1So yeah sorry about how long it took me to update but im a lazy ass lol well so here we go hope u still read.

I do not own Inuyasha.

Thoughts ok I changed it to Italics to express though so thoughts look like this got it.

Inuyasha sat holding the baby boy while his lover slept, he looked down at the child who decided he was hungry and wanted to be feed a few minutes ago. He being the only one awakened by its cry /how the hell did they not wake up he screams like a harpy...but he's still cute...I did not just say that...ugh whatever/. While the half demon was thinking Miroku woke up, gazing at the site of Inuyasha with their baby made his heart warm, he decided that he would sneak up on his lover and surprise him with a morning kiss.

Miroku tip toed quietly as humanly possible over to the red back of his lover / uh look at that ass ... must ... not ... grope/ but his hand had a mind of its own he watched as his hand was just about... "Miroku touch my ass and lose your hand" Inuyasha glared over his shoulder at the lecherous monk. "Aw Inu your no fun" whined his boyfriend as he plopped down behind the man and baby, bending forward to lightly press a kiss to the others shoulder.

"What do you think we should name him?" Miroku thought over this question for a bit. "How about Shuichi?" Inuyasha responded with a 'keh' so he tried again and got the same response so he made a name up "Inoku?"( I am not trying to put myself in this fic I just think it's a cute name don't u? Lol) the half demon though for I moment "I think I actually have a good name there im glad I thought of it." the monk just raised an eyebrow as the other continued to congratulate himself on a job well done. "So Inoku it is then" they both turned back to the now awake baby he did strongly resemble Inuyasha and Miroku with his white hair and dog ears and his purple eyes that shimmered with happiness.

Kagome and Sango chose that moment to appear "Hey guys, how the baby?" the short skirt wearing girl asked as she bent down to tickle the babies dog ears. "He's fine, and his name is Inoku from now on" the dog father said as he handed the Inoku to the other father. Miroku took the baby and started to rock him. "So wear are we headed today, we haven't had any leads on the jewel shards or Naraku" Inuyasha snorted " Yeah well, Naraku is just a nasty bastard who is afraid to fight me" the baby giggled at his father " Inuyasha! Don't say those words around Inoku or I'll have you neutered" the shorter of the two dads said, but only Miroku noticed his boyfriends legs get closer together. He smiled and leaned up closer to his Inu-chan and whispered "Don't worry Inu I wouldn't do that to you I love you to much" he placed a gentle kiss on the tallers lips.

Inuyasha snorted again but relaxed as he placed his arm around Mirokus waist and hugged the raven haired man to him. Kagome and Sango smiled to each other they knew that for Inuyasha PDA( public displays of affection) was rare but he felt comfortable around all of them to do show how much he loved Miroku and the child. The shorter father smiled up and his boyfriend and leaned his head against the tallers shoulder. "Burpppppp" they were interrupted by the baby with gas... "I think Inoku has been spending a little to much time with Inuyasha.." Sango laughed out, everyone was laughing as Inuyasha boasted "That's my boy!".