Title: Desirable Darkness

Author: gothgurl666

Beta(s): gothgurl's boy & sadlilgothgirl

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and I am not making a profit off this fanfic.

Summary: Harry Potter, savior of the wizarding world, lost. Welcome to a new era where Voldemort rules and Harry Potter will become loyal if Voldemort has anything to say about it. Too bad Harry has other ideas. Eventual LV/HP. Disregards HBP

"You've lost Harry Potter," the chilling voice said cutting through the absolute silence.

Harry Potter lay in a heap at the feet of the Dark Lord in what was formerly known as Hogwarts but now could be called rubble.

All the death eaters had formed a circle around their lord and the boy who failed.

"Well, Harry, where is that Gryffindor foolishness that you are so renowned for," the Dark Lord whispered in his ear.

Harry Potter looked up at the self-proclaimed ruler of the Wizarding world and spit in his face.

The Dark Lord's face contorted in fury as he proceeded to Crucio the impertinent brat for his insolence. The boy's screams were like music. He would let the brat rebel. Everyone breaks; it is only a matter of finding a weakness and exploiting it. Look at the old fool. He had trusted so blindly that it was his downfall and all the rest had perished with him. The strongest that were able to be taken alive were given a choice; join or die. The weak were destroyed along with the filthy mudbloods.

"Welcome to a new world my loyal death eaters. A world where we shall rule and the purity of the Wizarding race will be preserved." The death eaters' cries of celebration and victory filled the air and the Dark Lord marveled at the ease at which he swayed them.

While the cheers still filled the air he turned to his elite, "take him to his own private cell," Voldemort demanded as he turned to apparate to his own chambers. Lucius Malfoy stepped forward and picked up the panting and weak boy. "And Lucius, do not damage him." After all, it would not do for his new servant to be injured beyond repair. It would take time and careful planning. Harry would not be easy to break but they all break. When he is ready the boy would not be a low henchmen, he is way too powerful for that . . . maybe a new right-hand man. But that would be quite a while. He can be broken and then rebuilt to serve me with complete loyalty. The best servants are those that serve willingly. The Dark Lord dismissed his death eater to celebrate and then apparated to his bed chamber to acquire his much needed rest. The boy did put up quite a fight.

Lucius Malfoy apparated away to Malfoy Manor with an unconscious Harry Potter in his arms. He thought it best to follow his Master in all tasks . . . for now. There may well be a time soon when a new Dark Lord would claim what is his but no sense in thinking about it now. The time would come. He arrived at the Manor and went through the winding maze that is Malfoy manor with an ease that only a Malfoy could accomplish. He reached the dungeons and laid the Potter boy on the dirt floor. Then he left the boy to awaken by himself. He had much planning to do.