Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh.

A/N: Hey, I'm back. I left you with a cliffie didn't I? (Mischievous grin) Well, on with it!

Atem was falling down into darkness. He knew what was coming next. Death. Pain pierced his heart as he thought of Tea. Why had he returned to reality anyway? What purpose did it serve? What was important to him there?

He closed his eyes. That image in his mind's eye flickered forward. A person with their back turned. The blurred image became clearer. Suddenly, he saw brown hair, pink and blue uniform. The figure turned around. Those beautiful blue eyes looked at him head on. Tea…why had he not seen it before it was too late?

He opened his eyes and looked out into the darkness. "Ra! Where ever you are! I don't want this! I don't want to die again! I found my purpose! Is it really too late? PLEASE!"

Far in the depths of the darkness, a voice called out to him and a tiny, twinkling light appeared. "Atem…You can't leave me now…"

Atem gasped. He knew that voice.

"Come back… I need you…" The light that was descending towards him became clearer now. It was a person, reaching out to him.

"Atem… I… I love you!"

"Tea!" He reached out to her. "I don't want to be apart! I just wanted to be… with you!"

His last words echoed through the darkness as his arms gripped hers.

"Atem…" She smiled down at him. "Come back…"

And he was falling into her arms, and her into his. Together, holding each other tight, they fell past the darkness and defied death the way nobody could have before.

They were falling together…

Falling into the light…

When the two opened their eyes they were standing together on the bridge, arms around each other, snow swirling around them.

They pulled away and looked into their eyes with delighted smiles.

"Tea…" Atem picked her up and laughed twirling her around. "I'm so happy!"

He put her back on her feet and she smiled up at him, joyous tears falling from her eyes. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Same here… But now… we can finally be together!" his last words ended with a slow kiss that sent their hearts racing.

Atem pulled away and looked at her. "Are you ready?"

Tea nodded, and the two linked arms and ran all the way to Yugi's house, laughing, the snow falling around them like that in a snow globe.

They had fallen…

Fallen in a big way.

Yes, it was true

Falling in love really isfalling…

But another way to see it is…


AHHH I LOVE THIS STORY! XD I can't believe its over! I hope everyone enjoyed it. And since this is the last chapter, I want everyone who read it to review, even if you've never reviewed before. It's a command from the author! I hope everyone enjoyed it, and I'll see ya'll later! (And if I get enough demands/requests, I might make an epilouge ;D)