
Just got this idea out of the blue so decided to elaborate on it and this is where the story came from. Well on with the show-Lord of the files

"This experiment is a failure," a man said gravely.

Beast boy started to open his eyes.

"He's alive?" another man said.

"Doesn't matter," a third man said "Send him off to our patrons…I'll make the file he is to go on".

Beast boy felt weird, but he just couldn't place it. All he could remember was being at the tower…

Before Beast boy could fully remember he was being carried into a one-man ship.

"Auto-pilot take him to Planet Tazyran," a man dressed in a black over coat.

"Initiating count down," the artificial voice of the computer said.

The three men closed the hatch of the ship and then took a few steps away.

The ship engines started with a roar and then its cargo was in the air.

Beast boy tried speaking but the words were caught in his throat. He then turned to the dashboard and saw a count down meter. It was counting down from thirteen hours.

'Great,' Beast boy thought 'Trapped in a metal container with no idea how I came to be here and having thirteen hours to entertain myself'.

The hours seem to take forever to Beast boy, who stared to remember what happened.

"T-minus ten seconds," the computers steel voice came out of no where.

'Let's see where I will be staying at until I tell them who I am,' Beast boy said hoping they would believe him. Beast boy then looked out to the planet and saw desert everywhere, the only haven was a giant metallic building.

The ship landed with a thud and Beast boy saw that seven people came towards the ship with guns out.

'Maybe a little bit longer,' Beast boy thought.

Three of those seven opened the hatch while the rest covered him.

One of them yelled at Beast boy and Beast boy had to shrug because he didn't understand him. The man grunted and clicked something on his helmet.

"OUT PRISONER!" the man screamed at our hero in the ship pointing his gun at him.

Beast boy then scrambled out of the ship and the seven escorted him out to the main building.

While this was going on Beast boy couldn't help but look around, and when one of the men noticed hit him across the back of the head with his assault rifle and said, "Better like it prisoner it will be your home till you reform".

Holding the back of his head, Beast boy continued to walk until he was at a door.

"IN!" the man who hit him yelled.

Beast boy opened the door quickly and went inside. In front of him there was a desk and a very thin person was siting in the chair to the side farthest from Beast boy. He then motioned over to the seat on the other side and waited. Beast boy took the chair hesitantly and then waited for him to speak. The man at the desk started to flip through some pages and then stopped to look at Beast boy.

Beast boy tried a weak grin…the man didn't smile back. He did tell Beast boy that he is to stay here until they deem him fit to leave.

"But why am I here?" Beast boy said.

"You honestly believe that little trick will work on me?" the man said angrily.

"But I don't," Beast boy said.

The man glared at him and started to list off the charges: theft, mass murder, destruction of a planet, and war crimes.

"Look there must be a mistake," Beast boy started "I'm a Teen Titan, I fight people who try and do those things".

The man looked at him blankly before saying into a video transmitter, "Guards take" he gestured at Beast boy "Number 609874-245 to his cell".

Before he knew it Beast boy was being dragged to his cell by a large guard with a wicked looking handgun.

"You'll love your cell mate…you know why," the guard who was dragging him said.

When Beast boy didn't say anything, the guard elaborated saying, "She has made her last six cellmates go to the Med. Ward".

Beast boy mentally groaned, and when the guard suddenly stopped and turned to his right Beast boy was caught off guard and hit his head on a part of the wall.

"Here we are, your new home," the guard said gruffly taking out a key and then throwing Beast boy into the cell.

Beast boy started to look around his darkened cell and put up his guard. He then heard the door lock behind him.

"I'm Beast boy," Beast boy said hopefully sounding welcoming "I hope we can be friends".

"Beast boy?" said a highly familiar voice.

Beast boy couldn't put his finger on the voice but it sounded familiar.

"Lights on," said the girl and then Beast boy saw who it was.

"BLACKFIRE?" Beast boy practically screamed.

"Yes," Blackfire said holding her hands over her ears "You don't have to scream".

But he didn't hear he just ran up to her and hugged her.

"Beast boy?" Blackfire asked in a hesitant way.

"I can't believe it's you. I thought I was going to be on my own in this forsaken wasteland…and then when I saw you I was just…relieved and shocked," Beast boy said hugging her deeper.

Blackfire was quiet for a long time before asking, "Why are you here?"

Beast boy broke the hug, shook his head and said, "I don't know, but they said I did theft, mass murder, destruction of a planet and war crimes".

"You?" Blackfire said a little shaken "You're as straight as an arrow".

Taking his head in his hands he sat down on the bed and sat there. When he shifted position Blackfire thought he was a miniature thinker sculpture.

"What do you remember last," Blackfire asked softly.

"Just being at the tower…" Beast boy said not wanting to elaborate at what happened at the lab.

"Hmmm…" Blackfire said putting a finger on her lips.

Beast boy just stared at her and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Apparently if you take a diamond they don't like it," Blackfire said with a shrug.

He looked at her for a while and she stared back. It was odd…and Beast boy couldn't place why.

"Oh well…" Blackfire started suddenly getting closer to Beast boy.

"Anything wrong?"

"No I just want to get closer to you," Blackfire said face mere inches away, then she turned her attention to his ear.

Beast boy started to sweat…a lot.

"Uh…um…err…" Beast boy stuttered out.

He then could feel her breathe on his ear and heard her whisper, "They have cameras all over this place…so I'll make it quick…sound like your pleasured".

"Wh—" Beast boy started before he gasped as Blackfire bit his ear.

Her whisper was quicker this time, "I'm thinking that in a few days we could escape at lunch…I know you'll come with me…or do you wish to rot here?"

Beast boy started to breathe heavily and sweat a lot. He wasn't used to this…hell the only girl he got close to kissing was Terra and that was almost a year ago.

"Ok so it's agreed?" Blackfires whisper came after what was like hours to Beast boy.

"Yeah," Beast boy mostly breathed out then spoke.

Blackfire suddenly got up and said, "I'm tired I'm going to bed," then she smiled and leaned in and kissed his nose "We'll continue this another time".

Beast boy looked around the room and noticed there was only one bed.

"Here," he said offering his bed and proceeded to make his bed on the ground.

"Thanks," Blackfire said and then lay down on the bed.

Beast boy lay down and then stared at the ceiling for a little while. He then remembered all the things the scientists did…but he rather not think about that.

I hoped you liked it…the next installment will come within a week…or two depends…depends on what inspiration I get-Lord of the files