Love Is…

With You

By Seabreeze

A/N: Final chapter, forgive me for this taking so long. Writer's block + last year of high school + dance classes every day of the week hardly any time to breathe, let alone write fanfiction.

Disclaimer: See chapter five.

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As Kenshin stepped off the dock and onto solid ground, he let out a sigh of relief – traveling by boat was the fastest way, but it did not mean it was his favorite way. He stretched his cramped muscles slightly before grinning and heading into the warf, happily keeping his eyes open for a very pregnant Kaoru. Sheilding his eyes from the sun, he glanced around – she wasn't in her usual place, near the bridge. Neither was Sano, or Megumi, or even Yahiko. He frowned. Perhaps they were late, or had gotten the times wrong. He decided to wait for at least a little while longer in case any of his friends did show up, and sat tiredly on a bench against a fish shop.

Ten minutes later, and no sign of anyone. Kenshin was beginning to get worried – his wife was, after all, pregnant with his child, and very close to nearing the nine month mark. What if something was wrong? What if something bad had happened, and that was why Kaoru had not been able to send Sano or one of their other friends in her place to meet him?

Kenshin was sure of it: there was no way Kaoru would forget his return or be late in welcoming him back. Something was definitely wrong.

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As he neared the dojo an hour later, Kenshin felt himself panic more – the gate was wide open, and yet there was no sign of anyone. He dropped his rucksack just outside the dojo and hurried inside. He had barely even begun kicking off his shoes when he heard a cry of pain from his and Kaoru's bedroom.

"Kaoru!" he demanded, stumbling in his hurry to get to her.

"Kenshin," she called, sounding so relieved it frightened him. He rushed into the room to find her on her back on the bare fore, hair piled messily onto her head, face red, and legs spread apart.

"Kaoru," he breathed, falling to his knees beside her. "Are you…"

"I think – " her voice cut out as her body was wracked with a spasm of pain and Kenshin gripped the hilt of the sakabato in fear – but there were no demons to fight here, nothing a sword could help. " – so," she finished, letting out a heavy breath as the pain momentarily left her body. Her eyes closed and she reached for his hand happily.

"You made it, Kenshin, I was so afraid…"

"I told you I'd make it here in time, didn't I?" he said reassuringly, squeezing her weak and trembling fingers. "What can I do for you? Can I get you anything? A pillow, at least – " he reached over to his bedroll, grabbed the pillow-like headrest, and settled it gently underneath her head. "There," he said, feeling slightly better. Kaoru's body clenched again in pain, and Kenshin caught her toes curling under her feet, straining and struggling against the pain. She gripped his hand so tightly that he could feel it bruising already, but said nothing.

"Kaoru," he whispered helplessly. "What can I do? I'll get Megumi-dono, she'll - !"

"No," Kaoru gasped, shifting her weight around. "It's too late; you won't get her here in time. Please stay with me," she pleaded, looking up at him with large, red-rimmed blue eyes. Kenshin felt himself melt.

"But that means… I don't know how, Kaoru," he said just as desperately. Kaoru smiled encouragingly.

"I do most of the work. Get boiled water and lots of cloth." She convulsed in pain, and Kenshin couldn't find it in himself to leave her to do her bidding at the moment.

"Kaoru," he said, voice filled with pain for her.

"Do. It." Kaoru demanded through clenched teeth, entire body tense as she rode out the pain. Without a second thought, Kenshin sprang up to fetch the required items. He worked feverishly, even when he heard Kaoru cry out in anguish.

"KAORU!" he called, freezing.

"HURRY UP!" she replied, sounding much like the dragon his signature move was named after. By the time Kenshin returned armed with the tools Kaoru had demanded, the screams and the pain were coming more frequently and lasting longer. Kenshin felt his dread rise – what if there was a complication? He wouldn't know how to handle it.

"Is there anything else I can do?" he asked helplessly in between two of her contractions. Before she had time to answer calmly, another one hit her.

"Damn it," she said, growling and sweating profusely. She clutched her hand tighter than Kenshin could ever imagine anyone could hold a hand. "Don't you dare leave me here alone, Battousai!" she screamed, pain tingeing her hoarse voice. "If you even think about pulling another Kyoto on me right now I will never, ever forgive you." Her voice was so deadly and frightening that Kenshin could only nod.

"No, never, Kaoru, never," he whispered fervently. She continued gripping his hand and screaming well after the contraction should've worn off. Kenshin thought quickly. "I think you're supposed to be pushing now, Kaoru!" he said suddenly. Kaoru let out a scream that chilled his blood.

"No," she gasped, and let out another scream. "Kidding."

There was little Kenshin could do, but he found himself moving around to her head and setting it in his lap instead of on the pillow. Kaoru seemed to have a sort of rhythm to her pushing; tensing her legs, taking a breath, and pushing, before breathing for a second or two. As Kenshin caught on to this, he found a way to feel helpful: when Kaoru would push, Kenshin would grip her shoulders and push with her. At first she had screamed at him, but slowly it began to help her. After a particularly difficult push, Kaoru panted,

"Kenshin," she breathed. "It's coming out." Without a word, Kenshin set her head gently back on the pillow and moved around to face her open legs with great fear. The sight he saw was definitely not a pretty one, but yet it filled him with the most powerful feeling he had ever had. He could see its head.

"It's head," he said in awe as Kaoru pushed again.

"Help me!" Kaoru screamed.

"How?" Kenshin asked, panicked.

"Pull!" she roared. Despite himself, Kenshin did not hesitate. He reached for the tiny, bloody head, and immediately found that he knew to support it with his hands.

"There you go, Kaoru," he found himself saying soothingly. "The shoulders next, it's the hardest part. Come on."

"What would you know!" Kaoru demanded, tossing her head back and clenching her eyes as she squeezed.

"Just a little longer! Hang on, hang on!" Kenshin cheered, able to see the tiny child's red shoulders. With a final scream, the shoulders were freed. From there on out, it got easier, and with one last push the baby was out and into Kenshin's waiting arms. Kaoru collapsed tiredly onto the floor, and Kenshin noted automatically that the child – that his son – was not breathing. Panicking, he slapped it on the bottom, and to his great relief it let out a yell that instantly filled the small dojo. For a moment, Kenshin stared in wonder at his baby, his son. Their son. The child screamed and screamed, but Kenshin could only look at him.

"Welcome to life, little one," he said very gently, kissing it gently on the head. To his surprise, it immediately began quieting down.

"Kaoru," Kenshin said softly. "Are you ready for him?"

"Him?" came the exhausted voice of his wife.

"Him," Kenshin replied, smiling broadly. He reached down to set his son in Kaoru's arms, and turned away to give them a moment together. He heard Kaoru cooing softly to him as he cleaned her up, using the hot water to sterilize and the towels to clean and dry her off. When he finished, he gently took the baby from Kaoru, cut his umbilical cord, and cleaned him off as well. He came back to Kaoru, and pulled her up so that she leaned against his chest. Tears were streaming down her face.

"How are you feeling?" he asked tenderly, setting their son in her arms and brushing sweaty strands of coal-black hair from her face. Kaoru let out a quiet, happy sob, and buried her face in Kenshin's neck.

"He's beautiful," she murmured quietly, running her fingers over the now-clean baby's reddish head. "He's going to have red hair, like you." She said, fondly tugging on a strand of Kenshin's hair. Kenshin chuckled happily.

"I suppose he will," he said, smoothing a callused hand over the baby's soft head. For a moment, Kaoru watched as Kenshin's eyes grew intense and over bright, and just when she thought something might happen, he dropped his face so that his bangs hid his eyes. Kaoru smiled knowingly, and teared up as well.

"I love him so much," she said, watching the softly crying baby boy carefully. "it's overwhelming, I don't understand it."

"Do you need to?" Kenshin asked huskily, eyes still hidden. Kaoru nuzzled into his face.

"No," she whispered. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

The baby, who had been tiredly crying itself to sleep, let out a wail as a single tear fell from Kenshin's face onto it's head. Kaoru kissed Kenshin gently and lifted the baby in trembling arms so it faced both of them.

"Hey, little man," she said, pretending to be stern. "You will never see your father cry again, so you better write this down." The baby wailed again, and Kaoru wrapped it back up in the cloth Kenshin had brought in just for that purpose and tucked him back into her arms.

"Kenji." Kenshin said suddenly. Kaoru looked at him.


"Kenji. His name."

"Kenji," Kaoru repeated thoughtfully, fingering the silkily delicate red hair on the baby's head. She kissed him on the forehead. "Kenji is perfect, Kenshin." As the baby's cries grew softer, Kaoru rested her head exhaustedly on Kenshin's shoulder.

"I've never been happier in my whole life…but I'm so tired…" her eyes fluttered shut as her grip on Kenji tightened slightly.

"Go to sleep," Kenshin's voice, a low rumble, ordered gently. Sleepily, Kaoru nodded.

"Love you."

"I know. I love you, too."

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A/N: Awww, yay, warm and fluffy feelings! Sappiest I've ever gotten, I'll tell you that.

Kinda sad this one ended. I struggled with it a little, but it's the first time I've let myself be unabashedly cheesy and romantic.

Explanation on Kenshin's reaction to Kenji's birth: I've always seen Kenshin as a daddy. Particularly if he had daughters, which would probably be too cute to bear. I think I would die, but anyway. With all he's been through, with how much he loves Kaoru, I think Kenji means more to him than just a son. He's a physical manifestation of Kenshin's hope for a peaceful future and world, and he had him with an idealistic woman who accepted him and took him in and cares for him regardless. Add that to the fact that Kenshin's just naturally a really gentle guy who was practically born to have kids, and you've got him being slightly more emotional than Kaoru.

If you think I didn't make Kaoru emotional enough, I did that on purpose – her one-on-one time with Kenji I left out A. to leave to your imaginations and B. because I wanted to focus on Kenshin and Kenji, and then the three of them.

So, yeah. There you go.

Thank you to everyone who's reviewed to any chapter of this story! The support means so much!

As to what I'm doing next… honestly, I've literally got, what…a total of six completely different stories started, as well as like twelve more being plotted out in my head. I think the next one after this will be an Inuyasha one, but after that I've got so many RK ones in the brew. If you'd like to vote on which one you'd like me to do after the Yash one, I'd certainly take that into account, so here's what might be coming:

-AU comedy/action/adventure/romance including most of the main RK characters. I'm pretty proud of this idea, its really fun and creative for me.

-the sequel to my story Sweet Mistake (which will be full of squish, like this one, though maybe not QUITE as squishy.)

-a soujiro/misao story. I dunno. I love them. Deal with it.

Those are just the ones I've started, but let me know what you think. Thanks for sticking with me.
