A/n: Alright, I know, I know. I haven't updated in a while and I bet not a lot of you believe the whole "my computer isn't working" thing. But I swear it's true. I'm sitting here with three different hard drives to prove it and of course the one with the whole fic on it is the one that won't turn on at all. Go figure. I actually named the last chapter! How weird is that!

Chapter 33- Monday March 8th

It's Monday. It's stupid Monday. It can't even be Tuesday. At least then we only have to look forward to three more days of the week. But Tuesday's boring. I know, I know. I've ranted about this before but I can't help it. It's in my genes. It's just going to be some kind of ritual now. My ranting about days of the week. I just won't do it on Friday. I don't do stuff like that on Friday.

I have Potions on Monday. Actually I have Potions everyday but that's not the point. The point is that I hate Potions. Not to mention Quidditch practice because my stupid captain is a bonehead who's a Meany and likes to give us practices. He likes to give us practices all the time. It feels like I've ranted about this before. I probably have. Stupid Oliver. Merlin, how many times am I going to say that in a day? I'm going to have to set Sirius Black on him. That'd be funny. Not really though. He's a pretty good Keeper to say the least. A mean captain but a good Keeper. Actually he's a pretty good captain too. Just mean.

But guess what! My nose! It's back to normal! Isn't that fantastic? After walking through many halls and getting pointed, laughed at, and asked which spell I backfired this time, it finally shrunk! Yay shrinking noses! It was really creepy big. I mean, I could fit a pineapple up there or something. Aw, why didn't I think of that before?

So anyway, before I rant about shrinking ears (which are a lot better than swollen ones let me tell you!) I'll talk about my morning. I walked down to the Common Room at seven thirty. And of course, being the Bell I am, I was too lazy to walk down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Everyone else was down there of course because they don't like to wake me up or wait for me for that matter…

I decided to finish my essay on nosebleeds for Flitwick. I don't know why he wants us to write that but he's short so he's cool so it doesn't matter. Even if it is due today. Whoops? I have to stop procrastinating. Didn't I have a list of things I should and shouldn't do? I think I lost it. Well, if I ever do find it I'll put that on it… and stop losing stuff as well.

The only people in the Common Room were Romilda I'm So Vain (yay new nickname!) and her group of friends and a few stray seventh years who were talking about their NEWTs. Why? I don't know. They have them in like two months. Three months. What ever. So why rush, right?

Well, as I was writing, Romilda I'm So Vain and her stupid useless friends were chucking little pieces of parchment at me with little drawings of a stick figure (which looked nothing like me) who's head was on fire. I resisted the temptation to turn them all into orange juice and throw Hogwrats, A History their way instead. It was Hermione's. I'm sure she won't miss it. She's read it a billion and forty seven million times. She always comes around quoting it. I'm about ready to hide it in her hair. Anyway, off topic. The Vain group seemed highly offended at this. They're twelve. They don't even know what offended means. I mean, some twelve year olds are smart. Even, occasionally, some ten and eleven year olds. But some kids like these vain girls give stupid a new meaning.

And now I'm ranting about something that's a complete waste of time.

So anyway, I was on my way to walking down to breakfast after successfully smashing the nice big and heavy book on a table near the stupid girls when I met a group of unfriendly Slytherins.

Whiiiiiichhh turned out to be the Slytherin Quidditch team, not to mention a few of their posse. Hmm…

Crap. But what's more of an issue here is: Why does the Slytherin Quidditch team have a posse and the Gryffindor team does not? Does that bother you? Because it bothers me a bundle.

They stopped me in the hallway. One of the big ugly ones (which isn't really describing them all that well…) said, "Oy, look what we've got here. A lonely little Gryffindor."

"She's not just a Gryffindor, she's on their Quidditch team, if you could even call it that," one of them growled. I glared. They deserved to be glared at. If only looks could kill… well if only looks from Katie Bell to the Slytherin Quidditch team could kill. Life would be good.

"She's got dirty bloody," said on of the girls of the group. She was short with dark, curly black hair that looked so full of gel, or grease, or Slytherin ooze that made it so greasy that she looked as if she could be Snape's daughter.

Ewwww, Snape reproducing. Gross! Imagine him as a daddy. Imagine his kids. That's revolting! Ewww. A hundred little Snapes running around. All except the runt, he's all dressed nice. And he's gay. He actually showers. He's the cool Snape. Okay, enough visualizing Snape's children. But what if he's asexual! Then he kind of spawns them with a tweet. Gah, this disturbs me. I'll bring it up with Leanne later. She'll figure out how to get those images of Snape spawning out of my mind. Oh, gross.

"I've got cleaner blood than you all, you incested deformed freaks!" I shouted before I could stop myself. The girl looked like I slapped her. I laughed a humorless laugh. Heh, humorless laughter doesn't make sense but hey, it worked.

"You said no one could tell that one ear was lower than the other!" the girl shrieked in horror at one of the tallest, ugliest, grossest teeth boys there. I laughed again. I'm sorry but it was just a funny situation. Standing here in front of a group of unfriendly, ugly Slytherins and making one feel insecure. Maybe Monday wasn't so bad after all.

"You can't! You really can't!" he said, trying to move away from the, now sobbing and hitting, girl. Talk about violence. No wonder this world was going to the dogs.

I laughed again and, surprised that I didn't have to resort to using my wand, walked right around the group and into the great hall. They were all still arguing about the incested child's ears. I heard them all the way down the hall.

When I got in there I looked around the Great Hall to where my friends were sitting. I saw Harry who was sitting with Ron and Hermione, who I'm going to conveniently forget to tell I borrowed her book to chuck at annoying kids. Oddly enough I don't think that will go over too well…. Then I looked even farther down the table where I saw Lee and Trisha. Gah. They're talking. Oh well, never mind that. Next to them were the twins who were laughing insanely, even for themselves. Then Leanne and Debbie. At the moment they looked like they were the only normal people around so I sat in between them.

"Hey there, guys," I said as I took a waffle off a plate that was floating near by.

"Hey," they said at the same time as the doors burst open and the evil ugly stupid Slytherins came in. They were shouting. And firing spells. One almost singed Harry's eyebrow. Poor kid.

Now, seeing as no one else was in the situation I just was in, seeing a sobbing Slytherin come in followed by the stupid quiddtich team was a funny sight indeed. But then again I guess it was funnier even for me… maybe.

"Ew gross!" Debbie shouted, pointing to the sobbing one.

"Hmm?" I asked, not looking up due to the concentration it takes to pour syrup onto my waffles. MMmmm. Syrup.

"That person! Grease is coming out of her eyes!" she bellowed. And the hall went quiet. It was funny. The little greasy child looks over at Debbie who kind of cringes at the sight of her. Oh wow, I don't think anything can be better than this.

"I'm crying you ignorant little fool! It's not grease! And I'm not greasy!" she bellowed. So now the Hall was watching this like a tennis match. Heads turning from one person to another. I'm proud of the chaos I cause at Monday morning breakfast.

So after that little scene (which I'm hoping made many people's day), Leanne and I walked to Potions. Which was extremely boring to say the least. Snape and his big nose and greasy hair that got stuck into the gene pool of his spawned off children was extra mean today. He was just like 'I hate you all; you make me not want to shower. Die. All over you. Now." Well, he wasn't really like that. Not the shower part anyway. The rest was al true though. For the most part….

"Alright," he muttered from a dark corner like the vampire he is. "I want you all to make the cure for hiccups. It is on page four hundred fifty two. You have the rest of the class. Begin."

I sighed. The cure for hiccups? That's just water, right? I went to voice my theory to Leanne but she already had a nice little fire going on under her cauldron and was chopping up dried fairy wings to add to the crushed snail liver. Ooookay. So apparently it isn't just water. Stupid magic making lives difficult. If that even makes sense.

Ten Minutes Later

Okay so it think I melted Andrew's (remember stalker boy?) cauldron. It went something like this…

I was collecting my ingredients but Andrew was in my way to the storage cupboard. He was standing in the isle next to his cauldron trying to light a fire under it. He must have gained weight or something because I bumped into him. He spun around.

"Katie!" he breathed. It was kind of creepy, actually. I mean, I know I should be flattered with my own personal stalker and all but it's just creepy.

"Ack, sorry. Just on my way to get the potions stuff and what not," I said, trying to make a quick escape. But since I'm the luckiest person on earth, it didn't work.

"You can use mine?" offered Andrew. He handed me owl tongue, which is disgusting by the way. We don't even use the icky owl tongue! Ick.

"No, that's alright. I'll just be going… over there!" I meant to sprint over to the storage cupboard but he stepped in front of me and I crashed into him, causing us to both to fall to the ground. Go figure, right? Not only is it awkward but it was creepy too. "S-sorry," I mumbled, quickly getting up before any pervos came up with pervy ideas.

"Miss Bell, stop causing mass destruction in my classroom!" the piece of dung, also known as Spawning Snape (which is still gross, by the way), growled as I straightened my shirt and tie. "Four hundred million points from Gryffindor!" Heh, just kidding. I don't think that's even possible. "Fifteen points from Gryffindor."

I sighed again and went to do what I originally planned on. But stupid Andrew, who I'm assuming doesn't know how to take rejection… or better yet, doesn't recognize when it runs into him. I'm going to hex him. Anyway, he blocked my path again. Stupid wanker!

"So I heard that you and Lee Jordon broke up," he said to me. I'm going to kick this kids butt if he doesn't get out of the way! Gah. He really is a stupid wanker.

"Well, yes, seeing as he has a girlfriend," I said through gritted teeth.

"Ahh, I see."

It was quiet, but then I added, "But we're still friends. So if I need someone to kick someone else's butt, then he's always up for the new job."

Apparently Andrew didn't take the hint. His friend Matthew, I think that was his name, on the other hand knew exactly what I was implying.

"Andrew, mate, why don't you give it a rest?" he said. But Andrew' wasn't listening. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Leanne working hard at her potion so she couldn't even come to save me. Gah. Stupid independence.

I went on and said, " Yeah, you know the Weasley twins? They're pretty much my best friends and amazing pranksters. So if I ever needed help…" I left the sentence hanging. But he still didn't get it. Boy is this kid thick.

I had my hand gripped around my wand which was down at my side ever since I fell. Well, more so collided. Poor wand. All the stress it has to go through.

"Don't they always get into trouble, though? For playing pranks on people and stuff?" Andrew said. Oy, this kid. What happened to him as a baby? Did he get dropped on his head? Suction cupped by the giant squid perhaps?

By this time I was really aggravated. Like, so much that blue and gold sparks shot out of my wand. Right at Andrew's cauldron. Whoops?

Andrew just kind of looked at it like 'Did she just kill my cauldron?'

"I'm so sorry!" I began. "It's my wand! It's evil! I swear! It's got leprechaun hair in it! Not Lucky from Lucky Charms either!"

Deary, you're ranting about leprechauns.


Isn't that a wee bit weird?

Not in the least.

Well, deary, not you're staring off into space with your mouth pretending to be a great abyss!

True, very true.

"Bell, fifteen more points from Gryffindor for lack of cooperation! Now get to work!" Stupid Spawning Snape. I was trying to get to my stuff but Annoying Andrew wouldn't move. The boulder.

I scowled at him, pushed passed Annoying Andrew, and went to the storage cupboard. And by this time three quarters of our first class was over with. Go figure.

Alright, so I melted his cauldron accidentally on purpose. But he deserved it! He's a wanker!

So I got back to the table that I was sharing with Leanne and some boy from Ravenclaw who was in there for extra credit or Remedial Potions or something like that. Ironic, eh? A Ravenclaw in Remedial Potions? Aren't they supposed to be the smarter people?

I dumped my crap onto the table and looked over at Leanne. She was already stirring in dried doxy dung. And that's like, step seven! I turned to the Ravenclaw who looked flustered.

"You confused, too?" he asked, looking up and rubbing the back of his head. He had light brown hair and eyes to match. And for an English guy he had pretty nice teeth. He wasn't that tall though, but taller than me.

I looked down at my cauldron, then back up at him and nodded. "This is completely pointless. When I have the hiccups, I drink water."

He laughed and held out his hand. "Sean. Sean Morgan." I shook his hand and said, "Katie. Katie Bell."

He smiled and said," Yeah, I kind of figured." He put on a sour face. "'Seventy thousand points from Gryffindor, Bell!'"

I laughed as the bell sounded for the end of the first period of potions.

"By now your potion should be silver and simmering. When you get back it should be ready for the crushed beetles," S.S. Snape said. He turned around to write on the board behind him.

I took one look at my cauldron and shrugged, then looked at Leanne, who's potion was already "as white as milk" like the book said which meant that she had to stir to for five minutes straight.

Everyone else had already scrambled out of the room. I don't blame them though. It's a dead awful room. I looked and saw Sean waiting by the door. I walked up to him.

"So if you're in Ravenclaw then how come you need extra help in potions? Aren't you supposed to be super smart?" Whoops. My brain and mouth must be having a fight. Stupid things they are.

Oh well. He didn't seemed fazed by what I said. He just looked confused. Maybe he's secretly not in Ravenclaw… Maybe he's a Hufflepuff in disguise! OH! I bet he is!

"Yeah, I am but Snape's a horrible teacher, don't you think?" he asked. I had to agree. I mean, come on. Any guy that impersonates a vampire is a horrible teacher.

After a little while more of talking, we went back into the classroom. I looked at my pathetically empty cauldron and sighed, then looking at my Potions book. It might be some help. You just never know.

"So I think I'm going to fail this one potion," I muttered, looking at the bottom of the list. I glanced at Leanne who looked close to pouring some of her potion into a vial to hand in. Jeez, she's like a … a… kangaroo or something. Maybe I'll kick her but. But kangaroos kick. AH! But they're super duper cool. Whoa, I haven't threatened to kick someone's butt in a long time. Weird!

"You're not alone," Sean said pouring something random into his cauldron.

"Well, when in doubt, work backwards, right?" I said as I came up with a sudden idea.


"I'm going to do the Potion backwards and see what happens…" I said. I know, I know. It's one of those spontaneous ideas that seem good at the time and then turn out horribly wrong but what's life without risks?

"Are you serious?" he asked after taking a step back. I nodded. He pushed his cauldron away, closer to Leanne's and started making his own potion, but the right way.

I poured everything in backwards. It smoked in some unnecessary places and smelled really bad not to mention it occasionally spat at me but when I was finished my potion was more of the light blue than Sean's was. Even Leanne's. I'm not sure though.

Happy with my new creation I pulled a vial thing out of my pocket and scooped up some potion to put in it. Maybe it was retarded and wanted to jump or maybe I'm a klutz (more likely that the random jumping potions) but I dropped the vial, splattering potion all over. It burned through the stone. Someone shouted out, "My God! You've found a cure for cancer!" If only that were true because then I possibly wouldn't have had seventy-five points taken from Gryffindor. And sadly, I'm not even kidding.

"Katie, did your potion just burn through stone!" I heard Leanne aske, amazing at the prospect of something burning through the stone floor.

"Bell! What did you do?" Snape yelled. I winced. Hearing his voice in a normal-for-Snape tone is bad enough!

"I dropped it," I tried to say innocently but then became aware of the fact that my hair was burning right before my eyes. Like the ends of it. Why my hair? Because my stupid potion splattered up on it. It wasn't like on fire or anything. It was just kind of smoldering and stuff so it smelled bad. Leanne put out the smoky hair with water from her wand and gave me a strange look between amazement and stupidness. Probably more so stupidness but I can pretend amazement right?

He then took points away and waved his wand so that my potion was cleared up, leaving a crater like hole in the stone. Whoops?

Hey, you know what's ironic? Those pictures that Romilda I'm So Vain was drawing of me and throwing them at me this morning. It was me… with my head on fire. Weird. I'll have to kick her butt.


"Oh, Katie what did you do to your hair?" Alicia was saying during our lunch period. After potions I skived divination so I could wash my hair. I looked in the mirror and realized how uneven it actually was. Go figure. So I put on my hat that advertises every single Quidditch team known to wizards (it has a bunch of pins and stuff on it…) and waited until the period was over so that I could find Alicia. She gasped when I took off my hat and rushed me to her dorm so she could fix it.

"Burned it…" I said with a guilty grin. Well it was true. Angelina was rolling on the bed laughing and Debbie looked like she was trying to be a good friend who wouldn't laugh but it wasn't working. I could see her shaking her head in the mirror. Fred and George have yet to know about this little incident. For all they know I'm hiding in the bathroom because I burned my hair. Bugger.

"Obviously. Katie, the longest piece isn't that long and the shortest is to your chin. What are we going to do with this?" Alicia looked exasperated. Poor thing. I put my hair matters on her. Oh well, hair grows back. And anyway, it's not as bad as the time when my hair got dyed for like a year… well not a year but it felt that long.

"You can fix it can't you?" I asked, turning and looking at her.

Alicia tapped her chin with her wand and nodded. "I think I know what I'm going to do."

Bracing myself, I closed my eyes as she pulled on my hair. I heard a snip and looked down and saw that at least three inches of my hair had been cut off. I know that doesn't seem like much but trust me: it was.

I could hear Angelina gasping in the background and that made me nervous. Angelina doesn't normally gasp. I hope it doesn't look bad. I'd have to get a wig! Or I could just shave off all of my hair and dye my scalp purple. Or not.

After about twenty minutes of snips and "are you sure that's going to look good?"s from everyone I opened my eyes. But I wasn't facing the mirror. They took it away from me. Merlin, I hope it's not bad. I don't want a purple scalp!

"Guys," I said slowly, closing my eyes again because I could and turning around. "Guys, where's the mirror?"

I could hear Leanne gasp and, I'm pretty sure it was, Debbie who clapped her hands together. I opened my eyes and found that I was looking into the mirror that Alicia was holding up for me.

It was amazing! There was no burnt things or anything! It was just past shoulder length but in layers from my chin to the end. It actually looked good. Kind of like it didn't belong on my head. But anyway, since it was still a little wet it was wavy and stuff. A little frizzy but hey, it's my hair. It can do whatever it wants to, right? Except fall out. Because then I'd have no choice but to dye my scalp purple.

"Alicia, that's amazing!" I gasped. "How in the world did you do this to my hair? My hair!"

"Well, there's this invention called scissors and this little thing I have that I like to call skill," Alicia said with a smile. She put her scissors away and I tossed a pillow at her face. And then a shoe but I missed purposely because it was our school shoes and those have just a trace of a heel so it would kind of hurt.

I couldn't help but touch it. You know when you cut you're hair and it just feels so nice because you can keep running your fingers through it? That's how I was feeling right now. It was amazing!

"I owe you," I said. "What do you want? Anything! Name it and it's yours!"

Alicia smirked. That's not good. Alicia doesn't normally smirk. She doesn't come up with evil thoughts. She's Alicia. The amazing Quidditch-star-hair-cutting-pretty-girl-genius! Apparently she's been talking to the twins too much because she has an evil thought in that smart little head of hers. I can see it in her eyes.

"I want you," she started. She was now pacing around the room tapping her chin. Who taps their chin? I tap my nose. It makes me think better than if I were to tap my nose. "I want you to go down to the kitchens, get the house elves to give you a cherry pie, and I want you," she turned and smirked at me, "to smash it on our dear captains head."

I gasped. I couldn't do that. Do you know how many laps I'd have to do and how much crap I'd have to take from him if I did that? Especially if it stained his whatever he was wearing! Oh there was no way I am going to do that.

Right before dinner.

I skipped out on the rest of my classes just because I could. Me and Angelina sat up in the dorm plotting ways to do this. I gave in to the peer pressure from Alicia in fear that she'd kick my butt. Because she could. Really hard too. Like I'd be buttless. Super duper buttless. Do you know how much that would suck? How would I ride a broom!

Anyway, me and Angelina are sneaking off to the kitchens to get the pie. It has to be kind of cooled off though because dumping a hot cherry pie on someone's head is just plain cruel. And it would leave burns and proof that something actually happened to him. Not that the cherries and pie crust wouldn't be enough evidence…

"You're going to stick right by me through this aren't you?" I asked Angelina as I tickled the pear. It giggled and turned into a doorknob.

Angelina gave me a 'possibly' look and said, "Of course I will, Katie! That's what friends are for, right?" I hate it when her looks don't match her words. It just makes me sad.

"Gee, thanks, Ang," I said before the mob of house elves came rushing up to us.

"House elf wants to help you!"

"Twinky is here to off miss and miss assitence!"

"Let me do it! I was here first!" That one had to be a little house elf. They're so cute when they're tiny…er… tinier than normal.

"Hold on! You! The first one. No, not you!" I freaked out. Did you hear the first ones name? HOUSE ELF! "House elf! Is that really your name?"

The house elf came hopping up with a huge toothy smile on his face. He had floppy ears and a long nose. He was wearing a sack that looked like it once carried potatoes and it had a few stains on it.

"Yes, Miss, how can House Elf help you?" the elf said. I gasped. It's name was house elf! Who names their house elf House Elf? Besides me when I'm drunk…

I started laughing hysterically. Angelina, go figure, didn't know why I was laughing so she thought I was insane. Eh, it happens, right? But once I calmed down I said, "Sorry, sorry. Random laughter attack. Anyway, do you have a cherry pie you're willing to lend to us?" I had to sound nice. I mean, this is my future house elf. I bet if he had them, he'd be wearing beads on his head and stuff.

House Elf ran off in the direction of what looked like a huge oven. The other house elves were ushering us to sit down at a table they brought out, yes brought out. We did and the littlest elf jumped in my lap.

"Rosy is new to this job, ma'am. I's is only two!" The littlest elf, who is now known as Rosy, held up two fingers. Are house elves more talkative than people? Because when I was two all I could say was like 'I want candy' and stuff. But my cousin was like a prodigy or something. He wasn't even too and you could have full conversations with the kid. And he was a muggle. It was strange. "Rosy's mum is teachings Rosy how to be a proper house elf, she is." Rosy gave me a huge smile and Angelina cooed.

"Rosy! How many times is I telling you to stay in the back where the other little house elves stay!" I'm assuming that's Rosy's mother. She came running out of a wooden door with a pointed finger. Apparently all mothers are the same. Except mine. Because she's dead. But I'm sure she would have done the same thing if I disobeyed her…. Which happened often. Oh well.

"I's is sorry ma'am. I's was just talking to my new friend!" Rosy bounced off my lap and through the door.

"House elves don't make friends. House elves is here to serve Professor Dumbledore! How's many times is I telling her that? I'm sorry Miss and Miss." The mother house elf went back through the door, straightening her dishrag, that she somehow made into a dress, as she did so.

"Well, that was one of the more interesting things I've seen today," Angelina said, staring at the door that the house elves came through.

"Yeah, I didn't even know that there were mini house elves. I just kind of thought they spawned off of each other or something," I said as I looked around for House Elf.

Angelina burst out laughing at me. Was it something I said. "You thought they spawned?" she gasped.

I shrugged. "Well, yeah," I said, "like Snape does."

"Ew! What the heck, Katie! What goes through that head of yours?" She now had a revolted look on her face but still was amused by my spawning comment. I'm never going to hear the end of that one. "Snape spawning? Who thinks of that! One Snape is enough!"

"Well there was the super amazing gay one. He was nice." Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Oh well. She can't think I'm any weirder than she does now. I hope.

"What the heck!"

Fortunately House Elf, who I saw coming back, saved me, pie over his head, and walking as fast as his little legs could carry him.


So we had it all planned out. I was just going to sneak up behind Oliver, plop the pie on his head, and walk away without saying a word.

Like that was going to work according to plan. Oh well, at least I can say I had a plan as apposed to all of those times when I would just wing it. They are going to have to give me credit for that, right?

Anyway, Angelina and me were outside the Great Hall. There were a few stragglers making their way in for a late dinner seeing as it was half way over with. I had the pie behind my back. I was going to walk in with Angelina behind me concealing the pie and pretend we were walking over to Alicia who was a couple seats down. We placed a couple of unknowing first years between Alicia and Oliver so that Alicia wouldn't be covered but the little ones would. We're not that mean. There's a space between the closest ones and Oliver. Unless some idiot of a first year was brave enough to actually try and sit by him, which I really doubt they would but still. No one sits next to the captain. Ha that sounds funny. It's like Oliver has authority over us or something. He doesn't. He couldn't control us even if we wanted to be controlled.

"You ready?" Angelina asked. I nodded and she prodded my through the doors. No one noticed that we walked in, except Alicia who I know would have been eyeing the door the whole time. I smirked at her and moved the pit a little so that she could see it. She smiled and went back to eating her potato.

Oliver's back was to us so it made this easy. Angelina and me quickly made our way through the hall, not even stopping when the twins started talking to us. It was great. They just stood there shocked. But I felt bad so I had to apologize to them later. I randomly had a random guilt phase thing that I'm going through. I don't know why but every time I do something I feel guilty. Like leaving only the butts of the bread at lunch or something.

Quietly we walked behind Oliver. I brought the pie to the front of me and by the time someone yelled, "OLIVER! PIE!" it was too late. The red cherries were already all over him. My deed was done. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I knew I'd pay for it later but at that moment I had not burned hair and a very sticky, cherry scented Quidditch captain. Life was good.

I went to turn around but I felt guilty. Why I had to get that feeling now, I don't think I'll ever know but I did. And it was horrible. I stopped dead in my tracks. And then I slowly turned back around to see Oliver standing, pie tin still on his head and looking at me in disbelief like 'Katie couldn't have done this! Oh wait, yes she could have…'

"Oliver I'm so sorry! It was an accident!" I started saying. But then I realized it wasn't an accident at all. "Well, no it wasn't. But… um… APRIL FOOLS!"

I grabbed Angelina by the arm and we sprinted out of the Great Hall.

Friday March 12th

So people keep constantly telling me they like my hair. I wore it down on Tuesday and at first everyone was like, "Merlin, Katie has her hair down!" But not really because people don't tend to keep tabs on how I wear my hair. Well, normal people don't anyway. I don't know about all those Katie stalkers out there.

"Hey Katie!" Speaking of which…

"Hey… Andrew."

"Look, I know you didn't mean to melt my cauldron so I thought you could make it up to me by letting me take you out to dinner!" He was kind of out of breath. I think he ran here. From the Charms corridor or something because I'm in the Transfiguration corridor and Charms is pretty far away from it.

"Ah, um… sure?"

Now, please don't hate me. I didn't do that on purpose. I freaked out. Not only because that was really creepy but I was really confusing. I'm going to make it up to him by letting him take me out to dinner? Holy house elves. That's so weird.

"Seriously?" he asked in amazement.

"Yes, wait… no!"


"No! That's a creepy and confusing way of getting me on a date!"

"Did I mention I like you're hair?"

"You have been for the past three days!"

"Just one!"


He's so creepy. And he's not even good looking. I can see a little bit of adorableness that might attract some people but not a lot.


"Are you deaf? I said no!"

"What?" It was Sean.

I turned and saw that it was him and not Andrew. "Oh, sorry," I said, relieve that it was him and not some stalker, psycho, creepy person thing. "Stalker problems."

"Oh really?" he asked smiling.

"It's not funny," I said as we turned the corner going to the Astronomy tower. I had that class for a test but I'm not sure why he was going this way. "You've got Astronomy now?" I asked, looking over at him.

"I've got to grab some papers I left there," Sean explained. I nodded and we continued up the stairs.

About halfway there, a blur ran past me that I realized as George Weasley. He tapped my face and yelled, "SLAP TAG! YOU'RE IT!"

It took me a second to comprehend what he was saying but soon enough I made out the words slap tag and that I was it. Oh great. I'll have to get him back soon. Or maybe Fred. Or Lee even.

I went up to the Astronomy Tower and took my test then walked back to the Common Room alone where I saw a redheaded Weasley twin sitting on the couch next to a boy who's hair I knew well which happened to be Lee Jordan. They had a box open with his pet tarantula between them.

Slowly I realized that my target was Fred and I crept up behind him. One. Two. Three. SMACK! But not hard because that would be mean. I 'slapped' Fred in the face and yelled, "TAG YOU'RE IT! NO TAG BACKS!"

A/n: I know. I'm horrible. I haven't updated in like a month even when I should have on its anniversary! I'm horrible. But I've head tennis and school and stuff so that's taking up a lot of my time. And float building for the homecoming game. It's crazy. But I promise now that I've got a computer and stuff and that tennis is almost over I'll be updating a lot more I swear. If not fill my inbox with stuff about how I'm a horrible stupid head author thing. Thanks!

Review, por favor! You know you want to!


Oh and sorry for the complete randomness but I wanted to get this chapter up since it's Sunday, my first "I can sit around and do nothing day" day that I've had in a while. Oh and slap tag is really fun.