Trapped in Disaster: Part One of the Trapped Series
Chapter One: Prologue

Everything seemed normal in New York City. It was 2 AM, and already cars were bustling through the paved streets, honking as the traffic was slowed. One woman, tall and slender, sat patiently, thinking about something. Or somone, in particular. Twisting a piece of blond hair around her index finger, she sighed; she hadn't seen him since graduation of high school. Then, there was that dragon that had, too, disappeared as suddenly as he had.

As the line began moving again, the woman went forward, forgetting about her problems for just a moment, to glance over at a side mirror which held a photo; her, at graduation, with a tall, black hair teen. He had burning black chinese eyes, but there was friendliess in them. On either side of the two were a tall and slender teenager, and a tall, goofy-looking teen. The girl had balck hair that was in ponytails that seemed to just hang there in the air. She was browned, with matching chocolate eyes. The goofy-looking boy was fair skinned, with hazelnut brown hair. They all wore matching outfits; a graduation uniform, complete with a squared hat.

The woman sighed once more, her blue eyes glossied with memories of the past. She had only seen the two others in the picture; they were married now, with one kid, the woman had last heard. The woman parked her car outside of an office building, and walked inside. Walking to the front desk, she looked at her golden-plated name tag; it read Rose. That's all she told them. Rose.

"Rose is red, Jake is blue, I'm feelin all downy because of you.." She recieted, changing a few words from the teen's poem he had read. Jake Long had not been forgotten; nor had that American Dragon she had yet to slay. The Huntsmaster died in a fight against both dragons, so the Hunts clan remained no more. Rose had taken up to living a semi-normal life; half looking out for Jake, the other half looking for the dragon.

In an antique corner shop...

A woman, the one in the picture, sighed as her black tresses rested on her shoulders. She was tannish now, paler than her old darkish self. "Spud, when is homeboy gonna be here?" The woman said, glanceing around. A tall, lean man shrugged from the door. "I dunno Trixie." Trixie sighed; Jake had been living with them for a couple years, after defeating the Huntsmaster. He'd been a bit sulky for the last 9 years, ever since finding out his only love was the one who wanted to slay him. He still had an obvious affection, but cast it away when Spud had told him Rose was engaged to their old childhood jock, Brad.

Trixie said that it was no big deal, it's a force marriage, and one of em would come around sooner or later. But was Jake gonna give up that easily? Naaaaaaaaaaah... He wouldn't; he couldn't. So he just stayed with Trixie and Spud, watching over them to mak sure Spud didn't kill himself with all the nice, porcelin glass figures, and that Trixie herself didn't kill him.

Jake chuckled hollowly, watching television. Grandpa had passed away; only Fu remained. And even then, his years catching onto him, he was useless. Except for one time... When Rose was near. He'd sense her; training had gone off balence since Grandpa died.

"Hey hey hey," Fu coughed, "Rose is near. Don't you wanna talk to her?" Jake just shook his head, though he knew he wanted to, to catch up on times and such. Ask her how's she been doing. And wonder why if she ever cut her hair.

Reviews will be answered next chapter down here at the bottom.. Note: Some chapters maybe short, or long, but hey! I try. I have to fit this in with my homework, school, AND the up-coming school election... Ah well. I'll try. And I'll make it.
