I was watching Mupets Chrirstmas Carol and I got to thinking what would happen I was Hey Arnold cast instead. Then it turned into Helga Scrooged like the movie Scrooged with Bill Murray.

So here yo go Enjoy.

Discclaimer: I don't own the rights to "Hey Arnold" or "Scrooged"

Hey Arnold Christmas Carol

The December season was once again upon the citizens of Hillwood. The snow is beginning to fall as Helga makes her way down the street to her work, where she is the youngest president that KBC Broadcasting had in its 53 year run on the air. It has been 10 years since high school, since then the old gang had all but gone there separate lives, Rhonda lives with Harold in LA as a clothes designer and Harold is a football player and occasionally models some of the men's line that Rhonda makes. Sid is a police officer in the HWPD, and then Eugene works at Johnson & Johnson working on bandages. That leaves Phoebe and Gerald, Phoebe married Gerald and still live in Hillwood, but since a bad basketball incident has left Gerald's legs injured so that he can't play anymore while Phoebe ironically enough works for Helga as her receptionist.

Helga finally made it to her work and headed toward the elevators; she got in and pressed the button for the top floor where her office was at. While the elevator made is accent she sighed to herself about the meeting, they were going to go over the winter line up and she was dreading every minute of it. She stepped out immediately has the doors opened. As Helga walked by the cubicles she took off her gloves, she was wearing an all grey jacket with a grey skirt that hung below her knees, she had also stopped wearing her pink bow for personal reasons and instead kept her hair up in a way that made her look like an old librarian.

Phoebe had been sitting at her desk by outside of Helga's office when she arrived. She stood at attention when Helga walking up to her desk. Phoebe already had the clipboard in hand and went over the notes then Helga stopped at her desk. Helga spoke first "Is everyone here yet?" Phoebe adjusted her glasses and looked up at Helga "Yes Helga they got here five minutes ago" Helga proceeded in into her office which was easily the size of a banquet room. All the board members along with several others were waiting at a long black table with a wall of TV screens covered an area directly facing the narrow end of the table. Helga sat down at the end of the table and motioned for Phoebe to start the previews for the winter line up for Christmas Eve. Several minutes later the previews are done. The board members look back at Helga for her response, she looks mildly annoyed.

"Show me the Christmas Carol promo." The room goes dark and they turn there attention on the screens. The video is made up rehearsal footage as the "Christmas Carol" will be performed live in the buildings biggest set. The promo ends and the lights come back on and the Board members look at her again. 'Chrimeny' she thought to herself 'Can't these people come up a half decent promo. I think I'll show them my trailer' "Pheebs" Helga calls out, Phoebe is quick to react and comes over to Helga "Yes, Helga" she says in an insecure voice. "Run my trailer" She says while glance at the board members. "Yes, right away Helga" Phoebe goes to the controls and starts the trailer. The room goes dark again and the trailer starts.(On Screen: Scrooge is brandishing a rifle walking in slow mo. Narrator: "If you thought you new everything there is to know about Ebenezer Scrooge…You are gravely mistaken. Then Scrooge points and fires toward the camera and fades to white then black.)

The board members leave the room in shock of the promo and leave. While Helga is speaking with Sam "I want that trailer played every hour on the hour" Sam finishes his note and leaves "I'll get right on it Helga" Everybody has left except for one and he comes up to Helga "Excuse Miss Pataki, what does that promo have to do with Christmas?" "Nothing. Why?" Helga snaps back quickly "Well you can't show something like that, people will be offended by that." Helga is becoming annoyed but is doing well at hiding it, looking more curious instead. "You mean you didn't like it?" The employee looks around then back at her "No, no it's good. It's just that this is a Christmas special not a shoot'em up movie." Helga thinks a moment then answers "Well I'll see what I can do about changing it" Helga had no intentions of changing it, not for him or anyone in the company except maybe the C.E.O. but he gave her full domain over this department, and any one that opposed her would feel her wrath. He smiles "Thanks for your time Miss Pataki" She nods "And thank you for your feed back" With that the employee leaves.

Now outside her office and by Phoebe's desk Helga turns to Phoebe and points the employee that she just talked to "Pheebs, who is the person?" Phoebe looks over at the employee "That's Brian Beckman." Helga heads back for her office "Call security have them change his locks, clear out his desk, and toss him out of the building, Oh call accounting stop his bonus" Phoebe interjects "He's fired, But Helga its Christmas" Phoebe just receives a blank stare from Helga like nothings wrong. Phoebe picks the phone and Helga retreats back to her office, Phoebe talks to security "Brian Beckman…Code Red" With that she hung up the phone. Helga walks over to the computer and brings up the security camera feeds. Phoebe comes in with a list. "Helga you still have to do the Christmas list"

Helga keeps her attention on the camera feed "Alright list off the names" Phoebe reads out the names "Kevin Cranford" "Tee Shirt" "Charles Burdick" "DVD Player" "Dean Shepard" "Bath towel" "Clara Burrows" "Tee Shirt" "Your Sister" Helga thinks a moment "Tee Shirt". Phoebe looks at Helga in shame "Your only living relative" Helga just ignores her. She keeps watching the camera feed the to watch. "Yes" Helga exclaims in excitement "5 minutes 42 seconds, a new record" Phoebe is just about to leave "Phoebe" Phoebe stops when she heard her name and turns to look at Helga "Put you self down for a tee shirt to" "What about my bonus?" Helga looks at her "Towel and face cloth" Phoebe walks off annoyed at just how much longer she can take this. When she really though about, she couldn't at least not now during Christmas with Gerald still suffering from the leg injury and their youngest son suffering from an illness that the can't afford by the proper medicine, but until he takes other meds to hold it down. They saw a doctor about treatment but it would cost more then they can afford. Phoebe can remember a time when Helga was nice person, it was while they were in high school while she was dating Arnold. But ever since their brake up Helga has reverted to her old self time ten.