Green Tea: Allo everyone! Well, here it is! The final installment of Ninja Way! (BTW: This is Hinata/Naruto ) Enjoy! This is basically following the canon episode, when Hinata was fighting the giant hornet. I think it's episode 151.

Ninja Way: Chapter 4

Hinata: No Higher Praise

It was a peaceful and quiet night.

A girl quietly slipped away from the tent her partners were resting in, holding onto a small canvas bag.

She walked through the thick forest, following the sound of falling water.

After a minute or two, she arrived at her destination. The waterfall.

It was a sort of enchanting waterfall, large and beautiful, the sort you would see in watercolor pictures in old storybooks. The sort you would expect to find mermaids in, where the moonlight refracted off the rocks and illuminated the entire pool with colors.

Hinata smiled to herself; it was truly a beautiful sight.

She quickly undressed and stepped into the cool, crystalline water.

Water always had a sort of soothing effect on her, whether it be a majestic waterfall, or the small ripples in a cup of tea.

She knelt in the shallow pool around the downpour, careful not to let herself to be hit by the jet of falling water, but simply flecked by the little droplets of spray. The girl closed her eyes and spent a moment enjoying the soothing water and the serene sounds.

However, when she reopened her eyes, they had a different light to them. A powerful, distinct sort of determination glittered in the pearly orbs.

The Hyuuga heiress stood up and climbed onto a rock near the waterfall, but a safe distance away from being hit. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and exhaled. She continued this breathing pattern, like a beat to the rhythm of the waterfall.

Slowly, she raised her arms, and gracefully assumed the first stance of the unique open-palm martial arts style. She continued to drift through the second stance, and the third, then the fourth, and so on, without using chakra, simply practicing her form.

Then, with the grace of a swan, she flipped off the slippery, moss-covered rock and into the water. But no splash was heard as her feet touched the surface of the pool- the surface tension remained intact. The girl hovered off the surface of the water for a moment, her eyes still closed serenely.

There was a moment of fragile silence before her eyes snapped open and her body instantly began a sort of dance upon the surface of the water.

It was first a 360 degree spin, then a leap as her hand whipped through the air, followed by a trail of water, as though guided by her palm.

She continued this dance of water, moving faster and faster, but still maintaining the same grace and control. The water began to fly through the air as though it had a will of it's own, creating archs after archs of droplets, over-lapping, layering, weaving together, faster and faster.

After a while, the dance seemed to be a flurry of water, the girl, nothing but a blur as she continued to weave. Soon, a sphere began to take shape around her, solidifying as the dancer's movements grew faster and faster.

Once the sphere seemed to be completely solid, there was a flash of chakra-induced light, and the sphere exploded, creating a beautiful shower of water droplets, that glimmered like diamonds as they flew into the air.

The spectacle only lasted for a moment, however, before the droplets fell back into the pool and the magic of the dance faded away into nothing but a memory.

Hinata fell to her knees in the pool and panted, sweat-droplets rolling down her face. She felt as though her lungs were going to implode. But as painful as the after-effects were, she could not help but smile; her training had been successful, and she was ready now. For the first time in her life, she was confident.

Finally... a way to be... acknowledged... For me... For who... I am.

The gigantic summoned hornet was coming closer, slowly gaining speed and momentum as it carved a straight path in the ground... toward Hinata.

I can't let everyone down now... I can't... I can't...

Hinata drew the first curve to her sphere, above her head, and then with her other hand, another curve across her side, and then top, and across, and top and across, over and over again.

If I make my chakra bigger, stronger, more flexible...

She continued to weave as her chakra supplied the thread for her spherical loom.

More, more, more...

The threads strengthened and became more and more opaque as she focused.

No, not just my chakra. But everything. Everything.

The hornet sped at her full-speed, only a few feet away.

More confident, more hard-working, more successful, more... more... More!

Her eyes shot open, bold and unafraid. A small smile worked its way onto her lips.

And then, with a flash, they collided, yet the sphere of light held, sending the hornet recoiling back several hundred metres.

Hinata let the sphere fall away. She stumbled and fell to the ground in exhaustion... had not someone caught her.


Is that... Naruto-kun?

"That was a really super awesome jutsu!"

Did he... Did he just...?

Hinata choked.

The whiskered face nodded back at her.

She smiled, though this small expression of happiness was no where enough to express the elation inside her.

Then... I can ask... no higher praise... from anyone...


Green Tea: Ah! There you go! It's done I'd really like to thank all my wonderful readers and reviewswho helped me get through this! Without you, I couldn't have done it

Big Thanks to:Neko, Yoyochan, Romanticide, Only Secret, Neji x TenTen, Yachtzee, Shad0wcat08, Xoni Newcomer, wildcatt, little wolf blossom, So-kun, and last but not least, Diana!
