Sorry for the late updating! Seriously, assignments should be banned from college. They made us submit about 12-13 of them in the last week, leaving no time for fanfiction writing, updating etc!
This will be the last chappie of this fic. It is the longest one I've submitted, so far.
I was a little disappointed as I got just 2 reviews for chap 4, but I guess it is really hard to find fans of the Yuchi pairing (sniffles)
My sincere thanks to all of those who have reviewed my work. U guys really help and make me so happy!
Keep reading and keep reviewing!
On with the story.
" YUN-YUN! YOU ARE ALRIGHT! " Manabe jumped at Yuki, arms outstretched (the background turns all rosy pink and sparkly in this scene) with a huge smile on his face.
Yuki neatly sidestepped the flying attack (result of years of experience in sidestepping Ayame!). Poor Manabe ended up crashing into the wall. (sorry guys!i'm really beating him up, aren't i?)
' Those morons. They are destroying my house….' Machi frowned. She mentally noted that it was risky, no disastrous to have Yuki and Manabe under the same roof at the same time.
' I'll have to insure this place in the future….' she sighed.
" Of course I'm fine you Idio…what the! "Yuki's reply was cut off as Manabe choked his neck in a vice-like grip.
" That does NOT mean that you are forgiven for fooling around with my sister, you PERVERT! " Manabe shouted. " Even though it will be a pity to punch your pretty face…." he frowned," The guilty must be punished…"
" But I didn't sleep with Machi! " Yuki freed himself from Manabe's grasp in one swift move. " I told you, I CAN EXPLAIN! "
' Maybe we should just gag him and tie him to a chair. Then he will surely listen….'
Machi thought about her brother. Poor girl. Her ears were starting to hurt from all the yelling.
Thankfully that wasn't necessary.
" Fine Yuki, explain…." Manabe pulled a nearby chair and sat down. The day's events were finally taking their toll on him. In truth, he was confused and exhausted, not knowing what to believe and who to trust.
Yuki himself was very tired and rested against the wall. Machi walked over to him, a little concerned.
With a deep breath Yuki began the explanation.
" Our family has been cursed for hundreds of years now. Twelve members are cursed with the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, a thirteenth bone, by the vengeful spirit of the cat. As you can see, I'm possessed with the spirit of the rat. Whenever we are huggled by members of the opposite sex, we transform….. Earlier today…. I tripped and fell on Machi….that's why…."
"….." Manabe stared back blankly.
" What? " Yuki looked back. " You….you didn't understand anything, did you? " he sweatdropped.
" I don't have any idea about this zodiac thingy you are talking about, Yun-Yun…" Manabe gave a bright, innocent smile to Yuki.( background turns shimmery and sparkly in this scene too!)
' How could he be such an ignorant idiot?…he doesn't know anything about anything..' Machi groaned in her mind.
' I think I need an aspirin. ' Yuki thought. Still, being the patient person that he is, he graciously continued.
" Look, basically, if a girl puts her arms around me, I turn into a rat, got it? The one in Machi's hand, was ME! " Yuki gave a thousand watt smile to Manabe. He was really, really low on the patience that we mentioned earlier.
" And there are more people in your family who also turn into other animals…." Manabe asked wide-eyed, a childish (kawaii!) look on his face.
" YES! " Yuki relaxed. He had finally drilled his point into Manabe's thick skull.
" So Yun-Yun….your clothes…." Manabe was finally thinking in the right direction.
" When we return back to our human form, we are….naked. " Yuki admitted, embarrassed. A reddish hue took on Machi's cheeks, at this statement.
Manabe looked back and forth between Yuki and Machi.
" SO MACHI HAS SEEN YOU NAKED, HASN'T SHE? " he exclaimed, incredulously.
"…." the couple could do nothing but nod in agreement.
' What the hell IS he talking about? ' Yuki wondered, a four-cross mark appearing on his forehead.
" Machi, you have to help me here! Hold Yun-Yun so that he turns into a mouse! " Manabe pouted at Machi.
" I'll get some rope. You tie him to the chair. " Machi whispered to Yuki.
' Sounds like a great idea. ' Yuki thought as he looked at his hyper friend babbling " BLAH, blah, blah…."
Yuki gripped Machi's hand and squeezed it tightly. " Even though it was hard…..telling him I mean….. I'm glad this happened…. I feel a lot better now…" he smiled at her.
She returned his smile with a warm kiss.
" HEY, NO KISSING IN PUBLIC! " Manabe exclaimed.
Of course, that didn't stop the young couple.
' About us, I think I'll tell him THAT story later…." Yuki decided, still kissing Machi, reflecting on how they confessed their feelings to each other.
" FINE! I'LL LEAVE! " Manabe huffed.
Yuki and Machi stopped to stare at him. His face carried a hint of a smile. A common understanding was shared between the three friends.
" I'll keep your secret to myself, Yun-Yun….you just take care of her. " Manabe told Yuki at the door.( Machi didn't join them at the door.)" Hey, isn't there a cure….? " he questioned silently.
" Not that I know of…." Yuki answered with a small frown.
" It's okay. " Manabe sighed. " I'll leave you lovers alone now. " he smiled and left.
" But I thought he was not going to let us spend so much time alone together…." Yuki mused as Manabe grew smaller and smaller in his line of vision.
' Kids do grow up quickly ' Manabe sighed as he walked home.
' I was just being over-protective…. If there are two people who deserve love…'s them….' he reflected on the day's events.
' For now… I'll leave everything in Yun-Yun's capable hands…' he decided, all his doubts melting away into the night sky.
( Btw, the takeout guy in the first chappie never showed up! Yuki ended up cooking for Machi, and she actually ate it! )