PLEASE NOTE: I do not own any of the people stated in this story. All are the copyright of Vincent Kennedy McMahon. This is PURE fiction and none of the suggestions in this story should be taken to heart. It will more than likely be an exaggerations of the 'talents' real personas or appearances.

It was a bright, sunny, cheery Tuesday morning in the life of many WWE superstars.Somewere waiting in anticipation for their boss and 'inspirational leader', Vince McMahon, to enter his office in order for the meeting to start. Superstars and Diva's of all calibre were summoned, but why? No one had the foggiest!

"Hey, we might all be getting fired, esse!" Eddie 'Latino Heat' Guerrero realised.

"Let me tell ya something brother, the Hulksters not goin down without a fight brother, I'm gonna fight till the bitter end brother, I've been wrestling for 78 years BROTHER!" Hogan said but as he posed, the wrestlers could hear the crunching and crackingof the bones...

The wrestlers throw their loose change at an attempt to shut him up.

"Finally, I've succeeded!" Hulk laughed, continuing to pose "ARGH CRAMP!" he screamed, clenching his false hip in agony.

"Cram it, ya old fool!" Shawn Michaels muttered, still sore afterjobbing to Hulk at SummerSlam.

"I'm tired...when's this gonna be over?" Edge asked, still 'exhausted' from the night before...

Before anyone could be arsed to answer, the only Olympic Gold Medallist in WWE history, Kurt Angle, walked into the room sucking on his milk...

"I LOVE milk!" Kurt smiled, sucking the warm, white liquid intensively.

"What you do in your private time's your own business...I'm not gonna judge you hommie!" rap boy John Cena laughed sarcastically.

"Can I try your milk!" the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in history, Randy Orton, questioned.

Kurt spits out the 'milk' as everyone in the room coughs and splutters.

Just then, Smackdown! commentators Michael Cole and Tazz dashed into the room...

"Oh my, milk!" Cole screeched in delight, rubbing his miniscule hands together.

"Well...I love milk!" Tazz said, twitching slightly.

"Ewww!" Torrie Wilson grimaced "Can you guys just come out of the wardrobe or something?"

"Closet Torrie, closet!" Christian sighed, shaking his head in annoyance.

"Oh yeah, I knew that!" she grinned cheeseily.

"Shut the hell up, all of you!" Chris Jericho demanded.

"You guys are really starting to piss me off now..." The Undertaker grunted.

"Let's just hope that this isn't another one of Vince's insane ideas to boost ratings by making us live together or something!" Triple H joked.

The whole room went silent as the superstars looked at each other in despair.

"It can't be..." the Queen of Extreme Lita stammered, her eyeballs nearly popping out of her head!

"Oh it's true, it's damn true!" Kurt spoke in between sips of his 'milk'.

"There is no way on earth am I living with that bastard Adam Copeland for a month!" Matt Hardy spat.

"Here we go again." Lita murmured, folding her arms. She was really getting sick and tired of her private life being displayed so much.

"Yeah well I don't wanna spend my life with an internet geek like you Matt!" Edge shouted.

"Sorry to break up the party but don't you think that we should escape before Vince get's here?" Shawn asks calmly.

Before anyone could get up from their chairs, who should walk in the room? Yep, you guessed it, Vince!

"BROTHER!" Hogan yelled, jumping from the 11th floor window at the WWE's head quarters in Stamford, Connecticut.

The wrestlers crowded around the window and stared down at the street below. They looked down in horror at the yellow and red heap on the pavement below...

"Don't you think we should go help him?" Stacy Kiebler asked sweetly.

"Nah, he's immortal...only another match would kill him!" Shawn scoffed, returning to his seat next to Matt Hardy.

"Ok everyone, sit down." Vince spoke, shuffling his papers. "Now, as you all know, I've called a meeting..."

"No shit Sherlock!" Triple H rolled his eyes.

"Hey that's my gimmick you big nosedjackass!" Taker sneered.

"Care to follow Hogan?" Triple H threated, standing up from his seat and thumping his hand firmly on the desk.

Flashy lightning pyro thingy's shocked the room, sending Triple H flying back into his seat.

"Enough said!" Triple H laughed slightly, dusting off the black soot that had singed his eyebrows.

"Man, can we get on with this?" Batista asked, leaning back in his chair, resting his large hands on the back of his head.

"Yes, ummm, anyway, I was saying...VH1 have been in contact with us and..."

"About my reality TV series BROTHER!" Hogan said from outside the window.

"How's he get back up here?" Trish Stratus inquired.

"Never mind him, the point is, they want wrestlers to be a part of a spin off of the 'Rock Star INXS' programme." Vince told his staff.

"What the hells that?" Randy asked, totally unaware of the concept.

"It's a programme where people sang for the opportunity to join the band and be the lead singer of INXS." Vince told.

"What band would we join?" Christian asked.

"Alter Bridge!" Edge prayed for the band that produced his entrance theme 'Metalingus'.

"No, actually, we haven't got a band lined up at the moment." Vince frowned slightly.

"So what's the point in wasting valuable time doing this crap then?" Kane bleated.

"I dunno...we just got asked." Vince shrugged, sitting down in his brown, leather chair.

"I don't need to join a band...I'm a part of the one and only Fozzy who played to 50,000 Fozzy fans at the Download Festival!" Chris smirked.

"I didn't even know Fozzy were capable of selling 5 albums let alone 50,000!" Cena chuckled.

Carlito, who was sat next to Y2J, took a bite out of his apple and started twisting the damn thing around and around inhis mouth...five minuteslater, the apple was still twistingand Cena was still sat in his seat. Carlito hadn't spat the apple yet.

Vince sighed "Oh just get on with it!" he yelled, thumping his hand on the deskas John Cena gave Carlito an 'F-U'.

"You will be living in a house together for the next month and shall share a room with three other people. You shall be introduced to your teachers when you get there. Right, so, I can guarantee for your support, yes?" Vince asked hopefully.

"No way." the whole group responded in unison.

"Too bad coz the day you signed a contract with me you signed your life away...HA HA HA!" Vince cackled, disappearing in a puff of gold and grey smoke. "Your contracts will be with you in 5...4...3...2...1." a voice said from above as the papers magically appeared in front of the group.

"Hey, these contracts have our signatures on them already!" Eddie cried.

"No escape...ha ha ha...Cole and Tazz...why are you still here?" the voice said from over the tanoy.

With that, Michael Cole and Tazz were no more...a lightning bolt had taken them away.

"That wasn't my FAULT!" the ever charismatic Gene Snitsky yelled.

"That wasn't me..." Taker held his hands up.

"Dat...dat's no cool!" Carlito stated after finally regaining himself as Christian and Jericho helped Mr Cool up.

"What do we do now?" Randy asked the men and women in the room.

"Looks like we're gonna be pop stars!" Batista sneered, looking at his former Evolution team mate.

Next edition of 'New Sensation'...

After an 'eventful' bus journey, the WWE superstars make their way to their new house for a month...but who will be bunking with who? Who will be the head teacher? More coming soon...

Tell me if you guys liked's more sarcastic funny than anything. Thanks for reading...please review!