AN: Ok, Here's Chapter 9! Sorry it took a while! Oh, and after chapter ten, I might need some ideas… well…I better get to the acknowledgements…

Zarroc- thanks! That's what I'm aiming for! Cute! BTW, I love your username! I love the Inheritance series!

Ginny Baudelaire- yeah I know it was…but I tried to aim for cute but slightly intense. Thanks for liking it! is happy

hogwartsgirl52- lol, here it is! You might laugh at this too.

Natalie- don't worry, I like a bunch of the M rated fics…I'm probably more of a sicko than you (I blame it on my friend Julie…) oh and Danke Schon! I cant believe people actually like my fic. This is my first one and I usually don't really write very well or have very good ideas for English class.

antihomework93- Doomo Arigato! (I'm taking Japanese, and Doomo Arigato means Thank you.)

kashira- here it is!

Hermione-Hermine- lol, don't eat my fic! Lol…I hope you like this next chappie!

Snogging where?

Harry dropped Ginny off at Defense Against the Dark Arts where she would meet Professor Mcyntire.

Then the trio walked to History of Magic together, Ron and Hermione with their hands intertwined. They took their seats in the very back, surprisingly they were the only ones there, except for Neville and Dean who were sitting next to each other near the front. The rest of the Griffindors same in but it seemed that the Slytherins were skipping.

Class started. Harry fell asleep with his head on his desk. Ron and Hermione managed to scoot under the desk. And what were they doing un there you ask? Why, SNOGGING of course! Yup, they snogged the whole period.

Everyone else in the room slept or…well…slept…that was all there was to do since you could barely understand the Professor anymore.

About 2 hours later, Harry woke up and looked around. Class would end in about two minutes, but where were Ron and Hermione? He looked down and smiled.

"Damn, that's just not fair…they get extra snogging time!"

He shook Ron's shoulder. "Ron, class ending in a minute."

They stopped.

"Oh All right…" Said Ron disappointedly.

They sat up on their seat. They were dismissed and all three left to the common room for planned homework, but where else might they do? Hee Hee!

AN: I know, Hermione probably wouldn't do that…but I'm running out of ideas! I'm in the process of writing chapter 10so I should have it up sometime next week. But after that, I'm not sure where the story is going to go….I hope you all liked that chapter!