant to help us was so you can face your fears..."

"To your fate and your Corsair love!"

"Look inside yourselves and become what you were meant to be. Look into the glass to find what you need to defeat this evil is the key!" Stacey reached for the silver half mirror in the pocket of her dress and then looked to the fireplace. There on the mantel was a small inset, the exact same shape as the mirror. Picking up her skirts, Stacey ran forward.

"Stacey no!" yelled Jack chasing her. Before she was pulled back, she threw the mirror towards the fireplace. The mirror flew into place in the inset and glowed a bright green. Suddenly, a great dragon made of fire shot up from the pit and circled the room, everyone cowering in fear.The dragon whipped out its tongue and wrapped itself around Ramsley who screamed,

"AAAHH!" He was flung up into the air and the dragon was pulling him towards the fireplace. But Ramsley decided to act out one act of revenge. He grabbed Jim around the ankle and pulled him screaming along with him,


"Jim!" yelled Sara trying to rush forward. Jim managed to grab onto the edge of the firey pit and was losing his grip as Ramsley held on tight. But the fire creature gave one last roar and pulled tight on Ramsley and made him lose his hold on Jim. He fell down, down, down screaming and becoming engulfed by the flames as Jim watched wide eyed. But then his expression became even more terrified as his started to slip. Suddenly, Jack and Gracey appeared over the edge, each grabbing an arm before Jim fell. They pulled him up and out and all three of them watched amazed as the fireplace returned the stonework to seal the opening and the mirror popped out and floated down to where Jack could reach it. But before they could breath easier, they heard Megan cry out,


"Mom!" cried Michael as Jim turned to see Sara collapsed on the floor. Elizabeth held her head in her lap as Megan asked,

"Mom what's wrong? Are you alright?"

"Mom?" asked Michael being held back by the shoulder by Will and Stacey. Murray whimpered near Sara and nudged his nose to her gloved arm.

"Hey, hey! Sara? Sara? What's the matter? Hey Sara, what's wrong? Hey what's the matter? What's wrong?" said Jim as he rushed over and sat on the floor gathering Sara in his arms. Ezra cried out in dispair,

"It's the poison!"

"Oh no! No, hey Sara come on please? Don't do this! Sara don't do this please! Sara! Sara! I love you! Sara please I love you so much!" begged Jim as Sara looked hazily up and said softly,

"Jim..." She closed her eyes and slumped her head back.

"No!" cried Megan as Elizabeth held her in her arms. Will comforted her brother who had begun to cry soft tears into his side. Jack exchanged glances with Stacey and saw she was on the verge of tears too, so he stepped over and gathered her in his arms. Seeing Jack and Will exchange a sorrowful look, Edward hung his head. He never felt so quilty in all his life...and all his death. The pirate crew came in laughing and clapping each other on the back for a job well done, but they all stopped behind Barbossa who looked on with a stunned expression on seeing the young mother dead. The pirates hung their heads in moarning, some taking off their hats or scarfs in respect. Then they all took notice of a soft blue glow coming from the other side of the room. They all looked up seeing a small blue ball of light floating towards them. Still on the defense and enraged that he couldn't save his wife, he yelled to it,

"Hey! Get away from us leave us alone!" Elizabeth stopped Will from advancing on it by touching his arm as Megan told her father,

"No, Dad! It won't hurt us!" They all watched in silence as the ghost ball floated over Sara and then entered her body. A soft white light was coming from the ceiling. Everyone looked up and saw the rafters of the cathedrial ceiling were gone and swirling blue clouds were in its place. The soft white light was one ray of warmth and serenity. Suddenly, the glow began to engulf Sara and she started to lift out of Jim's arms and up over their heads. Everyone stood and backed away a little bit watching as Sara was lifted back upright. She opened their eyes but Jim didn't see Sara in them. He saw someone else. He saw,

"Elizabeth? Is that you?" asked Edward becoming estactic. In a more formal tongue than Sara's and with a slight accent, Elizabeth answered warmly,

"Yes my love!"

"The ghost ball was Elizabeth!" exclaimed Megan beginning to smile. Elizabeth Henshaw explained,

"The truth had to be known for me to be released. They saved me!" Seeing her gaze directly to Jim and Jack beside him, Edward thought to himself that they were the most unlikely of heroes. A pirate captain from the 17th century and a businessman who wouldn't stop talking. Jack gave him a wink and Jim smiled and muttered to Gracey,

"It was nothing!" Edward directed his gaze back at his Elizabeth and sighed happily,

"Oh Elizabeth!"

"Yes, my darling?" asked Elizabeth Henshaw starting to float down to the ground.

"I've waited so long of this moment!" said Edward. Landing in front of Edward, Elizabeth smiled,

"And now only heaven awaits!" With that said, Edward pulled his darling Elizabeth into a long passionate kiss. Will and Elizabeth exhanged smiles as Stacey's jaw hit the floor again. Looking to his kids who were looking questionably at him, Jim chuckled and said,

"He's not really kissing your mom!" Jack added amused,

"And he's not really sticking his tongue in her mouth!" Jim turned to Jack and asked still chuckling but this time a bit nervously,

"What?" A few more seconds went by and Stacey observed,

"Guess they're makin' up for lost time huh?" Jim finally tapped Gracey's shoulder and said as they broke the kiss and looked at him,

"That's my wife?" Elizabeth Henshaw looked to Edward and then stepped forward to Jim. Jim frowned when he looked into her eyes and said,

"Sara?" A flash of light appeared around Sara and she collaped forward in Jim's arms. She fluttered her eyes open and lifted her head looking into Jim's eyes,

"Jim?" Jim smiled warmly,

"I thought I lost you!" Sara flung her arms around his neck and cried,

"Oh! I thought I lost you too!" Jim pulled her back and said,

"I'm back Sara. I'm back!" One of the pirates happily exclaimed,

"The curse is lifted!" The pirate crew yelled joyously before each one turned into a ball of blue light and floated up the white light and dissappearing from view. Then they heard Emma shout behind them,

"Wait! Wait for us! Hold on!" Seeing her arms packed down with suitcases, Ezra asked his wife,

"What's all this?"

"Well I don't know what we'll need!" she told him.

"What are you talking about? We're going to heaven! You can't take it with you!" said Ezra. She exclaimed handed him some bags,

"The hell I can't! Oh! Goodbye!" The couple began giving hugs around with Ezra telling Jim while shaking his hand,

"So long!"

"Thank you!" said Emma hugging Jack a little too tightly but never seeing his eyes buldge out. Ezra shook Michael's hand before ushering his wife along,

"Ok little man, alright hurry! Let's go!" They stood in the light and Emma and Ezra waved,

"Bye! Ok here we go!"

"Whoo! Bye bye!" They and their luggage turned into blue balls of light and floated up towards the light. Jack looked over and saw Barbossa coming towards them purpose driven.

"Now Jack. Be nice! Barbossa did help us in the end!" Elizabeth told him. Jack rolled his eyes and said,

"Yeah yeah!" Barbossa stopped before the group saying,

"Well Turners, and Evers alike. It's been a real pleasure. Apoligies for joining up with that scallywag Ramsley and chasing ye all over creation!"

"Well I suppose an old dog can learn new tricks!" replied Jack dryly. Ignoring him, Elizabeth said,

"Thank you Captain Barbossa! From all of us!" He smiled and then extended his hand to Jack,

"No hard feelin's Jack?" Hesitant, Jack slowly crept his hand over and said,

"No hard feelings!" But as he grasped Barbossa hands, he felt a quick jolt of electricity run through him. He cried out letting go,

"Whoa!" Barbossa threw his head back and laughed,

"Just a little ghost-mortal humor Jack Sparrow!" Then he looked down at Stacey and said softly, "Best keep an eye on him Miss! Jack Sparrow's a hard man to predict!" And being a pirate, Barbossa gave Stacey's bottom a night forceful pat as she cried,

"OH!" Barbossa laughed and tipped his hat to the Evers and the remaining ghosts,

"Evers family! Sir!"

"Captain!" smiled Jim waving to him as he stepped towards the light.

"Whose side is he on!" whispered Megan confused,

"At the moment?" shrugged Will. Barbossa stepped into the light looking up. He shut his eyes in ectasy and spread out his arms,

"I feel...wonderful!" And with that, Barboosa's form was gone and his blue ball spirit flew up towards the heavens.

"Figures he wouldn't go the other way!" muttered Jack as Stacey slapped his shoulder. Edward stepped before the group and asked,

"Can you ever forgive me?"

"Oh, what's to forgive? You loved her." Jim told him. Edward said to Jack and the Turners,

"I don't even know how to thank you." Jack told him with a wink,

"Just put a good word for us on the other side!"

"I will, but I still feel as if I should give you something for all that you've done. Ramsely told me you were from the past. So I have nothing to give you that you could take back." Will smiled,

"We got what we came for Mr. Gracey!" Jack muttered looking at Stacey,

"And then some!" Jack looked up and saw Gracey had seen him. Edward smiled knowingly then produced a rolled up piece of parchment and handed it to Jim.

"I do know how to thank you. Here, take this." Jim asked,

"What is it?"

"The deed to this house. It's yours." Edward told them as Jim and Sara looked at each other in disbelief. He continued backing up into the light, "Do with it what you will. Sell it. Keep it! Do whatever makes you and your family happy!" He reached out and took his Elizabeth by the hand, who was now dressed in the yellow gown they had seen in her portrait. Edward smiled at his love and added to them, "And thank you. Thank you all so much!" Then he and his love started to float up towards the heavens spinning around like they were waltzing. They changed into two balls of light still spinning around as they floated up towards the heavens joining hundred of others who floated up from the graveyard and into the clouds over the house, shining like the stars of the night sky.


A few minutes later, Jim and the kids were waiting down in the front hall when Sara came down dressed in her normal clothes again.

"Feel better?" asked Jim giving his wife a kiss.

"Much! The dress was beautiful and everything, but it was a little creepy to wear a dead person's dress!" Sara laughed hugging her son.

"We just faced a household full of ghosts and you think just wearing a dress was creepy?" asked Jim in disbelief. Sara shook her head and then looked up to see the Turners dressed once again in their 17th century wedding attire.

"Oh Elizabeth! Is that your wedding dress?" asked Megan. Elizabeth smiled,

"Yes it is!"

"It's gorgeous!" said Sara as she and Megan began talking with Elizabeth about clothes. Jim and his son exchanged bored looks and said,

"Girls!" Will shook his head amused and then looked up when he heard Jack say,

"Everybody ready to cast off?" The Evers were taken aback by Jack's pirate garb from his blue wool coat and gray blue knickers and yellowed poet shirt to his scabbard and red and white sash that tied around his waist. Looking him up and down from his brown leather tricorne to his folded over boots, Jim said to Jack,

"Wow! You really are a pirate, huh?"

"Just don't tell him he's the best pirate in the Caribbean or his ego will get terribly inflated!" joked Elizabeth in a dry tone. As everyone chuckled, Michael exclaimed,

"I want to be a pirate when I grow up!" Jim chuckled and told him patting his cheek,

"Don't even think about it!" Jack's amused expression turned serious when he asked,

"So where's the fair Miss St. Claire?"

"She's in the library!" said Megan. Jack put his hands together in a prayer of thanks to her as he turned and walked into the library. As he pushed aside the curtain, he stopped seeing Stacey still in the lavender gown looking out the broken conservatory window over the car. She looked like an angel in the moonlight. Murray barked and walked up to Jack happily wagging his tail. Jack picked up the small dog and rubbed his ears as Stacey looked over her shoulder at him for a second and then turned back to the view outside,

"Look!" Jack did look and he saw the graveyard was being replaced with a vast rose garden. Stacey continued, "Everytime a ghost leaves, its grave becomes a rosebush! Ain't it pretty?" Looking at her and not the new garden, Jack said softly,

"Beautiful!" Stacey looked at him and took in his pirate garb like the Evers did earlier.

"That look really suits ya!" Looking directly at that cleavage he loved so much, Jack said,

"As does that dress, Luv!" She laughed,

"Well, I figured I never met the former owner so it wasn't weird!" Jack chuckled softly a moment, before digging into his pocket and pulling out carefully folded bills of money and placed it in her palm.

"A grand total of three hundred dollars and..." He pulled out the business card and placed it in her other hand, "One business card guarantee to fame and fortune!" Looking at the business card, Stacey said,

"Funny, after all this...this don't seem so important anymore..." Jack tilted her chin up and said,

"You listen to me Stacey St. Claire. You're going to go on with your life and do what you love. All I pray is...is that you find your happiness...and remember me from time to time, Savvy?" Stacey was stunned silent at his words. When had he said them before? Looking at her lips Jack added, "And something else..." He began to lean his head towards her watching as her eyes shut in anticipation. Just then, Will entered the room and asked,

"Jack?" Jack backed away just as Stacey groaned,

"Oh wait!" Not noticing Stacey's outburst, Elizabeth came in followed by the Evers and said,

"Come on Jack, the moon is almost on the horizon!" Jack looked to Stacey and said sadly,

"I best be getting along." Stacey nodded as Jack handed her Murray and rubbed his ears,

"Yeah, you want to get back. Don't want to change history or nothin'!"

"Yeah...goodbye Stacey!" said Jack. Stacey nodded and said her goodbyes to Will and Elizabeth as she crossed the room to join the Evers family.

"Evers!...Ta!" He shook Jim's and Michael's hand and then stepped aside to let Will and Elizabeth say one final goodbye.

"Wait Jack! They shouldn't be in the room, they might get pulled in with us!" exclaimed Will.

"Hmm...good point!" said Jack thinking it over. Jim looked to the desk and said,

"Wait a second!" he walked over to the desk and pulled the head back on the small stone bust. The secret passage opened and Jim stopped his family and Stacey saying, "Wait a second here!" He pulled the large chair over to the side of the entrance and then beckoned them inside. He stepped in, pulling the chair behind him and using it to block the door from closing all the way. "Ha! Okay, go ahead!" he told them. Jack arched an eyebrow but pulled his half of the mirror out as Elizabeth pulled hers out and handed it to Jack. He placed them together and the two halves sealed shut with a green glow. They all read the incantation,

"Recite the mirror's inscription if that be thy choice. Defy time and place to find what the soul must seek, but return home again before the next full moon descends from its peak!" The mirror floated out of Jack's hands and it began to grow again a strong wind picking up again. Instantly, they were pulled forward into the green mirror that rippled and then shrunk back down to normal size floating gently to the floor.

"Wow!" exclaimed Jim. Stacey sighed sadly,

"Goodbye Captain Jack Sparrow!"

She and the Evers left the library after Jim struggled for ten minutes to get to door back open. He took the kids up to bed with a promise they'd leave in Stacey's jeep in the morning. Sara and Stacey were now in the kitchen. Sara was looking around for some tea, but she pulled a few knives out of the cabinet door and looked strangley at it, wondering what went on in here. Jim entered and took the boiling water off the stove top, the teapot's whistle dying down. His jacket was off now as he told Sara,

"Took forever to get them to bed."

"Where they still scared?" asked Sara handing him some teacups.

"Nah, your daughter was too busy talking on her cell phone...FYI we have reception again...and your son was too wired and talking about how he's going to be a pirate!" Sara smacked his arm and hissed,


"What?" asked Jim confused. He followed Sara's nod over to Stacey who was sitting at the kitchen table, looking at the business card she held before her face with her chin resting in her hand, still dressed in that lavendar gown only now her wild curls were spilling down her back again. He mouthed 'Oh!' as Sara placed the teacups on the table saying,

"Stacey are you okay?" Stacey shook her attention away from the card and said,

"Hmm? Oh! Oh yeah I'm fine! Just wonderin' when I should call Mr. Brockton, that's all!" Pulling some teabags out of a glass jar he found, Jim said,

"Why don't you call him now?"

"Jim it's the middle of the night!" said Sara as she poured the hot water in the teacups.

"It's three o'clock in the morning! Besides these record producer types propably pull all nighters anyway! You should go ahead and call him!" said Jim

"Well..." said Stacey placing a teabag in her cup and dipping it a few times. Sara reached over and grabbed her hands,

"Stacey...you miss Jack don't you?" Stacey smiled,

"Well yeah...I only knew him such a short time...but I felt so close to him! He's a good friend to have!"

"Are you sure there wasn't anything else between you?" asked Sara. Stacey closed her eyes, seeing Jack's face smiling at her.

"I know there was. But there's nothing I can do about it. He had to go back. Jim...can I use your cell phone. I'm gonna call Mr. Brockton." she said. Jim pulled out his cell phone and handed it to her. She stood and leaned against the wall nearby punching the numbers in. She waited a few more rings and was about to hang up before someone answered,

"Hello, Tony Brockton's office, this is Tony!"

"Mr. Brockton? You don't know me but I'm Stacey St. Claire. I've sent you a few demos and I was wondering if it's possible I could come audition for you in person?" asked Stacey.

"Miss St. Claire! Thank God! I've heard you're demos and I was in Alabama a few says ago to hear you play!" he said.

"You did?" she asked.

"Yeah...I must admit I got myself drunk and I left forgetting to talk to you. By the time I sobered up you were gone without a forwarding address! I've had my staff working non stop to try and find you! Thank God I came back from a party and decided to stop by my office!" he told her.

"So you like my sound?" she asked.

"I love it! Where are you?" he asked.

"New Orleans." she told him smiling a bit at the Evers.

"Great, I'm going to buy you a plane ticket and fly you up here. As far as I'm concerned you are our next sensation!" he exclaimed.


"Absolutly, so what so you say?" he asked.

"Stacey..." Stacey looked over and saw Madame Leota roll into the room. Jim jumped out of his chair,

"Hey! Why didn't you go with everybody else?"

"Eh, I'm a rebel! Stacey...before you agree to anything...listen to your heart. What is it telling you?" asked Leota. Stacey looked unseeing at her as Mr. Brockton asked on the other end,

"Miss St. Claire? Miss St. Claire? Hello? Are you there?"


In the year 1675, Governor Weatherby Swann entered the library and walked over to his desk. He shifted a silver half mirror out of the way so he could pick up a worn china doll with golden brown hair. He had bought it for Elizabeth when she was born. He smiled thinking of how she told him while putting it in the box that her favorite doll should go make another child happy. However, that did not stop Governor Swann from taking the doll out and placing it on one of his book cases. He couldn't believe his little baby was married and off somewhere probably enjoying an early wedding night. Ah youth! He was just about to walk out and say goodnight to his lingering guests, when a green vortex opened up just on the open balcony and deposited Will, Elizabeth and...

"Captain Sparrow! Elizabeth, what's going on? What's the meaning of this?" Governor Swann demanded of his daughter as Will helped her to stand and Jack got up on his knees, grabbing his lower back as a loud crack was heard. Elizabeth rushed forward happily,

"Father! We're back!"

"Back? Back from where?" asked Governor Swann as Elizabeth hugged his neck. Will turned from his bickering wife and father-in-law to see Jack leaning out on the balcony railing looking over the setting sun. He join Jack and asked putting a hand to his shoulder,

"You okay?" Jack shook his head and sighed in a depressed tone,

"I'll live!"

"Do you want to admit you care for Stacey now?" asked Will.

"Why, ain't like there's nothing I can ruddy do about it is there? It wouldn't have been fair to stay with her. She has her own dreams! At least I can see her in mine!" shrugged Jack trying to hide his pain. But Will saw his usual spark was gone. Will said,

"I'm never going to figure you out Jack Sparrow!"

"Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow!" said Jack jokingly. Then Jack told him, "I'll be okay, Will. Just a little lonely that's all!" Will smiled and nodded,

"I better go help Elizabeth explain things!" Jack stood up straight and followed him back inside saying,

"And I better make myself scarce!" But no sooner had he said that, a crack of thunder and lightning came from behind them and a huge wind picked up.

"What's happening? " asked Swann.

"Elizabeth you didn't read the incantation again did you!" yelled Jack.

"Of course not!" yelled Elizabeth. Another green vortex opened on the balcony and in came running in and barking...

"Murray?" asked the Turners and Jack. As the storm died down, Swann asked as he picked Murray up,

"What's a Murray?"

"Wait...if you're here...then..." started Jack before looking over at the window. There stood Stacey still in that lavendar gown and now leaning aganist the doorframe and a stuffed messanger bag was slung over her shoulder. She smirked and said practically in a purr,

"Nice view ain't it?" Handing Murray off to Swann, Jack stepped forward on the balcony to look down in disbelief at Stacey.

"Told you they get together!" Will whispered to Elizabeth. Elizabeth smiled and whispered back,

"That's the last time I bet a back rub!"

"And I plan to collect tonight!" implied Will grabbing her bottom and giving it a slight squeeze. Elizabeth laughed in her throat and told him,

"You're dispicable!"

"Pirate!" Will told her.

"Elizabeth! Will! Who is that girl? Where'd she come from? What's a Murray!" asked Swann as Murray barked in response to his name. Elizabeth took her father by the arm and led him out with Will following saying,

"Come on Father! It's a rather long story!"

"But, but, but, but!" protested Swann wondering about the pirate and the strange woman. Once they were gone, Jack finally spoke and said,

"Stacey...Luv what are you doing here?" Stacey shrugged,

"Well I got to thinkin'. Being a famous singer is great an' all, but I think I'd perfer a simple life...without a lot of fuss and frills... . A life where I could go where I could go and do what I could do and not worry about what society thought of me...A life of freedom, with every new horizon!" she said taking the messenger bag off her shoulder. Smiling at her words, Jack said,

"I know exactly what you mean Luv!"

"Sides, who needs limos and jets and fabulous clothes and all that attention!" said Stacey taking Jack's tricorne off and trying it on her head. As she shifted it back on her head, Jack nodded,

"Not me for one!"

"Righ'! Well, I guess I don't need this anymore!" she said pulling the business card out of her cleavage satisfied Jack licked his lips in desire. But just as she was about to throw it over the edge, Jack grabbed her wrist, and took the card from her. Seeing a plan in his eye, Stacey just smiled as Jack said looking at the card,

"Milady? Who do you think you are to presume that you can come back to the past, take my hat and throw away the only life you ever knew, for a rouge pirate captain who'd give his very life for you and ravage your naked body senseless every night and maybe twice during the day on Sundays?" Figuring out that he had just told her he loved her, Stacey stepped foward with her hands on her hips and looked up at him and said defiantely,

"A woman who not only will love ya till the day she dies and let ya ravage her naked body senseless every nigh' and maybe three times on Sundays...but a woman wondering whatca gonna do about it?" Tossing the business card over the balcony, Jack pulled her to him and kissed her with all the pent up passion he had been holding in since he met the woman. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands getting tangled in that mess of brown seaweed he called his hair returning the kiss for all she was worth as the red sun set behind them.


An image of Jack and Stacey could be seen in the green crystal ball until it faded away to Madame Leota who chanted in rhyme,

"Angels in heaven together at last, the tale is well ended for those who have pasted. Love endures all, no reason no rhyme. It lasts forever and forever all time!" From ahead of Leota in the back of the station wagon, Megan whined,

"Mom, Leota won't shut up!"

"Are we there yet?" asked Michael from his seat as his family drove along the bridge from New Orleans over the Mississippi River.

"I'm getting pretty hungry! Can we get some pizza?" asked Megan. Jim asked his wife who was driving to the lake,

" Yeah. How long before we get there, Sara?"

"Twenty minutes tops!" she smiled. Remember their recent adventure, Jim said,

"Nothing takes twenty minutes!" Then he heard through the open window,

"Do...Do...Do...Do Do Doo!"

"Hey guys, keep it down!" yelled Jim back to the four singing busts who were tied to the top of the luggage. They sang in reply to the tune of "The Saint's Go Marchin' In',

"We'll keep it down, (We'll keep it down!) We'll keep it down! Oh yes we'll try to keep it down! We're driving down the highway, yeah! And we're trying...to...keep...it...down...!"

The End