Hope in Reason

Author: foxmagic

Rating: R/Mature

Pairings: HaruxTohru as well as some Tohrux?

Disclaimer: I own not Furuba ne!

Italics: Thoughts, emphasis, and any other random crap I decided doesn't belong in regular text.

Warnings: Ah…well, it's rated Mature. So your guess is as good as mine. But worry not. If there is a lemon ahead, I shall foreworn you!

Prequel? Sequel? Yes! This is a sequel to Faith in Reason! Read it! Right now, damnit! You won't understand what's going on if you don't.

(A/N) Hello all my beautiful reviewers! You read my one-shot lemon, reviewed, and demanded I make a chapter sequel. Now I usually go with the cannon pairing, yadda yadda yadda, and I am definitely a firm Kyo/Tohru believer…but…oh what the hell. Here's the first chapter to my new Haru/Tohru fic. Just for you, babe!

;-Chapter One-;

Tohru fidgeted. Why were they all looking at her like that? They certainly couldn't have known…

"He left his wet clothes all over my clean floor." Yuki rubbed his head. "Came over to apologize, you say?"


Kyo eyed her strangely. "Damn cow…" A mutter escaped him as he disappeared into his own bedroom. "Better not have messed with my stuff."

Breathing a little easier now, Tohru bowed to the both of them before hurrying herself off to prepare the food.

Since that time, the 'incident' was not spoken of again. When seeing each other at school, everything was as it should be. Though it took Tohru quite a while to stand a no-blushing period within his presence. She guessed that it was best to be left at that. And while she had strong feelings for the somewhat tender ox, it wasn't much different from the other members of the zodiac.

Yes, that is how it was. How it should be.

But late at night, when dreams became of the most tangible things…

The impossible took flight.


"Late late late!"

"Calm down, Honda-san. We'll get there in plenty of time."

"Yeah, don't be so spastic."

The three teens rushed out the door, jogging at an easy enough pace. Thanks to Yuki's substitute cooking skills, a small fire had erupted in their kitchen not more than twenty minutes prior. Luckily they had a fire extinguisher handy, and Tohru was able to put out the blaze with Kyo's help. But not before covering the rest of them in white foam. Now changed into clean attire, their schedule had been set back by at least half an hour. That meant power walking to school, or else.

The bell rang just as they entered the door, puffing, wheezing, and out of breath. Their leisurely stroll had turned into a full out run, half of which was occupied by Tohru's frequent stumblings. But they made it, and even a stern glare from sensei could not deter their triumph. If you could call it that.

With all this aside, the rest of the day went on relatively uneventful for little Tohru. Until lunch.

It wasn't her fault, really. Partial blame was given to Kyo, who insisted he have a nice, cold beverage from the cafeteria. Uo told him to get it, himself. But Tohru spoke up and persisted that she do it for him.

So off she went. And too caught up in thinking, the girl turned her last corner without even paying attention.

I feel so bad about this morning…Tohru tapped her chin. This is the least I can do for making them all so late! I wonder if Kyo-kun would-

Her thoughts were quickly dispelled by the abrupt feeling of some one's body coming in contact with her own. And then, to her horror, the sound of that all too familiar 'poof'.

"Ha-Hatsuharu-san!" She suppressed a scream.

Standing before her was a now rather large cow. In the middle of the hallway, no less.

"Hatsuharu-san, I'm so sorry!"


Tohru spotted a custodian's closet nearby, and hurriedly ushered him, as well as his uniform, inside. She shut the door.

"I wasn't watching where I was going…" Her babbling increased with nervousness. "And I was thinking about this morning, because of the fire and all…"

She gave a slight 'eep' when he transformed back, quickly turning to give him some privacy.

"Don't worry about it." He said casually.

"Oh, but I really am sorry. I mean…I know how hard it is, and you being a zodiac and a-"

Haru slammed his fist lightly onto the wall right above her head, forcing her to stop talking. "I said it was okay." Scooping down, he then picked up his shirt. "Besides, I really have nothing to hide from you anymore. Do I?"

Tohru blushed at the meaning behind those words, and found herself beginning to fidget under the heavy air once again.

"I-I suppose…"

He looked up at her briefly.

Their eyes met for a second.

And Tohru wished that she could have turned from that gaze, so intense and full of the life he never exhibited.

Not to anyone.

It was he that tore himself away first. Lunch was nearly over, and the others were sure to be getting worried about Tohru. But as he let himself out, she remained a statue. Waiting…


"Hey, Tohru!"

Voices calling out her name broke the spell, and she was forced to come outside the closet. Kyo, Uo, and Hana waved to her. She smiled at them.

As school continued, one ever present vision remained cemented into her mind. Eyes so sad, and a heart aching for freedom…

Something had to be done. It was killing her. Killing them.

Even so…one had to wonder. Could there really be hope in such reason?

The reason to live, and hope in a cure to the curse?

Maybe. And maybe not.

There was really only one way to find out.


Thank you for reading! I'm hoping to keep this thing going for a while. This chapter was a little short, I was merely experimenting. But I need inspiration. So review for me, and I promise a beautiful chapter for you in the near future!

Review ne!
