Disclaimer: I own nothing… not even cigarettes… And I really need some after this story.
Sorry if I get some of the details about Genosha wrong. I don't know a lot about it.
Six months later…
Land's End Pub was possibly the dirtiest, grimiest bar Dom had ever seen, but it served his purpose. It was a place to be where he could drink, smoke, and possibly fight.
And it was far away from Westchester and all those memories.
He stared at the half empty bottle of tequila in front of him and the shot glass he didn't want to use. His cigarette, forgotten had burned down into the filter in the ashtray next to him. His gaze wandered to the television, where a newscast was showing the latest on the mutant dilemma in the States. Being in Canada, he was as far away from that conflict as possible. The newscaster went on to talk more about the mutant registration act and how Xavier was one of the top protesters of the bill.
Dom looked away from the television and took a swig from the bottle. He didn't want to be anywhere near Westchester. He hated those pitying looks that everyone gave him. He'd left before the funeral. He couldn't stand the thought of her body laying cold in the ground… alone.
"Former mutant terrorist Eric Lehnsherr, known to the general public as Magneto, has purchased an island off the West African Coast. Calling his new country, Genosha, he has called it a haven for mutant kind…" the newscaster droned on. "Mutants have flocked to Genosha for what he calls 'equality and peace'."
Dom lit another cigarette and took a long drag. Genosha sounded like the place to be if you were different. Maybe he'd swing through and check the place out. If different was what they wanted, different was what he had.
To be continued…
Author's note:
Wow… That was by far the toughest story I have ever had to write, but worry not. I am continuing Dom's saga with Wrath which I hope to have the first chapter out soon. I'm also working on some side projects such as Rage which tells of Yuriko's origin and her life after her supposed death in X2. I also have an idea running around that will focus on Devil and Daystar or better known as Daniel and Jessie. Some people seemed really interested in him and her so I thought I'd expand their stories. Thank you so much for reading and please watch for my newest story, Wrath.