To the readers and reviewers:
Extremely sorry for having not updated this fanfic for the longest time. I had a lot of things going on with school unfortunately a lot of computer problems too. My old computer got a virus thanks to my younger sister and it had to get reformatted so the 3rd part of chapter 5 was deleted. I have the basic plot for that chapter written down so I restarted it again. I also didn't have internet for a good portion of November and about 2 weeks of December because my mother and I were having disagreements and she cut off my internet. I'm on vacation right now but as soon as I get back home, I'll get cracking on the next chapters for the fanfic. Hopefully, it wont take me more than 2 months to update. It shouldn't since this semester is ending. I'd like to thank all of you for your patience and your reviews. My friend regularly checks the reviews for me and tells me to get a move on with the chapters since the reviews go to her. Anyways, thanks for the support and I will get this fanfic back on track as soon as I get back from vacation.
aku no ame