Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans!(:

BBRae Fan Fiction

No flaming please!

Chapter 1: It begins



The purple haired female jumped out of her bed and onto the floor at the sound of the unknown noise maker.



" Beast Boy if that is you I am going to kill you for waking me up!" said Raven who was even though she didn't show it slightly frightened now.


Raven jumped at the noise but turned around just in time to see the window curtains hitting the metal sides of the window.

" How ridicules of me." Raven said scolding herself for getting jumpy.

" GET OUT………………." said a unknown voice.

" Not again." Raven said emotionlessly.

Raven had been hearing the strange voice for about 2 weeks now and no matter what she did whatever it was kept coming back. Raven had considered telling Robin of these strange voices haunting her constantly but this was her problem and she had to deal with it.

" Look, whoever you are I want you out now and when I get you I will put you in jail for the rest of your natural born life." said Raven

"Get Out….." The voice repeated.

" This is my room, why should I get out; you should be getting out." stated Raven.




" GET OUT……………."

" GET OUT…………….."

Raven returned to her bed after moments of looking over the room for whatever it was that kept haunting her, but she found nothing.

" GET OUT……………" repeated the voice.

" Maybe I should tell Robin." said Raven shoving a pillow over her head.


The next morning………………

Raven awoke about 2 hours after the voice had stopped its constant prowling and whispering and she decided it would help her to get some herbal tea.

" Raven are you alright?" asked Robin.

" Yeah, Rae you look like you have gotten hit by a dump truck." said Beast Boy.

" Thanks a lot Beast Boy and the name is Raven." said Raven.

"I can call you what I want after all it is a free country." said Beast Boy.


"Those 2 have really been at each others throats ever since Terra left." said Robin.

" Yeah I wonder what's up with BB." said Cyborg.

Terra had returned from her stone about 2 years ago and had once again claimed the teams heart. ( I am going to leave the part of how she got out at this because I heard the show was going to bring her back and so I wanted to follow the shows criteria) Terra although wanted to answer some questions about her past and had decided to take a little quest to find her answers.


Flashback ……………..

" Friend Terra what are the bags of carrying for?" asked Starfire.

" I am going to travel…" said Terra.

" Why is that?" asked Robin.

" I want to find some answers about my past." said Terra.

" You were going to leave with out saying goodbye." asked Robin.

" Sounds like you." said Raven.

" I am leaving you could at least be a little kinder." said Terra.

" Why should I be kind to you? You are simply abandoning the team again and that has no call for celebration." said Raven.

" I will be coming back but I don't want you to tell Beast Boy about this." said Terra.

" Tell me what." asked Beast Boy waltzing into the room.

" Beat Boy I……….." started Terra.

" You are leaving again aren't you?" asked Beast Boy.

"Yeah…." said Terra.




" Why?" asked Beast Boy.

" I want some answers about my past." said Terra.

" We are your family and your past doesn't matter anymore." said Beast Boy angrily.

" Will you wait for me?" asked Terra.

" No I won't Terra because all you are going to do is get up and leave again." said Beast Boy.

" Good Bye then." said Terra.


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