You're worth so much
It'll never be enough
To see what you have to give
How beautiful you are
Yet seem so far from everything
You're wanting to be
You're wanting to be

Tears falling down again
Tears falling down

You fall to your knees
You beg, you plead
Can I be somebody else
For all the times I hate myself?
Your failures devour your heart
In every hour, you're drowning
In your imperfection




From the moment I'd laid eyes on him I'd hated him. I'd hated everything about him. His annoying voice, unruly hair, cockiness, and happy ass attitude. He was everything that annoyed me rolled up into one. And an idiot too.

I remember the day he'd been pushed and we'd accidentally kissed. I was disgusted. Not that I was saving my first kiss for someone special or anything but still, I'd rather have not lost it to him of all people. And when we were put on the same team together, I couldn't help but feel the world was against me.

But as we worked together I found he wasn't really annoying, he was completely irritating. But even I will admit that he had his good days. He wasn't a complete idiot at least. After a while I actually grew to like him. There was never a dull moment around him and I liked spending time with him. And teasing him. He is so easy to tease.

After a while all I could see was his good qualities. All I could see was him. It was like I was spinning and spinning until all I could see was him. There was no room for anyone else. And I didn't know how or why, but I couldn't bring myself to hate him any more.

And then I started to question why I'd hated him in the first place. And then I realized something. Although masked carefully I could see the pain and inner darkness in him. Hidden from the untrained eye and covered up with false happiness and stupidity.

I'd hated Naruto Uzumaki because he reminded me of myself




You mean so much
That heaven would touch
The face of humankind for you
How special you are
Revel in your day
You're fearfully and wonderfully made
You're wonderfully made

Tears falling down again
Come let the healing begin

You fall to your knees
You beg, you plead
Can I be somebody else
For all the times I hate myself?
Your failures devour your heart
In every hour, you're drowning
In your imperfection

You're worth so much
So easily crushed
Wanna be like everyone else
No one escapes
Every breath we take
Dealing with our own skeletons, skeletons

You fall to your knees
You beg, you plead
Can I be somebody else
For all the times I hate myself?
Your failures devour your heart
In every hour, you're drowning
In your imperfection

Won't you believe, yeah
Won't you believe, yeah
All the things I see in you

You're not the only one
You're not the only one
Drowning in imperfection