DISCLAIMER: I do not own PD and/or its characters; they belong to Meg Cabot and Disney. I get nothing but satisfaction from this. I am responsible for this storyline only.

Chapter 1

Married. They were married. Today, it had been they who were wed. Joseph proudly escorted his new wife and the love of his life through the main doors of the palace. He couldn't help the huge, tacky grin on his face as he registered the stares from the palace employees. Married. It was still like a dream, a wonderful, tantalizing dream. Still he wished someone would pinch him. Carrying her on his arm now seemed different...yes, it was a much lighter load than carrying the Queen of Genovia. They were walking on air, after all.

Glancing at his watch, it had only been a mere twenty minutes since they had left the alter as man and wife. Twenty minutes was such a short time, yet it was an eternity for Joseph. They had been man and wife for those twenty minutes, and they had not been alone together just once. From the crowded cathedral to the horse-drawn carriage, they had remained open to the public's eye. Here, now, they watched as the ballroom came alive before them, with them. Needless to say, it was going to be a long afternoon, and an even longer evening.

Not only had they not been alone, it had been extremely difficult for them to even talk. It seemed that everyone had something to say to them, and refused to grant them one moment of solitude, or even just enough time for a short whisper of hope. She squeezed his hand, as if reading his mind; hoping to shed an image of patience.

The reception line had ended with the Princess herself, as she dragged the new couple on the floor, motioning to the orchestra to begin. Well dancing wasn't exactly what he had in mind, but it would do until they could sneak off. Clarisse held him tight, hoping he was not too upset at her bold move to propose today. Yes, they needed to talk; hopefully do more than talk.

Without even being well into their first dance as a married couple, Joseph and Clarisse were untimely interrupted by the Prime Minister.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, Joseph," he nodded, but with a stern face that made both of them weary as to what was coming. "Clarisse, we have an immediate situation, I have just been informed that the United Nations are sending representatives here, to use our country as a weigh station. I'm afraid that the Mediterranean Sea has been cut off as a trade route..."

"What?" Clarisse stood stunned, unable to believe that the long-awaited threat had finally been mastered into position on her wedding day.

"I'm afraid so..I'll call Parliament immediately if you respond to the UN." Sebastian Motaz nodded to her, reaffirming his words to her.

"Yes, yes of course. I'll be right there Sebastian." She excused the Prime Minister.

"Joseph, I'm so sorry..." She tried to explain, but knowing he would already understand, as Joseph knew more about her position than anyone.

"Go Clarisse, don't worry about me," he tried to sound convincing. "I'll brief security and have them ready for the arrival of the UN representatives." He had hardly finished his sentence when she kissed his cheek, and left him standing alone in the middle of the ballroom. The few eyes that had witnessed it already declaring their marriage a mistake.

"Charlotte, please get the UN on the phone, and inform Amelia of the situation, this will be good experience for her if nothing else," Queen Clarisse rambled off on her way to the main office. She slipped off her gloves, the same gloves she had wed him in, and bringing them to her nose she smelled his faint scent. She had just left him there, left him to deal with the crowds that had gathered, and to also man the security team for the incoming diplomats. She couldn't believe this was happening, not now. For so many months the group of terrorists had threatened to block all shipping in the Sea; today had to be the day they chose. Clarisse couldn't help but wonder if it was a bad omen.

As Charlotte informed her of the UN secretary on the line, she placed her gloves in her top drawer for safe keeping, for now they were special to her. As Mia rushed into the office, she motioned for her to sit quietly, holding her finger over her lips as she put the call on the speakerphone. Pulling her chair to her desk, she sat, listening to the foreign dignitary on the line, trying to make sense of his hurried speech.

It was their wedding day, once again that line crossed his mind as Joseph planned out the schedule for the security team over the next couple of days; at least he hoped it would last no longer than that. However, he knew from experience that this particular group of terrorists were, if nothing else, time consuming to deal with.

So Joseph, joined by Shades whom he had declared as head of security less than an hour ago, worked diligently in the main control room of the palace as the celebration continued downstairs as if nothing had happened. Surely they missed the wedded couple, but most probably assumed they had taken off together, disappeared to be alone...Joseph could only dream now.

"Joe, here," Shades pointed, "we need someone posted here, probably 'round the clock as well."

"You're right," Joseph replied, thankful that today of all days, Shades was with him to pan over the blueprints of the palace. Joseph was surely not thinking of security at the moment, although he was first to supply extra guards for his new bride.

"Hey," Shades lightly hit his arm, "I know you had other plans...I'm sorry, my friend." Joseph nodded to him, thankful for having one good friend to trust and lean on in his team. "Maybe it won't last too long."

"Hmm, the last time you said that was at the hostage situation on the grounds, six years ago. If memory serves me correct, that lasted 32 days." Joseph reminded his friend, rather sorry he thought of it himself. "Sorry, Shades.."

"No, don't be, you're right. It's going to be a long one.." They both sighed at the idea, continuing to figure the best places to post the men, and what camera angles would best suit the situation.

"Grandma, I don't understand all this." Princess Mia was now pacing the floor, unable to accept what was ruining today of all days. This day she had reigned as Princess, and as future Queen. This day, her grandmother had finally wed the real love in her life. This day was suppose to be joyous beyond belief, a day to remember for both of them. Yet here they were, thrown in the midst of International security. "Why our country, Grandma? I mean there are others..," she hissed off.

"Amelia, our country is probably the most neutral country in Europe. It stands to reason why we are chosen in times like these. Besides, the UN has an office here, and many of their situations have been dealt with quickly and easily with our help. Amelia, we cannot just sit back and allow things like this to happen, not just to us, but also to our neighbors."

"But we're a neutral country grandma."

"Neutral, yes. But that does not mean we cannot and do not want to get involved. You studied political science," Clarisse pointed out.

"Yes, I know. It just seems so different when you're actually a part of it." Amelia ran her hand through her hair. "Having to drop everything all at once and go running off to save the world." She had meant that as a joke, but it suddenly occurred to Mia that it was going to be like that.

Clarisse watched the expression change on Mia, knowing it had finally settled in her head what being Queen would entail.

"Oh my dear, it's not all like this. Yes there are times when things are demanded of you, like today. Times where you have the power to change the world. Those times also come in forms such a treaty to sign, a call to make, a Parliament session. It's not all bad Mia. It's like life itself, it has good times and bad. You cannot judge it by it's bad times alone." Clarisse walked over to her grandchild. "A special session of Parliament will be starting any moment...Are you with me?"

"Yes," Mia wrapped an arm around her grandmother as they began to walk. "I can't wait to tell my children; your great-grandmother went to a Parliament session instead of a honeymoon on her wedding day."

"Oh, Mia," Clarisse couldn't help but laugh.