A/n now that didn't take too long did it? lol anyway this chapter is my favorite! Hope you enjoy!

Tia had been visiting her family for her cousin's wedding back in Pickford. When she returned she met Keely to catch up on what she missed. She had missed a lot in the past week.

"My cousin is so urggh!" complained Tia.

"She had a fit up to the moment they said I do," Tia said.

"That must've been horrible," replied Keely who cared little about Tia's 'evil' cousin.

Phil walked into the coffee shop. He spotted Keely. He walked over to her and Tia.

"Hey Keely" Phil said.

"Hey Phil," Keely said with a smile.

"I have a surprise for you this afternoon," said Phil slyly.

"Well I love surprises," she said flirty.

He leaned over to kiss her. "See you later," said Phil. "Oh yeah Tia hope your trip was fun, See ya!"

"So what were you saying about your cousin?" Keely said nonchalantly.

"KEELY TESLOW, you had me going on about my stupid cousin without telling me you and Phil finally got together!" yelled Tia.

"Well I just don't kiss and tell," replied Keely.

Tia punched her friend, "Dish girl, I want to know everything!"

So she did. Keely told her friend everything. Leaving out the parts about her thinking he was going back to the future. Tia was so glad that her two friends finally admitted their feelings. She was incredibly happy for them.


"Owen do you have any change for a ten?" Phil asked.

"Change what am I change man!" exclaimed Owen.

"I take it you're still upset about the whole Via thing."

"What 'Via thing'?" yelled Owen? "According to her we are nothing."

"I know your upset but you just to have to accept she's just not into you," said Phil.

"Easy for you to say you got a girlfriend who's crazy about you!" Owen retorted.

"I'm gonna take a walk," Owen said as he grabbed his coat and walked out the door.


Via had met up with Keely and Tia. Keely had just told Tia about what happened in the elevator between Via and Owen.

"Things always get exciting when I'm not here!" exclaimed Tia.

Via laughed, "Don't worry me and Owen aren't Phil and Keely"

"You guys kissed didn't you?" asked Tia confusedly.

"Yea but we were stuck in an elevator it meant nothing," said Via.

"Did you tell him that?" asked Tia.

"What do you mean?" Via questioned.

Tia pointed to behind Via. Via turned around to see Owen yelling at some guy in front of the coffee shop. He went into the shop. He made eye contact with Via and shook his head. He turned and ran out and down the street. Via turned back to her two friends and shrugged. They just looked at her. She finally realized how much she had hurt him.


"So what's this surprise you have for me?" asked a very anxious Keely.

"Have some patience," replied Phil.

They were in the park sitting on a bench. Keely was blinded and Phil was planning his surprised for her.

"Can I take it off now?" begged Keely as she pouted.

"Not this time," Phil said.

"Okay now!" Phil announced.

Keely ripped it off and her mouth dropped. "Omigosh Phil," said Keely on the verge of tears. "This is incredible."

It was an entire recreation of the moon. Phil had used the wizard. There was a stereo with music playing.

"I can't believe you remembered."

Phil and Keely were lying beneath the stars in Phil's backyard.

"I can't believe tomorrow we're graduating," said Keely.

"Me neither," Phil said.

"Its like suddenly were adults or something but I still feel like a kid," said Keely.

Phil smiled, "If only we can freeze time."

"If I were given three wishes, one would to have this moment last forever," said Keely.

"Just you and me underneath the stars and the moon," said Keely.

"We're gonna have to grow up sometime," Phil said.

"I know it's just a wish," said Keely.

"What else would you wish for?" Phil asked.

Keely pondered for a second. "I'd wish to dance on the moon!"

"Dance on the moon?" laughed Phil.

Keely punched him, "I'm not telling you anymore wishes!"

"Keely I was kidding," said Phil.

Keely ignored him. She crossed her arms and marched off. Phil ran after her.

"Keely, come on what's your final wish?" Phil asked.

"It's for you to..." she was cut off by Phil's dad.

"Come on Phil I fixed the time…BOOM oh not again!"

Keely ran over to Phil and hugged him. He held her close. "I love you," she whispered in his ear. "I love you too," said Phil. They began to dance.

"So," Phil said, "what was your final wish?"

Keely looked at him and smiled. "For this." Then she kissed him. When they released Phil grinned.

"2 out of 3 wishes, that's pretty good," Phil said.

"Actually I'm changing my first wish," replied Keely.

"I wish this moment will last forever," Keely said with a smile. And they danced in to the night.


Via headed over to Owen's place. She knocked on his door. Owen walked over and opened the door.

"Oh its you," Owen said rudely.

"Look, I came here to apologize for giving you the wrong idea," Via said.

"I don't need your sympathy," said Owen.

"You don't like me, I don't need you to write a song about it," Owen said slamming the door in her face.

"I understand, I was really rude but its not like we could date anyway, my dad would probably have you sent to the military or something," yelled Via through the door.

Owen smiled. Maybe it was because of her dad he thought.

Owen opened the door. "So are you saying on some circumstance you would date me?"

"I don't know I...I..." Via was interrupted by Owen's lips on hers.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't feel anything," Owen said boldly.

She lunged forward and almost knocked Owen down and kissed him back. The door was still wide open.

Tia and Seth passed them in the hall. "Finally, I'm here when something exciting happens!" Tia said looking through the door. Seth laughed quietly.

"Let's not interrupt them," Seth said. Quietly he shut the door. He grabbed Tia's hand and they took the elevator to Seth's floor.