Hi – thought I'd write you guys a little note…

This is my first fanfic, so I'll seriously appreciate constructive criticism – the more helpful comments the better. I'm not from the US of A, so if there's anything I've got wrong, forgive me but do tell me!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the One Tree Hill guys, though at times (ok, all the time) I do wish I owned Lucas…

Basically this is a story about Tree Hill, with a few minor changes. Brooke really was pregnant when she told Lucas she was, and Dan died from the heart attack he had at the end of season one. The timings are so that Peyton left sort of at the beginning of season two.

By the way, my 'garden' is the USA's 'lawn', I guess.

Enjoy! (And review…)


Since you've been gone…

Peyton Sawyer silently pulled up outside the large suburban house and thought about the day, thirteen years ago, that she left.

She had wanted to get away. Away from all the stress and the drama. When you live in a small town like Tree Hill, everyone knows each other's business. It's impossible to forget things and move on. When you live in a small town like Tree Hill, things like that don't happen.

Sitting in the car, Peyton looked carefully at 4217 South View Street. Was this the house she always thought Lucas Scott would someday buy? She supposed it was. Big but not too big, probably five or six bedrooms, with a perfect front garden and a pool in the back.

When she decided to return to her home town, Peyton also decided that the first person she wanted to see was Lucas. He had made it pretty big playing basketball for the Wilmington Seahawks, and she only had to look on a couple of fan websites to find out where he lived, with a wife and two children. So Peyton missed her chance there. But hey, if you are going to run off to Georgia…

Peyton's dad Larry was working down at the coast, and after he left, she went to stay with her cousins in Atlanta. Soon after that she got a big graphic design job which was followed shortly by premises for a new club. With the excitement of her career she almost forgot about Tree Hill. But only almost. And then she met Nick.

As Peyton walked up to Lucas's front door, she realised that she knew he had a family, but she had no idea who he had married. Was it someone new or someone from the good (ha!) old days; Anna, Brooke… oh god, not Haley? Peyton regained her composure and rang the doorbell. There was silence for a few seconds, then the sound of stilettos on wood.

A dark haired, very beautiful woman opened the door and looked Peyton up and down with disdain. Peyton realised she must look pretty scruffy – her oldest pair of jeans, Converse, minimal make up and a top that read 'I think you've mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.'

"Yes?" The woman opened the door some more.

"Um, I was wondering, is Lucas in?"

"And who shall I say it is?" the woman sighed, as if she had to deal with this all the time.

Peyton had to think for a second and then replied "Peyton Sawyer."

"Wait, like the Peyton? Oh my god, Lucas will just die when he hears you've come back!" The woman had lost her icy front and was now more like a hyperactive child. "And you know Brooke, right? Oh, of course you know Brooke… Luke, Brooke!" she shrieked.

As Lucas and Brooke came to the door, Peyton was amazed at how different Brooke looked. She had watched Lucas's games on TV – the only contact she let herself have with her old life – and he just looked a tiny bit older and a tiny bit hotter, but Brooke. She was still as glamorous and attractive as ever, but she looked… older somehow, more world weary. And pregnant; she must have been at least five months gone.

"I'll go and keep an eye on Callie." The woman disappeared, leaving Lucas and Brooke in the hallway staring in disbelief at Peyton.

"Peyton." Brooke said softly. "Oh my god, Peyton!" Out of the blue Brooke ran to her oldest, best friend and hugged her tight. Lucas joined in.

"Are you alright?" he asked, breaking away. Peyton realised a tear had trickled down her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She wiped it away.

"I can't believe you're actually here. We missed you so much, Peyton. Where the hell have you been?"

"Oh, I don't want to talk about me. I want to hear about you!"