I do not own Rurouni Kenshin. He owns me.

Kami-sama Strikes Again (Literally)

By Shiara-dono

Chapter 1

Kaoru Kamiya woke up a little later than usual. She had been dreaming about Kenshin. In her dream, the wandering swordsman had confessed his feelings to her. How she wished it was true. But she knew he wouldn't. He was oblivious to her feelings, and too shy to say if he ever developed any.

With a sigh, Kaoru got up and put on the sea foam- colored kimono she had recently bought. She walked outside, and there was the object of her dreams, doing the laundry. What does he see in that? she wondered.


He turned. "Good- morning, Miss Kaoru. Sleep well?"

Kaoru blushed, and nodded.

With a happy tune in his heart, Kenshin went back to the laundry.

"Uh, Kenshin?"

"Yes, Miss Kaoru?"

"I'm going into town later. Will you come with?"

"Sure. I have something to buy myself, that I do."

"Okay, we'll go after you finish the laundry." She walked into the dojo, and told Yahiko to practice his swings. He grimaced and called her ugly, but consented to do so. Before too long, Kenshin came in. "Oh, Kenshin! Are you finished?"

Kenshin's heart fluttered. "Y…yes, Miss Kaoru. We can go now, that we can."

They walked in silence while Kenshin gathered his courage. "By the way, Miss Kaoru. That kimono looks nice on you, that it does."

Kaoru's eyes glimmered. "Thank- you, Kenshin!" She stared, then laughed as a huge drop of water hit Kenshin on the nose.

He looked up. "Oro? Rain?" More drops began to fall, slow at first, then swifter.

"Oh, no! My kimono!" Kaoru wailed.

"This way, Miss Kaoru." Kenshin grabbed her had, ignored her blush, and pulled her under a huge tree.

"No, this was the first time I wore this one, too." She lifted her hands to shake off, but Kenshin put his hands on hers, stopping her.

"Don't do that. You'll get more wet, that you will." To Kaoru's surprise, he kept his hands on hers.

Suddenly, a huge clap of thunder sounded overhead. Kaoru gasped, and all but jumped into Kenshin's arms.

It was Kenshin's turn to blush. "Miss…Miss Kaoru?"

"Lightning doesn't scare me when I'm in the dojo." She cringed as thunder sounded again.

Kenshin shielded her closer to the tree, watching the storm draw nearer, and enjoying holding Kaoru. He opened his mouth to say something, when a purple bolt of lightning hit the tree they were under. Kaoru and Kenshin slumped to the ground, still in each others arms.