
It was the last day until summer break, where students have a 6-weeks vacation off school and already everyone, including the teachers were all in a relaxing mood. Balloons and streamers were flying around in different directions as the students gossips, laugh, talk, practically doing whatever they want as long as the school is not vandalise and such.

Rayne Hiwatari entered the building, wearing her dark jeans, black crop top, white leather jacket and trainers, with all the other necessary accessories, with her black bag hanging over one of her shoulders. Her dark hair was open and resting against her back, the sun behind her hitting her strands, making it shine.

Her grey eyes looked around her, trying to find a certain someone, with blood red hair, but with all the streamers and balloons in the way, she failed. She let out a sigh and was about to take a step forward when a pair of arms wrapped itself around her petit frame, startling her. She gasped lightly trying to turn around but the grip around her waist tightened slightly, and the owner behind her gave a small smirk.

He placed his head on her shoulder, his lips beside her earlobe and his nose in her hair, breathing in her scent: Vanilla and rose. Rayne froze in her tracks, her breath caught in her throat, as she waited, calmly and patiently.

The smirk on his face widened and he leaned in a bit more, sucking on her earlobe. Rayne moaned quietly, inaudible, and slowly tilted backwards, leaning against his muscular chest. She closed her eyes slowly and drifted off into wonderland, feeling safe in the arms of her lover.

A chuckle made her open her eyes, and turned her head sideways, looking at him, trying to lock his icy blue eyes.

"And what's so funny?" she asked.

"Nothing," he replied, and pecked his cheek.

Suddenly the noisy student body was suddenly quiet, as if someone had turned on the mute button. Both Rayne and Tala looked up at the students of the school and then to the entrance of the building.

"Well, look what the devil brought," smirked Rayne.

Entering the building was the one and only Tenebrae Aso, hand-in-hand with Brooklyn Kingston, Rayne's rival.

"Is this what everyone is shock of? Because it was so yesterday's news," said Ten.

Tala and Rayne let out a hearted laugh, joining them.

"How are you?" asked Rayne, embracing the brunette.

"Happy," she answered. "You?"

"I'm happy too," nodded Rayne. Then she turned her attention to Brooklyn. "Better look after her, or else I'll come over and kick your ass if I hear any complains from Ten."

"Don't worry," chuckled Brooklyn.

"I still don't trust you," she whispered.

"That I can get used to." He dug his hand into his pocket and took out a black beyblade.

"Here," he said, passing the beyblade to Rayne. "It's the reason why I was away for a month,"

Curious, Rayne took the beyblade in her hand and felt warmth shot through her like an electric shock. She looked down at the bit-chip and gasped inwardly. There, shining brightly than ever was Deathscythe, Rayne's loyal bit-beast.

"Deathscythe?" whispered Rayne.

'It is I, milady,' said Deathscythe.

Rayne closed her eyes for while, getting familiar with the feeling of her bit-beast nearby, before opening them, a slight tear in her grey orbs.

"Thank you, Brooklyn."

"No need to thank me. It's the least I can do. Could you forgive me?" he asked.

Rayne nodded. "Of course now that I have my friend back."

The pair of arms that were wrapped around her waist loosened, and an arm went around her chest, trapping her arms, and the other around her neck, the owner's head on top of hers.

"Now that that's settled, let's have some fun." Tala looked at Rayne, a familiar glint in his eyes.

"Oh no you don't. Not now!"

"But, why?" whined Tala.

"Because I said so!"


"Don't you 'Ray' me, young man!" said Rayne, sternly.

Tala sighed and let go of her. He turned her around and picked her up, placing her over his shoulder, and arm around her legs, holding her in place. Rayne let out a yelp in surprised.

"YURI IVANOV! Let me down this instant!"

"Nope. Not until you agree!"

"You know this isn't a very good position for my blood pressure." Rayne let her head drop. "Even if it has a good view," she smirked.

Tala blushed, causing Ten and Brooklyn to laugh and glaring at them, he left the building, with Rayne still hanging.

"Yuri!" whined Rayne, the blood going all the way to her brain. Once in a nice and private space, Tala let Rayne down. Rayne swayed forward slightly, leaning against Tala, as the blood slowly returned to normal, dizziness taking place.

Tala rubbed her back soothingly and with a finger, tilted her chin up. He leaned forward and captured her lips in a demanding kiss.

The girl immediately melted in his arms, running her hands up his built chest to circle his neck, tilting her head backwards to allow him to deepen the kiss. She sighed blissfully against his lips as she felt his hands running up her back, and his tongue, licking around her mouth, memorizing the details.

Once out of air, they broke apart, gasping for oxygen, looking at each other through lustful eyes. Tala looked down at the female currently sighing in his arms, her eyes lightly closed, a strange mesmerized expression upon her face as she licked her lips, opening her eyes to look up at him as well, the two grey orbs shining with passion and lust along with that strange, rare innocence that had called his attention in the first place ten years ago.

"Again…" she asked innocently, like a small child asking to repeat her favorite music, her voice nothing but a whisper. "Please, Yuri, do that again…"

Tala looked down at her with mild interest, his icy blue orbs gazing around her face.

Her face, beautiful with her fair skin; her eyes, how so beautiful and mysterious, darken with passion and lust, and her full red lips… he wanted to taste them over and over again. He stroke along her jaw and claimed them once more, this time with a gentler touch, his arms tightening his embrace around her small form, and sliding his tongue between her lips when she parted them invitingly

She moaned lightly when his hands started drawing small circles on the small of her back, sending heat through her entire body. As her mind drifted off into heaven, she sub-consciously made contact with his tongue using her own and they both groaned, now fighting for dominance.

'Now let's see how you can cope with this' she thought. Her arms unwrapped itself around his neck and roamed over his body, going down and down, reaching the edge of his shirt. Slipping her hands under it, she noticed that he was wearing one layer, giving her the advantage over his skin as her fingertips touch every skin she can reach in a feather-like touch.

Tala groaned louder at her touch and his muscles twitched when she rested her hand against his very-welled six packs. Losing focus, the redhead growled as Rayne smirked, licking around HIS mouth, memorizing his details.

With a peck, Rayne broke the dancing kiss, and looked up at him, feeling complete like never before. Tala looked down at her and kissed each of her eyelids, before resting his head on top of hers. Rayne sighed and buried her head at the crook of his neck.

There was a sudden glow from Rayne's pocket and Deathscythe wrapped an invisible rope around the two, uniting them forever as they stayed in each other's arms.

"Together, forever," whispered someone, through the breeze. Rayne smiled absently at the voice and recognized it as her mother.