Tsukino Usagi walked through the halls to her dorm, she had just been sent there by Dr

The other Soldier Chapter 1

Rated: R

By: Miaka Hime

This is my third crossover, but the first one I've sent in. I don't know how I'm going to finish this considering I don't know too much about GW, but I will be finishing this I can promise you that. I'll also try to send out a chapter every week, but sometimes I get tied up and it'll be late. Also later on in this I know there is going to be some *cough* sex *cough* I'm not going to describe it, just lead up to the part where they get to the room and stuff So that's the reason it's rated R, so if you have a problem with that I recommend you do not read this, I don't want flames because you weren't warned, so beware I warned you! But don't worry, it's not for awhile! So anywhoo, enjoy the first chapter! Also, if you want to you guys can E-mail me with idea's, and yes I'd rather you E-mailed them to me then put them in the review's because then if I use your idea it's not a surprise! So E-mail me with your idea's and onegai, still review!


I do not own gundum wing. Although I wouldn't mind if you're offering to sell, I can offer you some chapstick that went through the wash and a button I found on the floor! "" I thought not Hiiro? What are you doing here and with that gun? "Omae o korosu." Ok fine I'll stop here.


Tsukino Usagi walked through the halls to her dorm, she had just been sent there by Dr. M. She never thought she would be sent on an actual mission. No, she 'was too perfect' Dr. M had told her, perhaps worse than Dr. J's perfect soldier. Her appearance made her look innocent and that usually fooled an enemy, this made her even more perfect then what the training had done for her. The only part that may have given her away were her cold blue eyes.

No, she was on a mission, and that mission, was to act normal and have a life. "There is supposed to be more then guns and mission's in your life." Dr. M had explained.

Dr. M was also her legal guardian. OZ soldiers had killed her parents before she could remember them and was sent to live with Meioh Setsuna, or Dr. M.

Now she had her fake emotions on, acting as if she were normal. She had been on earth for a year now and she did small missions every once in awhile, like stealing equipment and papers from OZ. She had been given few large missions in fear she may be discovered. She was only there as a last resort.

Usagi walked to dorm number 548E (A.N-anyone know how many dorms there would be?) She quickly went inside and made herself a snack, she was lucky her room mate wasn't there, she didn't feel like putting on a facade by laughing her ass off at everything and acting like a ditz.

That was her fake personality, a ditzy klutz with the weird hair style. She had adopted an odd hair style as a child, it still made her look like she was a little girl and it easily made enemy's and other people misjudge her.

After Usagi was done with her sandwich she quickly took a shower and changed out of her school uniform that all students were required to wear. Usagi changed into baggy jeans and a lose fitting shirt and strapped a few guns onto herself, in case it was necessary. She quickly threw on a jacket since it was September and cold, and left the dorms for the local Café. She had promised some of those "friends" of hers she'd meet them there in an hour and she wanted to get some reading done before they came.

Usagi ordered a Latte and pulled out a book. She read it intently before she heard her "friends" coming, she quickly hid it. She didn't want them to think she was reading, it wasn't her fake persona's style. The other Usagi, as she liked to call her didn't read anything unless it was a manga or a trashy romance novel.

Usagi put on a happy smile that made her face hurt and waited for the three that were supposed to meet her. "Hi Usagi-chan!" Said Minako. She was a bubbly blond, who never got saying's right and was highly annoying to Usagi, although she pretended that she wasn't. "How's it going?" Makoto asked. Makoto, was someone Usagi could stand, she was an excellent cook, and was pretty laid back so she didn't bug her too much, lastly there was Rei. Usagi pretended she didn't like Rei, but she was probably the only one she actually enjoyed being around. Rei was a strong female, good in martial arts and a sharp tongue. Ami, who couldn't make it, was alright too, because she was usually very quiet and didn't make too much noise, and she was very smart, like herself, even if she didn't show it.

"Did you see that new boy in our Chemistry class?" Minako asked bubbly as usual. "Yeah, he's so kawaii!" Usagi squealed in her fake happy noise. "What was his name?" Makoto asked. "H something." Minako answered. "Hiiro, I think." Usagi made a note to remember everyone's names she came in contact with. "Hai! That's it Usagi-chan!" Minako said in a happy voice that made Usagi want to grab her gun and point it at her. "He's in my English class, along with another new boy, I think his name was Wufei." Makoto said thoughtfully.

The conversation continued on like this for about half an hour before they went back to their dorms. Except for Makoto, because she had promised to find Ami in the computer lab. Usagi didn't voice it but she was slightly grateful, because Makoto was her room mate, and she wanted to meditate and get all of the tension to leave her body before she came back.

Usagi walked to her door and unlocked it before walking in. As Usagi made her way back into the bedroom. What she saw their surprised her, there was someone in her room, but because she was always careful not to make a sound, he hadn't noticed her yet. Usagi took out her gun and pointed it at the intruder and cocked it, making his turn around. Her eyes were cold and set in her perfect soldier mode. "Omae o korosu".

The intruder dropped what he had been taking from her dresser. "State your name and purpose." She said in a monotone. The boy turned around, he had platinum blond hair, a little taller than she was, and was of Arabian origin, he also was blushing like mad. "M-My name's Quetre Winner." He answered one question. "I-I was dared by my roommate to steal Makoto's" He blushed more, "To steal Makoto's underwear." He blushed more if that was even possible. She heard him mutter something along the lines of 'Stupid Duo, if I get out of this alive I'll' The rest was incoherent.

Usagi didn't lower the gun for a moment. She just looked down to the object he dropped and saw Makoto's silky forest green underwear on the floor. After seeing this she lowered the gun. "Don't take that." She said in a monotone and pointing at the underwear on the floor. She moved swiftly across the room and went into Makoto's drawer grabbing some regular cotton underwear. "Take these, she won't notice they're gone." She shoved the undergarments at him and motioned for him to leave. Quetre still blushing began to walk out of the bedroom. "And Quetre?" He turned around. "Don't tell anyone about this, do you understand?" He nodded and walked away. Hiding the underwear in his jacket. Usagi put her gun away and went to find some more food.


Quetre let out a sigh as soon as he was out of the room. That was not something he would have liked to happen. Having a gun turned on him from Hiiro was enough, but a girl? He quickly went to the room him and Duo shared and wished he'd partnered with Trowa. "Did you get it?" Duo asked. "Yes." He answered throwing the underwear at him. He was definitely never playing truth or dare with Duo again. Quetre went into the bedroom to lay down. 'Those eyes of hers, they were so cold. There had been no emotion to them just like Hiiro's' "They shouldn't be like that." He whispered to himself.


Usagi awoke at five, Makoto was still asleep. Usagi dressed in lose fitting clothes and went to a secluded area in the park to train. When she got back to the dorm, Makoto was still asleep. Usagi quickly showered and tugged on her pink pajama's. Oh how the color disgusted her, but as far as her friends knew, that was about all she wore.

She laid back down on the bed and just drifted off to sleep when the alarm clock went off. She faintly wondered if she should grab the gun under her pillow and shoot it, but thought better of it. Makoto was after all in the room. Usagi gave a fake squeal of annoyance, she would have internally screamed if she had, had it her way. She heard Makoto go and turn off the alarm and throw the covers off of Usagi. "Come on get up, classes are in two hours." Usagi got up and headed for the shower again.

After a quick shower Makoto took her turn while Usagi quickly changed into her uniform. Usagi walked into the kitchen and made herself breakfast, which consisted of cereal and milk and sat down in front of the tube to see what was on the news.

"Another OZ base was destroyed last night by one of the infamous gundums." Usagi flipped the channel to Cartoons because Makoto came into the room. "Was that the news I heard?" Makoto asked raising an eyebrow. "It was supposed to be Cartoons." She covered. Makoto shrugged and made her own breakfast.

After breakfast they made there way to the other girls' rooms, one of which was across from them, the other diagonal. After meeting up with them they walked down the hall, Usagi was pretending not to notice that five boys were coming up the hall as she walked backward talking in a peppy voice about something or another. She of course being her "klutzy" self ran into one of them. The one she ran into caught her before she fell. "Hey pretty lady." He said with a wide smile. "Thanks." She said forcing herself to blush, for she wasn't at all embarrassed. "Duo, let the weak onna go, if we're late again for your incompetence we'll get detention." Said the boy with slick black hair tied into a small pony tail. The boy, now named Duo set her right side up. If she could have, she would have shot the black haired one, for his comments. "Sorry, I'm kind of a klutz." She apologized to Duo, who obviously didn't mind getting detention for a chance to talk to her. "No problem, I'm Duo, and those are my friends," He pointed at the one that had insulted her. "That's Wu-man," He pointed at the boy that stole Makoto's underwear which was blushing slightly. "That's Quetre," He pointed at the boy with brown hair that covered one eye "The one with the odd hair is Trowa" "And that over there with the strait face and never smiles is Hiiro."

Usagi looked at the boy with cold eyes just like her own. Usagi put on a happy smile and waved in a friendly manner to them all. "Hi! I'm Tsukino Usagi!" She said with a smile. "Baka Usagi, you're not in Japan." Usagi didn't miss a beat. "You're so mean Rei-chan!" Usagi stuck out her tongue at the raven haired girl. "We have to get going." Wufei said with a scowl, usually he would have yelled at Duo for calling him Wu-man, but he had other things on his mind.

Usagi quickly said goodbye and her and the other girls went to their classes.


Usagi tuned out the teacher as he again gave them speeches about Pacifism. This was getting tiring, she wanted to be in Tenshi, her gundum, killing OZ bases. Usagi looked up as she heard the sound of the classroom door opening. A grinning Duo walked in and talked to the teacher before he motioned for him to sit next to Usagi. "Hey, again." He said taking a seat next to her. "Hi." She whispered. At least she had someone to talk to, the teacher had long decided to move the girls away from her, except for Ami, because she paid attention. "What you doing after class?" He asked. Usagi shrugged. "Nothing." She replied. "You should hang out with me." He said with a grin. Usagi let out a fake giggle. Usagi noticed the teacher eyeing them so she watched his lesson for awhile until he assigned them something and left to check on something.

While the teacher was gone Duo leaned over next to Usagi and whispered in her ear. "So how about it." Usagi smiled sweetly before whispering in his ear icily. "Not a chance." After they were dismissed "Bye!" She said cheerily before leaving.

Duo sat there stumped over what just happened. She had totally pulled a Hiiro on him!


Duo silently walked back to his dorm. When he got there he saw Quetre waiting for him. "I need to talk to you about Usagi." Duo said. Quetre blushed but Duo was oblivious to it. "Do you notice when she smiles it never reaches her eyes?" Quetre's eyes widened. 'Duo's noticed it too!' "Yes actually." Duo smiled. "I knew it!" He said cracking a smile. "I think there's more to Usagi than she's leading on. Like just a bit ago, I was late for class and I was told to sit next to her, and well of course I hit on her, and she turns me down," Quetre interrupted. "Don't most of them turn you down?" Duo scowled at Quetre making him blush for saying such a rude thing. "Anyway, she was all cute and acted like she was going to say yes, but then she totally switches personality's and she pulls a Hiiro on me."

Quetre knew this, when he had ran into her in the bedroom she'd pulled a gun on him. "She said Not a chance, in the iciest voice imaginable. Then we're dismissed and she's all perky again and waves goodbye to me! It was really weird." Quetre just nodded, definitely odd. "It's almost as if she were another perfect soldier!" Duo said with a laugh. "Yeah like that would happen." He answered himself. "I'll tell you what Quetre, that would be a major blow to Hiiro's ego."


Sorry to cut it short, I'm just too eager to get this one out to see if you like it! I hope this isn't like anyone else's fic! I seriously didn't steal anything!!!! Well Hope to get your review's and idea's! Ja ne!