Sick Day

By: ScarletDeva

Author's Note: Well, I haven't watched the cartoon in ages but… as with anything good, you can't stay away forever. So... between studying for finals (or maybe instead) I wrote a little ficlet. Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Jessie or Jonny or Hadji or... anyway, don't sue me. I'm penniless.


Jessie groaned.

It was the worst kind of luck that two days ago she got caught in the freezing rain with Jonny and Hadji when their car broke down. It was flu season and all three had already been sporting colds. An hour trekking down the road in the wet chill and Hadji's temperature spiked so high that Dr. Quest had him admitted into the hospital for observation. Jessie and Jonny were luckier, but both were running fevers, sneezing and unable to choke down anything solid.

She flung aside her comforter, slipping her feet into fluffy slippers that she rarely wore, and wandered into the hall, huddling in her oversized pajamas. Only Mrs. Evans and Jonny were home, her father and Dr. Quest both visiting Hadji. She padded quietly to Jonny's room, pushing the door open a crack and peeking inside.

Jonny looked up, eyes watery. "What's up Ace?" he croaked.

She shrugged and slipped inside his room, plopping down on the edge of his bed. "Tired. Bored." She rubbed the tip of her nose with a loosely clenched fist. She really didn't want to sneeze again.

He nodded, rubbing his rumpled hair. "Me too."

Sighing, she tugged on the edge of his blanket, lifting her feet up onto the bed, and tucked her toes under it. He rolled his eyes and pulled the blanket up over her knees. She yawned and flopped backwards, lying down next to him and covering herself to the neck. He reached out and patted her. She sneezed finally and sighed again.

The only sounds in the room were the ticking clock on the wall and the soft whistle of the burgeoning storm outside. Jessie's eyes followed the second hand rotation after rotation. It felt like the temperature was dropping and she gave a little shiver.

"It's cold in here," she complained quietly, sniffing a bit between words.

"You have the chills," he replied in a soft voice and maneuvered his arm around her, pulling her against his side.

"Warm Jonny," she informed him with childish satisfaction and curled up against him, her head resting on his shoulder. He chuckled under his breath, the sound a bit wheezy. She nudged his side as if fluffing a pillow and shifted, finding a more comfortable position.

Time ticked by again, the silence disturbed by the growing howls of wind.

"I wonder how Hadji is," he said in a whisper, almost casually. She lifted her head and looked at him before tiredly dropping it back.

"He'll be okay. We didn't survive numerous clashes with Surd, Zin and Rage just to fall victim to a stupid flu," she reassured.

"I know," he responded quickly.

She turned her head a little and squinted so she could see his
expression. Then she flung her free arm over his stomach in the best imitation of a hug she could manage in that position.

"I'm worried too," she said, muffling her voice by hiding her face in his shoulder. He pulled her closer.

The wind continued to wail.

When Benton Quest and Race Bannon returned home, Mrs. Evans directed them to Jonny's room. Exchanging perplexed looks, the men quietly opened the door, finding only two brightly colored heads above the blankets, the bodies cuddled together under the soft covers. Race took a step forward before a hand descended on his arm. Benton smiled and led him out.

Jonny and Jessie continued to sleep.