-1Disclaimer: I do not own Card Captor Sakura, or any of the characters. The only character I own is Jackson Reid.

To my dear fans: I am SOOOOOO sorry I didn't update sooner. Things (and people) got in the way, and I have suffered a few tragedies in my own life as of late, so I hope you all forgive me for my lapse, and I hope you all enjoy this last instalment of this story.

On with the story!

Where we last left off . . .

She then closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and jumped. Sakura felt the sensation of flying for a few glorious seconds before darkness consumed her, and all went black.

Chapter 4 – 'Falling Away'

There was darkness. A deep and damp darkness that threatened to consume her very life. She felt her very soul being choked out of her as the icy waters hit her like the pain of a thousand knives cutting into her skin. Suddenly there was a flash, and then a brilliant light shone down on her. Illuminating her body. Sucking her soul back into her body.

Pain. Flashes of pain so deep, her bones felt like they were rattling inside of her. A voice. Several voices. Calling a name. One that sounded vaguely familiar . . .

Why couldn't she remember? What was happening? Where was she? A sudden wave of nausea hit her, as once again light hit her. But it wasn't the shining white light from before. It was dull. Grey. Flat. Sunlight. She felt herself being lifted from the darkness below. She took a deep breath before falling unconscious, surrendering her body towards the eternal rest.

There was a loud bleeping noise. It woke Sakura up. What the heck? As she opened her eyes, pain exploded, and she nearly screamed. As it was, she began to shake uncontrollably as her body was hit with wave after wave of intense pain.

"Sakura!" someone shouted, but Sakura couldn't see who it was. She couldn't see anything at all, for once again, she had closed her eyes, and tried to drift back into the painless dreamland that was waiting for her . . . .

Someone was shouting her name over and over. And in the distance, there was a clapping noise similar to thunder. Sakura tried to ignore it, but it came closer and closer. Suddenly she felt a flash of recognition.

The voice belonged to her brother.

"TOUYA!!" she screamed as loud as she could.

Sakura woke up gasping. Her whole body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and she felt hot and sticky. There was still the pain, but it had faded somewhat. Looking around, she saw many relieved faces, including her brother and Yukito.

"Sakura!" Touya tried to embrace her, but the doctor held him back.

"You'll have to wait for a few moments. Let her collect herself. For all we know she may not even be able to hear, or speak-"

"What's going on?"

Everyone turned around at the sound of Sakura's whispery voice. Yukito looked at Touya, who looked at the doctor. The doctor put on a smile, approached the bed.

"Sakura, do you remember the last thing that happened to you?"

She thought for a moment, seemingly unaware of the events that occurred. While she was thinking, her hand went up to smooth her hair back- and she discovered a covering of some sort on her forehead.

"What's on my forehead?" she whispered.

Now the doctor looked grim. Touya looked angry, and Yukito looked worried. He gently placed his hand on the man's shoulder to try and pacify him.

"It's a bandage Sakura. You . . . almost died." The doctor said these words with great remorse. "Your skull was fractured. It's a miracle you're awake and talking."


Suddenly everything that had happened came rushing back to her in a tidal wave of memories that crashed through her brain. Sakura screamed as she felt the choking water hit her again. As she felt the cold, numbing pain of realizing that she was completely utterly and totally alone.

"Sakura!" Touya ran to embrace her sister.

"I don't think that's wise-"

"I don't care what you think! Look at what you did!" Touya snapped at the doctor, who looked taken aback.

"I didn't know it would have this effect-"

"Get out of here!" Touya roared. The doctor, now visibly shaken, retreated out of the room. Suddenly the screaming stopped, and Touya was now facing an angry Sakura.

"Stay away from me."

"What?" Touya looked at his sister, who was now trying to push his arms away.

"I said stay away from me." Her voice radiated a hollow anger.

"Sakura? What's going on?"

"What's going on? You betrayed me! You left me alone! YOU DIDN'T SAVE ME! NO ONE DID!! I HATE YOU!" and then Sakura burst into tears. Great, large sobs that racked her entire body.

Touya was so shocked, he couldn't move. Yukito helped him from the bed, and then gathered him in his embrace, shielding him from Sakura.

A few moments passed. Sakura slowly stopped crying, and was silent, save for the occasional sniffle. Finally, when everything seemed calm, Yukito let go of Touya, who immediately turned back to Sakura, who had a smirk on her face.

"Typical. When things get rough, you turn to your boyfriend. It's disgusting. Did it ever occur to you that I'm here? Oh wait. Of course not, because you're too busy going off and screwing your boy toy to even notice that I'm around, or that I had a lousy boyfriend who cheated on me, or that I had a best friend who deserted me. And why did he do that? BECAUSE NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME ANYMORE!"

Sakura was on the brink of crying again, and looked angrier than she had before.

"Sakura you say some very hurtful things" Touya said, his voice cracking with emotion.

"Well they're true, and why should you care what I say about you?"

"Because you're my sister and even if I have a boyfriend, I will still love you and care about you."

Sakura laughed. It was a scary, maniacal laugh that sent a chill up Touya's spine.

"I don't believe you. Not for one minute. If you even cared a tiny bit about me, you would have noticed what was going on. You wouldn't have let this get so far-"

"You have no one to blame but yourself Sakura."

Shocked, both brother and sister turned to look at Yukito, who, for the first time ever, had a grim expression on his face.

"What are you saying Yukito?" Touya asked, clearly flabbergasted. "She is right. I haven't been spending nearly as much time with her as I used to, and it started when I began dating you."

"That may be the case, but Sakura could have come to us if she had a problem. We would have listened."

"No you wouldn't have! You're not listening now!"

"Oh we're not? Tell me then. Was it because your boyfriend cheated on you that you decided to foolishly risk your life by jumping off that bridge, or was it some other reason?"

"I . . . I…" Sakura tried to speak, but found that she couldn't.

Satisfied, Yukito now lost his grim expression.

"Sakura. You need to learn to speak up. There are some people out there who actually do care about you. You just need to talk and see who listens."

"Syaoran . . . " Sakura whispered. Feeling tears well up in her eyes. He was right about Jackson, and I totally ignored him. I acted like so selfishly. It's no wonder he doesn't want to have anything to do with me.

"Sakura, we love you. If we didn't, we wouldn't be here." Touya now said, looking at his partner with new respect.

"And I would have left you in the river to drown." Yukito said.

"You . . .were the one who saved me?" Sakura whispered.


"And thank goodness for that." Touya said.

Now feeling much better than she had earlier, she now let her brother embrace her. She let his warmth comfort her. When he released her, she was crying.

"I'm so sorry Touya. I love you."

Touya (who was very near to tears himself) gave her a watery smile, and carefully reached a hand up to dry her tears. Sakura now felt fatigue hit her as she gave a huge yawn. Touya looked at Yukito, who nodded.

"We're going to let you get some rest. We'll come back later."

As they were about to leave the room, they heard a voice.


"What is it Sakura?" Touya asked, approaching her bed once more.

"Can you . . . stay with me? I don't want to be alone."

"Of course."

Yukito came beside the bed.

"Sakura, I have to leave for awhile, but your brother can stay with you. Take care."

"Thank you." She smiled at him, and gave her a quick hug before departing the room, with a last look at Touya who was holding his sister's hand as she fell into a peaceful sleep with beautiful dreams.

Sakura was released from the hospital two days later. The doctors had assured Touya that Sakura would be able to resume school and other activities by the end of the week. Touya however, was less optimistic. Sakura had crawled back inter her shell again, remaining more quiet than Touya had ever see her. At night she even came into his room and crawled into his bed with him. Finally, Touya got a mattress for the floor, and told her she could sleep on that.

'It's ok to talk Sakura. I won't hurt you.' Touya said one day. A week had passed since Sakura had come home, and Touya could feel her pain every time she looked at him. She still wouldn't talk about what happened on the bridge, but when she did, he would be there to hear her story.

'…I know.' she whispered, looking up at him with her emerald eyes that had once seemed so full of life, and were now simply pools in which she saw the world and nothing more.

'Sakura… I have to go back to work today.'

'Touya.' she whispered. It was one word, but it nearly broke his heart.

'If I don't go, I can't make money to help take care of you. I've been gone for a week.'

'Don't leave me alone.' her voice was so quiet, he could barely hear her.

'Trust me when I say that if there was any way to stay home with you, I'd take it. But I can't miss anymore work Sakura. I've called Yukito, and he will be coming by later.'

Sakura had gone silent again.

'I love you very much. You know that right?'

Mutely, she nodded.

'Then trust me when I say that nothing bad is going to happen to you today. Maybe you can read, watch some television. I'll be back as soon as I can ok?'


'That's my brave Sakura. Now give me hug, and I'll call you on my break.'

Touya held out his arms, and Sakura slowly got up and fell into them, clinging onto his shirt. When he let go of her a few moments later, his shirt was had some wet spots on them.

'Please don't cry Sakura. Please trust me.'

She nodded again, and followed him to the door, where he got on his shoes.

'I love you Sakura.' he said again.

There was a pause, and then,

'I love you too.'

Touya smiled. 'Trust me.' and then he opened the door and left. Sakura stared at the door for few minutes and took a few deep, calming breaths.

It's ok… I can do this…

There was a knock on the door which made Sakura jump out of her skin. She could feel her heartbeat racing, and her breath grow short.

'Hello?' there was a voice. A very familiar voice…

'Sakura? It's Syaoran. Are you there?'

Sakura's heart stopped it's loud pounding long enough for her to hear his name. Syaoran! Instantly, she felt a wave of emotions hit her all at once, causing her to stagger to the ground.

'Syaoran?' she managed, before falling onto the floor. The last thing she saw was the door opening, and then all went black.

Sakura felt like she was floating on a cloud of happiness. She felt warm, content, and above all else- safe. Syaoran was smiling at her in such a way to make her knees go weak, and send a shiver up her spine.

'Sakura. I have something to say to you.' He face grew a bit red, and Sakura giggled because it made him more endearing.

'What's so funny?' he asked, slightly affronted.

'Your face is red.'


'It's cute.' she flashed him a smile, that made his face go redder. 'Now what was it you wanted to tell me?'

'Right.' he took a deep breath, and then reached for her hands, placing them in his. They felt warm, and it made Sakura feel all tingly inside.

'Ever since I've known you, you've always surprised me with your resilience, and I find you so beautiful and pure. What I'm trying to say Sakura… is that I.. I love you.'

Sakura gasped and stared into his eyes, feeling that tidal wave of emotions hit hr like a wall. In that instant, she knew what she had always known deep down inside of herself. Syaoran stared back into her eyes, waiting for the answer. Sakura took a deep breath.

'I.. love you too Syaoran.'

They reached for each other at the same time, and their lips closed the distance-


Sakura's eyes opened, and blinked against the sunlight streaming through the window. She realized that she was in her bedroom, and in her bed. This feels nice. she gave a sigh of content, as she remembered the dream. Then Syaoran walked into her room bearing a tray of food, and she screamed, causing him to drop the tray. Food splashed all over the carpet.

'Sakura? Are you alright?' Syaoran was at her side in an instant.

'What are you doing here?' suddenly she remembered what had happened earlier, and started breathing heavily. Can't… breathe….

'It's ok Sakura. Breathe.'

Sakura took a few deep breaths and managed to calm down somewhat.

'Now to answer your question, I'm here because I had heard you were in the hospital, and when I went there, they said you'd been released. I came here in time to hear you shout my name, and when I forced the door open, I found you unconscious on the floor. I carried you up here, and went down to make you some tea and breakfast which is all over the floor now-'

'I'm sorry.' Sakura whispered, her eyes downcast.

'Don't be sorry Sakura. It's me who should apologize.' he knelt by her bed. 'Sakura. I've been a jerk. I deserted you in your time of need, and I haven't been there for you the way a friend should. I know no amount of apologizing can make up for what happened, but I still want to be your friend. I want to help you through this. Please?' his eyes bore into hers, pleading. Sakura felt that same warmth from her dream, and for the first time in over a week, felt some semblance of normal.

'Syaoran… I've never stopped being your friend.' she whispered. His eyes were wet with unshed tears.

'Sakura, what did I do to deserve such a kind soul as yourself for a friend?'

'Just promise me you won't leave me.'

'I won't. I'll never leave you ever again Sakura.'

'Good.' she managed a small smile, which made Syaoran feel like he was on top of the world.

'Now I'm going to clean up this mess, and I'll make us some more food. You rest.'

'Thank you.' Sakura whispered, holding out her hand. Syaoran reached for it, and gave it a little squeeze. His heart was beating so loud, he was sure Sakura could hear it. He felt his cheeks go red as he left the room.

A few minutes later…

Why did I leave Sakura alone? What was I thinking? Touya rushed home from work. When he parked in the driveway, he saw that the door was open. What the hell? he opened the car door.

'Sakura?' he called out.

There was no answer. Shit! Running up the driveway and into the house, he began yelling her name frantically.

'Touya?' he could barely hear it. He stopped yelling for a moment, and thought he heard voices coming from upstairs. He made his way upstairs, and to her room.

'Sakura? Are you ok-'

Touya stopped mid-sentence as he saw that Sakura wasn't the only one sitting in her room. For a moment, there was silence, and then-

'What the hell are you doing here?' Touya growled at Syaoran, who stood up, glaring at him.

'I came to see Sakura.' his gaze was unwavering.

'Well get out. She doesn't want to see you-'

'Touya please.'

It was just two words, but it was enough to stop him cold. He looked at Sakura who was frowning.

'I want to see him. I've felt more normal in the last half hour than I have in two weeks.'

Touya gasped.

'You're talking! But why? How?' he looked at Syaoran.

'She needed a friend. That's what I'm here for.'

'Is this what you really want?' Touya asked.


'Then I guess I can't stop you, nor deprive you of someone who can make you feel 'normal'.'

'Touya, Syaoran is not replacing you. You're still my brother and I'll always love you.'

He gave a weak smile.

'I have to go back to work. I just came home to see how you were doing.'

'I think I'll be ok.'

'Well I'll see you tonight then. Goodbye.'


As Touya left the room, he glared at Syaoran.

'You do anything to hurt her in any way, and I'll hunt you down and kill you.'

'I wouldn't expect anything less.' Syaoran said, suppressing a grin.

They heard the front door slam a few moments later.

'Well that was fun.'

Sakura simply smiled serenely at him, sending his pulse skyrocketing.

Sakura. If you only knew how much I missed you…

The next few weeks passed by in a blur. Sakura went back to school with Syaoran at her side. To her great surprise, no one mentioned anything about what had happened, (though she suspected this was because Syaoran had threatened them.) It was a relief to know that she had her best friend looking out for her again, though as of late, she started feeling.. weird around him. She found herself looking at his hair during class, and imagining running her fingers through it, and when he looked at her, she could feel herself wanting to melt into his amber eyed gaze.

One day Syaoran and Sakura were walking home from school together. It was a beautiful sunny day, and Sakura felt content, and happy. Her life had definitely taken a turn for the better. She smiled at Syaoran, whose face went red, as was common whenever he was around Sakura. He had long since figured out that he cared about her more than a friend should, but he knew after what she had been through that she didn't need another relationship, and it was ok. He would wait forever for her.

'Do you want to go for ice cream? My treat.'

Sakura was coming out her shell again, albeit a little slowly, but she was talking more, and voicing her opinions more.

'Sounds great.'

So they walked to the ice cream parlour. On the way, Sakura reached out her hand to his. Instinctively, he grabbed it. Her hand felt warm in his, and it fit perfectly within his hand. Both of them were blushing profusely by the time the reached the parlour ten minutes later.

'I'm having strawberry. What kind do you want?'

'Chocolate please.'


'Thank you very much Sakura.' Syaoran gave her hand a squeeze.

'No problem.'

Syaoran went to go find a place to sit while Sakura stood in line to buy the ice cream. A few minutes later, she came over bearing two large cones.



They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes, savouring the ice cream. I wonder if now is the time to ask Sakura. I mean, it's not like it's a date or anything but she might now want to go-

'Penny for your thoughts.'


'You looked like you were thinking pretty hard there. What's up?'

'I…uh-' I guess I should just swallow my pride and just ask her!

'um..' Sakura was looking at him, waiting patiently for the answer. Syaoran took a deep breath.

'What are you doing on Friday?' he asked, trying to suppress the urge to vomit.

'Nothing. Why?'

'Well there's this… thing.. A.. dance at school, and I was wondering-doyouwanttogowithme?'

There was a moment of silence. It was a moment of pure agony and Syaoran could feel the bile rising in his throat Just before he could dash off to the bathroom, Sakura responded.

'Did you just ask me to the dance?'

'Yes.' it was the only word he could manage.

'Oh.' she sounded surprised. Another agonizing moment passed, and then,

'Syaoran I would love to go with you but…'

Oh no. She's rejecting me. Ok. I feel stupid. Why did I even ask her. Baka Syaoran! BAKA BAKA BAKA!!-

'I have nothing to wear.'

Her words finally hit his brain, and he nearly fell off his chair.

'That's an easy solution to fix.' he said, after getting sitting up and salvaging what was left of his pride.

'How?' he asked.

'I'll ask one of my sisters to take you shopping.'

'Oh. Are they in town.'

'As a matter of fact, they're coming in tonight.'

'That would be great.'

'I'll call you later tonight, and you can talk to my sisters.'


They finished the rest of their ice cream, and stood up.

'I guess I'll see you tomorrow?' Sakura gave him a smile.

'Of course. I'll be at your door at 8:30 am as usual.'

'Thank you Syaoran.'

And then something happened. One moment they were standing there, the next moment they were hugging. Sakura felt her face going bright red. Syaoran was in total shock. Did she just… are we… hugging? After what seemed like an eternity (but in reality was only a few seconds), they broke apart, and each wore a bright red face.

'I..uh.. Gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow!' Syaoran quickly left, leaving a confused Sakura in his wake.

Ok, I can do this… It's only a dance after all…

Sakura stood in front of her full length mirror, going over last minute preparations before Syaoran came and collected her. She took a deep breath, and sat down on her bed, re-living the last 3 hours in hr mind.


When Sakura got home from school, she was greeted by two squealing girls.

'Oh my gosh! It's Sakura-chan so cute?'

'Yes she is.'

Sakura smiled at the two girls, who were most obviously Syaoran's sisters.

'So Sakura, are you excited about the dance tonight?' MeiMei asked, her long back braids swinging as she jumped up and down.

'Yeah it's going to be so much fun to dress you up!' Faye exclaimed.

Before Sakura could get a word in edgewise, both girls seized a hand.

'Come on! What are we waiting for? We only have two hours to turn our Sakura into a beautiful princess for our Syaoran.'

'Not that you aren't pretty now Sakura-chan' MeiMei added quickly. 'But when we're done with you, Syaoran will be drooling and falling all over himself for you.'

'All the guys will.'

Both sisters chuckled, and Sakura was caught up in the whirlwind as they made the short 15 minute walk to the mall. It was a balmy day, and the sun felt pleasant on their backs. Soon enough they were in the mall, and at one of the more trendy boutiques.

'Shall we?' the sisters didn't wait for an answer, and practically pushed Sakura into the store.

'Hello, may I help you?' the saleswoman asked when they entered.

'Yes, we are looking for a semi-formal dress for this girl here.' MeiMei indicated Sakura, who was standing beside her, her face bright red.

'Hmm…' the saleswoman paused. After a moment she smiled. 'You know, I have just the dress. It came in yesterday, I was hoping it would go to someone special…' this made Sakura go even redder. 'Let me go get it.' she disappeared into the back room.

'Isn't this exciting Sakura!' Fay said, tugging on her arm.

'I…guess so' Sakura mumbled.

'Oh come on! Have a little fun.' MeiMei pouted.

'I'm sorry.. I just… this isn't something I normally do.'

'It's ok. Just try to brighten up a bit.'

'I'm back!' The saleswoman came up to them with a dress in her arms. Sakura took one look at it and shook her head firmly.

'Sakura! You haven't even tried it on yet.'

'Yeah Sakura. You might actually like it.'

'I've… never worn anything that short.' she whispered.

'Well now is your big chance. Please? For us?' Sakura looked at the dress again, considering.

'Tell you what Sakura.' MeiMei said. 'If you try on the dress, and you like it, we'll buy t for you.'


'Really.' Faye said, and then gave Sakura a small push towards the dressing rooms at the back of the store. 'Now go try it on.'

5 minutes later

'Sakura? Are you almost done?' Fay called out.

'I.. can't do this. I feel naked.'

'Come out, Sakura-chan! It's just us.'


'It can't be that bad.' Without warning, MeiMei ripped back the curtain. All three girls gasped. Sakura out of anger, and the other two out of surprise.

'Sakura! You look… stunning.'

'Oh Sakura-chan you look amazing.'

'I knew it would fit.' The saleswoman had come by to look. She smiled at Sakura, whose face now resembled a tomato.

'Why are you blushing girl? You look great.'

Sakura took another glance in the mirror.

'My brother is going to kill me.' she mumbled.

'Oh don't worry about him. Now let's pay for this dress, and get you some shoes and make-up, and we'll go home to do your hair.'

After Sakura changed, the two girls paid for the dress. It was a fairly expensive dress as dresses go, and Sakura was amazed by their generosity.

'Thank you so much. You really didn't have to buy the dress.'

'We said we would, and besides that dress looked like it was made for you'

'Just promise me you'll take care of out baby brother alright?'

Sakura blushed again, and the sisters laughed.

End flashback

It has been quite a day… Sakura thought. What with the dress, and then the shoes, and the make-over. Syaoran's sisters were really overwhelming, but they were kind, and Sakura liked them very much. As Sakura got up to look out the window, the doorbell rang. Immediately the butterflies in her stomach increased, and she felt slightly sick. A moment later, she heard footsteps and Yukito's voice outside her door.

'Sakura-chan? Syaoran is here.'

Taking another deep breath, Sakura opened the door with shaking hands.

'Oh wow Sakura. You look pretty.' Yukito said, smiling down at her.

'Thank you.' Sakura whispered.

'And don't worry about your brother. I've taken care of him.'

'Yukito… what if he doesn't like it?' Sakura suddenly felt sick.

'He'd either have to be really blind or yaoi not to like it. You just remember that we'll always be here for you Sakura, and that you'll find that special someone one day, even if it's not Syaoran.'

'Thanks Yukito-san.' Sakura said, reaching up to hug him.


'Sakura? Yukito? What's taking so long?' Touya's voice boomed up the stairs.

'Coming!' Yukito called. 'Ready?' he offered her his arm, which she gingerly took.



Syaoran stood in the foyer nervously awaiting the arrival of Sakura. His sisters told him nothing about the shopping excursion, only that Sakura was 'beautiful'. She's always beautiful. I don't know how she can get any prettier. Syaoran blushed slightly, and then quickly turned away from the glaring Touya to stare at the feet appearing in his line of vision. As Sakura slowly emerged, Syaoran could feel himself taking a breath, afraid to let it out in case this angel disappeared.

Sakura was in a pink halter dress, with the skirt flowing out to just above the knee. Her hair was piled on top of her head with a few strands curling around her face. She had on silver sandals, and a pink wrap completed the outfit. She reached the bottom of the stairs, and stood in front of Syaoran, smiling shyly.

'Sakura..' Syaoran let out the breath he'd been holding.

'Syaoran.' Sakura whispered, her face going red.

Touya cleared his throat authoritatively. Both teens turned to look at him.

'Now you make sure you're home by 10:30 pm sharp. And Syaoran, you take extra good care of my sister, or I'll hunt you down and kill you.'

'Touya!' Yukito admonished. 'What he means is have fun!'

'Oh!' Syaoran gave Sakura the box he had been holding all this time.

'It's a cherry blossom corsage, y'know to go with your name..' He carefully put it on, feeling a slight spark when he touch her delicate hand.

'Thank you Syaoran-kun! It's beautiful.' Sakura smiled at him, and he thought he would melt into a puddle right then and there.

'Ok. Go on then. We'll see you kids later.'

Sakura hugged Yukito, and then turned to her brother.

'Thank you for taking care of me, and this doesn't mean I won't need you anymore. It just means someone else can take care of me. I love you.'

'I love you too Sakura.' Touya hugged his sister, feeling slightly melancholy. When they broke apart, both had tears in their eyes.


Syaoran took Sakura's hand in his and closed the door. Touya stared at the door for a moment.

'You gonna be ok?'

'I'll be fine. Sakura's growing up. I have to accept it.'

'Well I know what'll cheer you up.'

'What's that?'

Yukito reached up and traced his hand along Touya's cheek. Touya smiled.


It was a short walk to the school, and yet for Sakura, it felt like no time had passed. All she wanted to do was preserve this moment. Being with Syaoran felt amazing. She still felt sick, but it was a good kind of sick. It was pleasant holding hands with him. His hand was so large and warm and encompassed hers so completely. When they reached the school, Sakura felt those butterflies fluttering again, and stopped.

'Are you ok?'

'Yes. Just nervous.'

Syaoran let go of her hand to her dismay, but then put an arm around her waist, sending her pulse fluttering.

'Its ok Sakura. Let's just have fun. Ignore the others. It's just you and me.'

Sakura flushed with pleasure at the thought of just her and Syaoran. Taking a deep breath she calmed herself.

'Ok, let's go.'

Sakura and Syaoran walked down the pathway and into the school. There were several people in the building already, and all stared at the couple as they passed. Sakura tried to ignore them, but her shaking gave Syaoran away. He pulled her closer to his side as hey reached the doors to the gym. He pulled them open, and they stepped through into wonderland.

The gym was decorated with flowers and balloons. A punch table was set up, as well as a photo area where several couples were already lined up. People were staring at them as they passed, but Syaoran paid them no heed. He guided Sakura to the bleachers, and sat down, with Sakura at his side. The DJ was playing a fast song, and there were a few couples dancing. A few moments passed, and Syaoran felt Sakura get up.

'Where are you going?' he asked.

'To get some punch. I'm thirsty. Would you like some?'

'Yes please. Did you want me to come with you?'

'No, I'll be ok.'

As Sakura wandered off, Syaoran felt hurt. Why did she just snub me like that? As soon as Sakura was away from Syaoran, she took a deep breath. Sitting in such close proximity to him was driving her senses crazy. She wanted nothing more than to throw herself into his arms, but she couldn't. She needed to get away for a few moments to give herself time to collect her thoughts. As she made her way to the punch bowl, she bumped into someone.

'Oh excuse me-'

The girl turned, and Sakura saw it was Tomyo. She was wearing a simple purple dress that looked nice but wasn't flashy or over the top. She smiled at Sakura.


'Why are you talking to me?'

'Am I not supposed to be?' the girl frowned slightly.

'Well it's just… you hate me.'

'Hate you? I don't even know you.'

Sakura was confused. This girl was acting completely unlike the Tomoyo she knew.


'Oh no.' The girl clapped a hand to her mouth. 'I know what's going on.'

'You do?'

Before she could speak, Syaoran suddenly appeared at Sakura's side.

'What are you doing here?' she spat.


'I don't even want to hear it! Why you are even talking to Sakura after what you did to her-'

'But I'm-'

'Look, just do us all a favor and go away.'

'But I'm not who you think I am!'

'We don't want to hear some sob story. Come on Sakura.' he steered her around, but Sakura resisted.

'I want to hear what she has to say.'

'You believe her?' Syaoran was incredulous.

'Oh thank you Sakura! Let me explain.'

Sakura looked at Syaoran, who sighed.

'Fine, but if this is a trick, don't say I didn't warn you.'

'You see.. I have an identical twin sister. Her name is Tamara. She's the one whose been terrorizing the school. I came here looking for her to tell her I refuse to play her games. She blackmailed me into going to her school for awhile. I agreed, but it's not worth it anymore. I like it here, and blackmail be damned I won't do it.'

Both Sakura and Syaoran stared at her as if she'd grown another foot.

'You don't believe me do you?' she whispered.

'Well it is kind of unbelievable-'

Just then there was a change in the music. It was a hip-hop song, and the crowd starting cheering as Tomoyo walked in with her posse. She was wearing the typical Tomoyo outfit, revealing way too much cleavage and leg.

'Ok ok, you can get a dance with me, though some of you will have to pay-' she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her sister standing by Sakura and Syaoran. She marched up to her sister.

'What the hell are you doing here?' she asked, while onlookers were in shock. Two Tomoyos? How can this be?

'I'm sick of playing your games. It's time to end this.'

'You know I'll get you for this.'

'And I don't care anymore. After hearing some of the comments from these two nice people who were willing to listen even after being slandered by you-'

'Sakura nice?' Tamara let out a shrieking laugh. 'Are you stupid? She's so gullible, not to mention ugly.'

'You're going to regret saying that' Syaoran stepped towards her.

'Oh and why's that? Seriously, why do you waste your time with that garbage when you can have a queen like me?' she turned away

Before anyone could react, Sakura moved towards Tamara and tapped her on the shoulder.

'What-' the minute she turned around, Sakura slapped her hard across the face. No one moved. No one breathed as Tamara put her hand up her red face, and stared in shock at Sakura, who looked angrier than anyone had even seen.

'If you ever call me ugly, stupid, or a piece of garbage again I'll make sure it's the last words you utter. You understand?' Sakura's voice was low.

Tamara just stared at Sakura, and then glared at her.

'Whatever. Come on, let's get out of here.'

She walked towards the exit with her friends in tow. The music resumed, and the crowd gradually dispersed, leaving Sakura, Syaoran and the real Tomoyo. Saukura was now shaking.

'Sakura! Where did that come from?'

'I… don't know. I just got so mad I couldn't control myself-'

'She deserved it.' Tomyo said.

'I still shouldn't have hit her like that.'

'You're too nice Sakura.'

'I guess it's a relief to know that there's one nice sister.'


Sakura and Tomoyo smiled at each other. A slow song came streaming through the speakers.

'Um Sakura? Would you like to dance' Syaoran's voice cracked slightly, and he mentally cursed himself.

'Ok.' she turned to Tomoyo. 'Excuse us.'

'No problem.'

She smiled at her new friends as they made their way to the dance floor. Syaoran gently took Sakura into his arms and guided them in a slow circle. Sakura's heart felt like it was fluttering in her chest it was beating so fast. She felt so many emotions all at once. She buried her face in his shoulder.

'Syaoran.' she whispered.


'I… I'm scared.'

'Of what?' they were going much slower now, as Sakura stared up at Syaoran.

'You.' she breathed.

Syaoran stopped moving.


'Because… I've never really felt like this before. Even with Jackson something was always missing, and now I feel… whole. I feel complete somehow.'

Syaoran resumed dancing and closed the space between them so they were close together.

'I feel the same way too.' he whispered. He kissed the top of her head, and Sakura looked up. Their face came closer and closer together and finally their lips touched. It was like an explosion of emotion, and Sakura felt her very soul moving inside her. When they parted, both their faces were red. They heard a cheer from Tomoyo, and that set everyone off. Everyone started cheering. Syaoran and Sakura laughed self-consciously, and then kissed again.

It was a night of firsts. First date, first dance, and most importantly it was the night of Sakura's first real kiss.

Our first kiss wont be the last
Our loves too deep to end that fast and good things come to those who have to wait
I believe it's only time that keeps us from the thing divine, and when it's here
you know I'm gonna say
lay it on my lips - International Five 'First Kiss'


OH MY GOD I FINISHED IT!!!! After more than a year it's finally done. I want to give a BIG thank you to all my loyal readers and apologize most profusely for the wait. I had severe writers block for the longest time. But now it's finally done, and I can start on something new. God bless you all! CelestialMoon17.