Disclaimer: Me no own, SGA, Don't Fence Me In, Nursery Rhymes, Unforgiven, Siouxsie and the Banshees or any other thing that is ranted about in this little fic. This is for sheer enjoyment only.
The Wicked and the Frail
Chapter 1
"Oh quit your bitching. I know you don't have the warm fuzzies for Parcini, but it has provided so much info. It explained that little doohickey that chirps. OK, so it was a party favor. But hey, Carson now has an Ancient diagnostic bed on Atlantis and he knows how to use it," argued McKay with his most reluctant helper.
"I believe McKay it's: Quit-chure-bitchin'. I know how you Canadians mispronounce things, eh."
McKay shot him an unfriendly glare.
His companion continued on seemingly oblivious. "The next time a homicidal computer boils your brain, I want to see you go running back for more," retorted Sheppard. "Besides I don't hate it here, I'm just extremely cautious. I will definitely be watching where I step."
Rodney was right of course. The Pavilions had been extremely helpful. They definitely had a better understanding of the Ancient's culture, history, daily life and quest for ascension. He still did not have to like the place.
"The Archive really wants you to visit. She wants to meet the noble John Sheppard," Rodney snickered. "Or so says Carson."
"Noble, hunh?" Sheppard held his chin as he mused. "Do I need armor and a shield? Or will the P90 and the vest do?"
"I think sitting your ass in the chair will do just fine." Rodney checked his hand held energy device. "Almost there."
"Has the Archive forgiven you for kissing Carson?" Sheppard let a sly grin cross his face.
"I'm not even going to dignify that with a response." McKay did not raise his head from the device.
They walked a little farther in uncomfortable silence. Their friendship still strained. Trust still being rebuilt. Time would tell on how they weathered this storm. Right now, the mission was first and foremost.
"So what exactly is this place McKay?" Sheppard asked as they walked up to a lone building in the middle of no where on Parcini.
"Well as you can see, it is a gray building," answered McKay with a smug smile.
Sheppard curled his lip in true Billy Idol fashion.
"We think it's a super secret weapons lab," said McKay as he inspected the door.
"Oh yippee, another one. Should have brought my decoder ring," replied Sheppard sarcastically.
"You kind of did. You are the decoder ring."
"Lucky me." Sheppard stood behind McKay. "You said the Archive didn't know what this building was used for. It was never part of Ancient U. You're just guessing it's a lab of some sort."
"Correct. It kind of existed separately. Students never came here." Rodney kept fiddling with his data pad as he spoke. "There, I think I got it, step on up Colonel."
"No dance floors or whacked out Matriarchs around are there?" Sheppard asked glancing around.
"No, I've thoroughly checked the ground and sprayed crazed priestess repellant. Now, open the door." McKay waved him over.
"Why exactly am I here. There are others that can use the Ancient tech pretty well," stalled Sheppard.
"Need I remind you? Your command over Ancient technology is freakily innate. I don't want anybody who has to concentrate or try more than once to use anything in there. Besides, this place could be a treasure trove or a death trap. I didn't think you would want to sacrifice any of your people or my people until we deemed it safe. That's why gun toting Thing 1 and Thing 2 are here for backup," said Rodney pointing to the two marines that accompanied them.
"Ignore him. But if he is the only one to come out, shoot him. If I'm the only one, it'll be our little secret." Sheppard smiled conspiratorially at the marines.
"Yes sir," they replied in unison and so seriously. They were new to Atlantis and did not know the strange dynamic between the two men.
"Funny, now…open…the…damn…door," commanded Rodney through a clenched jaw.
Sheppard stepped up; the sun shined; the birds twittered; and nothing happened.
"Maybe I'm not freakily innate enough."
"No, there is something happening," McKay kept checking his reading. "Just give it a minute."
"A minute! McKay let's get some other eggheads over here…" Sheppard was cut off when a panel opened revealing a hand plate. "Do I or don't I?"
"Do. I think it is still pretty generic, if you are Ancient then you can enter."
"You think!"
"I'm sure, do it."
Sheppard placed his hand on the plate. The door opened up.
"You two remain here. We'll contact you every 20 minutes. If we miss a check-in, you contact Atlantis and bring the cavalry. That will be because, as per usual, he's gotten me into trouble."
"Oh shut up Sheppard, let's go," grunted McKay already stepping through the door.
"Comin'! Every 20 minutes." He pointed a finger at the two marines. Then Sheppard followed McKay through the door.