Chapter 21

Take away all spaces and punctuation including capitalization. Make a table with 50 columns per row. Place two letters into each box. Switch the first row with the second-last row. Switch the third row with the fourth row. Switch the first three columns with the twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh columns. Take away letters D H U V Z and replace with an exclamation mark, open bracket, close bracket, full stop and a comma respectively.



Glad you didn't take offense: I'm wholly entirely, gay. Unfortunately,

I can so hear the sarcasm right now, thought Rei with humor.

I do not take the 'usual' routine with pink pompoms and nice clothes. I definitely do not have an inner cross dressing urge. In fact, I am as I am.

Thank goodness, thought Rei, trying to imagine a Kai with pink pompoms in his hands twirling around in a dress and suggesting outfits to everyone he met. Suffice to say, the Chinese blader didn't succeed.

Having said that, I feel the habitual urgency that comes after such an admission to inform you as politely as I can that I do not need any 'hook-ups', 'blind dates' and 'fan-boys with hearts'. I do not need any 'someone-you-know's nor any ex-boyfriends you may have the need to introduce me to. I certainly do not need any gigolo telephone numbers.

As for the 'are you SURE you don't like girls' question, I can answer that 'yes, I am sure'. In fact, it's one of the only things I am sure about in this world. That and the blonde and the pig's complete and utter disgusting adorations of each other.

Now, to satisfy my own curiosity. Since when did you find out you were bisexual again? I always thought you would be the one marrying Mariah, and although that image is still possible, I didn't think 'bisexual' was part of the picture.

Anyway, must cut this short after all. The old man wants me to impress some young idiot.


"You're still writing to Kai, huh?"

Rei spun around quickly. Seeing that it was Lee leaning against the doorway, he dared to take a breath. His lips quirked upwards. "'Fraid so, he said, turning back to the computer. He heard footsteps behind him, and repressing a sigh, turned around again after minimizing the letter he was typing to the Russian-Japanese.

"Typing to him rather regularly, aren't you? Mao said that you were online almost every night, and if it wasn't that, it was the PDA." Rei froze. He forced himself to relax yet again, and replied: "Probably because we often kept each other sane back at the dojo. Doesn't seem normal not to find him when I look over my shoulder."

He let his eyes flick over to Lee's, casually. Lee watched him a while, the wind blowing gently past their ears.

And then his childhood friend let out a chuckle, stood up from the chair that Rei hadn't even seen him sit in when he'd come in, and walked out the door, whispering firstly "I'll bet it doesn't" and then speaking in a louder voice: "Tell him he'd better come along to China for a visit with those weirdo friends of his in Russia." He smirked. "There're still some stories of yours that I haven't told a sufficient audience yet, and Kai can definitely continue the teasing for me when you next see each other."

As Rei spluttered, Lee walked, smirking out of the house. He looked around for a particular pink-head. Time to tell her that Rei wouldn't be as disappointed in the new development with her relationship with Spencer as she'd thought…


Of course I didn't take offense. What do you take me for, a hypocrite? Remember that it was me who got Tyson and Max together. Why wouldn't I be as accepting of you?

And as for your long list of 'don't do's, I shall now re-iterate each and every one of them back to you, and hope that you do not do the same! And what do you mean 'again'? You can't manipulate that way now, blunette that you are!

Nevertheless, as my wonderful, gracious, generous self shall allow this one little misgiving,

Kai rolled his eyes as he looked upon the paper. This was an acceptable gesture to the surrounding guards, and so for good measure (and because of Rei's playful banter) he did it again.

I shall say that on my travels around the world, I not only discovered culinary delights and experimented with vegetables and meats alike, but rather experimented with different flesh as well. As it was, I had a few conquests, some female, and then eventually, some male (as a rather delicious specimen decided to offer itself to me even as I corrected their mistake of thinking that I was a girl). I never have been the type to stick to old traditions (as my desertion of the Village will only emphasize) and thus the situation that we are looking at now.

I must say, though, I am rather intrigued by your discovery of your sexuality. And I believe you have not told me yet how Bryan and Tala got together and when you told them this delicate piece of information. I myself have informed my friends –although perhaps not some of the elders yet. Hong Kong is a little less acceptable than Japan…and that was obviously an understatement.

Send something back soon!


Kai watched yet another envelope with the new code disappear into the sack of letters, and then turned away. Truth be told, he hadn't felt very comfortable learning about Rei's conquests. There was some foreign feeling in his stomach, it seemed, that told him to do two contradictory things: to find out more, and also to rip the living partners apart.

He of course, assumed that it was overprotection towards Rei. It couldn't really be anything otherwise. He walked towards the West Entrance of the Abbey, stopping without turning his head as he spotted red hair.

"Tala. Were you looking for me?" he said. The aforementioned opened his mouth, but didn't answer the question.

"It's good that your foolish trust does not fall into the wrong hands, Hiwatari," Tala drawled, almost carelessly.

Kai knew better.

"Yes, but then again, as you can see, my trust is not placed in foolish hands…Tala."

Abandonment of the careless pose. Tala stood up and scrutinized him carefully. Then he smiled –a genuine smile. A rare one.

"I know." He leaned in close, smiling fondly, whispers of breath touching Kai's ear. "I trust you too."

Replies to Reviewers: SxcAmethyst: Well, it's not fast. In fact, I think it's late, but here it is!

NKingy: Lol, glad that you think Tala and Bryan is a good couple!

Marz: It makes you sad to think Kai has to hold it all in? I think it's normal. In a way, it makes it all the more private that only those who know the two can see it. Nobody saw the grinning last time.

ProzacFairy: Oh yes, and male populations too!

JJ CJ: I would think that he did read it. Probably got some world domination ideas off it too…

Shadowy Fluffball: Lol! My friend just gave me a fuzzy red heart cushion for my birthday (it was the 8th) so I was really happy. Your name reminded me of it!

As Silent As The Shadows: Yep.

Hoshicat: I'm glad too!

Super-Hype-Queen: Well, it's not finished yet, I'm afraid!

Dreams-of-Mine: Life can certainly be a sadist at times!

Kuroneko Hikage: Dorks are interesting, actually. I'm one myself, and I refuse to say or even think that I am not interesting. Kai and Rei have got an unfortunately long correspondence time before they meet each other again, I am afraid, but it won't be longer than 5 chapters.

Not the usual baka: Well I'm still trying to establish that bond. It'll come through nicely too, I think.

BloOdY-JoKeR: Wasn't rude of you at all! Though I do love reviews. Glad you did, anyway! (When did you start reading, out of curiosity?)

Darksaphire: Hmm…I think it was a one-off for the security cameras.

Sweet Revenge 666: I always used to say that to my favorite authoresses. It's wonderful that someone said it to me! Thank you very much!

Akaatjie: Thank you!

Animelover6000: Probably not. I might add an M rated side fic later on though.

Darktigeress: I know, I'm sorry for dragging it out, but I think they should sort out some issues first.

XxfallenxfakexX: Have done, and will do! Thanks! As for the kitchen bumps, trust in me that there will be more.

Reis1gurl: Whoo, you're back!

Dark-night-sky: This is fluff, but not that sort of fluff…more like friendship fluff.

Chibi Shadow Angel Neko: Don' be unhappy! It's not deleted. I did that to some of the stories too, and those were usually the ones that I loved the best and the longest. And really, if that is what you think of my fic, then I'm glad!

Neena14: Trust me, there are some fics where I laugh like a hyena with. No, don't think it'll be over that soon. Don't worry so much! But it won't take ages either ….:D

TiffanyLye: I have a classmate who's from Malaysia. I would like to see what its like!

The Laughing Mann: Inspiration's hitting hard, but so is time I'm afraid. Might want to tell it to back off for quite a bit! But don't worry, next chapter's long!