YG: Hello everyone! I am sooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in like 2 years! My computer wouldn't let me log in. And school has me going insane!

Riven: muttersyou mean she hasn't gone insane yet?

Flora: It's okay sweetie. We forgive you.

Bloom: Yeah even if this chapter was dedicated to us!

Stella: When is it going to be MY turn!!!!!!


Thank you to all of you who reviewed, and didn't threaten me.

Now on with the story!

While everyone else was back at Alphea dancing it up or at the mall shopping till they dropped, Bloom and Sky were walking in the forest, casually sneaking glances at one another. The forest was unusually quite for this time of night, but they thought nothing of it. A cold, bone chilling breeze whipped through the air and Bloom shivered.

"You cold, Bloom?" Sky asked looking at Bloom. She shook her head and they kept walking. Sky and Bloom heard a rustling coming from somewhere nearby. "Stay close, Bloom. I don't want you getting hurt," Sky said moving in front of her.

"Okay, Sky," Bloom responded and listened to the direction from which the sound came from. The rustling sound came from directly behind Bloom. "Why do we always find something bad when we walk into this forest?" Bloom asked no one in particular.

"Just lucky I guess," Sky answered looking in all directions. "It's coming from behind that bush," he said pointing to a bush behind Bloom (YG: Say that five times fast. Bloom: just get back to the story! YG: Okay sheesh). In the bush they saw a pair of eyes watching them. The bush moved and out came Kiko (sp?).

"Oh my goodness Kiko, don't scare me like that!" Bloom said taking the little rabbit in her arms. Kiko cocked his head to the side and his ears drooped. " Aw, how could I stay mad a you? You are just the cutest little thing," she said hugging the little rabbit.

"Come on, Bloom, let's keep walking," Sky said and all three of them walked deeper into the forest. Above them, the stars twinkled through the canopy of trees. Occasionally, a cool wind whipped through Bloom's hair, making it look like flames trailing behind her.

"Sky, can we start heading back? It's getting really dark, I'm afraid we'll get lost," Bloom asked hugging Kiko tighter. Sky nodded and they started heading back the way they came. "It's so beautiful, isn't it Sky? I just love looking at the stars," she said looking upwards toward the sky.

"The sky isn't the only thing that's beautiful, Bloom," he said softly looking into her eyes. Bloom blushed and Sky kissed her gently on the lips. "I love you so much, Bloom," Sky said pulling her close.

"I love you too, Sky," Bloom said hugging him. He hugged back and they continued walking back to Alphea.

When they arrived at Alphea, they saw Riven, Eric, and Timmy sitting at a table and Musa, Flora, and Tecna dancing to B5's "Let's Groove Tonight". "Hey Bloom, hey Sky," Musa said from the dance floor.

"Have a nice walk?" Flora asked while walking over to the table the boys were at and sat down. Bloom and Sky nodded and sat down at the table as well. "Bloom, would you like to sing a song with Musa, Tecna and myself?" Flora asked once she had her breathing under control.

"Sure, that'd be cool," Bloom said and all four girls went to look at the songbooks. "What about this one?" Bloom asked and the other girls nodded in agreement. They went on stage and the melody started.

Together We Can by: The Cheetah Girls

Bloom: We can do anything
Just you and me baby baby baby babe
Wait and see.

Musa: Hold on, sit tight.
Are you ready for a crazy ride?
Your on your own, it ain't right.
Somethings gotta give tonight.

Flora: So if you wanna run, run and dissappear.
You and I can bust are ways right out of here.

All: Together we can.
Shoot the moon, stop the rain even ride a hurricane,

if we wanna.
Walk into space, save the human race, do you think we oughta? x2

Tecna: If we take our time, we can have it all.
I don't think we're gonna make it on our own.

All: Together we can.
Shoot the moon stop the rain even ride a hurricane,

if we wanna.
Walk into space save the human race.
Do you think we oughta?
Together we can!

"That was fun!" Bloom smiled and sat down next to sky. The other girls nodded and giggled. The guys shook their heads. "Let's do another!" The other girls nodded and the walked to the songbooks again.

"What about this one?" Flora asked. The girls nodded and got on stage.

"Girls Mind" by Play

All: Oooooo
Musa: Yeah
All: Oo oo

Oo oo

Tecna: When you hear us say "yes," it sometimes means "no…"
We'll tell you to stop, when we want you to go
I know that we're different, but we're all the same
It's all in the games that we play

Flora: Now if you wanna please me don't take it so far
You think its gonna be easy but you're tryin' to hard
Gotta know how to treat me, if you know what I mean
It's still the devil and angel I'm caught between

All: You don't get it, don't see it, don't know what I want
Don't know how I'm feelin' you got me all wrong boy
So don't you forget it, you'll never get inside
Bloom: A girl's mind

All: Ooooo
Oo oo

Ooooo (Tecna A girl's mind)
Oo oo

Bloom: If you heard what I'm sayin', you'll be thinking it through
You won't do what you want, but what I want you to do
Tecna: Will you figure me out or misunderstand
'Cause I really want you to know who I am

All: You don't get it, don't see it, don't know what I want
Don't know how I'm feelin' you got me all wrong boy
So don't you forget it, you'll never get inside
Bloom: A girl's mind

Musa: If you only knew what I feel for you
If you'd only see what you mean to me
If you'd only hear how much I care
You'd know what's goin' on inside my head

All: You don't get it, don't see it, don't know what I want (Tecna yeah)
Don't know how I'm feelin' you got me all wrong boy
So don't you forget it, you'll never get inside (Tecna
you'll never get inside)
Bloom: A girl's mind

All: You don't get it, don't see it, don't know what I want
Don't know how I'm feelin' you got me all wrong boy
So don't you forget it, you'll never get inside
Bloom: A girl's mind

"That was cool girls," Eric complimented. The girls nodded and smiled. Musa put a CD on the turntables and danced with Riven. All the other girls grabbed a guy and dragged them onto the dance floor.

(I think I'll just add Stella's chapter in here too)
(Musa: That would mean that this is the last chapter!)
(Riven: OH YEAH)
(Girls: RIVEN!)
(Anyway, lets keep going then shall we?)

"You okay sweetie?" Stella asked stepping out of the mall. Brandon grunted and followed her out. All though, you really couldn't tell it was Brandon since all you saw were bags and boxes and two legs following Stella.

"Stella, you know I love you right?" Brandon asked. Stella nodded and 'mhm'ed, when she noticed he couldn't see her. "Yeah, well I just wanted to say that you buy to much!" Stella gasped. "Now just remember that I love you, and that came from the heart," Brandon explained quickly.

"Why didn't you say that in the first place? I could carry something," Stella smiled and took the smallest, lightest bag and carried it to the hover bike. Brandon sighed and adjusted the load of boxes and bags. He had noticed something very peculiar

"Actually, that made it a little lighter. That defies all laws of physics," Brandon muttered. Stella smiled brightly and sat on the bike, waiting for Brandon. Brandon had some how gotten all of the bags and boxes to fit on the bike and started to drive to Alphea. How this happened I have no clue, but hey, what ever works.

As they were riding back to Alphea, Stella dozed off against Brandon. He wasn't worried about her falling off, she was surrounded by all of her purchases and she had a very tight hold on him. Brandon smiled and speed off to Alphea, being careful not to go too fast. When they reached Alphea, Brandon called out for the guys. Surprisingly the guys heard and went out to help Brandon carry all of Stella's stuff. The girls showed them to their dorm and put Stella's things in the sitting room. Brandon went back out and carried Stella up to her room. He placed he gently on her bed and closed the door.

"We should probably get going," Brandon said. Timmy, Eric, Riven and Sky nodded. The girls said good-bye and watched them leave. They went down to the ballroom and started cleaning. Musa had started up some more music for them to listen too as they cleaned. It wasn't until the early morning hours, until they went to bed.

YG: I am going to leave this up to a vote. Do you want me to continue or stop it right here?

Riven: Please vote no, I really don't wanna be here.

Musa: Shut up Riven. Leave your vote in a review

Tecna: Just remember that if you want this story to continue, then review.

Timmy: Yeah, it would be really sad if you wanted it to continue and you didn't review and the end results were to stop the story, and one vote made the difference

YG: yeah….. what he said REVIEW!