"Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed. They had discovered Naraku's castle and were breaking the barrier. "What wench?" our hanyou hero said not paying attention to Kagome, but rather trying to break the barrier. "Look!" "Kagome I'm busy!" he said as he struggled to keep his hold on the ground. The barrier was so strong, with such a dark aura around it. "Inuyasha, you no longer want to see me? You once desired me 50 years ago and now you won't look at me" a very familiar voice hit Inuyasha ear.

"K-k-kikyou?" Inuyasha said as he turned around. "Yes. I have come to tell you how to vanish Naraku." she continued, "his soul needs to be purified. I would do so myself but my time on this Earth is short. I no longer wish to kill you, but to see Naraku perish." "Why?" Inuyasha said. "Naraku killed all of my Shinidamachuu (soul collectors) and I have little soul left in me. Soon I will become no more than the soil we walk on." the dying Miko stated. Inuyasha eyes glowed with love and desire, and Kagome could see this. She sighed and helped Sango and Miroku break the barrier. Inuyasha just stared into Kikyou's dead eyes as he embraced her, but felt coldness. He looked in her eyes-coldness. The once lively eyes of the woman he fell in love with were now cold and emotionless. Her once sweet scent was sick to the nose as bitterness and rotting covered her as her body decays. He knew it was time to let her go.

"Inuyasha we could use some help!" Kagome said annoyingly as she watched Inuyasha embrace the dead miko. 'Why does he always go to her? Why can't he see that she is dead; and I am here? When will I be able to say I love him?' Kagome thought aloud the last sentence. She gasped as she felt a hand on her shoulder as something went down her face. "Its ok Kagome he will understand one day." A very understanding Sango said. She hadn't noticed she was crying until Sango wiped the tear away. What was once sadness became anger as Kagome looked and saw Inuyasha still holding Kikyou. 'That little shit! Were doing all the work and he is embracing that bitch!' Kagome thought. And with that she got her arrow and stabbed the barrier; causing to become purified and dissolving. As she got congratulated from her friends she looked at Inuyasha-who was looking at her.

With Inuyasha and Kikyou

'Kikyou needs me. No she used to need me. I should just admit to myself that she is dead. My friends need me. Sango needs me. Miroku needs me. And kagome needs me… and I her.' Inuyasha looked at kikyou and said "I shall fulfill your death wish" "Inuyasha" Kikyou continued "my once dead heart which now beats again longs for you. Leave Kagome and come to me. For she is a mere reincarnation of myself. I am the real thing." "You're dead and I love kagome." At that moment a bright blue light flashed as Kagome purified the barrier. Inuyasha smiled as he let go of kikyou and ran towards his friends.

back with Kag and friends

"We have to clear something up. Should we follow Kikyou's word and purify Naraku or should we just kill him?" kagome asked her friends as Inuyasha joined them. "We should purify him, and then kill him." Sango said. "Yeah" Said all of her friends, even Kirara seemed to agree.

---------------------------------------------After the fight---------------------------------------

"Well that was surprisingly easy" Inuyasha said. "Yeah, I mean he had almost all the shards in him; and his incarnations." Kagome added. They were all dead. It felt good. Kagome feeling exceptionally good since kikyou was dead. "So what to do?" Kagome said. Shippo yelled "ooohh I know! We should fulfill all of our wishes! Like we could reunite Sango and Kohaku and we could find a woman to bear Miroku's child." Sango became very angry with what was said. She loved Miroku but she never had the guts to tell him. She wanted to be the one who would bear his child. She must have been showing emotion to the remark Shippo said because Miroku looked at her and said. "Since I no longer have the wind tunnel I will wait to find a woman who is equal in strength and beauty to bear my child. One who I know and trust" everyone knew he was talking about Sango, but she didn't hear his words. Especially since seconds later he groped kagome.

They went to Kaede's village to rest. Inuyasha went into his usual tree, Sango and Kagome went to some hot springs nearby while Kilala and Shippo tagged along, unbeknown that Miroku was following too.


'I wonder how I'm gonna convince Kagome to stay. I want to tell her I love her but I am afraid that she doesn't feel the same for me. What if she likes Koga or that hobo guy from her time more than she likes me?' Inuyasha thought 'When should I tell her? Tonight?' his thoughts were abruptly disturbed as he heard a scream coming from the springs.

In the springs

"Kagome can you keep a secret?" asked the demon slayer to the girl who felt like her sister "sure Sango anything what wrong?" "Well I-wait I hear something" and with that she summoned Kirara. "Kirara search the spring for anyone" and the cat demon was off-and found Shippo. "Shippo what are you doing so secluded?" his mother like figure asked. "It looked like you wanted privacy so I left you two alone." He stated. "Sango what is you secret?" "Um…I oww!" Sango said as she stepped on a rock which made her foot bleed. She screamed in pain as she walked out of the spring and sat down to look at her foot. She then moaned in pain as kagome used medicines to heal it. All while Miroku was watching. He became slightly hard as he heard Sango moan. Inuyasha ran over there to see what happened. Kagome, seeing Inuyasha gasped as screamed at the top of her lungs "SIT!" causing the hanyou to fall to the ground in mid air. And landing with two oofs. "What the hell is your problem landing on me!" the hidden monk said. "Miroku?" the two girls asked. "I can't have any privacy! I try to tell my friend one thing. ONE THING. And everyone comes in like were fighting a demon!" Sango yelled as she stormed off. A worried kagome followed. "Wait! You're just gonna leave me here on this monk?" Inuyasha screamed as he saw kagome walk away. "Sit! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! S-I-T!" kagome yelled as she walked away, forcing the hanyou even harder on the monk. "Wait till I get my hands on you kagome!" Inuyasha mumbled. "You know Inuyasha," Miroku continued "this is slightly arousing" "Monk say another thing like that and your wind tunnel will be down your throat." Inuyasha said hoping the spell would wear off soon.


Yay! My first chapter to my first story! Lol. Well I hope everyone likes it but unfortunately, I will only writ more if I get 5 or more good reviews. And who knows, maybe a little lemon will be in the near future.wink wink nudge nudge Lol .

See ya!

Sesshomaru loves Catherine.