Hi everyone, I'm Aneesa.

This is a PS and has Suze and PaulPOV's

Suze POV, Paul POV

Go easy yeh? This is my first FF

Disclaimer: The mediator or any of the characters in the mediator do not belong to me, they belong to one of the greatest writers I know, Meg Cabot.

" No Susannah, that really was out of order," Father D said sternly.

" But Father D-"

Father D put his hand up to stop me.

Yep, here I was, in Father Dom's office as usual, in trouble as usual. Sitting sideways in the chair, legs draped over one of the arm rests holding a Rubiq cube in my hands.

And this time it wasn't even my fault.

I swear…

..well okay, maybe a little bit.

But Debbie so deserved that slap. You should have heard her, yelling false accusations at me like that.

As if I would nick her lip gloss. Besides, I had it in peach AND strawberry.

Anyway, back to Father D.

"How many times must I have to tell you Susannah," and this was where I rolled my eyes, because I knew perfectly well what was coming next. "Violence is never the answer."

I mouthed the words along with him.

Yes, I'd gotten all the greens done!

Er…on the Rubik cube, I mean.

"Susannah," Father D's tired sigh made me snap up to look at him, leaving the Rubik cube forgotten. "You're not listening to me."

" Yeah, I am," I said defensively. "You said that violence is never the answer."

"No, you haven't listened to me-"

"Yeah, I have. I just said-"

"No Susannah, you have heard me but you haven't listened to me."

Huh? What the hell did that mean?

"Susannah, you know very well that I do not like violence."

"Yeah, I know Father D," I sighed, realising that this wasn't going to get anywhere.

"No, I don't think you do Susannah," he said.

Where had this habit of denial come from?


Of course violence was the answer. I mean, duh! Everyone knew that.

"Susannah, you said this the last time also but now you have slapped Debora.

"Okay Father D," I said sincerely. "I swear," Father D frowned. "Alright, I promise I'll try harder next time."

It did the job though, since a satisfied smile appeared on Father D's face.

Father D dismissed me so I headed towards my next lesson (history) when I saw a smug looking Paul Slater coming my way.

History had been as boring as ever so you can see why I had no choice but to ask Mr Walden if I could excuse myself.

Besides Suze wasn't in class and I was hoping I could run into her. My hopes were accomplished as I saw her coming towards me. And yes, she was looking as hot as usual.

"Hi Suze," I grinned. What was it about her that always seemed to put a smile on my face?

I ignored him and tried to brush past him. 'Tried' being the operative word since he grabbed my wrist.

"Now c'mon Suze. Is that any way to greet a fellow friend?"

"You're not a friend," I replied after pulling my arm away from him. The tingling in my arm was really starting to annoy me.

She was playing hard to get again. Doesn't she see that that just makes me want her more?

And it'll make it all the more worth it in the end.

"Fine, fellow classmate then."

Ha, got her!

"Okay, well then hi, if it makes you happy."

"You know it does."

This time she managed to stalk past me but only so I could follow her.

"What?" she snapped irritated.

"We're going to the same class Suze, I'm allowed to walk with you."

"Fair point," she grumbled.

Ugh, he was looking so hot today. Not to say that he didn't look hot everyday but….wow!

He was wearing some shaded Levis which fitted his butt just right and a t-shirt which showed all his muscles.

And as always he had that manly aftershave on.

And the fact that he looked so good, and was still smirking made me even angrier .

I saw that we had almost reached our classroom so I had to think fast and do something. Fortunately Suze did it herself.

"Why are you grinning like that? You look like you got lucky last night."

"Am I not allowed to smile in the presence of such a lovely woman?" I smiled at the opportunity of putting my arm around her shoulders. AND I saw her blush.

I blushed but then tried to hide it. 'Damn it Suze, you don't blush', I tried telling myself.

"And speaking of getting lucky, I didn't yesterday but maybe today-"

However, I was cut off as Suze put her hand over my mouth.

I had to do that 'cause I knew what was coming next.

It was only after I'd put my hand over his mouth that I realised that I was touching his lips.

And believe me when I say that they felt good.

So, so good.

Wow, today was my lucky day, I was progressing with Suze and I wasn't getting punched in the nose 'cause she was pulling all the moves.

I swear, time stopped for a moment as we stared at each other.

I kissed her hand while it was on my mouth and slowly backed her up into the wall.

Then I took said hand in my hand and kissed it again, but on the back of it this time.

My breath was caught in my throat. Oh man, that felt so good.

Why did I feel like I wanted him to be kissing more than just my hand?

He then moved in closer to me, putting his head beside mine.

His breath tickling my ear, he whispered, "Maybe tonight I'll get lucky because of …. You."

I repeated the sentence that she had stopped me from saying earlier.

I pecked her ear and was just moving towards her lips when,

"PAUL SLATER AND SUSANNAH SIMON!" Sister Ernestine shrieked.

I groaned inwardly, we were so close.

"Get to class right now!"

Thank God! For once I was glad of Sister Ernestine's presence.

The distraction caused Paul to move about an inch away from me, so I grabbed the chance to rush into class.

Aw man, something had to happen, didn't it? Damn it.

Reluctantly, I followed Suze back into class

"Everybody ready for the trip tomorrow, remember to bring warm clothes and a waterproof."

Huh? What trip?

I turned to Cee Cee who sat next to me.

"We're going to a lead mine tomorrow to study how the Victorians earned their living," she whispered.

Oh yay! How exciting!...


The last bell of the day rang and I started packing my school stuff away.

My gaze skittered over to Paul. Actually Paul and Kelly since Kelly was always stuck onto him.

Not that I cared obviously. I mean, she could have him for all I care-

OHMIGOD! She's sitting on his lap. And I didn't even know a skirt could get that short.

Ugh, she's giving him a French lesson. Gross.

I shook myself. Why was I even thinking that?

She really could have him for all I care. Yep.

He's just a two-timing bastard who wants what he can't have.

And next time I'm not gonna give in to him.

.yeh sure Suze, you keep believing that.

Hope you enjoyed it.

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