Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts. I wish, but nope…it will never happen.

Author's Note: Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new fanfic. I am proud to introduce this to you readers and hope you enjoy it as much as I will. So…now on to the reading! Leave a review please!

Also, the title is how you say 'One Winged Angel' in Latin. I asked my AP Latin teacher and he gladly gave it to me. So I decided to give it this title and you will understand soon.

Summary: A Senior in High School was not as easy as it seemed, as Cloud was desperate to end the school year of his brand new high school. Why? Because he wasn't what anyone would call…social. Sephiroth-also a senior-has no trouble making friends or enemies, but what will happen when the boys cross paths for the first time?

Pairings: Seph/Cloud, Riku/Sora, might change over time.

Warnings: Mild/Strong Language



Angelus Una Ala: Chapter 1


"What the hell's wrong with you?"



God…he hated this dream.

It was the same dream he had every night. The one that haunted him, the one that caused him to feel insecure. It was also the one that made him feel the weakest.

He did NOT like to feel weak.

He was in his house, watching the same show he had watched in this dream for at least…wow…it had to be ten years now. It had been ten fucking years that this damn dream was replaying itself in his mind, yet when he woke up, he wouldn't be able to recall it.

That's what made him feel weak.

Recollection was crucial to the blonde, he hated when he couldn't remember something that was vitally important. This dream always sucked.

He grasped the remote in his hands, running his thumb over the 'Up' button on the black contraption to change the channel. He knew this was futile since the channel would not change even if he broke his bone just trying to flip it. It was just part of the dream.

He sighed, placing the remote onto the small two-person couch. He headed towards the kitchen, which was bare besides the refrigerator and walked over to the said machine, opening it. He had always wondered why there was only a fridge in his dream…he couldn't remember the things that were important, but he could remember everything that was insignificant.


He grabbed a bottle of water and closed the door to the fridge, hearing the soft 'thud' follow. Casually the blonde headed up to his room where he knew the horror was about to start.

But what was it?

Passing a few rooms that he knew were his guardian's and a small computer room, the blonde finally came to his own room, twisting the knob in his hand. He pushed it open only to meet green eyes.

He had no clue who the eyes belonged to, whether they were something from a movie he had previously seen or if it was from a person he had met, the blonde could not distinguish them from the rest. There was no face, no body, only those eyes that gave him an intense stare.

From the doorway, the blonde had froze, body rigid as a dark pool of a black substance finally appeared onto his carpeted floor. He watched with horror as it rose from the ground and transformed into a living creature, with big amber eyes and black claws, almost as big as its body. As if his body finally decided to react, he turned and rushed out of the room, hearing his own footsteps echo through the narrow hallway as he went.

Scratch. Scratch. Thud.

The blonde jogged down the steps, only looking back to see if the thing was chasing after him and what he saw…

Were WAY many more than that one little black creature…now it as more like a horde of black creatures…

They were crawling towards him, melting there bodies into the walls themselves to capture the blonde, for god knew what. So he continued to run, only to stop, as the front door of his house would not budge.

"Oh shit…oh shit!"

He pulled on the knob and tried twisting it once more only to be burned by some odd force. Crying out in pain, the blonde looked down at his hands and grimaced as the smell of burnt flesh reached his nose.

"Get him! Get him! Get him!"

That little haunting chant was what made the blonde turn around, only to face his doom. He shut his eyes as the beings all at once pounced on their prey, tearing his flesh with their razor-like teeth.

The last thing he saw were those glowing green eyes.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Be-

A shaky hand found its way towards the off button of the alarm clock and once again retracted back under the covers, only to meet a sweaty forehead.

He felt like he was going to throw up.

But that was the least of his problems…

Any other day the blond would get up, get dressed, brush his teeth…you know…the usual routine, but today wasn't like any other. He hated to admit it, but…

Today was the first day of a new school…

With new surroundings, new teachers for him to hate, and most importantly…new enemies.

Why wouldn't he say friends? Because he hadn't had a friend since he was ten and that wasn't even pretty as he thought about it. He wasn't one of those brainless social preppy people that hung around each other, laughing at the most retarded of things. He wasn't a punk either because causing trouble wasn't really his style, though it seemed to catch up to him at the most inappropriate of times (no comment on his part).

He was categorized as the 'Lone Wolf'.

Now it isn't all that bad to be a 'Lone Wolf'. In fact, it was wonderful. No one really paid attention to you, unless you had snot rolling down your nose and even THAT was pretty rare for the blonde. Honestly, he was a little more groomed than having snot run down his nose for everyone to see.

Anyway, people were leeches, clinging onto their friends either for security or just for the ride. It wasn't as if after high school any of them would ever see each other again. Cloud didn't want a friend, it was always plain as day. If the cold glare, icy attitude or the stiffness of the blonde didn't ward off people…

He didn't know what would…

Anyways, it wasn't a big deal. Having friends or not, Cloud got on with his life the way it went on everyday.

Just plain boring…minus the dreams of course…

He shook his head, pushing off the covers from his sweaty body and rubbing his eyes for good measure. He really needed more sleep. If it kept going on like this, Cloud would become even more mentally unstable than he was presently. It was the dreams though…that was his only problem…

Besides…that's the only problem the blonde could have. There was no time to fear, no time to love or whatever the people his age does. All he wanted to do was get high school over with and leave this meek little town.

Why were they here anyway?

Ignoring his own question (because he knew the answer all too well), the boy rolled out of bed, pulling his boxers up as they threatened to flash his package to the whole world…or at least his empty room.

He had only been here a week, knowing where nothing was, who lived on this god forsaken hell…he actually hated something that he hadn't even given a try to, but it didn't deserve a try in his eyes. Nothing deserved anything as long as he looked at it. Even he didn't deserve it.

Sighing, Cloud cast a hand through his blond spikes and his shoulders gradually slumped. There was nothing he could do. The past was the past.

He ran that line repeatedly through his head as he picked out his clothes for the day, nothing fancy yet nothing that made him look like a hobo. It was just a plain blue sweatshirt and some baggy jeans. He shuffled over towards his dresser and picked up his comb, brushing through his locks like he had always done habitably. Cloud placed his comb down and proceeded towards his closet to locate his shoes. When he had done so, he tugged them on, not even bothering to wait until he got downstairs.

He grabbed his empty book bag that was sitting idly by his bedroom door and headed out the said door, shuddering as he passed the rooms he had dreamed about. His gaze was fixed ahead and his eyes narrowed a tad.

Why couldn't he remember anything?

Sure, the stupid fridge, the dumb TV channel he couldn't change and yes, there was the rooms he always passed…why couldn't he remember anything else!

It was so frustrating! Why couldn't he remember anything!

Maybe I'm not supposed to remember…that must be the reason.

Descending down the stairs two at a time, Cloud put his hands in his pockets as he passed the living room, which a figure was sitting patiently in. Cloud froze when he heard shuffling come his way and he rushed towards the door, only to stop as he heard a small 'ahem'. A command to stop.

He hated those types of commands…

"Cloud Strife." The blond cringed upon hearing the serious tone in the voice that had just addressed him. Slowly, he turned feeling blue eyes stare at him dead on. Cloud straightened himself, showing his guardian no fear in those almost creepy eyes.

"Be good you fucking son of a bitch." The man before him, ran a hand through his own short blond hair, smirking. Cloud shook his head, turning his back on the older man. He only smiled slightly and silently as Cid huffed in the background.

"Come on Cloud, don't be a grumpy ass. Just be good okay? Less people to cause trouble, y'know?" The man seemed like he was teasing him, but Cloud knew it was a totally serious conversation. "And I mean it when I say be good…I don't want a call today from the principal saying your ass needs bailing. Do you hear me?"

Cloud nodded and placed his hand on the doorknob, wanting release from this house he was forced to stay in. With a roll of the eyes, the man behind Cloud shrugged, waving the matter off.

"Alright. Come straight home today got it?" Again, he was being extremely serious; Cloud lived long even with Cid to know him rather well. He hated to admit it, but Cloud kind of actually liked the old man (even though he wasn't THAT old).

"Yeah Cid. I got it." Cloud shook his head as if to say 'We've had this talk so many times it's embedded in my brain'. So with everything said and done, Cloud made his escape and paced towards school, expecting everything a teenager would at a new high school.



Ten minutes later, Cloud had arrived at his new high school, Merlin H. Bastion High. One of the few high schools that Cloud had been to in his life time that everyone seemed to be so…interactive…

A group of preps stood beside the gate, chanting amicably about things unknown to Cloud. People from the school, boys or girls they thought were 'so hot'. The blonde didn't care in the least.

A group of punks it seemed were graffiting the walls with vulgar messages sent towards- Cloud guessed- other students in the school. Some read, 'Riku is the fucking best' or 'Tifa's rack is nice as ice', odd things Cloud had no comprehension to. Not that he wanted to understand. This was just another high school where he was going to be hated, despised, people would tease him relentlessly just for kicks.

The usual…

Sighing, Cloud passed the group that were outside of the school and he headed inside the rusty gates. Damn this school must have been old, REALLY old or it was poorly constructed. Either way it wasn't a place Cloud would remember for the rest of his life, to tell the truth…from the way things looked…

Cloud wanted to forget it already.

But it seemed no one really noticed him right now, so that was a good sign. Maybe things would be okay for once and not like what it used to be.

No reminiscing…it's not good for you, Cloud. Come on all I have to do is get my schedule and head to my first class. At least I'm here early…

Flocks of people seemed to stream from behind Cloud and into the gate as the blonde thought to himself. He flinched mutely as an elbow struck his stomach making him grunt, another person pushed him, sending him flying into a small girl that turned to glare at him, only to smile after. She just stood in front of him, presenting him a sympathetic smile.

Great…she's going to tease me or something…just what I need…

"Hiya! You must be new! I'm Selphie!" She giggled, peeping up into his unbelievable blue eyes, she looked like she was in a trance. Her friend beside her, a girl with stylish red hair poked her friend's side, making this Selphie girl giggle uncontrollably. Cloud shook his head, about to walk passed these two strangers, until Selphie grabbed his hand, which made him blush.

No one at the other schools he went to would touch him…

He knew why though.

"Wait! Don't leave! Kairi is just a meanie head! She's really shy when meeting new people, but she's really nice so-"

She talks too much…

"Hey? Are you listening?" A few pokes to the arm got Cloud's attention and he sighed, feeling like a caged animal getting prodded with a stick. He wanted to lash out and tell this hyperactive girl to leave him alone, but he didn't, thinking that it would scare her and cause him to get in trouble.

He didn't want that…

"Yeah." He answered, withdrawing his hand slowly, trying not to be offending in any way…he didn't need to cause trouble. He couldn't cause trouble…

"Yay! You talked!" She giggled yet again, bright hazel eyes sparkling from being so joyous, Cloud turned his gaze towards the other girl, Kairi and observed her blushing from his stare. These girls were really weird…

"So want me to give you a tour!" Spinning in a circle (and almost kicking Cloud in the shin), Selphie jumped up and down, clasping her hands together. Kairi shook her head, giving Cloud an 'I'm-really-sorry-but-I-can't-control-her' look and Cloud didn't know what to do about this situation. He really wanted to tell this girl to beat it and to leave him alone, but he wasn't the mean type. Maybe a little glare would do it.

So he formulated a plan, first he walked right passed them, until Selphie huffed and grabbed his arm. He gave her one of the nastiest glare he could muster. Kairi cowered behind Selphie, but Selphie crossed her arms, shaking her head in a disappointed pout.

"You're just like Leon. Are you like a cousin to him or something?"

Leon? Who was Leon?

Cloud shook his head, fleeing from the two girls so he wouldn't be asked any further questions. He wasn't too fond of people asking him personal questions of him, it was none of their business. If they really wanted to know then they would probably find out some time or another.

So…where was the office?

His shoulders slumped as he shook his head. Maybe he should have kept that weird girl with him to at least show him the way. Damn…what was he going to do? He couldn't just roam around the school blindly and get himself in trouble…maybe he-

"Ugh…" Someone bumped into Cloud again and the blonde turned, facing the obviously rude person. What he met were…

Two green eyes…

Who was this kid?

He was shorter than Cloud, but not too short and this green-eyed kid was wearing baggy black pants with chains hanging off the belt lopes, a black hoody with the words 'System of a Down' written on it. He had silver hair that brushed past his shoulders attractively. A few bracelets adorned his wrists and that was his whole attire, which Cloud thought was way too much to wear to school. It was just school…the blonde never really thought of impressing someone or making a name for himself in the schools he went to. It was too much of a hassle.

"Hey are you even fucking listening?"

Cloud snapped back to reality (and from staring at this odd-looking silver-haired boy). He lifted his gaze to look into the younger boy's eyes, suddenly becoming rigid.

"What the hell's wrong with you?"


The younger boy shook his head, rolling his eyes. "What a pussy."

"Hey Riku! Don't say that! It's not nice!" Another boy beside him, a brunette that wore just a simple black shirt and jean shorts tugged on Riku's hoody, causing the other boy to sigh turning to the smaller brunette. He smiled, flashing pearly white teeth for the whole world to see. Probably the cause of some good ass braces.

What the hell was Cloud still doing here?

"Come on Sora…butt out. He started it…" Riku rubbed the back of his neck and cocked his head to the side, making himself appear innocent even though this 'Sora' boy was glaring at him.

"Just tell him sorry and let's go to class, the bell rings in a few minutes!"

"Alright, alright! Damn! Keep your pants on…literally." Riku winked and the brunette blushed, turning away bashfully. The silver-haired boy chuckled and veered his gaze towards Cloud, who was standing there still trying to find the office. "You must be new…what luck. You get to meet the Prince of Bastion High in person! Welcome to my Kingdom. Stay on my good side and everything will be fine."

What an insolent little prick…

"But if you offend anyone I'm close to, I'll have your ass." It was a serious threat, not like Cloud hadn't heard these types of threats before, they were like a brother to him and they keep him away from whatever trouble there was. It was fine if people threatened him…just not act upon their threats.

Damn…he really did sound like a pussy. He sounded like one of those nerds that wanted nothing to do with trouble and to stay away from everyone to play their weird video games.

Cloud shuddered. He wasn't a nerd that's for sure. He was still the 'Lone Wolf', which everyone would soon find out.

"Umm…hey? Are you looking for the office?" It was the brunette who asked the question, almost timidly. He smiled at Cloud, which the blond was still not very used to. Cloud nodded silently and Sora perked up, thinking of a way to help someone he didn't know.

It was like charity!

"I'll take you there!" He exclaimed and Riku looked chest-fallen for a moment, glaring at Cloud with his arms crossed. The blonde frowned, knowing that Riku was cursing him in his mind.

I bet he was the one that helped spray paint 'Riku is the fucking best' on the wall. How conceited of him…

But who was Cloud to judge someone? If these people knew Cloud's secrets then they wouldn't be so nice afterwards…


Sora motioned for Cloud to follow and the blonde complied, walking a short distance behind Sora. He studied this school and noticed the flagpole in the middle of the school and a walkway towards it were people were praying to have a good day and whatever else people prayed for. Cloud stopped praying…it was a waste of time for him. Besides, what would he pray for? A good life and awesome fortune?


There was a courtyard beside the cafeteria it looked like from the opposite side as large groups of people were gathered there to talk with all their friends. Cloud couldn't see himself there. He wasn't the social butterfly and he never would be. Plain and simple. Enough understood.

Sora stopped at a set of doors, each spaced out according to how large the rooms actually were. He turned around, flashing-just like Riku- pearly whites. The brunette pointed to the door they were standing in front of. "This is the Guidance office, you can get your schedule here and a map of the school. I'm Sora and if you ever need anything come to me okay?"

"Yeah." With a nod, Cloud swept past the brunette and opened the door entering the room alone.

Sora blinked for a few moments before he glimpsed Riku in the distance walking towards him. He grinned, waving towards his best friend. "Hey Riku! I finally helped someone!" The boy's chest swelled with immense happiness as he scurried over towards the school's Prince.


Well, first period wasn't so bad. Economics wasn't that hard when Cloud thought about it. It was a bit awkward when people just stared at him like he was fresh meat. The blonde did not like the attention and a few people in the back had whispered towards some guy with shoulder length chestnut locks who was staring at Cloud with an impassive expression. The blonde ignored him though and went through the rest of the period with no other interruptions. Thank goodness…

Second period was a little awkward too, but he suspected it would be. The only distraction was not a group of people, but just one person.

With the same green eyes as that arrogant kid Riku…

Were they relatives or something? It was kind of eerie.

The guy had the same silver hair, but much longer with the same eyes, much taller and a more slender built than Riku's. It was odd comparing two different people, but it was so creepy that all he could do WAS compare them. They had to be at least cousins or something…

But it was none of Cloud's business.

That strange guy was just staring at Cloud just like all the others, but Cloud was getting just a tad angry now. He didn't like all this attention and he wanted to be left alone. After all, he was just entering classes that had started without him. People were in their second month of their year and Cloud had just joined the class, he had no time to be distracted when he had to get worked done. Maybe he would be able to graduate early if he worked hard enough.

He wanted out of this place and it was only his first day.

There were so many people, yet less than what he had at his old school and all these people knew each other, which was peculiar to him. They all seemed so different. Preps talked to Punks, Nerds with the Popular people. It was just so open. It was as if no one cared about who the other was…

Maybe this school would be different for Cloud.

Well anyhow, Cloud was now entering his third period of the day, Latin AP. He had taken Latin one through three during in his last high school and he had enrolled in Latin AP to complete the class. It just sounded something someone intelligent would do.

He pushed down the knob of the door and held out his schedule just in case the teacher asked him for it. He pulled the door back and crept into the class as quietly as he could so as not to get noticed if there were any people in there.

What Cloud met with were artistic pictures, the flag of Rome, a map of the inside of Rome were Cloud could just make out a simple Forum design where there were temples, villas, markets, anything to the mind's creation. He moved onto the furthest side of the room besides the teacher's desk where posters of the Declension Charts were taped for everyone to see, for each of the declension charts a different color was used to represent them, putting a faint smile on Cloud's visage. Two whiteboards were on the front wall by the door and the wall closet to the door giving the students two places to learn new and interesting things. Wow…Cloud's old class was boring and this class…seemed a little more exciting.

"Well Mr. Earle. I translated the passage, but I don't remember you teaching us this…whatever it is!"

"It's called Ablative of Absolutes and while you were playing around everyone else was taught the lesson." Mr. Earle was a tall man, big built, but not fat. He had brown, almost black hair cut in an odd fashion Cloud could not describe with glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He laughed as the guy from second period became speechless, crossing his arms to glare at the teacher disapprovingly.

Sephiroth shook his head and his gaze fell on Cloud, who was still standing in front of the doorway as people passed him to get into the classroom. The tall man smirked, eyes narrowing a tad to study the blonde from the distance in between him. Mr. Earle followed his student's gaze and smiled as he finally noticed Cloud.

"Can I help you?"

Cloud averted his gaze to the ground and walked over towards the teacher's desk, handing Mr. Earle his schedule to clarify that he was indeed in the class. Mr. Earle nodded and handed Cloud back the piece of paper. "Well welcome to Latin. I'm Mr. Earle and-"


Cloud blinked for a moment as he waited for the bell to end it's annoying ringing. He looked over towards Sephiroth, who continued to stare at him. What was with the staring? Did Cloud having something on his face? Maybe if he found out what it was everyone was staring at he could find out how to make them stop staring at him. It was getting really irritating.

"Welcome…" Sephiroth spoke in a deep rich voice. Cloud ignored him, waiting for Mr. Earle to tell him where to sit. The Latin teacher finally did, telling him to sit by someone named Rikku.

Was it Riku from this morning?

"Hey that's me!" Cloud turned towards the voice and his brow rose watching the girl practically hyperventilating as she flailed her arms around in an attempt to be noticed. Cautiously, Cloud ventured over, unaware of how this girl really was.

"Hiya! I'm Rikku! That's what you'll call me got it! And what's your name? I bet it's something uber cool, like Bob or David! Maybe Nelson or Joe! Yeah you are definitely Joe! Oh I know! Your name is Fabio!"

The group of girls surrounding this 'Rikku' girl were giggling to themselves and Cloud just shook his head, wondering what he had gotten himself into.

God…how am I gonna live through the year?


Well…that was pretty rude.

I know that pretty boy thinks he can walk into MY school and act tough and shit, but when he ignores me like I'm some piece of dirt on his shoes…then it gets a little personal.

Sephiroth crossed his arms, trying as hard as he could to concentrate on the task at hand. Learning these Ablative of Absolutes, but Earle right now was talking about something Rikku brought up…what was it now…oh…how all woman were called prostitutes in Rome and all the men were treated with respect. The little blonde just didn't want to get it through her head that it wasn't the best life back then. Come on…everyone was always bathing with each other or they were having sex like rabbits with one another! It's not like Rome was what Rikku would call 'Heaven'. Fuck Heaven. There was no such thing.

Damn…this class was so distracting on it's own. Why couldn't Earle just stay at the topic at hand?

Well it gave Sephiroth some more time to plan on a way to get the blonde kid back for ignoring him. Whoever ignores the almighty Sephiroth will burn in Hell. If there was such a thing…

"Hey Seph…" It was a whispered voice and he knew where it was coming from.

Sephiroth turned to face Riku, who ran a hand through his silver locks of hair, grinning. Sephiroth shook his head glancing over to the blonde who was focused on trying to learn from what Earle was saying.

In Sephiroth's words he would say, 'Wing it and see how you do.', but since this was an AP course it really wasn't something anyone could wing.

"What?" The taller of the two silver-haired boys asked, eyes still focused on the blonde boy a few chairs in front of him.

"What's with the new kid? That fucking prick had the nerve to run into me today. I told him to-"

"Riku!" Sora erupted, but quiet enough so Mr. Earle wouldn't hear, Sephiroth smirked.

"Well, I see someone was listening to our conversation. Well then…what did Riku do instead my little brunette?"

Sora blushed, causing Riku to glare at Sephiroth. Sephiroth saw this from the corner of his eye and continued to smirk, loving the idea of annoying the boy beside him.

"Riku kind of bumped into the new kid…and I told him to say sorry, but…"

"Sora, you fucking little tattle-tail…" Riku looked hurt and Sora shrugged, grinning sheepishly. The silver-haired Prince rolled his eyes and flicked Sora in the forehead, issuing a groan of pain from the said brunette.

"Alright I get it. Riku was a dumbass to the new kid. Like he is to everyone else."

Riku grunted in reply. "Look who's talking."

The older of the two males, chuckled looking over towards the blonde quietly sitting there, taking in Earle's every word.

"He's a bit odd; I'll keep an eye on him." Sephiroth leaned back in his chair, smirking to himself. What a perfect spot he sat in. He could contemplate something to do to the blonde and yet the blonde wouldn't even no who the hell hit him.

This will be fun indeed…


Alright, first chapter of the story completed. How did you like it? It was kind of hard to write. I'm used to writing funny things where I can try to add humor to the sentences and such. Cloud's POV was difficult because he was so… 'Blah, I don't deserve this and that. I don't wanna get in trouble. Leave me alone…'

Sephiroth was kind of hard too. I haven't written these two very much and I've never written them as a couple so it's going to be interesting to see how this turns out…

Anyway! Looking for a beta. I know…I'm begging how pitiful of me, but I want someone else to read my stuff and fix it because I know there has to be some mistakes…

Any who, please REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW!