Summary: When aunt Marge visits the Dursleys after the events of OotP things become too much for the Boy Who lived and he snap

Summary: When aunt Marge visits the Dursley's after the events of OotP things become too much for the Boy Who lived and he snaps, the power of his dark side that Voldemort helped create on that horrible night fourteen years is unleashed and he decides to fight the war on his own terms, his ultimate goal to create a world where there is no corrupt government or discrimination towards magical animals and half-bloods or muggleborn.

Warning: swearing, angst and tragedy.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.





Harry Potter stands defiantly on top of the astronomy tower, surrounded by the Scottish countryside upon which Hogwarts lays its claim with its vast grounds and proud turrets. He stares out with unseeing eyes and whispers "not much longer", with that thought he starts to look back on how all of this began just four months ago.


He had just come home from platform 93/4 and was stepping out of the car when his uncle had already disregarded the threat from Moody. "Now listen to me boy," he growled, "if you think those freaks can threaten me you are wrong so you better mark my words I tell you. I will not tolerate any of those freaks in the neighbourhood. Aunt Marge is visiting again next week so they better stay away and I hope you behave or I will kill you this time if anything happens."

Harry just didn't care 'Then at least I can be with my parents and Sirius.' He took his trunk out of the boot and dragged it upstairs into his bedroom.

He was depressed and stayed in his room where he spent most of his time crying. Only if his aunt called him for dinner did he stop crying, go downstairs, eat, go back upstairs and began crying again. Even his nights weren't peaceful as Voldemort was doing his best to make sure Harry didn't have a single night without a nightmare.

The Dursley's left him alone the rest of the time, Uncle Vernon could make threats but he knew not to push the limit. Every three days he would send Hedwig with a simple note saying "I'm fine" to Grimmauld place. He did get some letters from his friends but ignored them.

When aunt Marge had first arrived he didn't even care about her insults at meals but after a day or two she was getting bored so she begun to disturb him in his room and mocking him when he was crying. "Just like his father, a no good punk." If she would have just left him alone in his room he wouldn't have cared but she kept mocking him and his grieving "He's probably in withdrawal. He probably uses drugs at his school and now he can't get any." And the mocking continued. She didn't understand why he was crying and didn't even care. Dudley was happy enough to help her abusing him mentally and physically until one day at dinner he had enough and snapped.

All the rage. The betrayal, Dumbledore, Voldemort, Fudge and Aunt Marge. It was just to much for him to handle and the Boy Who Lived became dark, releasing the power inside of him that Voldemort had helped creating on the night his parents where killed. Something had happened inside of him, he knew he was no ordinary wizard but this was unbelievable. All that raw power he controlled.

Aunt Marge was just finishing another insult about his family when it happened. He stood up from the table his chair clattering on the ground, his face not carrying any emotion. No signs of tears or anger whatsoever. He just stood up from the table looking down. "What's the matter boy had enough?" Marge taunted. He lifted up his gaze to meet hers and she fell of her chair with a loud thump from her massive frame when she saw his eyes. They were eerily green with a roaring green fire inside. The light in the room seemed to vanish and the sunlight was suddenly being blocked out. Only those two green orbs were visible in the complete darkness.

"I warned you boy," Uncle Vernon roared while he stormed towards those two unnatural green glowing orbs. Harry saw him coming in the darkness and stopped him with one hand, picked him up by his collar and swung him trough the kitchen wall into the living area. Suddenly the light came back full force and the house erupted in flames.

Aunt Marge was staring fearfully at the boy in front of her. The hatred was clearly showing on his face now. "Do you want to know why I was crying? I'll show you," He said in a voice that barely showed how much hatred he truly felt. He raised his hand and a thump was heard upstairs. His trunk together with Hedwig's cage came flying from upstairs trough the flames and with another move of his hand they disappeared into thin air, all five of them while nr. 4 Privet Drive burnt to the ground.

Harry didn't know how to apparate let alone do forced apparition with three other people. Yet he had done it by sheer willpower.

They stood outside of Gringotts in the middle of the intersection where Diagon Alley met Knockturn Alley. He made the Dursleys, Aunt Marge and his trunk together with Hedwig's cage invisible and petrified them. He began walking into Gringotts while he floated the rest behind him.

Several people were already starting to stare at him when he walked towards one of the counters and began speaking to a goblin. "I would like to open an account please." The goblin looked up from a parchment he was writing on and recognised Harry. "Of course Mr. Potter, please follow me." He walked around the counter and walked towards a door guarded by two goblins and let him in.

Sitting behind a desk in the middle of the room was a goblin Harry recognised. "Griphook, is that you?" Harry asked.

"A yes Mr. Potter, welcome in my office, what kind of matters can I help you with. I am surprised you remember me."

"I am here to hire a low security vault for keeping some dangerous animals in." The four persons where now floating in the air in the main hall.

"May I ask what kind of animals?"

"I would prefer not to disclose that information. How much would it cost me?" Harry asked.

"Five galleons per week, feeding the animals included." Griphook answered. Harry thought it was more than enough but to make the Dursley's and Aunt Marge sorry forever abusing him he was willing to pay it.

"Deal, I would like to deposit them immediately and then I would like to make a visit to my vault."

"Certainly Mr. Potter, I will accompany you personally. Where are the animals?"

"Waiting outside in the hall." Harry answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Griphook just shrugged and led Harry towards the door where the cart that would take them to the underground caverns.

Griphook climbed into the cart and waited for Harry to get in. Instead of stepping in, Harry just stood there looking at the door. The Dursleys, Aunt Marge and his trunk became visible when they were already floating above the cart. Griphook was amazed that such a young man could do that without a wand and even more so that he got passed the entrance gates with these people without it being noticed. Gringotts has high security measures. One of these measures is placed on the entrance gates so that anyone who is invisible or disguised with the help of magic is exposed, the magic is nullified when they step trough those doors, and even invisibility cloaks stop working. Goblin magic is very powerful and different from human magic. How could it be that such a young man without a wand had found a way around it? Griphook decided he would have to contact his superiors the first chance he got.

Harry placed the four persons and his trunk in the cart and climbed inside. "Oh boy, if the Dursleys could scream right now they would be heard all the way to Surrey." Harry laughed out loud. Griphook eyed him suspiciously for a second and let the mine cart begin its descent.

"Mind if I ask what is so funny Mr. Potter?"

"Long story Griphook. Maybe I'll tell it to you someday." The ride continued downwards for anther 10 minutes until it stopped at vault DAC9. "This is the Dangerous Animal Care vault nr. 9" Griphook explained when he saw the confused look on Harry's face.

Griphook climbed out of the cart stepped in front of the door and pressed a combination of symbols on the door of the vault. A loud click was heard and the door swung open. A dark cavern-like space was revealed. The place was filthy and cold.

"Perfect." Harry said and levitated his relatives out of the cart and freed them from their petrified state. Aunt Petunia and Dudley began to scream immediately while Aunt Marge was just looking around confused.

Uncle Vernon immediately started threatening Harry "I warned you boy about using your freakish powers, you will be thrown out of school and you will never be welcome in my house again, you ignorant little—"

Harry never heard the rest of the sentence because at that point he threw the Dursley's and Aunt Marge into the vault very roughly and made Uncle Vernon's mouth disappear. "Now you listen to me, all of you," He said pointing at all four of them, barely suppressing his rage that was just boiling beneath the surface. Aunt petunia and Dudley stopped screaming. "You have mistreated me and insulted my parents who are dead for more than fourteen years as well as myself whenever you could but none of you have ever known what I've been through.

"Well, now you will experience everything I had to endure from you and from other people for the rest of your LIFE!" Harry screamed the last part. He began to concentrate and Griphook felt the power radiate from him and took a few steps backwards not knowing what was going to happen. Harry stretched his arms in front of him, closed his eyes and repeated one sentence over and over again in his mind. "I want them to know how I have suffered over and over again." Harry felt like something click inside of his mind and immediately the four persons inside the vault began to scream. Griphook looked at the scene in front of him while his jaw was hanging open in surprise. Harry looked at the door for a second and it slammed shut with a loud bang that could be heard on several levels of the bank.

"Sir, I must insist you tell me what you just did and why." Griphook asked.

"If you insist," Harry said, "Those are my muggle relatives, the only relatives I still have. I have lived with them ever since my parents were killed. They treated like I was an obstruction in their lives, they insulted me, insulted my parents, made me do all the work around the house from the day I could do it and mocked me when I was grieving over my godfather. Today I had enough and decided they should see what I have been trough. From now on they will have to experience every horrible thing I have been trough in my live from my perspective and feel what I felt at that time for the rest of their lives. Everything passes in a matter of minutes, over and over again." Griphook looked shocked. Harry didn't know if it was because of the things the Dursley's did or because of what Harry did.

"If that is what they did to you they deserve nothing less." Griphook replied with a look of disgust on his face "Shall we continue to your personal vault, sir?" He said in his normal voice. Harry nodded and climbed back in the mine cart, Griphook followed and soon the cart was racing trough the underground tunnels towards Harry's vault.

Fifteen minutes later the cart slowed down and stopped in front of vault 687. Harry and Griphook climbed out of the cart and stepped in front of the door. "Your key please." Griphook asked. Harry realized his key was still in his trunk. He looked intently at his trunk for a moment and suddenly the trunk opened and his key shot out of it straight into his hand. He handed his key over to Griphook who opened the door. Harry had been withdrawing money from his vault since his eleventh birthday but it looked like the pile was even growing. "Is there any way to see how much money is in my vault?" Harry asked. Griphook nodded and pointed towards a small alcove in the wall. Inside of the alcove was a piece of parchment that showed all the withdrawals and deposits ever made. Written at the top of the parchment was the first deposit: 3,700,000 galleons October 1st 1980. On the bottom of the parchment was the total amount: 6.568.438 galleons. Harry couldn't believe his eyes. "Griphook, how is it possible I have almost twice the original amount, as far as I know nobody has made a deposit into my vault." Harry asked.

"I believe your parents have invested some of your money in various companies plus the interest rate on that amount of money for fifteen years can make a lot of difference. For the remainder of your assets you will have to speak to one of the managers." Griphook replied.

"Is there a way to withdraw a lot of money without having to carry it around?"

"Of course Mr. Potter, next to the parchment should be a ring that you can use. You just hold your wand against it, state the amount and say whose account it should be deposited to."

Harry took the ring and left his vault. The rest of his assets contained his family vault with 642 million galleons in it, Potter Estate, Godric's Hollow and a castle located in the south of France, and as Harry learned later that day all of the assets from the Black family. His hatred flared again when he learned that Sirius's had left him with all his assets. "He died because DUMBLEDORK thought it would be best if the prophecy was kept a secret, he will pay for that." Harry screamed once he was out of Gringotts, it was already past seven so Diagon Alley was mostly deserted.

He stormed of towards the Leaky Cauldron his trunk still floating behind him. Just before he entered the pub he thought it would be best if he dragged his trunk inside, it would raise too much suspicion if he were caught doing magic. Inside he stepped up to Tom the bartender. "Hello there Mr. Potter, what can I do for you?" Tom asked with a toothless grin. Several people looked up from their tables at hearing his name. He cursed Tom but quickly performed some magic so that all people except Tom would forget he was there. "Yes Tom, I would like a room for the rest of the holidays." Harry replied.

"Of course Mr. Potter, follow me." Tom picked a key from the wall, picked up Harry's trunk and walked upstairs while Harry followed. "Here you go Mr. Potter. Room 11, the one you had the previous time you stayed here." Tom said while he dropped Harry's trunk in front of the bed.

"Thank you Tom, how much do I owe you?"

"Don't worry about that Mr. Potter, you can pay me later."

"Would you mind waking me at nine o'clock?"

"Certainly Mr. Potter." Tom said.

"Oh, and Tom, if anyone asks you didn't see me, not even if Albus Dumbledore asks." Harry said, Tom looked reluctant for a second but complied.

"As you wish Mr. Potter."

That night Harry had his first night of undisturbed sleep in a long time, until Tom woke him up that is. At nine o'clock sharp he knocked on Harry's door to wake him up. Harry had almost reduced Tom to a smear on the wall right there.

"How dare he disturb me the first night of descent sleep I had in a long while." Harry asked himself angrily but silently "Oh yes, I asked him." "You know, people say that when you start talking to yourself your insane." A voice inside his mind answered.

"No, you're not insane when you talk to yourself, it's when you answer you're insane..., okay I'm insane."

"Glad you finally realise it."

"Yeah, when you have been through everything I have that can happen."

"Point taken."

"Mr. Potter, are you awake?" Tom asked, interrupting Harry's private conversation.

"Yes Tom, thank you." Harry replied and heard the host stumble down the hallway and down the stairs. Harry stood up and stepped into the bathroom. After a long shower he stepped in front of the mirror. "I can't go into Diagon Alley like that."

"Indeed you can't" Both the mirror and the voice inside his mind replied.

"Would you shut up," Harry said out loud.

"Alright, if that's what you want." The mirror said angrily and didn't say another word.

"Not you." Harry said angrily.

"If you're here anyway, help me out a little. In which person should I disguise myself?" Harry asked himself.

"Draco Malfoy?" the voice replied.

"Are you trying to make me sick."


"I think..."

"I doubt that."



"That's better."

Harry looked at himself in the mirror and began to change his features. First of all he made his scar disappear, then he made his hair longer and changed it to brown. He made himself two inches taller and instead of emerald green he made his eyes a dark blue. Normally the entire wizarding world would've recognised him but now he believed even Dumbledore wouldn't recognise him.

Meanwhile somewhere in Scotland

Albus Dumbledore was sitting in his office chewing on a sherbet lemon drop. Some instruments had gone of in his office indicating that something was terribly wrong at Privet Drive. He had immediately sent members from the order over to Privet Drive. The fire suddenly flared green and Minerva McGonnagall stepped out of the grate. "How does the situation look Minerva?" Dumbledore asked.

"Not good Albus, Privet Drive is burnt down to the ground and there is no sign whatsoever from Harry or his relatives, I fear for the worst Albus." She said tears starting to form in her eyes.

"I'm afraid it's something other than an attack from Voldemort. The blood magic protecting Privet Drive is still in place so no Death Eaters could come near Privet Drive, it also means that Harry and Petunia Dursley are still alive" Dumbledore said.

"Then what happened." McGonnagall asked.

"I hope I'm wrong but I think Harry is no longer on the side of light." Dumbledore said aging several decades in mere seconds.

"But Albus, that can't be true, you know Harry would never turn to the dark side." She sobbed.

"I'm not saying he has joined Voldemort but I think he's not going to fight for us anymore Minerva. I will try to contact him, I just hope I'm wrong."

Harry came down the staircase and stepped into the wizarding pub. Tom stepped in front of him "And who might you be." He asked roughly. Harry not immediately realising what he was taking about looked dumbstruck at Tom until he realised he was a lot taller than yesterday, he was almost as tall as Tom now.

"It's me Harry. I'm in disguise." And for a brief moment he let his scar reappear. "Sorry Mr. Potter didn't recognise you there."

"That's alright Tom, that's exactly the point of a disguise."

"Would you like some breakfast sir?" Tom asked as if nothing happened.

"Yes, I would like some eggs and beacon please." Harry said and went to sit in a secluded corner of the dining room. After his dinner that annoying voice was back.

"Hungry." It asked.

"Oh great it's back." Harry muttered.

"Look at you, betrayed by the one you always trusted. Why don't you make him pay and join Voldemort, that alone would give him a stroke." It said.

"Why would I join that psychopath who thinks he is better than anyone else while he is a half-blood himself?" Harry said annoyed at the voice.

"How did you call me?" It hissed

"Tom, is that you." Harry asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"Listen Potter, join me or die." Voldemort hissed angrily.

"Why don't you come and get me Tom." Harry taunted.

"Maybe I will, Potter, maybe I will." Harry had enough and with one thought severed the link that connected him with Voldemort, he wouldn't disturb him any more trough his scar.

"I guess I'm not as insane as I thought I was. You know, I think that if I concentrated hard enough I could kill him from here but where would the fun be in that. I want him to suffer and suffer he will." Harry thought feeling his anger starting to flare already.

Tom stared a second at the young man sitting in the corner, blue eyes blazing an eerily green. Tom recomposed himself and put the tray he was carrying in front of him. "Thanks Tom." "

"Would you like some tea Sir?"

"Yes please."

While he ate his breakfast he began to form his plan. Tommy boy had given him an idea. He wanted to deal with Voldemort and at the same time make Dumbledore pay. He already has his own army. The DA, if he played it smart they would stand behind him. Right now he had to buy some supplies. He bought various books in Flourish and Blots, some on animagus transformation, apparition, fencing, duelling, and advanced spell work. He also bought an amulet in Knockturn Alley so that he could perform magic with his wand while he was away from school and some books that covered the dark arts. In the store where he had bought his dragon-hide gloves in his first year he had bought full body armour made from Hungarian Horntail and a training sword. He had decided to cut his stay at the Leaky Cauldron rather short and that he should go and look what was left of Potter Estate. The Goblin who had helped him sort trough his assets had told him it was destroyed in the first war.

He left the Leaky Cauldron a few hours later after paying Tom and headed into muggle London and called for the knight bus.

The large violently purple triple-decker bus popped into existence right in front of him. Stan Shunpike opened the doors and began his speech.

"Potter Estate." Harry said in an annoyed voice.

"Seventeen sickles please." Stan said, apparently getting the message. Harry was anxious to see how his family had lived and where, but also pissed at He Who Is A Royal Pain In The Arse. Harry paid the fee and the bus started moving with a loud bang.

After about twenty minutes the bus arrived at a huge gate on a small road. "Potter Estate." Stan announced. Harry got off and walked towards the gates, they opened automatically as Harry approached them and closed immediately after he had passed them. In the distance he could see a huge facade of a marble building standing, seemingly undamaged. "They said it was completely destroyed." Harry thought amazed. The building was about 250 feet wide and four stories high.

When he approached the entrance door it opened seemingly by itself but when he looked better he could see a house-elf wearing an old pillowcase standing in the doorway.

"Good afternoon master, we have been waiting for you a long time. Is there anything I can do for you?" The elf said in a cheerful voice while she bowed.

"Yes there are a few things: first of all, stop calling me master, it's just Harry. Second, I thought this place was destroyed, what happened and could you show me around please." Harry said with a smile plastered on his face.

The elf looked at Harry with huge eyes, nobody had ever said please to her. "O no master, I couldn't call you by your first name, it is rude for us house-elves to do so. The house was indeed destroyed sir, but the other house-elves and me have rebuilt it since then in the hope that the heir of my former master would return. Please follow me." The elf said and led Harry trough a large entrance hall three stories high decorated with various family tapestries.

Harry thought about all this and started talking to the house elf again. "Who was your former master... what is your name?" Harry asked.

"Tibby sir. Why is master asking my name."

"So that I can talk with you properly. Now, who was your former master, Tibby."

"Henry Potter sir, your grandfather."

Tears started to form in Harry's eyes. This was the house where his family grew up. The family that was taken from him, he was determined to take revenge on everyone that had helped put him with the Dursleys and had prevented him to grow up in a loving and caring family.

The rest of his vacation was divided in fencing, exploring Potter Estate which has an astounding amount of 49 bedrooms, 3 armoury's full of swords, axes... and contemplating over his plan to make all of the people who had used him or defied him pay.

He had taken the Hogwarts express where he had told McGonnagall that he had fled Privet Drive because a burglar had been caught and had set the house on fire and had just resumed his normal live. He had transformed the DA into his personal army. He had convinced most of them to join him when he told them everything Voldemort as well as Dumbledore had done to him. The students were disgusted when they were told what Dumbledore had put Harry trough. Ron and Hermione had stood by Dumbledore's side but Harry had made them hold their mouths shut about his activities until the time was right.

The DA was now 6000 students strong and was ready to commence the first step. Surprisingly a lot of students from other houses had joined him as well, even Slytherin. Draco Malfoy had even joined him with the explanation that he didn't want to serve Voldemort and still be tortured and because Dumbledore was a crazy old coot. Harry couldn't have agreed more.

End Flashback

"It's time Love." Ginny said brining him back to the present. Harry cast a sonorous charm on himself and ordered his troops.

"Commence operation Insania!"

Author notes: I know there can never be 6000 students at Hogwarts but you can't really call 250 people an army and then all Hogwarts' students would have to join Harry. If you wish to discuss these things, I have started up a Yahoo group just for this purpose. groups./group/HPPowerOfBetrayal. Something I wish to very clear about is that now that I posted another story doesn't mean I won't write on PoB anymore, I will continue to write the story but it will be slowed down somewhat. I know that this story looks a lot like Harry's Madness from SilverLocke980 But I assure you that I had the idea for writing this type of fic a while before I read this story and most of the ideas are my own although I have used ideas from other writers as well. I hope they don't mind that I used some of their ideas in this fic, it would never be this (I hope) great story that it is now.