Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

A/N: My first Naruto fic! Yay!

Chapter 1- Unpleasant start

"Ok Sakura, here are the list of thing you need to get for me."

The pinked haired kunoichi was given a piece of paper. She looked at it and began to read out loud. "Let's see…some potatoes, butter, olives, cucumbers, pumpkin, red pepper, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, brown sugar, broccoli, garlic, mushrooms-" Sakura noticed the list seemed like it went on and on, so she decided to stop.

"Wow…everything is practically vegetables…you sure you'll need all this?"

"Vegetables are good for you, and you can never have enough of them." Mrs. Haruno spoke out proudly.

"Alright then, I'll be going now. Be back soon." Sakura smiled and left her house. She stared down at her long list of groceries.

"I sure hope I'm not the one who is going to be eating all these veggies…if that were to happen, I'm calling Ino over…" Sakura laughed out at the thought of Ino expressions if she was forced to swallow the nasty things down her throat.

Suddenly, she felt something bump into her rather hard, causing to her land on her bottom.

"Ow, that hurt…." Sakura looked up and saw a guy looking down at her with a pitiful look on his face. She waited patiently, expecting him to apologize and lend out a hand to help her up. But to her surprise, he smirked and walked right past her, not saying a word.

"What the-did he just smirk at me?" the angry girl stood up swiftly, and saw him walking away.

"Hey! Aren't you forgetting something!" Sakura yelled out as loud as she could. She saw him stop, and saw the guy turning only his head to look at her.

"Forgetting what?" he spoke out in a careless tone.

Her hands turned into tight fists, wanting to slap that arrogant jerk. She walked up to him.

"Don't you have anything to say for bumping into me?" Sakura waited impatiently for an apology.

"Yea, watch where you're going next time." Like that, he just continued to walk away. Sakura felt her blood temperature rising. She swore to herself that the next time they ever to met, she would beat the pulp out of him.

"Great, I just wasted some of my valuable time with that jerk….and I have so many things to buy!" She walked to the spot she fell down to pick up the list she dropped.

After Sakura bought everything that was on the paper, she started to jog back home with the paper bags in her arms. It was getting pretty late and she didn't want to worry her mom.

"I'm home!"

Mrs. Haruno walked out of the kitchen and took the bags from her daughter. "Thank you Sakura, now why don't you go wash up?"

"Alright." Sakura ran upstairs, but when she was about to enter the bathroom, the phone rang from her room. She walked over to pick it up.


"Sakura! Guess who!" came a squeaky voice.

"Ino, I'm glad you called! I need to tell you something!" Sakura blurted out.

"What is it?"

"Ok, When I was walking to the store to buy groceries, this guy bumped into me and you won't believe what he did!"

"What'd he do? It must be something pretty big for you to get all hysterical about."

"That jerk just looked at me and walked away! Of course I was determined to hear an apology, so I asked him if he wasn't forgetting anything. And he asked back what he was forgetting! But, I had to let him go or I would have been late coming back home."

Ino laughed through the phone. "And what is so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing, just surprised that you didn't bite that guy's head off. Just out of curiosity, was he cute?"

Sakura was shocked by that question. Cute was certainly not the word to describe him. "No." she answered back flatly.

"Come on Sakura, give me some details!"

Sakura began to think. She didn't really take a good look at his face since she was so pissed off at the moment.

"He had really dark hair, it almost seemed like black, but not quite, he had onyx eyes….what else….Oh my god! I just realized he was wearing a Konoha forehead protector! So that must mean he is a nin! I have never met a nin who is so rude! What pissed me off even more was that he's around my age!"

There was a brief silence after Sakura finished talking.

"Uh, Ino, are you still there?"

"Did you just describe….Uchiha Sasuke?"

"Uchiha….Sasuke?" Sakura repeated the unfamiliar name. "So that's the name of that jerk!"

"Sakura, I can't believe you don't know him! He's respected by everyone in the Konoha Village, and possible other places too!" Ino yelled.

"And why the hell is an unmannered guy like him respected!"

"Because he is the only survivor of the Uchiha Clan! And it's said that the Uchihas' has superior powers!"

Now, Sakura was confused. "What kind of superior powers?" she asked out of curiosity.

"How should I know that? It's not like he goes around and shows it off to everyone!"

"Ok, ok, but I still don't see why this…Sasuke is so great." Sakura took at quick glance at her clock.

"HELLO! Haven't you been listening to what I've said! He is the ONLY survivor of his clan! Everyone else was wiped out some time ago!" Ino felt her face getting a bit pink from all the yelling.

"Oh…I see.." For some reason, Sakura's stomach gave a hollow feeling. "If his whole clan was wiped out, that means he doesn't have a family…"

"Sakura, don't you feel bad towards him, now that you know?"

"NO. Never in a million years Ino. Well, I need to go wash up now. I'll call you when I have time. Bye!" Sakura hung up her phone before her friend could even say bye back to her. As she entered the bathroom, she stopped and slightly bit her lower lip.

"Why should I feel sorry for him? It's not like I did anything..."



The tired kunoichi reached for the phone from her bed, slowly bringing it to her right ear.

"Hello?" she answered in a dry, quiet voice.

"Sorry to bother you at such an early hour Miss Haruno, but can you please come to the Konoha Hospital as fast as you can? We have a patient who needs to be treated as quickly as possible." came a soft woman's voice.

"Sure…I'll be there…" Sakura then put the phone back down in a grumpy mood. "To be called at this hour…so much for sleeping in…" She sat up and rubbed her eyes to get a clearer vision.

"I'll just brush my teeth and wash my face since I had a shower before I slept…." Sakura got up and headed to the bathroom.

When she got out, it was already 7:30am, which made her jump a bit. "Wow..did I take that long?"

Sakura quickly put on her clothes, brushed her pink hair and finally, put on her forehead protector around the top of her head like she usually did. Then, she ran downstairs and stopped in front of the door.

"Guess mom isn't awake yet…I'll probably be back before she does…" Sakura turned her head towards her mother's bedroom. "Bye mom." She whispered before she headed out.

Before Sakura even knew, she started to run. Even if she wasn't going to be so late, she had the urge to hurry up.


"Excuse me but, I got a call this morning that someone needed to be treated?"

The nurse at the counter looked up from what she was doing. "Oh yes, thank you for coming, the patient is in room A-7."

"Alright." Sakura left the counter and searched for the room.

"Room A-3, A-4, A-5, A-6, and here is A-7." She took a hold of the knob and twisted it.

"Oops, I forgot to knock!" but it was too late, the door was already wide open. Right before she could bow to apologize for not knocking, something caught her eye. No- it wasn't something, it was someone.

There was a dull, silent moment, as Sakura just stared.

"Hey, you can stand there for all I care, but treat my injury first so I can leave this place."

She could not believe her eyes. It was……him."