Author's note: first attempt at a fan fiction story, I'm going to make this a serious story like an actual sequel from the movie (note: not manga), it wont be as depressing though, it will have a few jokes. I'll also try to make the chapters short because I'm assuming most of the readers reading this have ADD. ;) author has it too….

Paradise was lost then became again. The world was anew, everything that once was returned. Humans grew more powerful like before, wolves, like many other animals were disappearing. Wolves are the most mysterious creatures, powerful and some say they have strange powers, powered by the moon. Of course all lies, the humans believed. The only source of those facts belonged to an ancient artifact called the Book of the Moon. It was written by an unknown deity or being as some think. It was a fairy tale, folklore, crap. The book was about wolves, creatures that were dying out day by day, no one was even sure they've seen one. Once and a while you'll find some drunk talking about a wolf that attacked himself, then again, if everything said by a drunk was true, we'd be living on Saturn. Some claimed when the world was ending and falling apart, the wolves were the only ones who could find Paradise.

Over 100,000 years ago, a white wolf was born by the name Kiba. He was born the chosen one to open the doors to Paradise. With Cheza, the flower maiden, his companions, and hope he was able to fight against all odds and fell.

Kiba is alive again, reborn from the ashes of the world. However, he isn't a wolf, he is human.

Walking down the streets of the crowded town he felt something, a feeling in his body, in his soul.

'This happened before…'

Turning his head he noticed a man on his motorcycle, wearing black leather attire and a helmet over his head.


The name ranged in his head as he looked at the man. He sped off on his red motorcycle, leaving nothing but a cloud of gas behind.

Across the busy street, Kiba noticed a young boy with brown hair and orange jacket and wearing blue jeans, picking up a small black kitten from the basket.


"Wow, you have pretty blue eyes."

The boy hugged the white kitten and walked off around the corner with his new friend.

The boy passed a rather heavy guy wearing a blue poncho and his messy light brown hair was covered in the hood. He was munching down on a hotdog.


He turned around and walked away. His mind racing as he starred down at his converse shoes, moving his jacket around him. He looked up, it was mid day. He was quite tired from today. He was a wanderer himself, his parents died when he was born and he was raised in an orphanage, from then on, he was his own watcher. He did everything on his own. He continued through a small alleyway, he didn't know what he was looking for; something drew him to this city from the small farm town he came from.

He stopped. A small whispering sound echoed through his ears, it sounded like a girl's voice. It was soft and soothing, "Kiba… Kiba…"

He looked around to find the source, a small white flower laid by his feet. He looked around again, finding no one.

"Where are you? Show yourself!"

He grew tired of this game. His bright green eyes burned with annoyance. He walked around between the tall buildings. People gave him small glances as they passed by, but they paid him no heed. The smell of garbage stung his nose. Then, another smell took over, the smell of a beautiful flower.


He looked down at the flower, gazing at it.


"This one has found you, this one knows."

Cheza's voice echoed through him. He couldn't remember what had happened so long ago, perhaps he was just dreaming. He had to be dreaming.

"This one thinks Kiba has forgotten, have you Kiba?"

He nodded unable to speak. He sat down, leaning his back against the brick looking at the white moon flower in the small pot. He has forgotten everything about his past life, everything that occurred. What did occur? He wondered as he listened to a flower.

"Take a leaf from this one, and eat it," the flower read his thoughts perfectly. He did so, reluctantly, afraid of hurting the flower. He noticed the colors of the leaf changed after he plucked it off, it turned from green to red. He ate the leaf, washes of sweet flavor liquid danced on his tongue and he closed his eyes as it made him drowsy.

He saw everything in his mind:

The moon giving him the energy to survive, as he traveled months without any food. He ran with continuous effort, following a scent of a flower. He fought a grey wolf, Tsume. Getting caught in bars he finds a heavy brown wolf, Hige. Forming into a disguise to blend in with the humans, he realized what he looked like now; all of them looked the same from their previous lives. They found a wolf pup as well; he was a light brown furred wolf, Toeboe. The grey wolf followed, Tsume with them on their journey to find the flower girl, the flower now, Cheza. They ran for days enjoying some nights while others were painful and difficult. The empty doors to paradise, the wolves, which were nothing, but working dogs. The fighting, he finding Cheza, bringing all the memories back, and all the feelings felt. He remembered his dreams and his almost death. He met up with the black wolf who realized she had some wolf in her, Blue. He remembered the last battle against the noble, Darcia. They made it to paradise with the help of the humans, Quent, Hubb, and Cher. They all have fallen to help them. One by one, his companions fell and he to…

He opened his eyes, fully aware and in remembering, "Cheza! We are all alive, but… I think we are in different forms…at least I am…"

The flower swayed a bit in a slight breeze, "Kiba, you have to gather your pack. Open the doors to Paradise once again and fight the blacken evil around the world. This one cannot go with you. This one cannot help you find Paradise. You must find the Book of the Moon and the missing pages. The missing pages are in the ruins of the Nobles, yes they exist."

Kiba was confused, "I'm not a wolf though, and I am human…"

"You are a wolf, you have the power to turn into your true form," she paused, "take the rest of my leaves and give them to the rest. This one shall stay and fade away."

"No Cheza!"

"This one must, goodbye Kiba," she dropped her leaves and wilted; Kiba sighed and took the leaves. First he'll figure out how to change into his 'true' form, and then he'll find Tsume, Hige, and Toboe. Then, they will go on the craziest adventure.

If there are the some of you who are evolution freaks and say that 100,000 years cannot rebirth all humans…well…I say it can because it can