Warnings: Same as before.

Disclaimer: Also same as before. I don't won Loveless. I am not that lucky.

Many Ways to Say I Love You

Soubi knew this wasn't the type of relationship Semei had hoped they would have, but Soubi couldn't help having more meaning behind his words when he told the boy he loved him. He was often called a liar, or Ritsuka would tell him not to say that, but he would keep saying it. He meant it. And now he'd shown it to him.

Blue-violet eyes looked down at the boy curled into his chest, the usual black ears were missing, as was his tail. Ritsuka would probably be upset when he wakes up, even at the thought a smile spread over Soubi's face. Ritsuka, who had always been so calm and collected, so adult for his young age . . . Ritsuka . . . he'd been so cute.

At first Soubi had felt almost bad for doing that to Ritsuka so early, but the feeling had worn off as the boy responded to him, Soubi had committed every expression, every moan to memory. Ritsuka had been more beautiful than Soubi could remember, Kio was going to throw a fit over this, as was Ritsuka's friends and parents. But Soubi didn't care right now.

The soft motion of breathing from the small framed next to him and the feel of the breath sweeping over his chest was all he needed right now, or ever. The happy smile never left his face as he moved the arm that was currently wrapped around Ritsuka's waist. He pulled the boy up to him, waking him in the process, the dark eyes opened with sleep still clouding their depths and stared at Soubi.

"I love you, Ritsuka."

Not waiting for the usual comment back Soubi closed in kissing the boy, after a moment where sleep was still hazing his mind, he responded kissing back with a little more confidence than before. Soubi let his other hand go up and tangle in the feather soft black mass, everything about Ritsuka was so soft and pure, though maybe not everything anymore. They pulled back, Soubi offering one more lick to Ritsuka's lips before breaking the contact.

He was blushing again, one of Soubi's most favorite expressions on the boy, not including some of the more recently learned ones. It was only earlier that night Soubi allowed himself to recognize how stressed he was about Ritsuka's ever increasingly close relationship to Yuiko-chan. But he wasn't worried anymore. He knew Ritsuka wouldn't show that side of himself to the girl, Soubi had just been uncharacteristically unsettled.

"Stop staring . . . it's creepy . . . "

Soubi realized he had been gazing at the boy while he thought and smiled at him, both eye's closing and curving up.


He moved his hand a little farther down the slender waist to Ritsuka's hip.

"Does it hurt?"

He shook his head but stopped after a moment, "A little."

Soubi laughed, even when basking in the after glow of his first sexual encounter the boy retained his stubborn behavior. It appeared there was no end to the boys' cuteness. Unable to help himself in the face of such innocence Soubi slipped his hand down more and slide a finger into the boy. Ritsuka cringed, closing both eyes and balling a small fist on his chest. Soubi smiled as he moved his finger in and then back out of Ritsuka's entrance, the boy cracked open an eye and looked at him, all the while blushing the same crimson as before.

"...Perverted adult."

Soubi held back a genuine laugh at that and opted instead for a small chuckle, oh how he loved this boy. It was almost painful, and it twisted through him, claiming his heart and soul, burning Ritsuka into his very being. Shifting a little and rolling them over so the small boy was now on his back and Soubi was hovering over him. He added another finger as his other hand moved to lightly stroke Ritsuka's front.

Leaning close to Ritsuka he ghosted his lips over the parted ones belonging to the boy he loved more than himself.

"I'll take that as an 'I love you.'"

He felt the boy almost smile against his lips before closing in the kiss, met without hesitation and equal fervor he melted into the kiss. Small hands ran through his hair, knotting in the blonde strands as Ritsuka clung to him.

There definitely was no end to Ritsuka's cuteness.


A/N: I guess I couldn't help but do a follow up chapter. -sigh- I am a sucker for a meaningful relationship sprinkled with sex. Age isn't a thing, as long as they are in love. Anyway yeah . . . I am stopping this fic here, though I may do another Loveless one sometime. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, finding a beta for a Shota fic is more complicated than it sounds. Spelling errors, you can blame on a faulty Word program. Thanks for reading. Ja.