Mikomi: yes chapter three everybody! I'm on a roll! In this chapter, expect: three part story alternating. I like doing that, everyone has a different path until in the end all the paths collide into each other! Everyone has plans, but they're gonna have to change a bit because of each other. Thanks again for all the reviews, what would I do without you people! sigh I haven't the slightest clue… well the point is I do so lets get this on!


Title: Hunter and Hunted

Disclaimers: everything from last time

Chapter Tree(too bad I ain't Chinese) Change In Plans (Sakura Tree)

The room was dark and conversation was seldom made unless he felt like talking. His lapdog was out gathering information for him. Only people like Orochimaru got the respect they demanded, but a different kind of respect, a respect out of fear, because they feared him, they feared the immaculate amount of power he had and soon Sasuke would have that power too. And that was all he needed, power. He needed power because he wanted to his only family left, -my dear brother- Uchiha Itachi. But power came at a very high price, especially with the kind of power Orochimaru would grant to him, and of course he was aware of this from the beginning. He knew why Orochimaru would give him power so willingly; soon, he would need a new container for his soul, a new body to perform the ultimate forbidden Jutsu, reincarnation.

But Sasuke had different plans, plans that meant him still keeping his body and having power. He would kill those who would oppose these plans and then he would eventually return to his home. To his new family, and this time he had no reason to leave again. Too bad for him, Orochimaru had plans too, plans that would involve him returning at an unscheduled time.

"Sasuke-kun," he beckoned for him, and he complied tentatively. He was not so sure what to make of this character, Orochimaru, but he knew that if he wanted power than Orochimaru had to have everything Sasuke could please him with, "You know what time it is, do you not?"

"Hai," was Sasuke's polite and simple reply.

"Good, good, because you see, before this power is arranged to you," Orochimaru continued, his golden eyes sticky and bitterly sweet like honey flickered with glee as he gazed upon the dark haired boy named Sasuke, "I need you to do me a favour."

"Anything for Orochimaru-sama," Sasuke emphasized cynically, -As in anything for power- He paid close attention to Orochimaru and noticed that he was greatly pleased at what he had said. He smiled like a sly cat, his eyes squinting in merriment.

"Lovely," he said, he was a twisted fellow, taking the meaning of sadistic and warping it to fit his description, "I need you, Sasuke-kun, to go home to Konoha, and fetch me something very important."

Sasuke nodded curtly and left the room without dismissal. He raced to his chambers and boiled angrily at the wicked man called Orochimaru. He was disgusted by himself for say anything and now he regretted it, -Damn, why would he send me back now after all I've done! That bastard!- He couldn't return to Konoha without bringing back his brother's head to hang above his fireplace. He couldn't return now! He's done far too much damage, almost killing his best friend, jeopardizing others in life and death situations, hurting Sakura…-Dammit, why now of all times!- Before he could have a chance to figure it out, a knock on the door disturbed him from his silent rants.

The doorknob twisted open and outside stood Kabuto. He was probably back from snooping.

"Oi, Sasuke-kun, here is what you are to return for, bring it back unscathed, says Orochimaru-sama, he wants it perfectly unmarred," Kabuto handed him the manila envelope and left, politely closing the door behind. Sasuke could have sworn he saw the sneak smirk at him before he left. Something was wrong and he quickly opened the envelope before he tore it to shreds.

One whole sheet of paper was inside. There was a photo and little description of the person on it. Sasuke's eyes widened, the photo was of a kunoichi from Konoha from which he'd known all his childhood, a pink haired shinobi with green eyes and amazing chakra control and excelling healing properties. –Haruno Sakura- But these records a three years old, there was nothing else on the sheet of decadent paper. Perhaps he didn't need anything else to find her with, anyways, how many kunoichi in Konoha had pink hair and green eyes? None other than Sakura-chan, -Sakura-

Why did he want her anyway? He knew if he turned this opportunity down then his whole plan would fail but he was obliged to do this, unwillingly. Another plan began formulating in his head now, a bigger and better plan, he'd go and get Sakura, and he'd follow through with the rest. He resisted the urge to just bust out in a maniacal laughter that would make Orochimaru proud and kept his sinister gaiety to himself. Everyone thought he was a fool, would they even think that he would actually be their savior?


Plain simple and to the point, for some. Naruto still couldn't understand why Tsunade rejected their admission to find Sasuke. Sakura hasn't said a word of protest towards her, he noticed, she just stood quietly behind him, watching in a fascinated fashion, analyzing the situation you could call it. It had been a whole 4 minutes since Naruto finished the exam, not quite clear if he passed or not, but Sakura assured him that he did, and pulled her to Tsunade's office. Now, Naruto stood, aggravated, in front of Tsunade, his hands dug into her desk and a ugly frown swept his face. To Tsunade, he was increasingly looking like the Fourth Hokage with every passing second, "Tsunade-obaachan, we need to rescue Sasuke from the evil clutches of Orochimaru!"

Tsunade tried to listen to his insistent whining patiently, and to Naruto's dismay, objected sternly, "What part of 'No' don't you understand—"

"The whole thing," Naruto interrupted hastily, "Just let us go, we're capable adults…and we can take care of ourselves…"

Somehow, what Naruto just said wasn't so convincing, "No, I forbid you to set foot out of Konoha territory!"

Sakura knew this law well. For the past three years, she had been caged in the village, forced to be part of the tactical division as a commander strategist. Although she had smarts, her abilities stretched to strength now too, qualifying her for hunter-nin status, but her test to apply wasn't so good…

"Okay, Sakura-chan," Tsunade handed her sheet of paper without hesitation, "If you want to be a hunter-nin so badly, take this test, all participants must take this test to assure us that they're capable of their duties."

Sakura harrumphed confidently and snatched the paper brusquely from her hands. She looked over the test questions and gulped. Questions like: have you ever killed anybody? How long does it take you to kill? Do you hesitating before killing? Do you enjoy the sight of blood? Have you ever tasted blood? Does blood encourage you to kill? Appeared on the test. For Kami sake, they were multiple choices too!

So Sakura did not pass the test, she couldn't continue the test without answering the first question for that matter. Sakura was interrupted from the grim memory when Naruto started whining at her, she snapped out of thought and returned to the situation at hand.

"Sakura-chan, tell her to let us go!" Naruto complained like a four-year-old child, she noted.

She sighed and gave it her best shot, "Tsunade-sama, we are—erm—I am a responsible person, it would be honourable if we tried our best to save a dear friend."

"Sakura, you know why I bar you from leaving this village, it is absolutely out of the question!" Tsunade warned. Her honey glazed eyes narrowed threateningly as well, she meant every word she said with every intent of even binding her to herself if so be it.

"Then what now!" Naruto reentered the argument, "What are we suppose to do when our BFF is ripped of his own soul to make place for Orochimaru's! You can't expect anyone, especially us, to just sit around and wait for him to come and boast about how beautiful he looks in Sasuke's body."

Naruto shivered at his own comment. He never knew he could be so serious. He challenged her glare with his own, and they bore huge commitment to Sasuke as Tsunade could tell. Their battle between glares lasted for over a minute until Tsunade averted hers despairingly and sighed. Naruto celebrated inwardly, but victory was not yet achieved, "I'll let you go when we receive word of where they are are."

As if on cue, Genma burst through the door unceremoniously, he prompted a quick bow and Tsunade permitted him to speak, "We've located Sasuke!"

He blurted like it was the most important thing in the world, well, it kinda was. Tsunade glared at him crossly, like she was ready to rip his head off with her bare teeth. Right now they were looking rather sharp to him as she growled, revealing her obtrusive canines, but he was distracted from that when Sakura glomped him joyously like a fangirl, his face in her cleavage. He would have said he could've enjoyed it if Naruto wasn't doing the same, "Was it something I said?"

Tsunade dismissed him, mentally noting to get revenge later on that day. The young hopefuls looked at her wit gleaming eyes, "All right. I'll promote Naruto to temporary ANBU for now, but you don't get a tattoo. And I'll have another ANBU waiting for you halfway there."

Even though a babysitter was not too welcomed, they were satisfied and left before Tsunade changed her mind. Before stepping out the door, Tsunade grabbed Naruto's arm and pulled him back to speak with him privately. No matter how warm the colour of her eyes were, the way they were set now were stone cold and chilled him to the bone, even colder than the shower last night, "Naruto, you're aware that Akatsuki is after aren't you?"

"Hai," he replied gravely to match her impassiveness.

She nodded in approval, "Aside from that, I don't want a single hair on Sakura harmed! Bring both your asses back here safe and sound, whether or not you retrieve Sasuke. I know saying that was useless but you have to listen to me, both your life and Sakura's are very valuable and very in danger. I will hunt you down myself if it comes to it. Just come back. Promise me you will."

"I promise," Naruto said. He meant every two word of it and she could tell. He embraced her and left without another word. Although he had no parents, he was pretty damn sure Tsunade and Jiraiya came as close to it as possible.

He headed out after Sakura back to her house and suited up. She replaced her casual wear with the other day's ANBU apparel along with weights and mask. She slid her sword in her belt and saw Naruto hadn't changed much. He was still wearing his loud looking, lime green, sleeveless jacket but he had placed the mask she had grabbed for him on the way out. It was a fox with swirls on each cheek; closely representing Naruto with it's slit eyes. Other than that, Naruto hadn't changed at all.

"Take that off," she ordered.

"Pardon?" Naruto sputtered from underneath his mask, shocked at the shameless way Sakura had told him to, well, strip. She didn't bother to repeat or explain herself so she yanked his jacket over his head and threw it expertly into the washing machine. Underneath the jacket was a mismatched sleeve fishnet top and underneath it was a fitting, black, sheer undershirt, rippling along his well-toned body, not that she noticed. Under her inspection, Naruto felt naked as he covered his already well-covered chest with his hands.

"Here, try this on," she tossed him an upper body plate of armour, traditionally used for ANBU but so much anymore. His loose fishnet collar, she noticed, was zip up, so she took his mask off and pulled his collar over his jaw, covering most of his chin and replaced the mask, "Perfect."

"Okay, let's go!" Naruto commanded eagerly. They strapped on their weapon holsters and began their journey as they leapt from the second story window and on to the rooftops of Konoha. They traveled slowly, taking in the scenery one last time before leaving. For Sakura, it had been a relief to get out of the village, she hadn't left for quite a while without heavy security. For Naruto, it was a bit despairing to leave once again, hardly catching a glimpse and a bowl of ramen before leaving, - Am I ever going to stay for good?- Naruto thought sadly. They passed the gates of Konoha and left premises of home as soon as they did, they were alone now, their mission was simple, to retrieve, and to Sakura, dead or alive. Their speed increased unbelievably as the view from the hidden village faded, Sakura led at an outrageous rate of speed. Naruto could barely deem how much Sakura had changed over the years he was gone. She had improved so much in strength, to be truthful. She was like a bud in bloom; it made him seem dull, like his childhood days have dulled into a somewhat more mature Naruto.

He shivered at the thought, he was still the obnoxious boy from next door, just hotter. He smirked, he liked that supposition much better. He thoughts returned to his friend, Sasuke. He remembered exactly their last encounter, their final fight. It was so heartbreaking but he was too determined to let him get away, in the end though, he did get away, but he left him alive and that was what puzzled him until today. He wondered if it already happened…No, he would know if it did. They were best friends, even if they died before admitting it. Then he thought of how Sakura felt while the time Sasuke was gone, he knew she loved him…a lot. The time he returned empty handed, the faux facial expression she gave him, the happiness she portrayed, it hurt him so much. He looked at her now, "Hey, Naruto…"

"We'll get him back, Sakura-chan, we will," Naruto replied on instinct.

Sakura smiled at him appreciatively, "Yeah," she agreed and chuckled to herself, she was just going to ask if he had the time so she had to check it herself with a pinch of her Shinganbyuu. No one would notice.

"Oi," the blue skinned man called out, "It's back."

He said it kind of sing-songlike that made him, if he had not already ignored him by instinct, which he did. The tall, blue man-fish thing had just popped his head in comically through his doorway bubbling about such and such. And he continued to pointedly ignore him and concentrated on the nothingness before him instead of listening to him. It was much harder than when he had something to scrutinize like a tree or whatnot, as nonchalantly as he could, which he could, he finally responded, "All right, I'll bite, what is back?"

He almost bit out the words but the other end or rather so far the only end of the conversation smiled delightfully and answered, "The power. What else?"

He snapped his attention to the doorway and stared intently on the head to continue. He saw the head bob up and down while snickering at him. He was not amused. But Kisame sure was. Finally catching sight of his glare, his snickering simmered down a bit before he continued.

"The power, Akatsuki had just felt it recently heading out from Konoha towards Sound," Kisame said, it was like feeding newborn milk, "It was only a small and faint blip, they said, they only felt it pulse twice and then it was gone but they were fortunate enough to be near it and sense it. They also spotted another ANBU operative suspecting to be intercepting with them and joining them."

"Them?" he asked. Were there more than just one that carried the power?

"We've lucked out, they've confirmed that Kyuubi is there too," Kisame added. Itachi, although he may not show it, was overjoyed coated with sadism. They've delayed the Kyuubi just to get a closer look on this power and over the years they had gathered nothing. They felt the power only once, knowing that it came form Konoha, and since then they've felt nothing else. Even though they've kept a close eye on the village, the power was just no longer there. So they left the village and scoured the rest of the country and other countries as well. No luck. But here they were with both it and the Kyuubi within their grasp and all he needed to do was reach out. Could it be that the Kyuubi boy was also the carrier of the mysterious power? It was quite plausible. He had heard of no other such power.

Others said that it was a powerful bloodline, much stronger than both the Sharingan and the Byaakugan and it was impossible to copy. Itachi did not like the sound of it, either he would kill it, if he could, or he would try to manipulate it, -What can be so much stronger than the Sharingan that can make this Itachi, perhaps, afraid?-

No, he didn't like the sound of that at all. And so he would search this power out and take it by all means necessary. He was no longer paying attention to Kisame, his mind was too busy devising a plan, a brilliant plan only expected of him. He abruptly stood up and pulled his robe off, letting it fall of his shoulders and pool around his feet, leaving him garbed in his fishnet top and his pants that were bound at the bottom with black gauze. He wore a selection of neckwear as they jingled and clattered when he walked to his closet.

Kisame had stopped talking when it had just become too awkward and watched him in silence move away from his location. Itachi screeched open the closet door that displayed how truly long he had not opened it. Inside there was not a single thing but a wooden chest. There was a lock on it and he had no key, long ago believing that he would not need it anymore. He held the lock that filled up his hold on it and crushed it with all his strength and tore it off brutally. He opened the chest, also creaking open. Within it were armour, a mask, some weapons and a photo of his only living relative, his younger fool of a brother, Uchiha Sasuke. He strapped on the armour, which was scarred from battle after battle, and placed his mask nostalgically on his face. He pulled the weapons on, although they were dull, in his hands, they were the most deadly arsenal in the country. He pulled off his butchered head protector and reveled in the feeling of lightness without the cloak on for so long.

"What are you up to, Itachi-san?" Kisame asked jokingly.

"I'm going alone." He replied indirectly. He passed the blue head in the doorway and, unfortunately, saw the rest of the body still connected securely to the head as he towered over him. But heights didn't make the man; well he wasn't exactly a man anyway. Itachi walked right on without even a nonchalant "goodbye" and out the main hallway doors. Kisame watched insultingly and turned and headed the other way with his chin held up high.

If he was lucky, he could get there before the other ANBU operative and replace him instead, they wouldn't know the difference. But chances are that the ANBU was already there waiting for them, in that case, then he would have to kill the ANBU and then dispose of his body else where. Then again, they could already be traveling together. Other plans were slowly formulating with each scenario that could happen.

-We'll see once we get there-

Sasuke stood above Konoha now. He was on the Hokage cliff just staring down at his home, it looked exactly like how it did when he left that fateful night. He wondered, did his friends still look the same, did they still feel the same about him. No, things change, he changed, and they changed. Nothing is the same since the day he left. He was about to go down but decided it was a bad idea, -Can't go down there like some casual person when you're actually a missing-nin- he sighed miserably and thought of changing into his friends, but he didn't know how they looked like anymore. He didn't know them anymore for that matter.

Not too far below, he saw the fifth Hokage make her way down the steps with some papers in her arms. She still looked the same and you could count on her to always look the same. Whatever she looked like, she always looked like a young woman, not a day over thirty because of her genjutsu. So he decided that she was his best bet, he transformed into the Hokage and went down at the velocity the angle of the cliff gave him.

Out of the corner of her eye, she watched a flash of green and gold bolt down the cliff and sneered, -What a bad impression of me! My breasts are much bigger than that!- She dropped the stack of paper in her arms and abandoned her duties to go investigate the fraud and expose them for the phony they were. She flew down after the imposter and pursued him in secret as the fake Tsunade wandered around town. They went past the Yamanaka floral shop and some other clothing stores. They went to Naruto's empty apartment and to the bridge and the training fields. So far, they hadn't noticed her, or they did and they chose not to show it. They were heading to Ichiraku Ramen stand until it hit Tsunade, they were going to all the places that were likely to have Naruto or Sakura. There was one more place to go as a brilliant plan began to form in her mind. She raced ahead of the fake and came into Sakura's house, "Henge."

She had transformed into a make believe Sakura, one she imagined without her influence. It looked like the old Sakura, only with long hair and tall body with a flatter chest and less alcohol tolerance for that matter. She sat down on the red duvet in Sakura's room to catch her breath before the doorbell expectedly rang. She bounded downstairs and put on her best Sakura expression she could possess and she possessed one, after all, she had spent three years getting to know every inch of Sakura's personality, if anyone knew how to act like Sakura, she did. "Sakura" opened the door and smiled brightly at the "Hokage", "Ohayo, Tsunade-sama, please come in."

"Tsunade" stepped in without hesitation, "Sakura, there's something I need to show you."

"Sakura" grew and anxious face and waited for the "Hokage" to continue. The image of herself faded away to show a grown man with dark hair and pale skin, good-naturedly, she gasped, "S-Sasuke-kun?.."

"Sakura…" he said softly to confirm. She leapt into a hug and wrapped her arms tightly around him, making it as realistic as possible. He wrapped his arms loosely around her waist but in a blink of an eye, his arms were either pulled back or stepped on. He felt a heeled shoe pressed painfully into his back and daring to crush his spinal cord. He turned his head around to catch a glimpse of, "Tsunade-sama!"

"That's right, hotshot," Tsunade snarled at him viciously, "I know what you're after, what he's after and you can forget about it!"

-Damn, she knows everything- he cursed her brilliance and struggled but she only pressed his back harder and pulled his arm farther. He groaned in pain, "I was going to rescue her a—"

"After you've achieved your power? Some hero," she spat. Sasuke was really annoyed at how she could tell all his moves. He looked up at her warm eyes that were blazing now.

"Where is she?"

"Ironic, she's out saving you!"

His plans were going all wrong now. All that life written now had to be erased for some editing, the kind he didn't like. Things weren't suppose to go like this, he was suppose to have power, he was suppose to be the hero, -Damn it all!- He stopped struggling and laid limp on the ground. Tsunade released him and let him turn around to face her, an apology written on his placid face. She scoffed and picked him up by the collar, she glared at his averted eyes and snarled inwardly, "Don't you let him take her, because I will kill the last Uchiha in this village for it."

She was protective of Sakura, if anything happened to her, she would make sure that her death would be avenged more than enough. She threw the boy down, disappointed in him and in Sakura for loving him. She poofed out of sight and returned to work without a lapse in time. Kind of. Sasuke saw the rage and hate in her eyes, but no one understood what he was trying to do here. But he left it at that, -They can hate me all they want. They'll see, they'll be thanking me with their lives for what I've done.- Sasuke stood up and let his hair curtain a shadow over his face. He smiled, almost maliciously.

He left Konoha without any attention, right now his main concern was Sakura falling into Orochimaru's trap, he shot out after her, hoping he could catch up to her before it was too late.

Sakura was sitting patiently in a tree and Naruto not as patient by its roots. Lounging. The wind blew wistfully, but something was carried in between all that wistfulness, something playful like the little five petal pink flower that landed coincidently in it's name sake's lap, -Where did you come from?- she asked herself dumbly, she knew she was sitting on a cherry blossom tree. The petals were everywhere in sight, thickening the air with it's sweet smell. Naruto lay almost buried in it. But he did not mind, it smelled like Sakura was every which way he could smell and he liked it.

They'd been waiting for an hour and a half…or more. Time didn't really matter anymore, they were lost in the peace of it all, the peace that everyone longed for. Sakura loved the wind, and the water, the two elements Tsunade once told her that she was so agreeable with. And it was true. She had learned to manipulate wind and water without seals. She wasn't sure if it was because of her bloodline limit or if it was just her, she hoped it was just her, every time she thought of the limit, she felt lonely, like she was the only one of her kind left. It must be how Sasuke feels like, lonely and painful, like Naruto too. Everyone was alone, but those alone should be together to cease that feeling…so why did everyone leave?

She took the sakura flower into her hand and dropped it. She watched it fall on to Naruto's nose lightly, he was looking up at her with his eyes closed but as the flower gently landed on the tip of his nose, Naruto fluttered his stormy blue eyes open to her. They stared at each other for a long time in silence; this was what she was missing all those days of loneliness, recognition of family. Care from a brother, adoration from a mentor and love from her lover. Why didn't life always go like it should? –That's what makes it fun- she thought impishly.

As the minutes ticked by unnoticeably, Naruto shifted his eyes away from her. The rustle in the nearby woods came within earshot of him and made him snap his head in its direction. He slipped on his mask and Sakura followed suit. From the bushes and trees of the dark woods, an ANBU mask appeared into the clearing of the cherry blossom tree, "Gomen, I got lost on the road of life."

Instinctively, Naruto and Sakura yelled in unison as though they had practiced this time and time again, "LIARRR!"

"Hm, I wasn't aware I already used it on you—" he was cut short by realization. His eyes shot open from under his mask. Sakura and Naruto had been taken back at their reaction and what they had reacted to. Silence. More silence. Until Naruto slowly, bravely, and brashly, lifted the fox mask from his face, and asked dumbly, "Kaka-sensei?"

He had silver hair pulled back like there was always wind in front of him, he had a black and long collared, sleeveless shirt that covered his face like a mask, in his weapon holster belt, was an orange book peaking out like a criminal. The mask that was just removed revealed a bored, half-lidded eye and another mismatched one of Sharingan with a scar over it, "Aa."

Naruto pulled him into a warm hug between student and tutor, and Kakashi returned the hug and smiled brightly from underneath his second mask when he heard a small sniffle from the boy, -Naruto…- he looked at the girl ANBU in the tree looking like she had never left her state of shock, her mask was still on but her hair was still pink. He pulled away from Naruto and walked up to the tree and tilted his head further back as he did to keep his eyes on her, -Who is she?-

Kakashi didn't have a clue. He knew who it was but at the same time he was having difficulty actually believing it was she. Was it her? He couldn't tell anymore, he had been away too long. He couldn't remember how her face even looked like, if her hair wasn't pink he would have been sure that it wasn't her but then something always told him it was. He stood there, underneath the tree, underneath her, whoever she was. She jumped off the tree and he had caught her before she had landed, he set her down and didn't let go of her waist until one hand left it to remove the mask. It fell to the sakura covered grass with a clack. His heart skipped a beat. Her eyes were still green too. Her skin was still fair. Her hair was no longer the length he remembered it use to be. Her face was no longer as revealing as she wore a mask like he. She was no longer a child as her head would have fit nicely over his shoulder and her body filled out all the measurements, "Sakura…"

She pulled him in for a hug, resting her chin on his shoulder like it was suppose to go there. He rubbed her back up and down like she had done for Neji. She wanted to cry but no tears came to her eyes only laughter in her voice, "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you kids too," he replied softly and lazily like he always did. He looked from Sakura to Naruto and chuckled, "I thought you were my sensei."

"So I've been told," Naruto grinned.

"I'm so proud of you guys, ANBU already?" he commented with pride.

"Well, actually, I just came back and finished my jounin tests," Naruto rubbed the back of his head earnestly, "Sakura's the only ANBU that passed this year."

"Is that so?" Kakashi looked at Sakura and caressed he cheek lightly. To say he was surprised was affirmative. Sakura had surpassed her teammates when she had begun a little behind them. But he knew with buckets of her determination, she could do anything. He smiled at her proudly, she could tell how his eyes were arched with happiness. He was still good old Kaka-sensei but a little older without his forehead protector and his other eye showing. She returned the smile gratefully, she never felt alone with Kakashi, he was with her through thick and thin, he never left her behind. Until missions began increasing, taking him away from her. He was back now, -they were back now- she thought as she looked to Naruto, -just one more and they could all go home together.

"Come on, lets get a move on," she commanded and everyone slipped their mask back on and sprung from tree to tree. This was what she was missing all those years, to be out on missions with team seven again was exhilarating and exciting. Euphoria washed through her like a wave of fresh water, -Only one more- she thought again, kicking her speed up a notch. She wasn't the one left behind anymore, she was the one leading in front and she'll be staying up there for awhile because she liked it there. She hadn't felt this happy in years, three years to be exact. Kakashi had really picked her up from where she fell, and the way he had looked her up and down made her smirk but at the same time it made butterflies tickle her belly. She shivered, but it wasn't because she was cold, she looked back at them, at him. He was looking at her, admiring her, something that felt much more rewarding than everyone else's respect. -Much more rewarding.-

"Ne, ne, slow down, Sakura-chan!" Naruto cried out. She complied and slowed down to run next to them instead.

-This is what I've been missing…-

They continued but Sakura hadn't left the feeling of them being followed gone unnoticed. Maybe she was paranoid or she was just imagining things. Maybe she wasn't.

Not too far behind, Itachi stepped into the clearing of the sakura tree. They had definitely been there but they had left and even worse, they had left with the ANBU. He was close though, he could feel it, he crouched down to the ground and took a look at their footsteps before the wind swept it away cautiously. He stood and unexpectedly, a five petal pink flower landed on thinned lips, he was not taken back though, instead, he allowed the flower to do its ministrations across his lips before watching it fall away. Before long, it was lost amongst the petals on the ground but it was not forgotten by Itachi.

He continued along the trail of the power with the memory of the flower in tow. The sensation never faded away, it lingered and it made him want to return and savour it a little longer but he did not comply. He never did. Instead, he felt fingers wriggle into his fisted hands, he looked to the hand to expect slender and dainty fingers but there were none, there was only the five petal pink flower. He did not know what to do, how to feel, was it not suppose to occur naturally? Or it would have if he weren't so impassive. His mind was always playing games such as these with him, so why did each time that it played, he would go along? Like now for example, his mind was doing it again.

He looked at the flower, glared at it supposedly, because it confused him and it made him senseless. He did not like the feeling but he couldn't help but revel in it. He pocketed the flower in his weapon holster, it was his only pocket anyway. He wanted to keep it forever, possibly, care for it and maybe love it. Was he capable of these emotions? He was capable of anything, like killing his best friend for power, and massacring his clan for control, joining Akatsuki for title. Yet, all these things were not what he had in mind, everything he has done was selfish, and everything he wanted to do was selfless. He was not so sure he would be capable after all. His mind was playing games with him again. He had set out hating everything and now, his purpose was converting into something else.

Power came from hate, he had declared. But hate did not allow him to keep, care or love something, it was the complete antonym of such things. Basically, he was a controversy to himself. He was fighting his own purpose, and he was fighting losing battle, he just didn't know which side was losing.

How would he sort himself out?

Was he not a killing machine? He is but he didn't want to be.

But did he not want power? He did but he doesn't know what the meaning of it is anymore.

Then what was her searching for? Power. Right?

Because Uchiha Itachi was a secure person even if he had killed his race. Uchiha Itachi always decided on something solidly. Uchiha Itachi hated, Uchiha Itachi killed, and Uchiha Itachi never hesitated. Until now. He took out the little flower again and stared at it absorbedly, it had struck a cord in him. He had never doubted his decision so much before but since this came along, decisions have never become so hard to make. His glare hardened at hit, he closed his fist to crush it but as he opened his fist slowly, he noticed it had evaded his attack, as he closed his fist before, the air pressure pushed it out of the way safely into the air.

He watched it float nicely towards the ground but he held out his hand for it to land softly into his grasp again. He noted it was a tricky little thing and decided to keep it after all. He had tried to manipulate it, in return it had manipulated him. He inaudibly sighed, not that anyone was listening anyway, feeling like he had wasted enough time and continued again. His mind returning to the flower every now and then.

So every often that soon it was all he could think of.

It was Sasuke's turn to end up in the meadow of the sakura tree where he spotted tracks in the ground leading in the direction of Orochimaru. Sasuke growled at the thought of him and made him want to retch, -They seemed to be a little bigger than Sakura's though- he thought. The design of the sole was also different, shinobi sandals left a stripped pattern in the ground, these left a flat and solid print like a flat flip-flop, -Is she with someone perhaps?- The possible thought of her being followed came directly into mind. He leapt from his spot crouched on the ground into a nearby tree and continued to track her down, the possible danger lurking closely behind.

Before long, he spotted someone ahead of him but before he accused anybody of murder, he noticed it was just ANBU, -Probably sent by Tsunade to privately escort Sakura- he was about to ask for confirmation when he decided it was best not to, especially for someone like himself, a missing-nin under tutelage of the most wanted criminal in all of the countries. He pointedly ignored him and chose an alternative route to get to Sakura.

He was still steaming over the fact how easily fooled he was by Tsunade and her disguise, he had truly believed it was Sakura that longed to be in his arms again. His need to find Sakura suddenly increased and still he had not caught up with her quite yet. Every time he thought he would be near, she was nowhere in sight, -How fast could she be going?- It was flattering that she was so determined to save him but if she didn't slow down there wouldn't be anybody saving him by the time he arrived.

"Oh, Sakura, you fool…"

"Naruto-baka, for the sixth and final time, we are not there yet!" She bellowed at him.

Two minutes later…

"Are we fucking there yet?" Naruto complained. Kakashi stifled a laugh; it reminded him of his own sensei too much, the ill-tempered, impatient yellow flash. He always wanted to get somewhere in a hurry. Sakura charlie-horsed him in the arm and smirked with satisfaction as he howled in pain, just like the good old times.

They were in Sound territory now and it became noticeable as the environment changed from Rice Country to Sound Village as the air staled, Sakura replied, "Almost."

"Thank Kami!" Naruto muttered.

The area seemed mostly dead, nothing seemed to be growing and those that did, all did in vain as they withered away. They were nearing the mountains and right on the other side was the dreaded Hidden Village of Sound.

"There are the mountains, Naruto," Sakura pointed out in bitterness.

"Aa," he replied just as bitter. They had been here before with Jiraiya, their purpose was to report back on the village but their true aim was to reclaim Sasuke. They had failed and Sakura had returned to Tsunade for medical training and Naruto went off for physical training. They failed then, what was saying that they weren't going to again? It's different now, they were experienced for one, two they were stronger, three they were going to do it, and despite whatever Tsunade said, they were going to die trying, or at least Naruto was, -Sorry, Tsunade-baabaa- The mission seemed like suicide itself but at least, they were in it together, Sakura, Kaka-sensei and he.

"Do we have a plan yet?" Kakashi asked blandly.

"Well, we've already been in Orochimaru's house before," Sakura replied, "No rooms for rent, they are all used for traps."

"I almost drowned," Naruto admitted, "And Ero-sennin was almost crushed in an elevator shaft room rigged with a pretty woman, so watch out for that one Kaka-sensei."

Kakashi sighed, "Thanks for the warning."

"It looks small on the outside, but it leads underground, there are mazes of rooms. We obviously can't go in and get out in a snap," Sakura stated calmly. They were still moving as they were thinking. Not wasting a second. Not two minutes later Sakura had an idea, "I've got it. We'll do it Naruto-style."

Naruto perked up and Kakashi prepared for the worst.

"We'll lure him out, we'll lure everyone out…" Sakura continued to explain her designs on rescuing Sasuke. Naruto thought it was an excellent idea, go figure. And Kakashi had to agree that it would have been the best option to go with.

Night had settled in and so had they as they sat down and began some familiar and light conversation while resting on a tree.

"…Che! Well, everyone already knows I want to be Hokage! What a stupid question," Naruto muttered when Kakashi asked him what he wanted to be after everything fell back into order.

"What about you, Sakura?" Kakashi turned to Sakura who was sitting above in the tree, stargazing.

"I want to be happy," Sakura replied instantly like she had practiced it. Kakashi thought she wasn't going to reply at first by the way she was so absorbed into the sky and was mildly surprised with her answer, "forever. I want to feel like this forever."

She was referring to how they had adjoined back into part of team seven, he could tell she was happy that she found them, "How is Konoha then?"

"It's empty, it doesn't feel like home anymore to me," Sakura replied truthfully, she felt young again because she was certain she had not drank any alcohol that evening.

"Where is home to you then?" He asked. He knew the answer, he just wanted to hear it come from her mouth. He wanted to hear her voice say it.

She looked down and smiled at him slyly, "Wherever you boys are, of course."

He chuckled lightly joined by Naruto as well.

"Even in my bed?" Naruto asked jokingly.

"Especially in your bed," Sakura played along and watched Naruto laughed out loud. Yes, she had definitely been missing this. She saw Kakashi shake his head slightly at the children's amusement, "What about you, is your bed homey?"

Sakura had found her way in between him and Naruto down by the roots of the tree. Kakashi grew a dark and intimidating demeanor and looked at her fiercely, "You'll have to find out for yourself."

Sakura couldn't help but laugh in his face instead of be afraid, "You look like that time you caught me and Sasuke feeding Naruto on your first test."

"I should have failed you," Kakashi sighed at his failed attempt.

"Why," Sakura pulled Naruto's head under her arm and displayed him like she was trying to sell him as a product, "would you waste such talent like this?"

Naruto gave him some puppy dog eyes and some pouted lips that made him guffaw wholeheartedly, "You remember that?"

"I remember everything," Sakura replied honestly. She released Naruto and let him rest his head on her shoulder as she rested hers on Kakashi's with an arm wrapped around Naruto.

"What else do you remember?"

"I remember you giving a 1000 years of pain to Naruto."

"Literally," Naruto added in.

"And I remember the time we tried to take off your mask, but failed."

"Well, not exactly, you got to see what was under it," Kakashi corrected.

"Yeah, another mask," Naruto emphasized.

"I remember all the lame excuses you use to give us for being late."

"They were not lame."

"So you admit they were excuses," Sakura cocked an eyebrow at him questioningly.

"You didn't let me finish, as I was going to say, they were not excuses, they were the truth and nothing but the truth," he defended.

"Well, they got me out of a couple of messes," Naruto commented.

"You shouldn't lie, Naruto," Kakashi scolded.

"Speak for yourself, Kaka-sensei!" Sakura rebuked.

"I've never lie!"

"LIARRR!" Naruto and Sakura yelled out in unison and laughed it off.

And then all was quiet until Naruto yawned, and it contagiously spread to Kakashi and finally Sakura. Sakura's eyes drooped while Kakashi was already asleep and Naruto stayed awake to keep guard. When he thought everyone was asleep, he began to sang, something Sakura was surprised when she heard it beautifully fly into her ears.

Beauty queen of only eighteen, she Had some trouble with herself He was always there to help her, she Always belonged to someone else

His voice was soft like she never expected it to be. You would never have thought it was Uzumaki Naruto singing in the night, practically serenading to her.

I've drove miles and miles and wound up at your door I've had you so many times but somehow I want more

The lyrics he sang were so realistic, it made her inwardly shiver but appreciate him as well. No one was as caring as Naruto was to her.

I don't mind spending everyday Out on your corner in the cold and rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile And she will be loved And she will be loved
She hoped she was. Every time she felt alone back in the days, she always relied on Naruto to love her unconditionally, did that mean she was taking him for granted?
Tap on my window knock on my door, I Wanna make you feel beautiful I know I tend to get so insecure Doesn't matter anymore
She did, no one really knew, but sometimes when she was alone, she always found herself winding up at Naruto's apartment. At first he wasn't sure because of how she loved Sasuke but then he was more than happy to take her in.
It's not always rainbows and butterflies It's compromising moves also love, yeah My heart is full and my door's always open You come anytime you want

And she did.

I don't mind spending everyday Out on your corner in the cold and rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile And she will be loved And she will be loved

She was.

And she will be loved

She was loved.

And she will be loved

Naruto loved her.

I know where you hide

Alone in your car

I know all the things that make you who are

I know that good bye mean nothing at all

Comes back and makes me catch her every time she falls, yeah

He truly did. He knew it best.

Tap on my window knock on my door, I

Wanna make you feel beautiful

-You always make me feel beautiful, Naruto-

I don't mind spending everyday Out on your corner in the cold and rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile And she will be loved

And she will be loved

"Please don't try so hard to say goodbye."

Naruto looked at her, she was fast asleep, -how could she have sung that?-

He pressed his lips gently over hers, saving it just for her, he would always be there just for her.

He could have sworn she kissed back but when he finally pulled away, her lids were still shut and she was still asleep.

Please don't try to so hard to say goodbye


Mikomi: The song, which I also do not own, is Maroon 5- She Will Be Loved, I am so feeling that song right now even though it's a little OOC for Naruto, don't you guys think? But somehow I think music is very much affected in Naruto's life. Jiraiya might have something to do with his new found talent though…Ah, the clubs they hit. Anyway! READ AND REVIEW :D