This story is taken place in the future of "Meeting your Love is Fate" but it's not necessary to read it because it's about a whole new set of characters. And here's a recap of what happened at the end of my last story:
"And once again, Ritchie has stopped another trainer from challenging the Poke'mon Master. And as we all know, those that have defeated Ritchie were unable to defeat Poke'mon Master, Ash Ketchum!" said the announcer on the T.V. and continued with other stuff about Poke'mon.
A girl that's ten years old with dark red hair and brown eyes watches the T.V. with excitement,
"Awesome! Someday, I'll be just as good as my dad!" said the girl and jumped on the bed and went over to the bookshelf where she kept her dad's old Poke'ball that Pikachu was originally in.
"Yeah, I'll get a Pikachu too…I'll be the new Poke'mon Master!" she exclaimed holding the Poke'ball up in the air.
"Amy Ketchum!"
Amy got startled and almost lost her balance on the soft bed and almost dropped the Poke'ball.
"Amy, you should be in bed, its way past your bedtime!" said her mother, a.k.a. an adult Misty pointing at the clock.
"But I start my Poke'mon journey tomorrow, I'm too excited to sleep and plus, another trainer was battling the elite trainers again and I wanted to see how far this person gets!" said Amy.
"Well, how far did this trainer get?" Misty asked,
"Ritchie stomped him good!" said Amy.
"Once again, another trainer failed to reach the Poke'mon Master," said Misty looking at the T.V.
"That's right! No one will defeat Dad! No one except me that is!" said Amy with confidence.
"We'll see, get to sleep Amy, you don't want to wake up late and have Ivan get ahead do you?"
"No way! That Ivan! Grr…There's no way I'm letting him beat me at Poke'mon!" said Amy angrily and turned the T.V. off and pulled the covers over her.
"Goodnight, Amy," said Misty.
"Goodnight Mom," said Amy.
Misty closed the door and shook her head,
"That ego, just like her father," said Misty to herself
That night, Amy thought about which beginner Poke'mon she should get. Should it be Charmander, Squirtle, or Bulbasaur? Amy eventually fell into a deep sleep…without setting her alarm clock.
The next morning, Misty was calling Amy to get up,
"Amy! Get up! You're going to start your journey late!"
"5 more minutes…." She mumbled.
"Ivan's going to start without you!"
"WHAT?" Amy shot up and got ready for the morning.
"Using Ivan, always works," said Misty to herself.
Amy ran to Professor Oak's lab already wearing her travel clothes. She had her Dad's original cap when he started his journey, an open jacket, white shirt, jeans, and the jacket is colored white, pink and red.
When she got there, there was a small crowd of people so she had to push herself through and when she did she trips and falls on Ivan.
"Hey, watch it, Amy! And get off!" Ivan shouted. Amy gets off the brown haired boy also wearing similar travel clothes but blue and dark blue with no cap.
"Geez, sorry, you don't have to be so 'Krabby' you know?" Amy joked dusting herself off.
"Well, you were slow today, what did you do? Oversleep like a Snorlax?" and Ivan laughed.
"Grr! Oh yeah? So what if you got here before me? We're both going on a journey on the same day!" Amy shouted at him.
"Man, I keep forgetting how loud you are, but anyway, it's not like I'm going to wait for you to stay with me, oh yeah, if you wanted the water Poke'mon, Squirtle, you can't because I already got it," said Ivan taking out a Poke'ball.
"Say what?"
"And as a matter of fact, I'm leaving now," said Ivan picking up a bag and yelled towards the lab,
"Dad! I'm leaving!"
A brown spiked up hair professor walked out (three guesses who),
"Already? Well, good luck, son," he said.
"Yeah, catch ya later, Amy," said Ivan and walked off with the town waving him goodbye.
Then Professor Oak turned to Amy,
"Where were you this morning? You're just as careless as your father," he said.
"I'm sorry; I forgot to set my alarm clock! What Poke'mon are left for me?" Amy asked eagerly.
"Just one left," said Professor Oak and took her to his lab.
He took a Poke'ball and handed it over to Amy,
"Take it or leave it," he said.
"Okay, come on out!"
Out from the Poke'ball is Charmander, male.
"Cool, a Charmander," said Amy and went over to pet his head.
"So you're fine with that?" Oak asked,
"Yup! Even though I wanted Squirtle…." Said Amy with a vein.
"Well, you see, Bulbasaur was already taken when Ivan woke up to choose and he wanted an advantage over you and he wanted the same Poke'mon I had so there were two reasons why he picked Squirtle,"
"It's okay, I like Charmander, well, thanks Professor Oak," said Amy and went outside where her mother is waiting.
"Hey Amy, here's your backpack (white and red) with stuff you're going to need for your journey," said Misty.
"Thanks Mom! You're the best!" said Amy and puts the bag on her back.
"Oh you picked a Charmander," said Misty looking at him.
"Char Char,"
"Well, he was the only one left," said Amy.
Professor Oak walked out too,
"Hello Misty, I haven't seen you around, how have you been?" he asked,
"Oh I'm fine, Gary, I was just helping Amy get ready for her journey," Misty answered.
"Hey Professor Oak, where can I find a Pikachu?" Amy asked,
"You could look in the Viridian Forest, Pikachu are found in there but it's rare," he answered.
"Oh I'll find one, that's for sure!" said Amy with confidence.
And like that, after saying goodbye to the two and Gary giving her some empty Poke'balls to Amy so she can catch some Poke'mon, Amy sets off, but she's already feeling homesick and kind of uncertain.
"What Poke'mon should I get? Hmm…there's so many out there, and should I get the same ones my Dad has? No, he has his style and I have mine!" said Amy and her walk turned into a jog so she can reach Viridian City faster. When she did, she was exhausted and collapsed on the couch at the Poke'mon Center.
"I'm walking from now on…" she said to herself. She ran into some Spearow and Rattata but she wasn't interested in them.
She sat up and thought about heading into the Viridian Forest as soon as her feet stopped hurting.
She looked around at some people around the Center, then she saw a boy that looked familiar but when he turned his head she knew it wasn't who she thought it was yet he looked familiar…
Amy also noticed that she didn't see Ivan on her way here and thought maybe he took a different path or something.
A few hours later after getting a map and buying some potions and antidotes just in case after hearing that the forest are full of bug Poke'mon and most have poison in them.
The boy she saw earlier had already left but it didn't bother her that much.
Off to Viridian Forest she goes and right away a Weedle popped out of no where and scared her.
"Wow! A Weedle!" she said excitedly after realizing that it was just a Weedle.
"You're mine!" she said taking out Charmander's Poke'ball. The Weedle began climbing up a tree again and then a Pidgey attack it.
"Wow! Pidgey! I'm getting you! Charmander! Ember go!"
"Char! Charmander!" Charmander used ember and immediately weakened the Pidgey,
"Yes! Poke'ball go!" Amy cried throwing her Poke'ball to catch it and after wobbling a few times she caught it.
"Yes! Great job Charmander! I love you already!" she cried picking up Charmander and hugging him.
"Go me! Go me! Oh yeah!" she cheered to herself. She continued walking but couldn't find any Poke'mon; she was really trying to find a Pikachu. And by luck, one popped out,
"A Pikachu!" she exclaimed and it heard and started running,
"Hey! Wait!" she ran after it then lost it eventually,
"Oh man," she groaned.
Then she heard rustles in the bushes so she went to see what it was…only to be attacked by a bunch of Beedrill!
Amy ran for it,
"Of all the Poke'mon why Beedrill?" and she kept running. When she tripped and fell, she thought she was going to feel serious pain until boy picked her up and quickly moved to the side. He puts her down and took out a Poke'ball.
"Hwuh Long (pronounced Low-then ong)! Use Flamethrower!" he ordered and a Charmander pops out and followed his trainer's orders injuring the Beedrill and scaring them off.
He recalled his Charmander and helped Amy up. The boy had black hair also with a cap with black and green travel clothes with green eyes and kind of cute. He was the same boy she saw at the Center.
"Uh thanks," she said.
"No problem, but you were snooping around the forest weren't you?" he asked.
"Um, sort of," Amy replied,
"Well, that's why the Beedrill were after you, why didn't you use your Poke'mon?" he asked and she blushed.
"…I panicked," she admitted.
"Oh, new trainer?" he asked,
"Yeah, I saw you at the Center; did you just start your journey too?" Amy asked,
"Nope, I started mine months ago, I just wanted to check this area out," he replied.
"Oh…" said Amy a little embarrassed that he took care of those Beedrill, knows more about forests, and started his journey before her and he didn't look much older than she is.
"Do you have any badges?" Amy asked,
"Yeah two," he replied.
"Oh, nice," she said.
"Be careful around here, try not to snoop around so much, if you want to catch certain Poke'mon, wait until it comes to you," said the boy and jogged off.
"Thanks! Hey wait! I don't even know your name!"
Amy called after him.
"He doesn't know mine either…"
Amy ended up spending the night in the forest and for the whole day, every Pikachu she ran into she lost it but she was determined to catch a Pikachu and just who was that boy she met earlier?
Please R and R! Yeah kind of fast, but it'll slow down if you think it's going too fast.
Next: Amy makes her first stop at Pewter City Gym and find out that Rock Poke'mon aren't the easiest to beat with her current party the hard way.
F.Y.I. I know I'm using a comma in Pokémon instead of how I just did it and that's because I can't do that unless I'm typing here and I'm not going to change every Pokémon with a comma into this when I already wrote it. Besides, it's less buttoning so no, it's not because I don't know how to spell it because I do.