Disclaimer: I own neither Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling or almost anything at all. Except of course my PC, but you cant sue me for that……can you?

A/N: I know that Miss Rowling has now made it abundantly clear to all that Katie is not in the same year as Alicia, Angelina and the rest. But I'm going to pretend that she is simply because it works better for me. That's how it should be, curse you and your Katie-splitting-up J.K!

Chapter One – The Journey Begins

"You go first Percy. Go on dear, Fred and George are bound to be nervous since its their first year."

Mrs. Weasley's spoke quite quietly as she made her way through Kings Cross Station. It seemed she didn't want her voice to carry so that the people moving all around the group of redheads wouldn't hear.


"We are NOT nervous!"

Two indignant voices rang out from behind her as two young redheaded twins protested at her words. Mrs Weasley paid no attention to them however, simply bringing the group to a halt and ushering the eldest of the children forwards.

"Go on Percy, we don't have all day."

Percy didn't say a word, he simply nodded and manoeuvred his trolley so that it was facing the barrier which the group had stopped in front of. He remained still for a moment before starting forwards, picking up speed until he was running full tilt at the solid barrier. He was going to hit it, was it some sort of joke? Why would any woman be telling her son to run headlong into a barrier?

But he didn't hit the barrier. He passed right through it, vanishing from view on the side that Mrs Weasley and the twins remained on. Mrs Weasley did not look the least bit surprised, her expression made it clear she thought it was perfectly normal to have sons of hers disappear through solid walls. She turned quickly to the two twins hovering behind her, but she was interrupted before she could speak. A loud gasp came from behind the twins and she looked up to see a brown haired girl stood riveted to the spot with her mouth wide open in shock stood next to a man, obviously her father, who was pushing a large trolley. Mrs Weasley looked the girl and her father up and down quickly, taking in their distinctly normal appearance. Well, normal compared to the clothing she and the twins were wearing. She beckoned to them, but when they did not move she pushed past the twins and hurried over to them, not giving a second glance to the strange looking packages upon the trolley the man was pushing.

"Hello dear." She said hastily, smiling down at the girl who still had her mouth open in shock.

She then turned to the man.

"You're looking for Platform Nine and Three Quarters?"

The man looked nervous, but he nodded quickly. His eyes flitting back to the barrier.

"I….Is that how…."

"Yes dear." Replied Mrs Weasley.

"You must be Muggles. I'm Molly Weasley, and these are my sons…."

But she was interrupted by the two twins darting out from behind her back and smiling innocently at the 'muggles'

"I'm Gred and he's…"


The twins chorused, with perfect timing. Molly swatted the head of the nearest one with her hand.

"How many times have I told you two to stop using those ridiculous names?" She smiled apologetically at the man.

"These are my sons Fred and George. And the one you just saw run through the barrier is Percy."

The man nodded, he seemed to be pulling himself together and getting over the initial shock of what he had just seen. However he didn't seem to be troubled by the woman calling him a muggle, it seemed he had heard that phrase since being informed his beloved daughter was a witch.

"I'm Jonathon, Jonathon Spinnet, and this is my daughter Alicia."

He indicated the girl stood next to him, but she didn't speak. She seemed rather wary of the two innocent looking twins. Jonathon Spinnet smiled.

"I'm sorry, Alicia's just a bit nervous at the moment."

Mrs Weasley chuckled quietly.

"That's not surprising dear, it can be a bit overwhelming at first. I noticed you staring, I expect you want to know how to get onto the platform?"

Mr Spinnet nodded gratefully.

"If you could tell us we'd be ever so grateful, I was dreading having to ask a guard when I saw your son disappear into the barrier."

Mrs Weasley kept smiling and moved back to where she had originally been stood with the twins and Percy, beckoning again for Mr Spinnet to follow. Both he and Alicia followed her, listening as she explained in a low voice to them.

"Its not really that difficult. All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier in front of us. You mustn't stop or be afraid that you'll crash into it, remember that."

Jonathon smiled gratefully, and even Alicia managed a small smile. However their smiles did not conceal their doubts. It seemed impossible to them that they would pass through a solid barrier. Then again, they had already seen that other boy….Percy accomplish it. If he could do it then how could it be impossible?

The twins interrupted before either could say anymore. They were speaking to Alicia who still looked quite wary of them.

"You should say goodbye to your dad. You wont see him again for months now."

"Yeah, but when you get back you'll be able to hex him if he tries to punish you, or just for fun."

"GEORGE!" chided Mrs Weasley whilst Alicia giggled.

Mr Spinnet however, did not laugh. He looked extremely uncomfortable truth be told. He didn't say anything however, he simply watched Mrs Weasley reprimanding her two sons who were claiming they'd never dream of doing such a thing to her and their father. Alicia was looking a bit happier, and bursting into giggles every now and again as she heard the twins' attempts to wriggle out of the situation. Finally Mrs Weasley turned away from Fred and George with one last glare and glanced at her watch.

"Only ten minutes to go. We should be getting onto the platform, would you like us to see Alicia safely onto the train Mr Spinnet?"

Jonathon Spinnet frowned.


A flicker of pity crossed Mrs Weasley's face as she replied.

"Didn't you know dear? I'm afraid muggles can't get onto the platform. Only little Alicia here will be able to get through."

Alicia looked a little worried for a moment, but burst into another fit of giggles as one of the twins muttered.

"Don't we wish you were a muggle then."

"FRED!" Mrs Weasley snapped at him.

"Behave yourselves or else you won't be going to Hogwarts at all!"

This seemed to silence George, though it took a moment for Alicia's giggles to subside. She was starting to like these two boys, she wondered if she could make friends with them when they got to school. However this thought left her mind when her father spoke again.

"Oh, well in that case I'd be extremely grateful if you'd take Alicia to the train."

Mrs Weasley turned from glaring daggers at the twin called Fred to reply to Mr Spinnet.

"No problem at all. We're glad to help."

Jonathon knelt down to face his daughter and spoke softly to her.

"I guess this is where we part then. Be good, and write to your mother and me as soon as you get a chance."

Alicia nodded quickly. She hugged her father tightly before he straightened up. These people seemed nice enough; she didn't feel as nervous since the twins had made her laugh. It seemed the laughter had eased her tension; mentally she thanked the twins for this.

"I'll stay until you're through the barrier." He told her.

She nodded and turned to Mrs Weasley, turning her trolley with difficulty. Up until now her father had been pushing it and she hadn't realised how heavy it was. After a moment the twins appeared at her sides.

"We'll help."

"Mum's got our things."

She smiled at them as together the three of them began to push the trolley forwards until it was moving relatively quickly. She found that now it came to it she wasn't really doubting that she'd pass through the barrier, she sort of just….knew that she wouldn't hit it. However she did notice the trolley was starting to veer to the right and made an effort to tug it back in course.

"No." said the twin to her right.

Was it Fred or George? She couldn't remember and supposed it didn't really matter.

"But what if we hit someone standing to the side of the barrier when we go through?"

The twin merely grinned at her. She didn't have time to ask any more questions as at that moment they hit the wall and a darkness fell around them as they passed through the solid brickwork. After a second they exited the darkness but before Alicia knew what was happening she heard a cry of pain. Swiftly they pulled the trolley to a halt and all three of them turned round. The third redheaded boy was stood just behind them almost hopping up and down in pain. She glanced at the twins, they were grinning broadly. They had obviously planned this knowing that Percy would be waiting for the rest of the family on the other side of the barrier.

"Sorry Perce." Called one.

"Lost control of the trolley." Called the other.

She grinned back at them, holding back another giggle. She joined in, speaking confidently, all fears forgotten for the moment.

"We didn't notice it veering off."

It was obvious Percy didn't believe them. He glared at the group of them before moving away from them round a corner grimacing in pain. The moment he was gone the three of them burst into laughter.

"I'm glad you stopped me." Spluttered Alicia.

"Couldn't have done it without you, could we Fred?" answered one of the twins, his laughter beginning to wane.

"Nope, mum won't let us near our trolley."

Alicia was the last to stop laughing, only doing so as Mrs Weasley emerged from the barrier behind them with the last trolley and shooed them towards the train.

The twins helped her get her luggage onto the train on Mrs Weasley's orders. She was relieved to see them loading their own luggage into the same compartment, she assumed they didn't know anyone else either. She wouldn't have liked to be left alone, besides she was just starting to make friends with these twins.

She walked back with the twins to Mrs Weasley who gave them both a long hug that they looked quite disgusted to receive and gave Alicia a smaller hug.

"Have a good term." She said to Alicia kindly.

"Thanks." Alicia replied.

"And you two behave. I don't want to hear anything about you two dropping dungombs in classes or breaking any rules!"

Fred and George put on faces of mock shock, Alicia fought once more to hold back her giggles as she watched them, with fingers crossed behind their backs, respond to their mother.

"Mum! Would we do such a thing?"

"When have we ever done anything of the sort?"

"Last night George Weasley! Now get on that train, its about to leave!"

Sure enough, a moment later a long shrill whistle was blown and the engine of the train fired up. The twins and Alicia climbed back on board and into their compartment. By the time they were seated the train had rounded the bend and they could no longer see Mrs Weasley. They were on their way to Hogwarts.

A/N: Whew, first chapter done. Next chapter I'll be bringing in Angelina, Katie, and Lee. Just felt like setting up a budding friendship between a few characters first and the twins and Alicia were the first that popped into my head.

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