Hi everyone! I just wanna say thank you for all the reviews you guys gave me. I seriously thought that the last chapter was going to get me some flames, but I was wrong!
Oh, yeah, and sorry this chapter is late. It's 'cause last week, I was at this 24 hr fundraiser for cancer patients called "Relay for Life" where you have a bunch of teams and at least one member from each team has to walk/run until the next member's turn is up. For my team, it was like "It's not scheduled, so walk or run whenever you feel like it." For some strange reason, I felt like walking/running a lot and so I was really sore and tired and didn't feel like doing anything and I should stop talking now. :)
Hippiechic: you stayed up late just to read my story? I'm touched! Oh yeah, and about that whole "take your time when you write" well, the problem is this: I'm always in such a rush to get things done. If I don't get them done soon, I might get bored with it and never finish. So, yeah, it's not that I haven't tried, mind you. In fact, if you read my other stories, you'll see a big difference between them and this story. Also, I think it's because I plan out certain events and I don't have any "filler" events, so…. Does that make sense?
Yami Umi: so, what language was that?
A-man: Videl stronger than Gohan? Are you kidding? The characters might be a little OOC from time to time, but not that OOC.
To All Those Who Reviewed: Thanks a kajillion!
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or Nike or any of the books I mention in this chapter!
Chapter Five
"Onto other matters," the news reporter announced on the TV, "It seems Son City's mysterious crime fighter is at it again."
Gohan continued to do his homework, ignoring the too loud television. Although, such loud volumes do make it hard to concentrate. Gohan pondered on whether or not he should tell Goten to turn it down, but decided against it in the end. It doesn't hurt to spoil your little brother now and then, especially with ChiChi as the mother.
"The well heard of vigilante was seen dropping off two criminals in front of the police station earlier this evening, and it just so happens that one of the officers took a picture of her."
'Her'? Gohan looked up and was not prepared for what he saw.
Gohan did a double take. What he saw on the television screen was way beyond belief. It was Videl! Well, not everyone knew that, except for Gohan. In the act of her turning around, the officer snapped a shot of Videl's profile. She had on her black mask, of course, along with black pants, a faded, worn camo jacket with a black top underneath, and- for some peculiar reason- bright white Nike tennis shoes. 'That's a little obvious,' Gohan thought, 'Wouldn't she try to attract as little attention as possible?'
"And back to you Rob," the reporter was saying, evidently concluding his story on "Son City's mysterious crime fighter."
"Thanks Jim," Rob said. He grinned, his pearly whites whiter than usual, "You know, Jim, we've finally decided to come up with a name for this do-gooder. It's actually a running gag here among the staff."
"Really, Rob?" Jim said, forcing a smile. Clearly, Jim did not like being left out on a joke, "Do tell, Rob, what do you call her?"
"We call her Nike, because she's so victorious, and because of those shoes she always wears," Rob laughed at the joke, which made the viewers believe he was the one who made it up. (A/N: In case y'all don't know and are super materialistic, 'Nike' is Greek for 'victory.')
Gohan chuckled. 'Nike,' he thought to himself, 'That's cute.'
It was an exceptionally slow school day for Son Gohan. In order not to fall asleep due to the teacher's monotonous drawl, Gohan forced himself to look around the classroom and see what other students were doing. Most had given into the temptation of sleep, while others tried keeping their eyes open in order to see the notes they were writing.
"Ok, class," Mrs. Khuddah (A/N: Tee-hee) "Now about your group projects." The entire class groaned, but the English teacher went on anyway, "It is a very simple project. You will be in groups of four- assigned groups," the class groaned again, "And your group will have to do a report on a book of your choosing. I expect these reports to be college material, people. You are all seniors and this class is AP."
While reading out the names, Mrs. Khuddah also handed the report's rubric over to the students. "Group number six consists of Sharpner, Gohan, Erasa, and Videl," Mrs. Khuddah handed the rubric to Gohan, who was cringing.
The hairs on the back of Gohan's neck started to prickle. Someone was watching him, and Gohan guessed not with admiration. Gohan turned to find Videl's glare, giving him the feeling that group projects were dangerous.
"I really think we should write about To Kill a Mockingbird," Sharpner said loudly.
The response was his three group members yelling at him simultaneously: "Sharpner! Are you stupid?" "That's a tenth grade reading book! Hell, I read it in the fifth grade!" "Sharpner, I don't think Mrs. Khuddah would consider it a logical or an acceptable choice." (A/N: Can you guess who said what? Tee-hee.)
Group number six was in the library, discussing which book would be a "logical and acceptable choice" for their book report.
Erasa narrowed her eyes and prepared to defend herself as she announced her choice, "I think Of Mice and Men is good book."
Videl rolled her eyes, "Well of course it's a good book, Erasa. I just don't think Mrs. Khuddah would like it. I think she wants us to choose something she's actually read." (A/N: Oh, shot down! LoL, oh, and I haven't read Of Mice and Men, but I know what it's about and I do plan on reading it. Tee-hee.)
Gohan opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Videl held up a hand and said, "We are not doing The Divine Comedy."
Gohan almost frowned but managed to compose himself, "I wasn't going to say that."
Videl rolled her eyes.
"I suggest we choose Paradise Lost," Gohan said, ready for whatever Videl threw at him-
Videl looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded, "You know, that might be a good idea."
-except for that.
Gohan was so shocked, he couldn't even ask "What?" He just sat there staring at her. Did she just agree with him?
"Boy, Gohan, you sure do have a big obsession with epic poems," Videl continued.
Uh, oh. Videl was getting an edge in her voice. Gohan had the feeling his moment was about to be ruined.
"Hey I have an idea!" Videl smiled brightly and snapped her fingers with mock enthusiasm, "Since you like epic poems so much, why don't we discuss The Aeneid, or The Iliad? Because you know as much as I do that everybody loves epic poems, and everyone loves to hear about their tragic flaws and weaknesses." Videl's look grew cold once again and her voice was even colder, "These things are so overdone, Gohan."
Gohan looked at her, ready to give her the most sinister glare he could muster. His glare vanished, however, as he looked at Videl. There was something in her eyes that made Gohan instantly forgive her for all the mean things she ever said to him, from the first moment they met to now. Was it a look of kindness? Of care?
It was a look of understanding.
Sharpner yawned, shattering Gohan's reverie. "I say we call it a night," he said, and stood up. He flipped his long blonde hair over his shoulder and said to his group, "I say we meet here same time tomorrow to decide on a book. Is that ok with everyone?"
Everyone nodded and stood up, grateful to be done for the night. They all wanted to go home and get away from the library filled with suffocating knowledge and bloodcurdling wisdom. (A/N: Oh, foreshadow!)
Nike casually shifted from shadow to shadow, no one taking notice of her. After all, she was invisible.
She looked at her watch and sighed. 'It's two AM, Videl,' she told herself, 'It's time to go home.'
Videl nodded to herself and made her way towards home. As she stepped into an alley, she heard footsteps behind her.
She turned around just in time to block the fist aimed at her head. She shoved the attacker down and backed away, giving herself time to calm down from the surprise and to also size up her opponent.
The man stood up, and Videl noticed it was the guy she took down the night Gohan saw her. She glared at him, "You should be in jail," she said, trying to make her voice hard and distant without letting the sound of the man's laughter get to her.
"Heh, I know a guy," was all he said before Videl felt someone grab her from behind. She stabilized herself, then threw the guy behind her over her shoulder. She kicked his kidney and his head. Deciding he was out for the count, Videl looked back at her original attacker.
He was gone.
'Great,' she thought, 'You always do that! Learn to focus your attention on more than one guy!'
Videl took a deep stance, looking all around her for any sign that something wasn't right.
There! A shadow moved! Videl jumped at the shadow, knocking out yet another attacker. This one had a knife.
"Do you know how much it cost me to get out of jail, Nike?" the criminal said her nickname with mock and disgust. Videl heard him spit. He continued talking like a snake, "Let me give you a clue."
Videl was knocked to the ground, feeling more than two hands grabbing her. She flailed her arms and legs, trying to land a hit, trying to get up, trying to move.
'No,' Videl thought calmly. 'I won't let this happen to me.' She head-butted the guy on top of her, hearing a sickening crack as her head connected with his jaw. He got up, allowing Videl to have room to kick anyone who came in her line of aim.
She managed to get another guy off of her before being pushed back down into the ground. Her arms, legs, and neck were all pinned, Someone was sitting on top of her.
Videl tried to look around her. 'There's gotta be at least ten guys here. How did I let this happen? Why did I let this happen?'
"You know," a demon said, Videl not caring to find out which, "The boss says we just need to bring her alive. He didn't say we couldn't have a little fun with her."
The rest of the men chuckled in agreement.
Videl clenched her eyes shut, now putting every inch of her being into getting out of the filthy fight without being touched.
'No, no, no, NO, NO, NO!'
The action around Videl stilled. It was Videl who just cried out… wasn't it?
Videl felt someone being lifted off her- or rather, thrown off her- for she heard a crash behind her and the grip on her arm lessened.
Soon, Videl was able to move. She wasted no time in getting up and beating the shit out of the remaining attackers.
Once the criminals were all unconscious, Videl looked around, trying to find her savior.
Gohan turned around. Were his eyes teal?
'Not anymore,' Videl thought, noticing his eyes were now the same, calming onyx from before.
"Videl, are you alright?" Gohan walked towards Videl. He ran a large, gentle hand over the side of her face which bore a huge, bleeding gash.
'I didn't even know I was cut,' Videl thought, wincing as even the slightest pressure from Gohan's fingers shot lightning bolts across her face.
Gohan cringed, "Sorry, Videl. That's a nasty cut." Gohan ripped a piece of cloth from the bottom of his shirt and lightly dabbed at her wound. Gohan was surprised she just stood there. Then again, she was in a life threatening situation. He definitely had a right to be worried, though, when he noticed her deep blue eyes were dull, as if the light had been sucked out of them.
"Videl, where do you live? We need to get you home."
Videl looked at Gohan with those unseeing eyes. She looked at his concerned look, his furrowed brow. Then she remembered those attackers, their looks anything but concerned.
"Why is it, Gohan," Videl said, grimacing as her voice wavered, "That men can be two different things, yet be exactly the same species?"
Gohan was about to tell her that he wasn't really the same species- only half- when he saw tears streaming down Videl's face.
Videl started to sob, not caring if Gohan saw her in such a state. She was almost raped- doesn't she deserve to show her feelings?
Gohan embraced her, holding her close, "Shhh, it's ok Videl. Nothing's going to hurt you. I'm here. You'll be ok." When Videl didn't push away, Gohan rubbed her back gently, hoping to sooth the fear out of her.
Gohan nor Videl knew how long they stood like that. None of them really cared. Who doesn't like to feel safe?
Gohan followed Videl into her house. Well, it wasn't really a house. It was more like an abandoned shack disguised as a house. There were flowers everywhere- 'Videl's doing,' Gohan thought- though there were random holes in the roof and half the walls weren't fully plastered. There was a small, rusty kitchen, a room with a couch and a TV, and a bedroom with room for one, small person.
Videl gestured for Gohan to take a seat at the kitchen table. He noticed that one of the chair's legs were wobbly, but decided to sit in it anyway.
Videl handed Gohan a glass of milk. Gohan almost smiled at the glass: it had a cartoon sheep on it with the word "Baa" written under it. Gohan noticed Videl had a cow on hers that said "Moo."
They sat there for a while, just sipping milk. They were rather content, actually, but they both knew they had to say something, or else something awful was going to happen and they would never say what they wanted to say.
Gohan looked up. Her voice was so quiet, Gohan didn't know whether she actually said it or not. "Um, excuse me?"
Videl cleared her throat and said again, "Thank you, for saving me. Now I owe you my life twice."
"It's no big deal, really," Gohan flushed.
"No big deal," Videl repeated disbelievingly, "Right. Tell me, Gohan, just how many times have you saved the world?"
Gohan shifted uncomfortably in his wobbly seat, "Um… I don't really know… quite a few I guess…"
Videl gave a small smile and said softly, "And people thank you by naming a city after you and giving you big house with a big statue. Do people come up to you and say to you personally, 'Thank you for my life?'"
Gohan shrugged, "Well, sure-"
"Do any of them try to get to know you?"
Gohan was caught off guard, "What?"
"Do they try to be your friend? An honest friend? Not someone who likes you for money."
Gohan thought for a bit. Millions of people have told him 'thank you,' but not one had ever tried to get to know him. Sure, they all knew Son Gohan- Savior of the World. But they didn't know Son Gohan- Boy Trying to be Normal.
Gohan shook his head and said meekly, "No, I guess not."
"Well, I guess we have something in common then."
"What's that?"
Videl gave him a gentle smile, "We never had any real friends- until now."
Gohan smiled back, deciding not to mention Piccolo, or Vegeta, or Bulma, or any of the Z-Fighters. He decided that Videl was the one who needed a real friend, not him.
As he walked out the door later that night, he heard Videl call his name and he turned around.
She gave him one of the most beautiful smiles he'd ever seen, and she said, "The Divine Comedy is my favorite book."
Woo-Hoo! Was that longer than usual? I hope so! I hope you aren't mad at me for writing in all those books and all. I just wanted to show you how deep Videl could really go. Hmm… I dunno about this chapter… seems "iffy" to me… oh well! Talk to ya later!