Hey Arnold Christmas Carol
Then the elevator doors open and she is still screaming "I want to live" The she opens her eyes and sees the set is full of life the show was almost over and goes and runs to phoebe "Pheebs!" Phoebe turns around "What Helga?" "Can I talk to for a moment out side?" "Sure" they walk out to the hallway "What is it Helga?" Helga can barely contain her joy "phoebe you didn't tell me that you had a ill child" "Helga I trie-" "So there for I am force to raise your salary and give a proper Christmas bonus for the hard work you did" "Helga I- I don't know to say" Helga leans in "How about thank you" "Yes, Thank you Helga" Helga starts to walk away but stops and turns around "Phoebe catch" Helga tosses a card to Phoebe "it's a company card, take your son to the hospital and get some stuff for you family" with that Helga runs out the door she hails a cab "Saint Patrick's Homeless Shelter and step on it" then she goes for her phone and makes a few calls. She arrives at the shelter, it's about 10 o' clock she comes in " Arnold" she yells out. He comes running over "What is it Helga, what wrong?" 'That's so sweet through all that I put him through he is still concerned for me' "Nothings wrong" he is a little confused "Then why did you yell?" "Well because everything's right… Arnold I've come to say that…"
"What Helga?" "…Can you forgive me for everything I put you through" "You finally realized your regret?" "Yes and I want to make amends" Just then a knock comes to the door, Arnold looks over "Who's that" Helga looks over her shoulder "Oh took the liberty of ordering a few things" the she runs and opens the doors and in come people bringing turkey, potatoes, and a wide assortment of food and drink "Merry Christmas foot-ball head" "gee you haven't called that since-" he is broken off by Helga's kiss, Arnold gives in and the stand there as long as they can hold their breath, then Arnold is forced to pull back to breath. "What's wrong Arnold?" still catching his breath he looks at her "Couldn't breath" then they hugged again and remained there.
The next day Helga and Arnold drove to her sister's home and walk up to the door. Helga looks at Arnold nervously "You can do it Helga" she nods and knocks on the door, Olga opens the door "Helga?" without saying a word Helga hugs her, a little confused "Well someone seems happy today" then she sees Arnold "Oh baby sister you finally got back together I'm so happy" Helga pulls a away shamed "What's wrong Helga?" asks Olga "Listen Olga I have to tell you something" "What is it Helga?" "The DVD player is from Phoebe, I got you a KBC tee shirt" Olga isn't vary surprised by that "Well did you get my present?" "Oh I forgot I had a busy day yesterday" 'That's an understatement' she thought to herself. "Say do you and Arnold wanna come with me to get it?" "Sure" they said in unison "Great" then they leave to get in Helga's car, then Rick comes walking out "Olga where you going" "Me and my baby sister have to get something, you wanna come?" "Sure, I just be a moment" the he goes and gets his shoes and comes back out. Helga and them drive off to her work to get her present.
They make it to her office and Helga finds a small box sitting on her desk, so she run over to it followed by Arnold. She picks it up "Go ahead Helga open it" Arnold encourages her, so she rips open the box the pulls out what's inside "gasp" it is a photo her and the old gang standing in Gerald field when they were in high school "Olga h- how did-." Olga walks over "Well I called Arnold here and he gave me some pictures and I pick out this one" Helga looks at Arnold "You knew about this?" "Yeah" is all he says before Helga hugs him again only tighter. "I love you Helga" "and I you" they stand there just happy that their together once again.
Two years later…
It is the Hillwood High School reunion and everybody's there. Arnold and Helga both walk in and see everybody from there child hood and high school years Gerald walks over, his leg now healed but he still limps a little. "Hey guys glad you can make it." Gerald and Arnold do their trade make hand shake "Me too Gerald, me too" Phoebe walks over to the "Hey Arnold, Hey Helga. Oh Helga Jake is finally cured" Helga smiles "Glad to here it Pheebs". Gerald realizes he forgot something "Excuses a moment guys" he walks over to the microphone "Ladies and Gentlemen I am proud to bring you today newly married Arnold and Helga" everyone sees them start cheering them on. They look at each other, for the rest of there lives lay ahead of them.
Well thats it everbody hoped you enjoyed this story as I did writing it. Now this is the first story I've wrote like this so please review.
The lesson is all the money in the world can't buy happiness, joy or love so and I close saying
"May you forehead grow like th mighy oak" - from MST3K the Movie