This fic was inspired by a kinda nightmare that I had the other day. It won't get out of me head, so I guess I'll tell it to whoever's nice enough to read (and review hint hint) this fic. Like my other fics, everyone here is still alive and no one has any special powers… It's my nightmare. Kinda.
Disclaimer : Yami no Matsuei belongs to the great Yoko Matsushita.
The boy kept running. He didn't dare turn around to see if he had managed to escape. But then again, he had to know if he had managed to escape. So he turned his head slightly and saw no one chasing him. Feeling slightly relieved, he started to slow down. Still thinking that there might still be a chance that someone could find him and bring him back to the hell-hole, he decided that it was probably safer if he hid in some alleyway.
He was wrong.
Hiding in the same alleyway that he had chosen, was a robber waiting for his next victim. Unfortunately, the boy had no possessions on him to take, so the angry robber mercilessly beat the boy up brutally and left him lying in the alleyway.
"I'll do anything! Just let Ruka go!" Tsuzuki begged for his sister's release. Muraki simply smiled back at him. He gestured to his guards to just take the screaming girl away. The guards obeyed despite her viscous kicks and air-punches.
"Ruka! I'll get you back, I swear!" her poor brother shouted after her.
"Now now… no swearing Tsuzuki-san." Muraki said calmly. "If you want to get her back, I indeed have something for you to do."
"What is it? I'll do anything…"
"Well, if you're really serious about it, meet me back here in a week. I promise we'll take good care of her."
"A week! B-but… she needs me!"
"Like I said. We'll take good care of her. Don't worry, I won't lay a finger on her." Muraki smirked. "Do we have a deal or not?"
Tsuzuki thought with doubt playing in his mind for a while before realizing that there really was no other choice. So he slowly agreed.
"Very good then." Muraki smiled "I'll see you in a week." And with that, he left Tsuzuki standing in the building's lobby.
Tsuzuki started to make his way back to his apartment. The memory of why Ruka had been taken played in his mind. Ruka was having one of those bad days and was in a foul mood. Cursing everything from slow service at the restaurant to other people's fashion choice.
Then she accidentally bumped into a tall man while cursing everything else. She got angry immediately and started cursing the fact that the man was gleaming in the sunlight because he was wearing a complete set of white clothing.
Boy, did she pick the wrong guy to piss off.
Obviously, the man was none other than Muraki. Tsuzuki gasped when he realized Ruka's mistake. "Muraki…"
"What! You know this jerk!" Ruka screamed.
"Ruka, please not with this guy….please"
"That's true, miss. Too bad for you, I've been having a bad day. So…" Muraki snapped his fingers and two of his 'bodyguards' came from behind and grabbed Ruka and stuffed her into the back of a van that had been parked nearby.
"Ruka!" Tsuzuki started chasing after the van, but to no avail. He soon stopped chasing the van and went back to confront Muraki, but the man had disappeared. Instead, Tsuzuki found a small business card on the sidewalk where Muraki had been. He ran to the address on the card and found Ruka, Muraki and all the bodyguards in the building lobby.
Then the whole scenario happened.
Tsuzuki sighed and wondered what he was going to do when the time came for him to go back and meet Muraki. He continued walking slowly when suddenly, he tripped over something and fell over.
"Ow…" Tsuzuki turned to see what had caused him to fall. Instead of seeing a large rock or something, he saw a foot. Yup, a foot sticking out of the alleyway. "What the hell…?"
He got up to investigate properly. He then saw a beaten-looking teenage boy lying on the ground. He bent down to feel if the boy still had a pulse. Feeling thankful that he did, he decided he'd better bring the boy back to his apartment and tend to the boy.
Tsuzuki picked up the boy and made sure that he was lying securely in his arms before continuing his way back to his apartment. I guess this boy needs me… well, in this week, he'll be the one I look after. Then, it's all Ruka.
A/N : Ruka seems like a little bitch, doesn't she… oh well. Don't know much about her, so this'll have to do. I know this chapter sucked… sorry… but could I still please get some reviews? Man, I'm desperate…
Btw, to my cousin Ruka who may read this, you are NOT a bitch…. Please don't get any hard feelings. I'm just using her name in this fic. It doesn't mean anything in reality…Luv ya