She slowly walked towards the door, looking once at the ringing phone as she opened and shut the door behind her. The ringing followed her down the hallway of the dead apartment building. 'Why won't he let it be.' Her mind repeated.

She had moved to New York 2 months ago. Shortly after arriving she got an apartment in a building that reminded her of Breakfast at Tiffany's. She just knew she was going to hear crazy parties from her neighbor Holly Golightly. Of course there was no kooky neighbor resembling Miss Hepburn. Instead it was a very dead apartment building with ghost lingering. In the 2 months she had been there she hadn't seen one human in the halls. Once she saw a kitten and it seemed to have disappeared shortly after her vision of it.

She had nabbed a job as a secretary at the New York Times, but was working her way up the ladder. Or so she had hoped. The only reason for moving to New York was to work up the ladder. If she failed she would certainly be lost. New York City wasn't the nicest of towns. It often made her think of a past relationship that she had long tried to erase. Memories are not easy to shove under the rug.

Memories of her last love seem to be getting the best of her. Logan had left her high and dry after graduation. He took a 'vacation' and forgot to tell her. That was what he had said in every phone message he had left in the last 2 months. She didn't dare answer the phone. Instead she let it ring until the answering machine got it. Screening her calls was the only way she could get past him. Actually speaking to him could have sent her over edge. That is why she had gotten her cell phone number changed. Only a selective few had it. Those who had it knew not to give it to Logan.

Rory was now headed to her mother's house for a visit. There was nothing like a trip to the small town to take her mind off of the big city and Logan. She missed seeing Lane and her mother. She could almost taste the coffee at Luke's trickling down her throat. That is exactly what she needed, a weekend of relaxation.

"Mom I'm home." She said as she entered her childhood home.

"Daughter!" her mother screamed scooping her up in a hug.

"Can't breath." She said hitting her mother on the back, "No really I am going to pass out."

" Sorry sweets it has been 2 months though. Turn around. Let me see you."

Rory turned around as she scrunched her face, "All my 2000 parts are still in place."

"I can see that. I am so proud. I can't believe my little girl is living in the Big Apple."

"New York is stressing me." She said as she collapsed on the couch, "There is a kitten in the building. Not a sign of a human though. It is really creepy." She said of her apartment.

"Why on earth does he do this?" Luke said as he burst in the door.

"Look who is here!" she said with caution and excitement.

"Rory…how good to see you." He patted her on the head and turned to Lorelei.

"Good to see you to, why are you patting me like a dog?"

"I am just giving you some affection." Luke said nervously.

"Who were you talking about when you came in?" Rory asked changing the subject off of her head patting.

"I wasn't talking about anyone." He said turning to Lorelei. "Have you told her?"

"Told me what?" she said getting up and following her mother to the kitchen.

"Bye Luke" Lorelei said as she looked through the fridge, "Your work here is done."

"This isn't my fault. You said you were going to tell her a month ago. Have you told her anything? Jeez." Luke shut the fridge as he spoke.

" I was waiting for the perfect time. Which would be now, I guess."

"HELLO I am right here! Can you please tell me what you are talking about?"

Rory went to her old room and opened the door. Lorelei and Luke following close behind.

"Why is there a crib in my room?" Rory said as she looked around at the baby clothes on her old bed.

"I was practicing?" Lorelei said as Luke looked at her in disbelief of what she just said.

"For what? Are you pregnant? I mean I would think having a kid the first time would have been good practice."

Rory then found an assortment of men's clothes hanging in her closet. As she looked through them she found lots of concert shirts and some button down shirts. Luke was pacing the hall as Lorelei tried her hardest to find an excuse for the things her daughter had found.

"Let's go to the living room and talk. I would have told you sooner if you would have warned me of your visit." She grabbed Rory's arm and drug her to the couch.

"Told me what sooner? You know living in the ghost apartment is seeming not so bad."

Rory sat on the couch and tried to figure out what she was about to be told. Nothing came to her mind. Nothing until his voice came from the front door.

"Lorelei is Luke here?" the familiar voice said as he stumbled in to the living room.

"What is he/she doing here?" was the words that were spoken as their eyes met.