A/N: I do not own Ranma 12 these character are the property of Rumiko Takahashi except of course any characters I create. That being said this is my first fanfic and I would appreciate any feedback. As sad as this is I will be using myself as a character in this fic (I will be using a made up name that I will explain later) as a way of living out a fantasy (not anything perverted) I hope you enjoy it. I will not describe any of the original characters I assume you already know what they look like. Also any descriptions of my character will be for the most part true such as the way I dress and any scars I describe.

Enter the Wolf

Chapter one

It was a normal day in Nerima and our favorite couple is doing what they do best arguing.

"Kawaikune otenba (uncute tomboy) what are ya so mad about?" said everyone's favorite pigtailed martial artist Ranma Saotome.

"Nothing Ranma just leave me alone" answers Akane walking through the park trying to get away from her fiancé..

"Come on Akane just tell me what I did."

Suddenly she stops and begins to glow blue Ranma seeing the warning signs that she is angry backs off a little. Akane turns around and looks at him and yells "NOTHING IS WRONG BAKA (Idiot) JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Suddenly they hear a noise from their left and look to see an man with black hair and yellow eyes wearing a gray T-shirt and blue jeans and work boots sitting on the ground in the lotus position only a few feet away.

"Excuse me could you please move your argument elsewhere I was trying to meditate" says the stranger.

Ranma looks at the strange man who is obviously a ganjin (foreigner) wondering how he didn't sense him earlier "Who are you?"

The stranger unfazed answers "My name is Hitotsu Ookami (1) just call me Ookami what's your name kid"

"I AM NOT A KID!"screams Ranma outraged at being called a kid by a total stranger.

"Ok ok so your not a kid what's your name ... guy"

"Better. I'm Ranma Saotome of the Saotome school of Anything Goes Martial Arts and this is Akane" he says pointing to the girl in question.

"I'm Akane Tendo of the Tendo dojo" adds Akane glaring at Ranma.

"Well it's nice to meet you both but as I was saying you're interrupting my meditation so could you please keep it down." Closing he eyes Ookami goes back to meditation or he would if it wasn't for a certain curios pigtailed martial artist

"Meditating does that mean ya know martial arts?"

Sighing realizing he isn't going to get anything done with these two around Ookami opens his eyes and looks at the boy "No I am not a martial artist I practice meditation so I can control my ... gifts."

Akane and Ranma just look at each other before Ranma speaks again "What kind of gifts?" Ookami shakes his head realizing he will have to demonstrate his gifts "If you know of some where private we can go I'll show you but I have to warn you it will be strange."

Akane narrows her eyes in suspicion at him and cracking her knuckles "You better not be thinking anything perverted"

"Two things first don't threaten me and second if I were going to do something perverted I would have done it already."

With that he stands up and grabs his duffle bag "With that said lets get going lead the way."

The three of them leave heading towards the Tendo dojo Ranma and akane both thinking 'who is this guy?'.

Soon the arrive at their destination the Tendo Dojo as Ookami unties his boots and places his duffle bag in the corner by the door Akane calls out "Tadaima" (I'm Home).

Kasumi walks out of the kitchen to greet her sister and sees a strange man standing up from taking off his boots "Oh my I didn't realize we had a guest I am Kasumi Tendo"

Bowing he says "I am Hitotsu Ookami but just call me Ookami it's a pleasure to met you Ms. Tendo."

"Please call me Kasumi"

"Alright Kasumi it is then"

Looking at Ranma and Akane he says "Now I believe I had something to show you if we could go out back and get this over with so you can run me off screaming 'monster'."

Confused They lead Ookami into the back yard passing Nabiki, Soun, and Panda Genma. Soun and Genma are as usual playing shogi while Nabiki is reading a manga on the floor.

Akane stops "Ookami this is my family my father Soun, my sister Nabiki, and Ranma's father Genma." she says pointing to each of the people in question

"Everyone this is Hitotsu Ookami he says to just call him Ookami"

Ookami bows and say yet again "Nice to meet you all" straightening up and turning to Akane he says a little sadly "That wasn't necessary you will end up running me out of here before my demonstration is over just like everyone else does"

Ranma look at him questioningly and asks "Why would we run ya away?"

Ookami looks at his feet and mumbles a reply that no one hears.

"What was that?" Asks Nabiki

"I said because I'm not human" at this everyone takes a step away except Ranma who moves forward

"If your not human what are ya?"

Shocked that this boy would want to come near him after what he just revealed Ookami relpys "I'm a wolf but once I shift into my true form most people think I'm some kind of demon"

"Show us"

"Alright but if I do at least allow me to get my bag before you chase me away" at this Nabiki looks up with a gleam in her eye

"Why is there something valuable in your bag?" Ookami turns to the middle Tendo sister before he speaks

"Valuable to me but nothing you could sell."

With this he walks into the yard and stands in front of the koi pond.

"Alright here it goes" with this he cracks his neck and takes off his shirt revealing a wide yet muscular form throwing it on the ground near him then hold his arms out in front of him fingers slightly outstretched and closes his eyes. After a moment he grits his teeth and his muscles tense as his canines begin to extend, his fingernails extend into claws, black fur begins to sprout from his skin, dogs ears from his head, and finally a tail from the base of his spine the transformation complete he lowers his arms and opens his eyes.

(1) Hitotsu Ookami translates into One Wolf its as close as I can get to LoneWolf in Japanese this is my character

That's Chapter one I hope you like it. I would appreciate any feed back about how I could improve my story. Yes my character does resemble a werewolf but he is not I just thought it would look cool. Before you ask I added the yellow eyes because if you look at a wolf they usually have yellow eyes its part of the transformation. Also no I am not muscular but as I said earlier I am using this story to live out my fantasy but other than that I will try to stick to the truth.