A/n: I wrote this last night when I was really sleepy. I spell checked it, but anything I've missed is excusable.

Zoey groaned slightly. The fever was making her feel like slashing her wrists to end it. Chase shushed her.
"It's ok Zo... it's ok." He whispered, placing a wet towel on her forehead.
"You're sweet." She slurred. Chase smiled.
"And you're hot... sheesh look at this thing." Chase glared at the thermometer. "Maybe you should go see Quinn? Just to take your temperature down..."
"But..." Zoey reluctantly sat up. It was very painful.
"No buts Zo..." Chase pulled her up where she swayed uneasily. The ache in her head made her feel so dizzy she felt standing almost impossible.
"Come with me?" She pleaded. Chase nodded and grabbed his soda bottle. It was nice and cold. He pressed it against Zoey's stomach as they walked.

"Hey Quinn." Zoey croaked.
"You don't look so good. Can I help?"
"Well we were hoping you could bring her temperature down." Chase searched for somewhere to put his cold soda bottle. He placed it amongst Quinn's many many bottles. Some were full of blue goop that glooped ominously at him. But he placed his lemonade bottle besides the less dangerous looking clear fizzy liquids.
"Possibly... Zoey stick out your tongue for me." Zoey stuck out her tongue. Quinn pulled her up and examined. "And cough." Zoey coughed ruggedly.
"I think she has a chest infection. Which isn't helping the fever."

"So can we help?"
"Plenty of bed rest... lots of fluids and... oh." Zoey fell to the bed again crying. The pain was too much for her to take.
"It's too hot..." She complained. Chase grabbed his unlabelled Lemonade bottle and forced it into Zoey's mouth. She coughed and spluttered and protested a lot.
"That tastes disgusting!" She breathed. Chase shook his head and raised the bottle to his own lips. It tasted a little off. It had probably gone flat.
"Zoey it's fine drink it." Quinn looked nervous as Chase force fed Zoey the contents of the bottle. She grabbed the other clear bottle from the cabinet.
"Chase..." She said slightly nervously. She dipped her finger in the bottle and sucked it very slightly. "Lemonade."

"So what did..."
"It's a bug killer I've been working on..." Quinn said.
"Bug killer!" Zoey writhed and cried out in anguish. She hated being sick.
"It's not harmful to humans... I don't think."
"You don't think?" Chase demanded.
"I didn't feed her it..."
"It won't help but..." Quinn shook her head as she handed Chase his lemonade. "Take her to bed." Chase reluctantly dragged Zoey up and down the corridor.
"Why does she keep bug killer in a SODA bottle for freaks sake. That girl is just a little bit too..." Chase suddenly felt very sleepy.

He felt Zoey drop besides him, he didn't even bother to pick her up. He just fell down beside her and fell asleep.


Zoey raised her hands and rubbed her eyes. She couldn't remember how she'd got into bed, but she felt loads better. Her head hurt a little bit.
"Hey sleepy head." Quinn said gently.
"Hey..." She said but thought 'boy does my voice sound rough'
"Zoey... please don't be alarmed." Quinn said.
"Alarmed? Your bug stuff cured me!" She laughed hoarsely. She raised her hand to her throat. Maybe it was a side affect?
"Maybe not." She heard a females voice say. She span around to see Zoey Brooks sat on the bed. Zoey screamed loudly.

But it came out as a yell.
"Don't yell at me! My head hurts." Chase groaned raising Zoey's hand to Zoey's head.
"Zoey you're hysterical."
"OF COURSE I'M HYSTERICAL!" Zoey cried. "WHERE'S THE MIRROR!" Quinn pointed to a mirror on the wall. Zoey ran to it. She gave out a cry as she saw two green eyes staring back at her. A head of curly black hair. And most definitely not herself.
"What did you DO!" She turned on Quinn angrily.

Chase was confused and feeling ill. He watched as Zoey in his own body advanced on Quinn.
"Zoey... leave her alone. This is my fault not hers."
"You're the one who force fed us that stuff!" Zoey screamed. Chase furrowed Zoey's brow.
"We have no proof it was the bug killer..." Quinn said sheepishly.
"Oh yeah," Zoey said. Chase's voice wasn't usually heard with sarcasm mixed in and he found it so confusing. He wanted to faint. This was how bad Zoey felt? he reminded himself to be more sympathetic next time. "Coz stuff like this happens every day!"

"Don't yell at me!" Quinn yelled.
"Wow Chase..." Laughed Dana. "I've never seen you yell before. I like it." She walked into Quinn's room without knocking. That's just Dana all over. "Hey Zo... you feeling better?" She raised her hand and Chase fliched away as her icy hand touched Zoey's head.
"You're on fire!"
"I know..." he groaned.
"You'd better get a shower or something. You're sitting out of the game tonight."
"You think?" Zoey said sarcastically.
"Why are you so nasty today Chase?" Dana asked. "Zoey's sick and you're yelling... you're getting sarcastic. Next thing I know you're going to smash a beaker. Go on get lost."
"What!" Zoey said in disbelief. Chase raised Zoey's hand and placed it on Dana's shoulder.
"Dana it's ok. Quinn gave me some weird medicine... it made me throw up... Chase is just looking out for me."

"You make my girl sicker... either of you... and you are SO dead." Dana warned. She stood up and left.
"Why did you lie?" Zoey demanded.
"Because. If this weird body switch thing hadn't happened I would've yelled at Quinn. She made you pass out. I'd have yelled at myself too." Chase rubbed Zoey's head in frustration.
"What're we going to do?"
"Zo... please don't cy in my body. It makes me feel immasculated." Zoey growled at him. "Um... okay then... cry if you want. I'll be over here... sleeping."
"Sorry I'm just really confused. I forgot you were ill." Zoey shook Chase's head and his hair wobbled. "Go to room 101 and sleep there ok." Chase found it difficult to walk because he was so dizzy with fever. Zoey found it difficult to walk because Chase's legs were a lot longer than hers.

"Night Zo..." Chase said as he pushed a stuffed teddy out of the way. Zoey picked it up and threw it onto Nicole's bed.
"Night Chase..." She said hoarsely. "We won't tell anyone about this ok..."
"Yeah like they'd believe me anyway." Zoey laughed. She quite liked Chase's laugh. But she hoped she wouldn't have time enough in Chase's body to let it grow on her. She switched off the light and exited the room.

"Chase, there you are... you're supposed to be on the court... move it!" Michael pushed Zoey down the corridors and into the changing rooms. Zoey sighed as she closed her eyes to avoid seeing anything Chase would've but she wouldn't. It was going to be a loooooooong... however long it was going to be

A/n: I know it's confusing. but bare with me I succeeded in confusing me too.