A/N: Flame my all you want. Also, I'll no longer be working onOperation: LOVE. Heh heh. but I hafta get at least 5 reviews, flame or not in order to continue

Disclaimer: I own the characters you don't know about. Except for Cypress, she is my friend's character. Others are owned by (coughevilcough) SEGA.

I'm all grown up now, but he was always the hedgehog that I would love. I'm not an obsessed fangirl anymore. I've matured through the past 7 years. The only thing was that I was all alone. No one with me. Nothing.

I moved out of my old apartment and was now living in a condo. It was great there! A great veiw of the sunset, a cool breeze. I didn't care how it was there. I only wanted someone to share it with.

I don't want, Shadow, Cream, Rouge. Not them. I always wanted one person with me. Though Eggman died since he tried to save Sera, life was not how I expected it to be.

At an age like this, I expected to go out on dates with guys. I wanted to be set free. But it was him who kept holding me back. He looked at me and smiled at me with that cute smile that I couldn't resist. His eyes were so captivating and I could never let go.

My room was different. It wasn't pink anymore, but more of a nice shade of blue-violet. I didn't hang up pictures of Sonic anymore. Only one picture frame of him and me. He had his arms around my waist. Mines was around his neck. I thanked Ryan for it. I only wish that that could happen again.

My room had more posters of hot boy bands and pictures of my friends and me. Tails and Cypress worked on those and my life would be empty without them. I couldn't ever know how to repay all that my friends have done for me.

My little Cream has also been growing up. I remember when she was so small and loved flowers and chao. She'd grown up and started dating Charmy Bee. She'd gotten more serious with herlife and took over the work of the Chaotix Detective Agency.

I wouldn't want to be such a burden and talk all about me. But, I don't know how I could possibly stop. I have many friends, but know almost nothing about them. Not Rouge, Cream, Tails, JayJay, and not even HIM.

My mind was out of control with thoughts of him. He was the reason why I didn't step out of my condo. Unless it was a total shopping emergency, then I'd kill.

If you sincerely want to know more about me, I'll tell you. I didn't waer that red and white dress anymore. Showing my scungies and people ASSUMING that they're my panties annoyed me. So I wore a jean mini-skirt, and this cute purple blouse. My boots were replaced with black heel-boots and I no longer wore a headband. Insted, my bangs were down and I held them with a pink butterfly clip.

I stood up off my bed and walked into the batroom. I grabbed a towel and turned the in the tub to a warm temperature. It was about time for me to have a refreshing bath to calm my nerves.

After that, I got out of the tub and slipped into my blue-green nightgown. I took out one of my most favorite books, You Can't Control Life, and started to read it.

I would know that this has nothing to do with importance, but it was a book about this young woman who loved two people. I'd tell you more, but I don't wanna bore your asses off.(this is her POV, so she knows it's a story .)

I turned on the lamp and held up the book. I was attached to it. You know what I mean. I yawned after about half an hour. The book was put down and I took a quick glance at the clock.It was only 8:37. I didn't want to sleep yet.

Weakly, I pulled myself off my bed. I slowly and tiredly changed into a magenta sweater and dark blue jeans. I slipped on a pair of pink sippers and walked to the door. My hand grasped the unlocked knob and I started to open it.

The next thing I heard was a small noise. "Sorry!" I called out to the person that I'd hit. I let go of the knob and stepped back. The next thing I knew I was on the floor. I'd fainted because of him. Why?

"Amy, are you okay?" I said nothing. I sat up on the couch and sipped some water that he placed on the table next to me. "We need to talk." I don't know what it was about, but I was ready to listen. I've waited for him to talk to me since what seemed like forever.

A/N: Okay... R&R or else. If you have any comments on what the rating should be or the genre, please tell me in your review. So it may be short, but I'm a little low on caffine.
